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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Augments Edition
What ware do you have?
What ware do you want?

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Control rig, cortex booster, smartlink and cyberears with three antennae.

I want more cortex booster, an internal air tank and toxin immune skin.

More cortex so I can rig more and the tank and skin so I can surround myself with nerve gas in case of emergency.

Are the cyberware packages in Lockdown ever worth it?

All I want is a piece of 'ware specifically to make mid-combat AR decking viable. Remove the -2 AR penalty, flat. Means my decker can actually have endgame goals of becoming a street sam.


Get the fucking 'ware that removes distraction penalties. Tada.

Holy shit, man. C'mon.

You could get an agent.

/srg/, I need help, and I need it fast. I've made a Wakyambi Adept Swordsman for a game, but I'm retarded, and I somehow forgot to actually get character art until half an hour before the game.

Anyone happen to have some elven street sam art? Or just a swordsman that's got skin/face obscured and looks modernish? Maybe with a ballistic mask?

I'm looking on my own, but fuuuuck me, I totally forgot about this shit.




>Wakyambi Adept Swordsman for a game, but I'm retarded
we know





Thanks, guys.

I stumbled on this one, by Halcyon450, one of the local drawfags.


Wow thats edgy


Halcyon is the man.

Does anybody have good art for a qt gril decker?

you get one image no more

>commlinks by themselves can't run programs
Err.. install Program Carrier mod?



Was waiting for something like this.

Something about her left hand looks off, but i don't know what.

Install the Cyberdeck Mods onto a commlink?

You can make one modification on a commlink, which includes adding a cyberdeck module.

Cyberdeck Mod>Add Program Carrier>Virtual Machine>Add Program you want+Second Virtual Machine, repeat ad infinitum


And have your commlink explode gloriously as soon someone touches it in the Matrix.

You can't run copies of the same program


Looks like you should be able to see part of her left arm.

You'd expect to see some forearm in that little space beneath her chin; there's not, so it looks like her wrist is broken back 90 degrees to fit it all behind her head.




What do your hosts look like? When a decker enters a host looking for a file how do you incorporate the IC, are the files just themed for the host? Would you make a map of the host to if not show the player, but to know where things are (if that matters to you)?

Would you guys say the shadowrun games, dragonfall and hong kong, give a good representation for the feeling and lore of the universe? I'm thinking of playing them.

Boring question
better question: What does your shadowrunners avatar look like in the matrix

They give an okay approximation of it
would reccomend regardless
Look at mods for them for a better approximation

What kind of mods should I be looking for? Any reccomendations?

I haven't played this mod, but after looking at it I might give it a shot.


I played it through. It fucks up the setting in a few places, and some of his OCs are worse than even Is0bel.

However, the gameplay is tight.

Ah thanks, Have you played any of the others that you would recommend?

After reading The Ends of the Matrix I'll probably get an implanted commlink and datajack on all my characters. Brain hacking is scary, and I can see no valid fluff reason why it would not exist in the 6th world. A commlink and datajack can help prevent that, even for Awakened.


What is the most creative thing you've done with AR in shadowrun? Pic related.

They're pretty solidly fun. I'd suggest playing them in order as each improves on the previous in terms of playstyle

It's damned good, a lot of people think it even rivals Dragonfall or Hong Kong. Not sure I'd go that far, but i played it through twice regardless.

Well, it probably doesn't exist because it isn't a thing. Pretty simple, senpai.

I will be sure to give it a shot, it looks really decent.

So I'm running a china campaign soon. Given the already abhorrent environmental situation in China, would toxic spirits just be endemic to the smog heavy days/rivers?

I dunno If I would say it would be endemic but I would say that places of very strong pollution may draw toxic shamans who bring toxic spirits.

How bad /is/ the pollution in China in the Sixth world?

How bad do you want it to be? If you are the DM china could have turned everything around and unpolluted china, no good player would say "Hey it says here on page 57 of China and the greaterlands of Asia that the smog levels are all recorded and there is a calendar that lists the intensities that you MUST use"

So how is "Ares is controlled by bug spirits" metaplot going?


>How is the ____ metaplot going
Do you really need to ask?

IMHO the environmental regulations have gone from bad to nonexistant in China. Modern day westerners consider parts of it uninhabitable, so seattle 2075 residents should consider parts of it uninhabitable too.

