So anyone want to heard about one SERIOUSLY messed up game? It involved a hell of a lot of guys playing make believe sex, a bunch of shitty GMs, a couple of decent GMs, a wide variety of players, and the most edgy character anyone will likely ever create
The Monster Girl Game
Sure fine. But a Monstergirl Horror game would actually work if everyone plays as an implicitly straight female. Monstergirl Encyclopedia paints most Monstergirls as flesh-eaters, only showing leniency if you've got a functional penis.
>Be Straight Woman in Monstergirl Land.
>Be Eaten, be beaten, and get cucked by every insane fem-beast in the world.
>This is life.
Honestly I wish this was a legit horror game, it would have made a lot more sense. For context, this was a pathfinder game on roll20, and the ad made it seem like a pretty normalish game with a bit of homebrew. The ad did warn of 18+ content, but it didnt specify, so I figured at worst maybe some nudity, nothing extreme. Oh how wrong I was.
When I joined the game had started, and the party were just getting tasked with a job by an npc. The npc being a demon lord. Yes, a demon lord, and for a token the GM was using a loli token. So my first view was of this supposed demon lord tasking the party with "saving" her allies. With no form of religious member in the party, and the Demon Lord's super high disguise check, we just rolled with it thinking maybe the Demon Lord had plans for us. My introduction came in the form of the Demon Lord asking to use my character as a sex toy. No, I am not joking, the GM legit said (as the DL) "Who is this person? Can I use them as a toy? I need a new fuck toy". Great start.
Despite being weirded out, I rolled with it, ignored the DL and introduced myself to the party. They consisted of: A LE gnome rogue who I'll call G, CG halfling bard who I'll call H, W, a CG friendly pyromaniac wizard, and M, the local LN Monk with his npc wife (I later learnt they were a bit higher and the monk had the squire feat) and last but not least, the "leader" of the party, the TN Master Summoner GMPC. After I introduced my guy as the CN rogue, we headed off to do the job with the job being rescuing a bunch of trapped allies of the DL from a bunch of "meanies" who "Captured them".
>I need a new fuck toy
This gon be good.
until you get turned into one yourself due to the latent sex radiation in the air anyways.
We got to the camp, and it's a bunch of paladins. Now at this point, most people would take a step back and wonder what was going on, but like typical murder hobos we went "Free the girls!" who turned out to be Minotaur girls. At this point, the real nature of the game was dawning on me, but i hadn't played in a while and was desprate so I said screw it and rolled with the punches. Midway through, we are struggling but making headway; the minotaur's are free, and some sheep boy npc's are casting a spell. They eventually cast it, and the gm tells us to all roll a will save DC 15. We all failed. The paladins all passed. The GM then announces that each turn, we all had to discard one item that we were holding. I was floored at this point. Without weapons we start to struggle save for his pc who has an eidolon to punch shit for him. After some lucky rolls on our part we kill them all, and head into this abandoned shack where we find one last paladin. A brief scuffle later, he is on the floor, sword to his throat we start to interrogate him. He proclaims his goddess will kill us all, then somehow (depsite being disarmed) stabs himself in the chest killing himself instantly. G turns to my guy and M accusing us of killing the paladin because "you scared him while I wanted to torture him!". At that point I was already facepalming ooc, and then we free the cowgirls/minotaurs (cause yes, there were cowgirls too now). We ask if they are hurt, etc, they were ok but one said "I need a real good milking, so would any of you guys mind helping me drain some of my milk?". At that point, session ended, and I wondered what mess I had gotten myself into. Had I known what was to come, I would never have made it to session 2.
this sounds like its obviously supposed to be MGE, so lol that you weren't aware of what that was before signing up for it.
You think the first stuff might have scared me off, but I was determined to enjoy this. Since the wizard seemed like the nicest guy, my guy started to get to know him and we buddied up ic. OOC he revealed he didnt realise this was gonna be a sex based game, but was determiend to stick around just to have some fun and be the odd one out.
