Did Relic changed the canon to spite us?

Did Relic changed the canon to spite us?

Maybe. What did they change this time?

They made Gorgutz the canon winner of Soulstorm.

Ah, this thing again.
Yes, they did this specifically to spite you. You can go home now.

Not necessarily. Gorgutz simply defeated the blood angels, it doesn't mean he won. Cause his ending for Soulstorm is a huge galactic WAAGGHHH!!!! with the whole kaurava system behind him. Therefore, it seems unlikely that he'd turn up in DoW3 without his full WAAGGGHHH!!!

I can't go home I need to shitpost.

>I do it for him.

a) Blood Ravens, not Angels. b) He won. See

But loading screen says he conquerered Kaurava, It doesn't says he only conquered Kaurava II.
Although it's strange for him not to use the WAAAGH he would have gotten in Soulstorm to attack Cyprus.
But then again Orks.

But what is canon in DoW and 40k general really though?

There still is the smallest of chance.

I will hold on to hope for a little while longer.

Tau actually one, the Angel blood Ravens and all the orksies now fallow or at least belong to The Greater Good... Don't you fucking know your lore

>chanced the canon
the only thing we ever knew about the end of soulstorm was that the bloodravens didn't win

they didn't change anything

Jesus christ and god emperor too, fish face. Learn the godammn language before shitposting you hoof fucking freak.

They should have respected the common consensus then.
They should have guide their lore decisions by the wish of the majority.

You mad bro?

My work here is done.

>They should have guide their lore decisions by the wish of the majority.
I'm kinda glad they didn't

gorgutz and boreale are the only characters worth remembering in soulstorm

Stubbs ambition of turning Kaurava into a second ultramar is pretty memorable.

No, just you.

I'm one of the guys which decided to retcon it.

We're after you, user.

Square up fucker, when I win you have to make Stubbs the canon winner again.

You care about Gorgutz winning soul storm over that DoWIII is a shit game

Not him, but I for one am furious at the butchering of my native tongue, tau ass licker

What if stubbs appears as Grogutz's banner waving bitch?

Then they really would be doing this to fuck with IG fans.

What if the inevitable IG expac faction is led by fucking stubs with a cyber eye

but he already has a cybereye[/spoiler[

Only if he is leading the survivors of 252nd conservator regiment.

and giving castor a piggy back ride

Castor would be Stubbs superior because of the kaurava fuck up, and the 252nd and stubbs were given a chance to redeem themselves.

>Punished Stubbs

"A fallen gorvenor general"

Drawfags where the fuck are you?!

wild drawfags went extinct a long time ago m8

Can't do that until we see Creed waving banners for the Necrons. It'd be bad form.

Was it our fault?

>Orkz get to do something that isn't job for once in their miserable existence.
>Imperiumfags throw shitfits over this

Fuck off mate

Gorgutz got the most out of DOW3. I'd love to play the guard with the skins they had for the game

Orks are meant to job, their whole purpose is to make the order guys look better.

No, Nazi mod days years ago.

His Kaurava will live on, Long Wars and Death Watch campaigns.

Sturnn deserves to come back more than Stubbs.

>being this much in denial

Imperialfags BTFO and it hurt them so much they're still in shock.

I actually agree, I just wanted Kaurava to be a little jewel in the Emperor's crown.

So vance "Motherfucked" stubbs is a jobber for a jobber then?
Wow, how pathetic

>KHORN shrines...
>IG stronghold intro speech
>astmatic robots

How quick is Veeky Forums to forget it's own history.

They never learned it outside of 1d4chan, and that place is a dump full of ancient memes and dead settings. Of course they know nothing about their history.

Why it is bad thing? It's nice to have non imperials lose in those and made Orks of all folks winning.

Most of the fuckers on Veeky Forums now aren't even here when the memes happened. Most of them were still attending 6th grade.

I was there, I remember much we lamented the campaign taking 5 minutes to load because of those memory leaks. I remember how someone observing a skirmish match could activate the DE soul abilities. I remember how broken that Tau Barracuda was, and how shitty the flier implementation turned out to be with its awful physics.

It seems bizzarre these days to see Soulstorm praised and DC trashed. Usually the justification is that multiplayer balance was fixed (mostly by toning down crons, which did need to happen). But no-one seems to remember that Soulstorm had game-breaking exploits for the best part of a year after release before it got a patch, and during this time the automatch barely functioned. It was a mess for a long, long time.

The present state of the game is far less egregious now, but it bothers me that Soulstorm's extremely rocky first 8-9ish months have seemingly passed from memory whenever it is brought up.

But thememes though!
Think about the memes!

There were much more important things than memes back then, you know.

