Post Your Absolute Favorite MtG Card

Simple and clean. Post 'em!



Everything about this


The composition is a bit forced, but it does look nice on the kitchen table.

Oh the things I wouldn't do for a playset of the Judge promo.

An old friend got this for me so it has some sentimental value. Other than that it has some pretty sweet art and feels satisfying to play


>not triple sleeving it and putting it in a heatsealed toploader


If you can't tell that's Chinese and not Phyrexian.


Best green one drop in standard


Tied between this and a forbidden orchard expedition my sister bought for me.
Knights was the first modern deck I built (was working towards merfolk, but had bought the caverns and vials first)

Question for the knights players here, are they really that strong of a tribe for modern? Has something more off beat been attempted, like illusions?

>Not encasing them in Carbon Fiber

Knight is a meme tribe.

Both of those are incredibly bad.

Thats what I thought, but whatever works.

Yeah not gonna lie, my meta at the time was not too competitive, the best were some tier-2 decks. The Faerie matchup was fun as all hell though, the guy playing them was just a salt mine.

As a general rule, tribal decks need heavily pushed lords to work.

Elves is reliant on Ezuri; Merfolk on Pearl Trident.

Eldrazi are odd in that they're powered by a land. Bant Spirits is still fringe a this point. It might break the mold a tad, since WotC doesn't seem interested in good lords at the moment. Just look at the trash they printed while trying to force Warriors tribal.

I wish there was a version like this.

For only the most calculating black mages.

Once this rotates out I'm playing it in modern

for the memes


idk about absolute favorite but this guy has been a really good time in 2017

it doesn't really come up enough to be considered a meme desu

faeries feels like hell against any caverm/vial deck

I know this is a favorite thread but can we try to post some favorites that aren't favorite because they are good but because they are fun?
choice related

This card is ridiculously fun

How is this fun in any way?

I actually built a battle of wits deck for giggles.
buying 5 sets of tutors and board wipes giggles

Good choice.
Alpha, Beta or Guay only though.

I love everything about this card, from the aesthetic to the name to the value you get when you cast one.

saying the name out loud is my favorite part of the card



Not a very good card, all told--even for EDH--but Dakkon Blackblade has been my favorite card through my entire time with this hobby.

Always loved Ebon cause of the total "WTF?!" art.

always loved this one, wonderful mix of lore and gameplay

forgot image

its has a deck named in modern norin sisters,
irs a fun deck to pilot

>Brings up plains
>Brings up mountains
>Mentions the waves on the shore
>Esper, not Jeskai

Kinda odd they went that route.


Legends was a different time, I suppose.

>its p/t of x/x is such a green "mechanic"

"blood in my veins" tho. Pretty black

Everything about this card. The flavour, the art, the ability unf.

I don't even play R/G or Jund really but I LOVE this card


That is dope, very cool

I love this artifact. Its mostly fair random turn taking. Copying it is fun too.

Have you SEEN this card! I mean just look at his face and tell me it isn't awesome.

anyone else collect stupid amount of a single card? I'm up to 963 saytr's now


A guy I know has a collection of a couple hundred Meandering Towershells.

I just love it

Amazing taste

Got myself a holofoil of this boy

I've never even played it and it's sub-par at best (and totally replaced by Overwhelming Denial, to boot), but nevertheless I treasure Last Word and consider it my favorite.
The flavor text and general theme of the card is delicious.

Furthest I even went was 20something Krark's Thumbs.

The moment I saw that card I knew that the game was for me

Was a 4-of in all my decks when I first started.

>waifuing some weird Elf with white eyes
Youre a disgrace

Have whole pages in my trade binder devoted to foils of durdle turtle.

Best god, 10/10.

I know, I'm a bit boring. Really, I just love all the Eldrazi.

All hail Rebecca Guay!

Got to love the Primeval Dragons, such amazing flavor and stories, I remember my EDH deck firstly was a Darigaaz good stuff deck (I barely had bought the Phyrexia vs Coalition duel deck back then) and suddenly my friends started playing EDH, so I decided to jump in with everyone. It was funny because that was such a huge headstart for me back then, dark ritual, phyrexian arena, greaves and what not. Eventually, Darigaaz was lacking, everyone started to revamp their decks, dude with Kemba got some better gear, elf player went from Nath to Ezuri, and I had to move on as well, I had realized, enter Prossh, I got myself a Food Chain and refurbished everything, now all that is left is my foil FNM Terminate, the greaves and Phyrexian Arena, obviously the mana base is generally what would be the same, but back then all I had was RB and GR shocks, now I went so much further that I have an extremely greedy mana base (six basics, three of which are snow.) and have a blast facing against everyone from back then (who also evolved too). So because of that, the old art of Terminate is a reminder of my beginnings in EDH, and my spiralling into what is probably the most fun format I ever delved into.

I don't think it'll ever be a hugely powerful deck, but I've gotten some fun mileage out of double strike shenanigans with anthems and exemplar.

I love that one too, tastes great with my own favorite card.

(I had a stupid jankass deck that ran these two with Scourge of Valkas. It barely worked, but when it did...)

wait a sec

Doom Blade


I'm a basic bitch, I know, but I love my vaguely Innistrad deck and the chemistry this card has with it.

Also i'm a super casul player.


I don't know about all, but I really like Emrakul, TKS, and Reality Smasher.

idk if this is my favorite but its probably one of them. thing in the ice is pretty cool too.


I like to imagine Jace walking into some wizard duel, prepared for every eventuality and ready to counter some spells and melt some brains

Then this guy runs him over driving a train with a bunch of swords and rice farmer hats taped to it

This is no one's favorite card. I refuse to believe anyone even likes it.

Always gets me.

I am not a complicated man.

There is objectively nothing better than the Mimoplasm a commander deck, prove me wrong.

Honestly a lot of patrician taste itt. Sometimes Veeky Forums is ok. Also pic related is just elegant as all hell.

The fucking reminder text lol

Such a badass effect and flavor text

I absolutely love Vryn's Prodigy

>Art on both sides is great imo
>Flavor text that I like
>involves a lot of decision making which is one my biggest conditions for liking a card

It's just so fun to use and I think it's just designed really well

I play almost exclusively EDH and Mirror Strike always does work. No one fucking expects it. I've gotten so many "I cant believe I lost to THAT card" I've lost count.

>We'll never go back to Lorwynn or Kamigawa

Sad, but for the best really. Would not want the current creative team anywhere near it, honestly.

>tfw almost all my favorite sets are considered mistakes

I guess it isn't all bad. It'd be kinda tragic to see a Time Spiral block but done like BFZ aka raped

Tbh the card is kinda shit, but its so goddamn fun to watch people react to this in EDH


Maro said its on the books about 10 years away though. Dunno if that's fact or just to get everyone to fuck off about asking when we are going back though.

I like a lot of creatures


>This is no one's favorite card. I refuse to believe anyone even likes it.
I wouldn't put it in my top 5 or anything, but it's a pretty sweet card.

We complete each other

He really fell out of favor with every format he was played in

>Return to Kamigawa over 20 years after the first set

Yeah, he's saying it to keep people off his back. He's also said we are more likely to go to a whole new Japanese plane than return to Kamigawa.

Yeah baby Jace is not so well suited for modern at the moment. I actually think he could pop back up if a Sultai List ever became good

There was a delirium toolbox Sultai Modern deck floating around that used almost a playset of him and I think it has some potential

Why do they hate Kamigawa so much?

Why don't you? Oh right, you weren't playing at the time because you started playing during the epic Theros block.


I started playing during Eldritch Moon, but I mostly play commander.