Now sidenote about me, I'm your average lonely guy, so while I was initially weirded out, I thought erp sounded like fun and was tempted to try it. Won't lie, I did it a few times, but the context makes it a bit more bearable (at least thats what I tell myself to live with the guilt)
Some days pass ic, not much is happening. I learn that GMPC who I'll call P has a bar/tavern where the party hangs out most of the time. I thought it was weird, especially when he describes the bar as being full of monsters like fly girls, centipede girls, minotaurs, succubi, wolf girls, and slime girls. My jaw hit the floor when I learnt most of the fly and centipede girls were PROSTITUTES that P hired to "serve" people at his bar. Yes, the GMPC had a bar/brothel as a level 3 character. And as I learnt more about the setting the more I was shocked...
Yep it was. I had never heard of the stuff prior to this game, so at the time everything was new to me. The post didnt specify MGE, cause if it had I never would have even joined to begin with
>centipede prostitute
Well, I guess you have to maximize your handjobs/hour somehow. But still, ew. onto the setting and what a setting it was!
Let me paint a picture, Imagine the apocalypse. Nukes flew everywhere, people are all but decimated, and tech has been sent back to around medieval times. The mix of chaos and radiation creates the Golarion Gods pantheon as most people know them, but with a twist! These gods decided their power was to great to be left unchecked, so they created a guardian of order, and a guardian of chaos and tasked them with keeping the Gods and each other in check. Generations pass, and all goes well, but alas, down the line two of the opposing guardians fell in love! They got married, and had a son! With the mix of order and chaos powers, the gods decided his was treason, so they killed off all his family, but since he was a toddler, spared the child. (Props if you can guess where this is going) Now this child was sent to earth, where he was picked up by a group of paladins serving a small goddess. He was trained to be the ultimate assasin, and by the age of 10 he was travelling the world killing anyone who his order wished. Innocent men and women all fell because he had been brainwashed and eventually mind controlled into doing the evil paladin's bidding at the request of their goddess. When the time was right the order declared a war! They were going to purge all Monster Girls for the lands, because their goddess deemed them "Yucky". (actual word he used). The paladins had taken over most of the continent, with one of the last few towns holding out being the one we were located in. Now while all this happened, the child of the two guardians grew up, and at the age of 18 his powers manifested, so to keep him in check the paladin's goddess sealed away his powers using a magic seal which required a sacrifice. This sacrifice was a childhood female friend of his and her spirit was then bound to him until the seal was broken at which point she would be free...
However, before she was sealed, she managed to somehow break the mind control spell on him, and soon after the seal was broken he used his skills to escape the evil order! After much travelling, he had his sexual awakening thanks to his spectral friend. He then set out to restore his family's bloodline by having sex with as many women as he could, and making plenty of new sexy friends along the way while eventually going on to kill all the Gods so that he could get revenge on them killing his family and locking away his powers, but not before eradicating the order and anyone who was associated with them! Can you guess who this was...
It was P. Cringy? Yes. Terrible plot? Double Yes. Will it only get worse? You have no idea...
Now you guys know about P, the super duper amazing GMPC who every guy wishes he could be. Sadly this story came out in bits and pieces so at the time I didn't put two and two together which is something I would later on regret.
Anyway, back to the party. Having just mercilessly killed a bunch of paladins, their order was not too happy with us, but luckily for us the town lord was terrified of P and tolerated the monster girls enough that he just let them do whatever they wanted as long as they didnt bother people. That said, plenty of people were racist towards them (which when you consider that the centipede girls would poison you to force you to orgasm non stop for hours, you can't blame them) so as a result P and the rest of us were not exactly the most popular lot in town...
Now at this point the party has had about a week of ic time getting to know each other. G was pretty much hated for being a sour old dick (I later learnt the demon lord forced him to fight for her), W was clueless on most things that didnt involve wizardry, H was in love with W to the point where she was obsessed, and M was non stop fucking his npc wife when they had the chance.