And UA solved all of it's problems in all of it's glorious lagginess.

I know I could only play the campaign once it just get's boring to waste turns gathering requisition for your honor guard..

Assuming you could put up with the memory leak, you mean.

That's because some cunt on /v/ managed to troll them so much that some newfags are kind of confused of what happened when both expansions came out.
The only good news that they are wiser now and that twat is getting less (you)s for thread.

Believe it or not I've never had a memory leak problem.

Only got the game after the patches.

DoW3 next expansion will have to have separate campaigns and endings.

Please SEGA allow us to have new campaigns and not just new multiplayer factions and cosmetics.

You might see one or two campaigns, Coh 2 got the Ardennes campaign. Don't expect it cheap by any means however, the Ardennes campaign was 40 bucks by itself on release. With Necrons being revealed in the campaign maybe they will get another campaign or something.

Ardennes campaign was such a ripoff. Way too short, way too expensive. But what little there was was fun. My poor dog company boys, I never used them right despite them being my favorites.

Yeah I waited till it was cheaper like 20 bucks or something I had fun with that price. But on release it was just a huge what the fuck since you didn't get the U.S or German multiplayer factions with it.

Honestly, I don't know what the fuck Relic was doing with Company of Heroes 2. There's a multiplayer community for it I guess, and they still occasionally have events so it can't be a total disaster, but jesus was it microtransactioned out the ass. I assume some of it is game development increasing in cost as more people involved in the production want a bigger slice of the pie, but that is some serious nickel and diming they were doing when a short, ~10 hour campaign (If you take your sweet time and play through it twice to see each company) costs 40 fucking bucks.

God damn shame what happened to Relic from the heights of Homeworld.

But user.... the only ones older than the Orks are the Eldar and the Necron.

I meant "Order" like in Chaos & Order


Is this game really bad Veeky Forums? I was looking forward to this.

God damn super mutant looking motherfucker.

>Is it a good RTS game?


>Is it a good DoW game?


I do have to wonder how the hell he, Macha, and Gorgutz managed to get off that shrine. Did she just teleport them all back home or was it just Relic forgetting that they needed some kind of transport?

Yeah, its better now since they added free requisition to buy skins and such. But for the most you're right it wasn't that great compared to the old days of relic, it's just one of those games you play to get a World War II feel.

Thet banter was funny.

And honestly, it's not a terrible RTS in the model of 'base building is for losers' and 'we want the competitive multiplayer market' that modern RTS subscribe to nowadays. But as a singleplayer only pleb, it's very disappointing. Ignoring all that though, I did have some fun with the campaigns a little bit. And the immersive touches in the Ardennes Assault campaign with the generals reacting to how missions went was nice. But way too short. Way too small.

>what happened to Relic

Why can't the Blood Ravens afford to steal him a bionic?

Didn't they go out of business?

Thats the point, thats how SEGA got the rights.

Ahhhh. What happened to SEGA? They used to not be total dicks.

I think it mainly has to deal with their DLC attitude lately where they just push out a game pretty fast and then chop everything into DLC. Many triple A companies do this anyway though.

They do ok in some regards such as with Creative Assembly with their total war series.

yes an not just Veeky Forums its the whole site...

SEGA bought the rights from relic with new managment comes changes from people not involved with the older games and their (meme) story, it was mostly business and excuses from them after all dw:ss was refered "as blight in their history".

Fans care about the content they like but have got no say in the decision making of a new addition.

Also Gabriel Angelos
>to xenos scum

See these are not the same people

The Gabriel apologizing thing also didn't sit well with me.

He is a fucking chapter master of the Imperium, he shouldn't care about what a Xeno witch thinks of him.

I also think that the one responsible for this, heard thunderpsyker in the livestream saying that gorgutz won Soulstorm.

Given that Gabriel's refusal to follow Macha's counsel led to the Deamon being released which later doomed shittons of his battle brothers to death in a devastating civil war within the chapter, I think that him apologizing on that instance is understandable.

>Is it a good DoW game?

It's definitely a good DoW game.
The problem seems people do not want a DoW game. A large portion wants, instead DoW2 game. Another sizable portion wanted Ultimate Apocalypse.

The game is great but its built on this false premise that you are a DoW fan.
I loved both games and love this one as well.

The problem is the DoW2 people came out of the woodworks with a vengeance of sorts. For all trashing DoW2 received back in the day for not being Dawn of War at all, they are now "returning the favor" to the new game which actually does follow up where DoW1 left off.

Freeing the maladictum demon did not do any favors for the chapter, in retrospect.

But it was also totally Macha's fault for not being straightforward about it, something Jain Zar bitches out Macha for.

