Tumblr Ruins Everything

I'm a little late on the boat on this but holy shit, I just listened to the second episode of the Adventure Zone Zone and I believe that it has tainted any enjoyment I might get out of future episodes. I love the Adventure Zone, I love the McElroys, and I even consider myself a pretty left leaning person, but the absolute kowtowing that my sweet good good boy Griffin is doing for the Tumblr community leaves me nauseous. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, should have saw this coming a mile away, but need to vent my disappointment.

Am I in the wrong for feeling that including lgbt characters this frequently into a story, or being so worried about what skin color or race a fictional character is feels like Tumblr pandering?

Have you ever looked at the other shows Maximum Fun has? Have you ever looked at what website two of the McElroys wrote for? Hint: its fucking Polygom. How are you even surprised? They are a family of sjw.

>Am I in the wrong for feeling that including lgbt characters this frequently into a story, or being so worried about what skin color or race a fictional character is feels like Tumblr pandering?
Yes you are wrong because characters created for a story/session are inherently super special snowflake. They will always end up being the saviors of a world. What's the difference between someone ending up some super warrior and someone being a faggot?

Especially since being gay does have real world consequences and can lead to situations that wouldn't happen with straight people, as would being an elf or a goblin or whatever versus a normal human

I had a tiny shred of hope left.
>What's the difference between someone ending up some super warrior and someone being a faggot?

I agree with you that it shouldn't matter that character is gay, but when multiple characters in a story are revealed to be lgtb, I have to question if these characters had to be this way or were made this way to appease Tumblr.

> kowtowing that my sweet good good boy Griffin is doing for the Tumblr community
>appease Tumblr
>Tumblr pandering
The fuck tumblr have to do with any of this

god forbid the McElroys have their own preferences for the way their world works or what they put in it

I've made it to episode 30 so far, and there hasn't really been that much tumblring so far as I can tell. I don't even recall anything particularly SJW about the first few eps, and there's only been one instance of gays as far as I can recall

>One of the PCs is gay and goes on a date with the grim reaper
>Two NPCs are incidentally gay, which gets brought up when Magnus bonds with one of them
>A reasonably-major backstory character is hamfistedly mentioned to be trans but then it doesn't really come up again
>Merle and Davenport definitely fucked
That long diatribe about Lup's name was fucking stupid, and I feel like there must have been a better way to include her trans-ness than just mentioning it out of nowhere, but otherwise there isn't really anything SJW about it. Like, they ARE SJW-ish as people, but mostly in the sense of "they want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy their stuff".

Aw, I'm so sorry you're offended at the existence of LGBT people and POCs. Here, have something to ease your mind.

So, I understand that your ego is as fragile as an old dry twig, and you don't actually understand the concept of a 'acceptable response' but how did your handler let you seriously
a) download high-res hardcore gay furry porn and
b) surf Veeky Forums in order to post aforementioned high-res hardcore gay furry porn in a work-safe board?

Be considerate to others; just because OP is a shitdick doesn't mean you need to be guttertrash. You should seriously consider suicide as a viable option, you twat.

I only really had a problem with Lup and how they brought it up in the Adventure Zone Zone. It also took me a minute to realize Taako actually was gay but I'm slow
otherwise it was mostly ok
Griffin just has a fetish for stronk women, a tendency to bend over for tumblr and some meh writing
>"Wait we need a strong woman to bail us out."

Nah, I'm inclined to agree. The undercurrent of identity politics and tumblr pandering just kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>waaaah there are gays in my unfunny rpg series
Thanks mods.

>All this leftwing damage control

How many Equality-Tokens are you guys being paid for this?

>I'm a little late on the boat on this but holy shit, I just listened to the second episode of the Adventure Zone Zone and I believe that it has tainted any enjoyment I might get out of future episodes. I love the Adventure Zone, I love the McElroys, and I even consider myself a pretty left leaning person, but the absolute kowtowing that my sweet good good boy Griffin is doing for the Tumblr community leaves me nauseous.

/pol/posting on other boards is against the rules of this website, please go and stay go

The McElroys take joy in not being jerks and making their fans happy. It's not bothering any of them, so why does it bother you?

>/pol/posting on other boards
Doesn't smell like /pol/ to me, just genuine fa/tg/uy annoyance
if this was /pol/ or /leftypol/ i assume the thread would have 500% more replies and half the posters as the fella tries to bait and bait and bait against bait for a bite.
also there is no >i wonder who's behind this nonsense

>Griffin just has a fetish for stronk women
Actually, it's surprising that his ambiguously fake vore fetish doesn't come up more often in TAZ. It's not like they're averse to crossovers from other projects, what with Garfield.

fucking disgusting, enjoy your impending ban faggot.