My guy hung out with W, playing the big brother role to him and they started to become close friends. Now apparently back at school W had a rival who was his polar opposite; a female cyromancer who was sharp as a knife about everything. They fought a lot, but apparently shortly before he arrived in town that had both been fighting a giant group of people attacking their school and she saved his life. After that he woke up with 3 years of memories gone, alone in a forest before making his way to this town.
A couple of days after I learn this, the paladins send us a simple message in the form of W's rival. She freezes the whole town gate, and demands that the town Lord hand us over or he and the town will be killed. As expected, the Lord (who was also a paladin) refused, so the date was set.
During the build up we did fuck all. Actually no, we did do something; the whole party fucked like rabbits (save for W bless his soul). And I am not understating this.
During these two weeks two important events also happened. One was that G died. During one session that I missed he was turned into a corpse by a lizard, and W turned him into ashes because we couldnt afford to resurrect him (and we didnt want to either).
The other thing was H gave W a choice, be with her and she stays, or choose his rival and he leave. He decided to choose neither, so she leaves.
Enter stage right our next two pcs! A super strong barbarian with the brainpower of an 8 year old, and a cleric who is so gay he makes elton john seem striaght! (for clarity, H's player was the cleric, G's player was the barbarian)
Now as I mentioned earlier, there was a lot of fucking those two weeks, and my guy was involved sadly. He got drunk one night with the barbarian who I will call T and they bumped uglies. What happened next shocked me a lot. The player msges me and tells me he failed the fort save. "What save?" I ask. "T is now pregnant". I then learn the GM us using two books known as the Book of Erotic Fantasy, and Pathfinder Vices. My stomach sinks to new lows.
>Pathfinder Vices
I didn't know there was a Pathfinder version for BoEF. I must look this up.
>Arcane Spells: Magic is sexy, +2 cups!
>Divine Spells or Alignment/Code of Conduct Restriction: gods don’t like competition, -1 cup
>Famous people tend to have bigger boobs. If you have a class feature that gives you any type of fame bonus, start with a DD cup.
Holy shit I'm five seconds into this book and I'm hating it already.
t. flat is justice
>engaging in ERP with sweaty neckbeards on the internet
You dug your own grave OP.
What the fuck did you expect?
"Monstergirl" as opposed to "female monster" = "sexy 10/10 nymphomaniac yet somehow also mostly virginal & monogamous with excellent domestic skills and ability to reproduce like bunnies". "Oh yeah and they have a few cute animal parts."
Monstergirl means fetish-fuel weeaboo neckbeards think about with their hands on their cocks
I asked the GM how the hell he I was supposed to not risk pregnancy and he goes "Use a condom". The sheer idiocy made me want to facepalm (I HATE breaking immersion and condoms are not gonna be commonly found post apocalypse). Meanwhile, the next day, T goes to see a doctor because she "Feels funny", learns she is pregnant confronts my guy, and in the typical rom com fashion they decide to get married that same day.
Now a side note about T, she was a nympho to the point where she would pester my guy for sex each bloody day. In the end I would just refuse/delay because it started to get creepy especially once me and the guy ooc became friends.
W had become depressed because his friend left, cheered up with the marriage, and just for a moment the party was happy. Then came the fucking cleric.
This cleric had a backstory so tragic it makes the Titanic seem like a comedy. Sold as a child slave, sex slave for 17 years, finally escaped with severe PTSD while also being gay and a misunderstood half elf. Lovely.
He apparently hits it off with P, and they fuck. Being the sad "man" he is, the Cleric (who I'll call S) falls in love with P and becomes like his puppy. P obviously likes the idea of a new person to fuck and rolls with it. In the meantime, P finds some olf friends one of whom is a succubus slut who tries to fuck anything with a pulse (she was super rapey and almost raped my guy once). At one point during the session S (who was TN) risks the succubus life to save the party, and this cases P to snap at him and threaten him which in Turn sends S into a CE spiral (PTSD he claimed. I called it a dick move)
I honestly have no excuse; at the time I was in a shitty place and I am not proud of what I did there
>>No.52919291 Like I said earlier, I had no idea what the hell Monster girls even were. MG was magic the gathering to me, and the post was as bland as could be about info
It was funny when the creator of Monstergirl Encyclopedia had the disturbing implications of his magical realm pointed out and he got super defensive of everything before admitting "yeah, this is supposed to appeal to the fantasies of repressed salarymen unsure if their dicks still work".