So, depending on the day one requires a gas mask with a 12 hour air supply in order to not have lung damage a month later.

Now that it's 'ware edition, what does /srg/ think about chameleon skin from CF?

Greetings chummers, taking a random out of context conversation I overheard at my table and gonna make a NPC for them to fight later on. Wanted your opinions on ways to build them to provide a decent and interesting challenge.

1. Pic related, one of the runners just discovered SR3
2. Whether literal or conceptually interpretted I want to make a silent mascot, mute if you will.
3. Loaded and equipt to the 9s, likely explosive or flak-cannon-esque in functionality.
4. Any creative GMs have suggestions for RP with this guy (mannerisms, hand gestures, etc.) Looking for flesh him out further than, "The figure stares, dead-eyed and unresponsive."

I don't think you want your runners to fight Dr. Genki really, no one would come out of that looking pretty. You could let a matrix show hire the runners to run something akin to Genki's gauntlet, with challenges customised to what the team specilialises in.

Was out in town sorry omae
shadowrun infinite for whatever version you buy is a good one to get, may only be for dragonfall, dunno. Its a solid mod that I really enjoyed. Its a WIP sadly.

>Its a WIP sadly.
That's a shame. Is it's main story finished? Is it still getting updated?

No and Yes
You can play runs forever but it does get a bit repetitive after a while, and theres only so much story thats available right now. It is still being updated though

Well that's good, I'll definately keep an eye on it. Thanks senpai.

They give you a rough idea, though they're heavily nostalgia filled, and model themselves very much on the older iterations of the game.

Again not per se, but yeah some kind of armed, brutish, silent 'thing' would be entertaining. :)

New Shadowrunner here. Trying to be the GM for my group, and I'm thinking about making their first scenario be based off of Yojimbo + Dredd/The Raid.

Going to have two cowardly, warring gangs with a few prominent characters for the PCs to interact with, and then about 15 or so thug-cowards to fill the ranks and discourage direct violence.

tl;dr: So, as a new GM, my question is how should I handle these big groups in my game?

Further info: The goal I am encouraging in the set up is to play it smart and have the PCs trick both sides into a mutually destroying fight, but things don't always go as planned. There is a good chance the PCs will end up involved in a fight with one side or the other (or both at once in a 3-way battle). If that happens, I don't want to get swamped with the bookkeeping of 40 or so fighters. I assume there is a way to treat the groups as a sort of single-entity? If not, perhaps a few quick and dirty guidelines to get the job done.

How many people are in your group?

4 player characters.

I have a confession to make.

I am sexually attracted to junkyard jaws. How do I make this something a character can have? It doesn't have to be their only weapon or even particularly viable, they just have to be able to sit in at a Johnson meet without being booted.

Do they have to have it visible?

No, it can be hidden or even taken off and replaced with something else.

I have a Rigger with a Control Rig and Simrig integrated into her spine, as well as Cybereyes, Cyberears (inner ear only), and a Commlink implanted in her skull real estate. All alphaware, with plenty of bells and whistles.

She would like to replace her spine at some point, and have some nervous system work done with a skilljack and some reflex boosting hardware. She's also in the market for some Dream Link 'ware, since she's a weirdo who likes to record everything, an Internal Router, and possibly a Touch Link expansion to her Simrig, though it seems pretty redundant.

She also secretly really wants cool cyberarms packed full of gadgets and tools, but she can't find the justification for it so long as her meat arms do the job.

Taken off and replaced as long as it can be put back without surgery*

That sort of thing could honestly pass as a more ostentatious face mask, if it isn't entirely obvious that it's the person's jaws. You could even throw in gas mask functionality to support the assumption, give it a bit of a respirator look at the sides.

So I stylize my junkyard jaw to look like a face mask made to look like a junkyard jaw?

That's... an idea, certainly. Probably smarter than modular connectors or aspected magicians with Physical Mask. Still, I do have to open it to eat and talk, which makes it obvious at some point.

Well, you can't take it off. The only way to fit it inside a Cyberskull is an Obvious Cyberskull +2 Bulk Modification, but that doesn't reduce the essence cost, and Cyberskulls can't be made modular.