It's weird, everytime someone says "Hey, this seems forced", someone inevitably pops up to go "No /pol/-posting", as if liberal views are the only view available.

For what's it worth, I think it's pandering, and I think it sucks. Sometimes I wish for another crash, so we could drive all these freaks out of our hobby.

diff user.
1. fans are idiots generally.
2. good work generally doesn't come from forcing shit (assuming it's organic then it's fine)
3. by user's description sounds sorta forced.
4. shit can harold a slow decline, there's hasn't been a WORDSWORDSWORDS thog edit thread for OOTS or at least i haven't seen one but case and point generally when someone goes that route to another it gets worse and worse.

>by user's description sounds sorta forced.
The Adventure Zone is Griffin McElroy's first ever tabletop rpg campaign. Lots of elements of the game are forced, it's kept aloft by solid creativity and McElroy chemistry. It's funny to listen to, and they encourage the fanart community to draw the characters however they'd like. I don't see anything to get upset over.

Shoehorning in gays and trannies and painting everything with the politically correct brush - Oh, and not forgetting to add copious amounts of brown skin! Can't go without it! - is wrong, and it cheapens each and every component of this.

The major villain is his fetish incarnate

Really? I've got to get caught up. Almost through Petals to the Metal.

>I don't see anything to get upset over.
i don't see a reason to watch it myself.
people will do as they will

Why seek out stuff explicitly to trigger yourself, /pol/tard?
Surely you can operate Google well enough to find some fantasy rpg without le ebil gays and trannies?

Liberal views are the only views available. Do you know why Veeky Forums is the only website where SJWs haven't managed to destroy freedom of speech yet?

It's because they dox, threaten, sue, physically attack and occasionally murder anyone who disagrees with them online. The lack of user accounts on Veeky Forums is a safeguard to allow for continued free speech, but the SJWs are infiltrating several boards, including Veeky Forums, in an attempt to drive conservatives off Veeky Forums and into the open, so the conservatives can be killed off and no-one will be left to stop the mass genocide of 'white cis scum'. The SJWs control most Western countries now, and allowed Trump to gain power so they would have an excuse to overthrow the fake government in Washington and assume direct control, giving them the opportunity to initiate the upcoming genocide.

Run as far as you can, brother, because the liberal fascists are coming for you.

Eh, it's not too bad. I definitely see some instances of it, but living in Minneapolis you definitely see way more obnoxious examples of that kind of behavior and gives you a bit of perspective. I'm fine with the whole "trying to be inclusive" thing as it's fairly passive- it's when a group starts trying to be a bunch of aggressive moral crusaders like or some such that I move on.

As it stands, they still manage to make me laugh a good deal so I consider that proof it can't be all bad.

I thought you people liked fascism, now suddenly it's bad?

Fascism is a libtarded ideology. SJWs, working on the principle that all bad things are right-wing, have tried for decades to cover up the truth that fascism is nothing more than another word for socialism, as demonstrated by the power it gives to the evil liberal state to do whatever it wishes to the people. All ideologies which support giving the state more power are inherently left-wing and that is why they are evil. Are you somehow too libtarded to understand this?

Roll it back a little bit. The key to false-flagging is subtlety, my friend.

>I'm too libtarded to understand this, so I'm going to pretend it's false-flagging.
Lol, kys.

Not hum, but are you incapable of having an actual argument? I thought Veeky Forums was better than evasive name-calling.

everyone being brown is just the fan art
and I think Lup is the only shoehorned tranny in the game. That was terrible but nothing to flip out over.
sure there's been 2 lesbian couples but ones dead and the others are monster girls
strong lesbians is just Griffins fetish

If you go back 50 years or more and find creators you like, there's a good chance some of them are gonna be racist because that was a more common mindset at the time.

Today, the SJW mindset is getting pretty common and it's likely some creators you like have that mindset.

I think the trick is to seperate a creators art from thier politics. shows us that its only been like 4 LGBT characters, where most of those are pretty incidental.

What I dont like though is the heavy railroading going on in Stolen Century. Waaay too much of Griffin going "now I see you doing this that way, and not way you chose to do it". The player's choices is where the GMs control should end and I dont remember Griffin ever doing it to this degree.