Around this time thanks to the pregnancy, I am avoiding most of the degenrancy, and instead trying to do some semi stable rp about getting a house etc. And then the cleric comes along and decided that he now hated all humans, so his first move is to literally go and kill the embreyo that was barely formed 1 day ago. Now I have dealt with evil pc in my time, but this was such a dick move targeted at hurting a guy who didnt even touch him, that I had to actually go take take 5 minutes to cool off. After a major cop out, the cleric got redeemed, somehow didnt fall as a fucking cleric despite cold blooded murder, and was sent into our custody. To cut my ramblings about him short, imagine two opposing personalities, once calm, the other insane, sharing a body, and each time you sneeze they switch who is in control. That is how things were like with him. Also he would try seduce any male he met which included giving a vampire lord his calling card while we were killing him and saving his bride
His reign ended after an OOC argument where he rage quit and the pc "committed suicide". No love lost there.
In the meantime, while that shitfest went down a new one was going down with the DMPC. At level 7 he took leadership, but before that, the all power broody mc brooderton also had 3 npcs vying for his attention non stop and he would often used them on sessions treating them as high level cohorts following P. Another thing we (the players) started to notice was that P was never in any danger; he was never attacked, ignored by the monsters unless it was direct talking to him, and suddenly his fame started to grow.
The battle happened (it was boring as hell), we won thanks to us rolling high, and suddenly the party was loved by the whole damn town which sent P into overdrive.
People suddenly feared him, he was now this amazing man who single handedly won the battle for the town! (he stood in the back summoning things). He got a "reporter" who followed him around idolizing the guy while claiming the rest of the party were doodling idiots who followed his lead. All in all, it was starting to become increasingly clear that things were starting to derail, especially when P's backstory changed to ensure that he was the cause of every tragedy all the other pcs faced. Dad died? P: "Oh yeah sorry I killed him back when the paladins controlled me" Town ruler disappeared? "Oh yeah that was me. Sorry". You get the idea.
Sensing where this was heading, we talked to the guy and he assured us it was not going to be about P, and then came the DL. She returned, and this time, with the dumbest shit yet.
She had apparently given P a ring that let him summon her at will in exchange for her being allowed to fuck him. Yes. Summon a demon lord at will for sex. It was beyond stupid, though what came next was the icing on the cake.
"If she fucks me 4 more times she will get pregnant and her child will have my powers and become the next demon king who will rule the world"
So why were you still in the game at all? Did you just stick around knowing it'd make for a good story, or were you masochistic, or did you secretly enjoy it?
Yes, it was that blunt. P was the whole center of the game. At this point, he had a bloody harem, had a level 15 paladin terrified of him (he was level 7-8 at the time) and was pumping up his ego.
OOC, me and the other players discussed cutting off the guys dick since it seemed like castrating him would solve the problem of the DL breathing down our neck, so to combat that he came up with a new thing whre if P turned evil, HE would become the demon king and take over the world
At this point, we all took a break. The wizard player left, I retired my guy, the barbarian was retired, and basically the game went quiet. Since we needed new players, the GM opened up the listing, and some new people joined, but since he didnt have the time to GM anymore he asked if any of us wanted to try gm.
At the time I had 0 experience, but wanted to gm, so I figured with such an utter train wreck, I could not fuck it up so I took over his game while he went away.
I started to build a semblance of story, trying to hint that the town was being infiltrated, but then I learnt that the new players were only interested in one thing. Sex.
