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"Just give it to me, doc" Edition

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First for plasma pistols being usefull again

>post Yfw Slugga Boyz get 4 Attacks + pistol shots on the charge

>melee race
>no pistols


Alternate, more likely version: Space Marines/Imperium/Aeldari/Other Xenos/Chaos

1. All armies and their models will have their rules spread around all 5 books. So, no Scenery and Rulebooks. Rules will be featured as 12 pages at the end of each book. (Source: GW FAQ)
2. Xenos will have two books (Unconfirmed rumour)
3. Space Marines will get their own book (Unconfirmed rumour)
4. Codexes are not discontinued and will still appear (GW FAQ)

NEW Factions:
Thousand Sons
Death Guard
Adeptus Mechanicus (Skiitari and Cult Mechanicus)

Removed Factions (their models will only get rules, ya git):
Skiitari (Merged with Cult Mechanicus)
Cult Mechanicus (Merged with Skiitari)
Khorne Daemonkin (World Eater plans?)
Militarum Tempestus

>Only hit on a 5+

There's probably no bonus attack for charging anymore.
There might not be a bonus attack for carrying a pistol either.
You can already get four attacks and a pistol shot on the turn you charge and it isn't very impressive.
BS 2.

Any titanfags here hoping 8th ed weapons won't be turbolasers all the way down?

>mfw apoc missile launchers actually good

So, you can shoot a pistol while locked in close combat...

Can you shoot it at units which are locked in close combat with you?
Can you shoot it at other units?
At units locked in close combat with someone else?
What about if they are locked in close combat with an unit which is locked in close combat with an unit which is locked in close combat with you, but none of their models are in base to base contact with the models from your unit?

You're only allowed to fire your pistol at the closest enemy model.

You didn't even read the fucking post did you?

Heed to Yvraine's boyfriend.

"You also can’t shoot if there is an enemy with 1″ of you. The exception to this rule is pistols. Models with these hand-held firearms can shoot at the closest enemy target in the Shooting phase, even if they themselves are locked in combat! This is going to make characters with pistols incredibly deadly up-close.

When picking a target, you won’t be able to shoot enemies that are in combat with other units, much like the current edition. " Did you even read the blog post?

New video was released, teasing the nu-marines.

I've been pronouncing Roboute's name wrong my whole life.

Hopefully Pistol + CCW will still grant an extra attack.


oh hey, GW put up a new video

Sigmarines confirmed?

>4cc edition
Also does anybody have or heard about Invasion Swarms: Tyranids Painting Guide pdf?
Ive been wanting to paint my nids for some time now and i believe that the book would help me but i cant find it anywhere

" We have not thrived we have merely survived." Video is actually about GeeDubs


Numarines special unit confirmed?

Who would have thought it was pronounced as "Ro-booty"

Even UM haters (aka proper people) didn't stoop that low, kek.

Xth for Heavy Bolter Devs on the move!


Robooty girlyman

Here's hoping they're not a new army, but rather new Elite choices for Marines.

What's a unit in your army you still haven't used in 7th? Bonus points for if you own the model
Come on times running out
>pic related


Based GW letting me rebuy my entire Space Marine collection over again



New SM confirmed indeed. I'm hyped. I lile the fact that they say this will help chapters that need reinforcements, showing the SW. No fan of the Vlka Fenryka byt happy to see the new marines won't be restricted to UM.
Guiliman and Cawl confirmed based as fuck, look at those gestation pods on Mars. They're vat breeding thousands of them.

Ennemies of Mankind, beware, your anal circumference is about to be stretched.

> Robooty

Fuck this, to me he will always be Rowboat.

That's what the teaser made it sound like.

It's heavily hinted that it is just a new elite unit type though.

Being a single elite choice would be the ideal

>Playing space marines in the first place
You deserve it for playing the most vanilla boring faction in the game.

Yes, so that they can fuck off

That sounds like what it is.
It's definitely not a replacement for marines, so anyone who claimed as much is BTFO

I could see them being equivalents of Rubric/Noise/Plague Marines, Elites in standard SM army and Troops in their own one.

Well my Crimson Fists won't be getting those new marines. Looking at what happend last time it was tried (Ravenguard during HH) this can only end badly ...

You know no one is going to force you to buy the new models right? You could just play with your old collection

>hey user, all my marines are the new Indomitus dudes!
>but those are the old marines
>exactly; i'm doing counts as!