I really enjoyed the fact that the boys talked about the Kill Off Your Gays trope and then immediately decided to make the one member of the crew who is canonically dead a transwoman the very next week.

Fucking hell, people. Realizing you're about to tell a potentially insensitive joke and realizing you're not comfortable with it isn't pandering, it's just realizing a mistake and changing.

Deciding to not be accidentally racist doesn't make anyone oversensitive.

It bury your gays, and they'll probably pull something out of their asses to bring her back in the end. Likely something to do with their "recorded states".

>It's because they dox, threaten, sue, physically attack and occasionally murder
That's a new one, who'd they kill?

>you people
Are you really so fucked in the head that you can't imagine someone would dislike 21st century puritans with shitty dyejobs who weren't nazis? You piss EVERYBODY off.

>the truth that fascism is nothing more than another word for socialism, as demonstrated by the power it gives to the evil liberal state
There's also the fact that Mussolini, the guy who created fascism, was a socialist for his entire life up til then, that's literally were it branched off from. And then of course you have the national SOCIALIST party but that's just a name apparently, never mind the fact by the end of the war they ran their economy more or less the same as the soviets did with party leaders having direct control over factories.

>I thought Veeky Forums was better than evasive name-calling.
In all seriousness: why?

>muh hurtful jokes
You must be real fun at parties.

>accidentally racist
Holy shit you're dumb.

>thinking Veeky Forums would be better then other Veeky Forums boards
>thinking evasive name-calling isn't something everyone does on the internet because no consequences
How old are you?

If you want to tell your edgy jokes, nobody's stopping you. I'd be lying if I said none of them are funny. Still, the whole point of a good racy joke is that it comes dangerously close to crossing a line and that a lot of people won't be comfortable with it. Don't fault people for wanting to take part in that kind of humor, especially when it wasn't meant that way in the first place, and especially when the McElroys generally avoid anything like it.

>it's a /pol/ thread, complete with tears about tumblr and epic not-an-argument posts

Great place this site has become. Keep up the good work moderators.

Lup's alive in the Umbra Staff

>The Hunger is the Blob from Car Boys
>The Hunger is the Final Pam
>The Hunger is Griffin's vore fetish
Well, shit. What else?

Is that what people actually believe? Are you genuinely threatened by people disagreeing with you?
Do you think someone has ever been dragged behind a truck, or lynched, or even totally disowned from their family just for being conservative?

i'm amazed nobody mentioned that Taako being gay is because Justin is playing a doofy, lispy, whiny elf.

like do you think a character written like that is going to be like "oh no but i LOVE the ladies" when it came to it?

also it's "first D&D game we've ever played" tradition to joke that gay sex happened in the background (Merle and Davenport)

i only listen to TAZ because I'm a fan of The Brothers from their podcast, honestly, but reading this thread is refreshing for how shit-headed people can be when something they don't like is included in something maybe two or three times between 100+ hours of content.

Like nobody's gonna comment on how Wonderland was 80% tacky game show and 20% actual dungeon?

or are we just gonna hyperautistically fixate on "oh fuck that character's a tranny that means this is SJW bait"?

>like do you think a character written like that is going to be like "oh no but i LOVE the ladies" when it came to it?
Someone hasn't listened to the Boston show.

What a dumb thread.

Yeah, the show's LGBTQRSTUV+X^2 characters are relatively front-loaded. They don't really come up much so it's not that big of a deal.

Sounds like you need your safe space lmao

>Yes you are wrong because characters created for a story/session are inherently super special snowflake.
Everything wrong with modern D&D in one sentence.

>Do you think someone has ever been dragged behind a truck, or lynched, or even totally disowned from their family just for being conservative?

YES. If you didn't live only in your fantastical delusions of how the world should be then you would know that this HAS happened before to many people.

>Tumblr Ruins Everything
Welcome to the beauty of "intersectionalism".
>What is intersectionalism?
I'm glad you asked, Timmy! Anita Sarkeesian put it best: everything is sexist, everything is racist, and you have to point it out!

PLease, the McElroys are SJWs, they are leftists not librals.

Leftists hate librals because liberals are down to compromise with ANYTHING.

>people actually take this b8

Yes, to all of that, ironically enough.

>the conservatives can be killed off and no-one will be left to stop the mass genocide of 'white cis scum'.

So, to summarize the OP:
An Alt-right snowflake got all triggered because a D&D game may have tricked him into liking a fictional brown person (according to Tumblr).

How can you look at what you're saying, even the very base argument of what you're saying, and not think you're baiting?