I'm not sure if any of you have ever GM'ed, but at that point my heart utterly sank. I stopped putting in effort, and one day after a major fight with the players I quit, but not before I saw the Cringe Player.
Mix of everything honestly.
When it was between me and the other players, it was a good time and we had some funny moments (like knocking out the wizard by mistake a number of times, a prank war etc).
Towards the end after the rest left I stuck around for a mix of nostalgia, and morbid curiosity (along with the change to be a gm)
However the main reason I stuck around was the Wizard. His OOC personality matched his IC one in that he was a bit of a sheltered guy, but that aside he was a really fun guy to chat with and I still talk with him on a regular basis. While the game sucked, I made a good friend out of it.
Meant to ping you. First time posting to Veeky Forums
Now onto the final chapter of this fuck fest. I am sure you guys have all met the cringy pcs, the type that sulk in the corner and try to cause infighting. P was one of those guys, however, in his absence, N rose to prominence. N was an incubus, that the GM before me approved (he approved all the new guys before leaving).
Now as you can imagine, a being of lust is not gonna stand still. Every day all his rp revolved around sex to the point where he and the other 2 new players would spend 10 hours a day easily ERPing. 10 HOURS. Thankfully they managed to move the dirtier shit to a private discord channel, though once they forgot and basically spammed the roll20 for 4 hours straight.
Now the guy had big plans for N, all approved by the previous GM. At the time I knew none of them, though I got suspicious when N bought the elixer of Gender Change. He used it, turned himself into a woman, then used a spell or something to turn himself into a shemale. All pre-approved by the previous GM. At this point I'm flipping out and pointing out how terrible the logic is, but with the GM and players backing him up I decide to relent, and instead focus on finding a way to deal with this monstrocity.
While this is happeneing, the GM messages me warning me to play it cool and to let the players "explore" the sexual stuff as it was "Integral" to the game. N then got some custom spell from the Head GM that basically let N have male and female reproductive organs. In a nutshell, N was now a woman, with a vagina, boobs and a dick. At that point, I said to myself "THIS ENDS NOW"
Now to be clear, I had not been doing anything except checking in every once in a while to see how the players were going. The head guy found another GM and I was more than willing to let him run stuff for the players while I moved on with my life, but morbid curiosity kept me checking in.
During one of my last check ins, I learnt the other GM quit, but not before giving N 4 tentatcles that stuck out from his back that he could use to impregnate people. With the head GM showing no signs of returning, I decided to do what I should have done a while back. First I have N the deck of many things. Now most sane people draw a card or two, 3 if they are greedy, and I was hoping N would be that naive. Instead having failed a spellcraft check, s/he decided to become a fortune teller using the deck as her tarot cards
I start having npc's come in and draw cards. Eventually one got unlucky, and got the void card meaning their soul was trapped in the abyss. The guards saw this go down, and went to arrest N. His solution was to yell out "I draw 18 cards!". The first card, was Void.
I told him his soul was gone to hell, announced I quit as a GM, left the game in chaos without a gm, but not before checking P's sheet out to confirm what I suspected. The guy had been cheating all along, so in what I felt was a nice touch I left him a nice message under P's bio explaining what I thought of the game and of him.
Now you might wonder what was so cringy about N. Here are some of the highlights of the things I was told he did by the GM that quit:
>Got him/herself pregnant using his/her own sperm
>Had raped/fucked countless npc's
>Refused to do anything other than have sex
>Had a sex slave dungeon
>Have a sex themed house
>Would have sex in public
>Had 0 consideration of privacy with regards to sex
>Believed all the world needed was sex to be happy
>Did not understand laws
>Was a time travelling demon from the future
And the list goes on. Honestly, by the time I quit I was wondering why the hell I had stayed so long, we all do. I am still in touch with my Wizard friend, and we still remiss about the friendship of our pcs which was the only damn good thing to happen in that game.
Well, they don't get vored, if that's what you mean, but yeah, being a woman in those settings would blow ass. Being a guy who wants to live for more than just sex would too.