Still, the game is pretty threadbare on features at launch. The menus lack polish, the balance is kind of wonky, the campaign is in some way a glorified tutorial on elites, and a lack of maps even for the one MP game mode.

There are more legitimate grievances with he game, sadly its getting drowned out by all the shitposting (like you said, mostly by vengence and rosy tinted nostalgia glasses). I worry that Relic would do what most Canadian studios do nowadays and stuff their fingers in their ears, ignoring the valid and the insipid alike. I wouldn't be too surprised if all we get for the expansion is just one army and another threadbare campaign, with no improvements to the MP nor the game's menu and systems.

I actually liked Jain Zar's characterization in DoW3. I was afraid that Relic would butcher her, but she was pretty great, especially when Macha asked her why the fuck was she aiding Macha's rebellion, instead of just telling Kyre to stop his bs right now. Her answer of basically saying "if I babied you lot constantly, you'd never grow to your full potential" was bloody great and showed her perspective on the eldar, that has been brought forth due to countless eldar lifetimes.


HFY autists BTFO!

It depends on how it was done.

"I'm sorry that I did not listen to you," is a bit too supine. For a human supremacist in 40k canon, this is tantamount to acknowledging an alien as your master, the highest heresy.

"I regret what occurred on Tartarus," is more neutral, and is reasonably as close to an apology as you can get in canon without being character breaking. There'd still be a tinge of heresy to it which would drive puritans insane, but it is a plausible bit of deniability. The tacit acknowledgement that Gabriel is responsible for the near eradication of his chapter is humbling, and fitting for a sage commander like that, but still, not quite right.

"I'm sorry you were such a bitch," is really the only true dialogue.

I agree there are some problems with the game but it's overall a very fun package much like vanilla Dawn of War was.
And that one wasn't quite an easy sell, either.

The campaign was about as good as this one.
But it was also much shorter.
The skirmish AI was dumb and getting people to play MP in an RTS is one of the NP class problems.
Even if you did get into MP, the balance was such that certain factions were rendered unplayable.
Plus, the voice acting was beyond horrible coming form Generals, WC3 or AoM and other games of its era.

In the end, they'll definitely have to do something with the campaign. It's long enough but about as boring as Dawn of War 1's. The majority opinion seems to be to not make one and simply give people the World Conquest mode again (and given DoW3's lead designer is the lead designer of Dark Crusade, he most likely entertains that thought). However, this campaign in itself is a result of catering to the majority that complained for years about the unequal representation of factions across Dawn of War campaigns so people could always do a 180 on the issue.

The World Editor is included in the game, they just need to quickly make people aware of that so they port over the bucket-load of Dawn of War Soulstorm maps over (or at least the more popular ones). They need more maps but I don't expect them to be able to make enough, hence the need to make sure community is aware the editor is even included in the game.

Also, the way I see it, they'll actually try and pull a Creative Assembly with the factions by having Chaos, Imperial Guard and Necrons in the next expansion and continue expanding the game like that.

Another point would be to get the people some of their fan-favorites like the Land Raider back. Hopefully for free to keep the SEGA-mandatory DLC to skins only (there's already a bunch of classic skins that can't be unlocked in the game).

True. In retrospect everyone then acted like an idiot. On that note, is it me or has Adrastia so far been the only Inquisitor in the series not to seem like a drooling imbecile?

She did not gave her hat to Bluddflagg.

I mean, apart from.that. Tooth was the guy who lied so shamelessly about what he was doing about Tartarus and about the nature of the Maledictum that Goto making him the daemon itself in disguise actually makes sense, and Holt is a colossal fuckup who gets his stupid ass called out by literally all the Imperials in the campaign and will almost certainly be declared Excommunicate Traitoris if Solaria doesn't shove her Knight's gun up his ass first.

Compared to those two shining examples of Inquisitorial retardation, Adrastia's practically a genius.

Thinking about it, of all the jerks seeking Khaine's Super Pointy Stikk Gorgutz was the only one who wasn't a moron.
Kyre led so many to their deaths that even Jain Zar got tired of his shit and Holt was so stupid that even the Deathwatch team would rather be "gifted" to the Blood Ravens that keep working for him.

And.Gorgutz at least had the excuse of only wanting it because everyone else did.

As for the others, we had a power-hungry dolt who thought giving a Space Marine chapter AND a Knight House a good reason to want him dead (along with the proof that he sought to use a tainted xenos artifact for his own likely heretical ends) wasn't a problem along with an Autarch who manages to out-haughty Kayleth to such an extent that even other Eldar think he has an ego problem.

How the hell did they even get to where they are when they act too stupid to live?

>How the hell did they even get to where they are when they act too stupid to live?

After Soulstorm's characters nothing in DoW is too retarded to me.