So, you'll have to hide it other ways. Walking down the street you can probably hide it with a Respirator. But, unless your Johnson meet is at a sludge factory, you'll have to take it off.
So, you'll need to bullshit your way through.

Your qt anime girl runner was caught in a nasty run gone south early in their career, the kind they have to burn edge to survive. Their entire body is a mess of cheap Cyberware solutions. Muscle Replacements, Junkyard Jaw, etc. Maybe they've upgraded past the cheap Cyberware fixes, but the Jaw is Omegaware and can't be safely removed. Or maybe they ended up becoming a part of their reputation. Or they like being able to rip Cyberlimbs off of people with their teeth.

Naturally they downplay the paranoia and ridiculous planning that comes with the gameplay.
I also find they don't have the same level of cartoonish grungyness that a lot of the earlier books implied.

They are also a lot more liberal in terms using the fantastical elements of the setting compared to what I'v seen in a lot of games. I think most GMs you'll meet will lean much more heavily on the cyberpunk elements and play up the more mundane nature of the world. This is usually because there is so much shit to manage in the average game that keeping it as "our world but with a few spirits and (effectively)magic-internet" is the best alternative to destroying your mind. The games can play around with the fringe elements of the lore since they are inherently limited in what can happen.

Still great games, even if they're not quite as grungy as the tabletop. Though I agree that the cyberpunk part is the one most people like played up. But we have a crazy paranoid mage in our group who changes his face every time we go somewhere.

It's definitely a thing. The question is whether there's any method less laborious than PAB.

Yes. If it's not, then it's something else.

>A solid metal replacement for the lower jaw, and a more hidden upper mouth enhancement as well

Back when she was a go-go trying to survive by stripping buildings for copper, she ended up in a building about to go through some demolitions. The first metal she had in her body was shrapnel, not 'ware, though chrome was soon to follow. Junk chrome stitched on by a friendly street doc, but it has its benefits. Stripping walls and ripping pipes with your teeth sure did get you a lot of street cred.

Turns out that chewing on iron enough gives you a taste for it, and helmets pop just about as easily as anything else she can chew on...

Or something silly like that. I can wax poetic about these things. I just want to kiss one on its iron cheek!

Well, you can cover it up with something like a mask or conceal it with magic.

So, chummers. We know what sort of 'ware your runners have, but what about the branding on them? Where do they pick up their metal bits?

Are they a budding starlet with a full Horizon Experience! cyberware suite bundle, or are they just some street thug who mixes and matches off of shelves or out of corpses?

They don't use 'ware, because the system hates it, and there's such an incredibly small reason to ever use 'ware over Magic, especially when magic actually appeals to me somewhat.

Krime has a nice 'ware line for orks and trolls. That's where most of his comes from.

So far all his ware is the stuff he was given during service in the Swedish Euroforce contingent, which is all Transys-Erika.

what bioware works best with ghouls?
what cyberware works just as good?

what kind of nanoware is still available that won't fucking kill you and how useful is that shit?

I've got some top shelf Bioware and thats about it. Had to lose as little essence as possible.


Asking again, mostly the Decker packages I was wondering about.

Most of the stuff in Chrome Flesh is CFD-safe. Or at least won't turn on you in the case of you being infected.

As for the usefulness, well, hard nanites can be reprogrammed to fill several different functions, the most useful of which I would say are the Trauma Control System which will try and stabilize you in case of overflow, or Implant Medics that will repair matrix damage on implants. Nanite hunters can theoretically stave off an invasion of hostile CFD nanites, but you're not particularly likely to win.

Soft nanites seem to be a bit meh, except for neocortical that gives you +1 on logic skills and mental limit.

The main advantage would be to magic users, as nanites won't take any essence, however, unless you want to lose your ware within a couple of weeks you need a nanohive, which takes a bit of essence. Also hard nanites need a refill that costs a couple of thousand nuyen every six months. Also, taking physical damage reduces the rating of the nanites, which could mean you lose their boost.

They can be ok for awakened who will never buy another single aug ever again. They're mostly so GMs can give NPCs cyber without the PCs seeing them as walking piles of nuyen.

How much of this game exists solely to inconvenience the players?

The entirety of 5th edition

Significant portions of 4th edition were also there for the GM.