Instead, a woman would be physically fucked and mindfucked so badly that they would physically and mentally transform into that which assaulted them.
I always laugh when people on the Wiki try defending the Demon Lord, the ones getting fucked the hardest in that setting don't even have dicks.
Blow ass is an understatement. Before the Head GM left, P was basically having sex with every female pc/npc that was willing to let him near her. During the recruitment phase we had people actually leave after his pc "went on a date" (read erped) with them. The Wizard was the only guy who always refused sex throughout the whole damn game and mainly stayed because of our friendship and because he is a machoist.
Oh, I was referring to the setting in which that shitshow was based on. I mean, to each their own, but I simply cannot fathom how people get their jollies out of ERPing in such a manner. Text is one thing, but actually talking about it, hearing them pant depravity into your ears through the headphones? No thanks.
Ohh thanks for reminding me, this was all TEXT based thankfully. Had it been voiced I would have jumped ship day 1 (Cant stand voice stuff unless its being done around an actual table)
Ah, well that does clarify things.
Anyway, thanks for the story, you seem like a cool guy eh. In the future, be careful of Roll20, even if you find a game that isn't filled with edgelords that spilled over from DeviantArt, they still have a high propensity of falling apart.
If you're curious, I could tell you about the most ludicrous application I've ever seen.
Thanks! Yep since then I have compiled a list of players I know to avoid, and usually ask around before jumping into a game (I once managed to avoid one which apparently was FATAL converted to work with pathfinder eugh).
Sure I'd love to hear the story!
>edgier than ColdSteel
No way fag
ColdSteel? Not heard that one before
Never tried Pathfinder myself, jumped from 3.5 to 5. Anyway, here goes.
So, (5E) guy puts forward a Tiefling Paladin. For many, Tiefling is a red flag, and whereas I certainly see why, I don't think it's automatically cause for concern, unlike blatant fetish-bait or anything from DnD wiki. Basically, so far it's not bad.
This character actually had a wife and child, which is surprising, and uncommon. Still not bad.
Character goes off to fight in big Not!crusade, but a tangent of infidels following a goat path came from behind and ravaged the character's hometown, along with wife and child.
Campaign being applied to started at level 1. Did I mention that? That's important.
So, war ends, character goes home, except EVERYTHING IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS, BECAUSE ALL IS DEATH.
Falling to his knees, the ashes of his family pouring through his fingers, as his familial bond allowed him to pinpoint his wife and child among thousands of others, swears an OATH OF VENGEANCE! (Which is an oath of a paladin, one that you get at level 3, when the game started at level 1... Yeah)
Instead of being left alone to his grief, or perhaps being comforted by one of his war veteran buddies who didn't mind fighting beside someone sponsored by Gilette, Asmo-fuckin'-deus himself bursts forth from the earth in a column of flame, contract in hand (word for fucking word right here) That's right, the big bad leader of hell himself was just sitting on his ass, waiting for Random McJohn Doe Nobody Level 1 PC to be GRIPPED BY ANGUISH, as if Tiefling souls weren't any more than a dime a dozen, especially since they were literally created from humans for him by his fuckery and their stupidity, technically assuring him their souls anyway.
The best part? Despite Papa Azzy's sponsorship, that character was Lawful Neutral.
what book is this from? I love big tits but handing out DDs to everybody ruins it. you need small boobs to appreciate big boobs
Gotta say that made me chuckle! I can grasp the basic idea of wanting to avenge the family, but damn the guy really went way to far with it. From the specific family ash location to grand daddy devil king coming up to see his ass is just to unbelievable for words. The LN alignment is the cherry on the cake at that point.
Thank you, I try. Yeah, of all the applications I've seen, that one stood out as the most absurd.
This one. I mean it's right there, maybe you need to take your sunglasses off while browsing night mode user?
A thread died for this.
Then it probably wasn't that important. Seriously, I'd love to see exactly what thread was archived the moment this was posted.