Malifaux General: Wild Edition

>What is Malifaux?
Malifaux is a 30mm Skirmish Tabletop game, with a focus on completing several different objectives, while denying your opponent their objectives.

Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of Malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models
Book 4- New Wave 4 Models

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

Current Gaining Grounds Tournament Rules:

Discord for Shitposting and other Wyrd related things.

What's your favorite 5 stone model that's not in your faction?

The game looks cool, so after reading the basic rules, I'm looking for 2 crew boxes to buy to start playing. which to would be fun and balanced to play against each other?

basically all of them are. inatead choose based on the miniatures. read the faction and leadedr profiles on the official site and that will give yoau some idea on how they play and then buy the ones that look cool. that s the best way t oapproach all these games.

Is that box already out? Can't find it.

It was a limited edition Gencon sale special.

Is it possible to just buy the dog? The rest looks like shit

check ebay, probably not though as it's a limited edition kit.
I bought it, fucked up assembling one of the riders gave up and shelved the rest of it, I hate malifaux plastic kits

Could I cover most matchups/scenarios with McMourning/Reva in a competitive environment? I have way too many Resser models and I want to downsize my collection.

Picking 2 random crew boxes to play against each other has a 70/30 chance of being playable, and a 30/70 chance of being balanced.
The crew boxes are inteded to give the core of a crew - depending on who the crew is,t hat can be "most of" the crew or "the bare engine" of the crew.
If you choose two crew boxes that you like the look of (which is absolutely the best way of doing it), you'll probably want one more small box, maybe one each, to get it to a functional and balanced level.

To illustrate how much the crew boxes are not designed as pick up and play things:
Perdita Ortega's Latigo Posse is 32ss in models, 49ss with all the upgrades - almost a functional crew immediately.
The Dreamer is 23ss in models, some/many of which are really intended to be summoned rather than hired, and maxes out at 39ss with all the upgrades.

The very best way to get into Malifaux is to pick up a crew box with good-looking models, play a few games at 20ss (a bit under half size), then add a couple of small boxes over the next few months, or another crew box, as you work up to 35ss and 50ss games.

Yeah, you'd probably be fine with just McMorning Reva.
It's hard to really just kinda pick two out of the air that would be balanced, but personally I think that
The M&SU
& The Latigo Posse
Might be fun

What would be a good expansion on the Latigo Posse crew? I am thinking of getting Austringers and maybe the Brutal Emissary. Would that be enough for my first tournament?

That would be a great combination. Perdita is one of the better masters to use the emissary with.

What are the supposed to be the nightmare version of?

I can see McCabe and doggo, not the wheeled things look too fast to be wastrels.

The wastrels are replaced by the alt mounted guards.

How's the situation with the scheme runners in the Guild? Is just having Austringers enough or should I invest in some dedicated runners like the Hounds?

Gotcha thanks.

Any other gremlin players?
I've got Ophelia and Somer, and in seriously struggling to find reasons to bring Ophelia instead of Somer.

He does beat stick about as well, but had so much more versatility.

Does Ophelia just abuse threatening gun for horror tests?

Hey guys, I have an old Avatar Hoffman model that gets no use. Do you know if he could be used as an Emissary proxy in an offiicial event?

Yes. All of the Avatar models are legal proxies for emissaries of their respective factions.

Aye, that'd be pretty much perfect.

Dags for scheme running wouldn't be a bad plan, but honestly most of the Guild players I see murder fuckers off the board and then scheme if they didn't score by killing.

Aside from that, Perdita has an Obey action (to tell another model to do a thing) that can be powerful for getting another average-speed model a good way up the board to drop schemes, and the Emissary can throw people to scheme markers he can see - including enemy ones.

Dags are just a bit fiddly to play with, unfortunately, as they need to be in pairs to be able to drop scheme markers, and it's not that hard to kill one.

I have this nagging feeling that if you're beatign as well with Somer as with Ophelia, you aren't beating with Ophelia properly.
But that might be a mistake.

It's a shame you don't see more of them, really.
A lot of them are fucking cool models.

Like Pimpthrone Nicodem.