>your guys aren't going to be important anymore but you can still use them


sounds like Theoden off of LotR
Good V/O

I mean, yeah, that's my point. It makes it a new thing like Wulfen that people can ignore and not take if they don't like it, rather than a full replacement

RG raptors was Coraw being desperate and using the Emperor's tech in a hurry, in addition to it being fucked by Alpha Legionnaires.
This time, Cawl spend 10k years on it, and it is supervised by Guiliman.
It'll be fine and dandy. I really like how they're grown.
I like the new direction of the setting, the big chaotic warp scar cutting the gamaxy in 2, yet hope remains. Hell, it's in the vidoe description, hope remains.

>not using awesome truescale NuMarines as models for your dudes

Exactly what i was thinking.

it did said reinforcements for chapters still ok, and rebirth for tired/extict chapters

maybe the other thing Cawl made was a way to clone fallen space marines so that now they can be mass produced at an even higher rate to replenish losses

like combining the genetic creation of custodes with the genetic augmentation of SM

So it's Rew-bew-tay Gilly-men

Also nice, numarines. I hope Dark Angels can take them in a Mixedwing army.

I kinda like Girlymans character in the clip, he was around in a time when the imperium was set to rule the Galaxy, he has no complacency to watch what his father built crumble, up until now most people and factions were okay with just holding off the darkness, R money is going to push back against it

Oddly enough, I'd have more desire to include these in a Chaos army as some of Bile's experminemental mutant marines or what have you

>No xenos
Tau confirmed as an imperium allies

I hope Lion comes back and rearms his legion just to piss Guilliman off

Is it worth buying a new SC box now, or wait until after 8th? A bit concerned about if the formation datasheet will still be compatible.

Robooty Guileman knows who the true threat is

Jonathan Keeble according to a fb comment.

>being this retarded
Yeah, the lines "to the space marines chapters bloodied and besieged in the dark imperium we bring reinforcement. To the chapters lost in valiant duty or driven to destruction we offer rebirth" totally means space marines are being replaced. Offering reinforcement and aide is totally the same thing as being rendered unimportant

Lion fucking hates Guilliman and vice versa so if he comes back the smurf faggot would be eternally pissed.

Unfortunately for King of the blue man group Lion also happens to have been the Loyalist equivalent of Horus before he got buffed to shit by the Dark Gods, so Guilliman is royally fucked if he tries to screw with the Lion.

I doubt the formation given will still apply, but more than likely they'll replace it with new ones or otherwise have some way for you to take it as an army.

I would say buy it if you like the army and want those models

>being this b8'd

If you buy SC bowes for datasheets and not the absolute steal you get out of models, you're doing it wrong buddyboy.

and i was hoping that Girlyman would sound like Richard Harris-esque Augustus Caesar

welp, Not bad at all.

And he will say that Lion is a Faggot and he should stop being a jealous faggot and leave the fucking closet once and for all

Fulgrim will be confirmed as the Straight primarch and Slaanesh will posses Lion

Thanks for the daily dose doc

How bout you read the post dumbfuck

Consieering they said formations aren't in 8th ed, it definitely won't be there per se. Maybe in another form.

>I was just pretending to be retarded


Sorry, I wanted a new Skitarii army for the new edition, and wanted something special to deploy them with.

What weapon for the Dune crawler do you think will be best in the new edition? I haven't been keeping up with the changes as well as others.

>extinct and dying space marine chapters will be replaced by numarines
>they totes not getting replaced dude!


So, I'm guessing the new Space Marines are being made for people who want official lore-size marines.

Lore-wise, I see these guys as being available for all Chapters and might be seen as Thunder Warriors who do not suffer from mental or physical break down.

>To the chapters lost in valiant duty or driven to destruction, we offer rebirth
>All with a Grey Hunter on screen

Well, at least it appears that it's something all marines will get, and not just the vanilla ones like the Cataphractii Terminators or that anniversary marine

if you're talking about strength then maybe, otherwise Guilliman was the other equivalent of Horus, (Sanguinius more but the Emperor knew of the red thirst) but he was not picked because Guilliman was also a huge sperg that found flaws in everything his brothers did making him hated by many, Lion was even worse as he was practically isolated from everyone sans the Emperor

Well, I think we already got word of an FOC chart with less slots but only 1 Mandatory troop, so most of them would fit into that without issue

I don't like the artstyle they took for this videos very much.


So how are swarm armies like nids looking for 8th?

>the same thing as replacement


We saw what it looked like already on pictures.
Bigger arms, bigger feet, bigger kneepads with concave ridges, different bolters, the helmets seemed to retain a ressemblance to mk7 and the gorget was straight up mk8.

Bet they are like skavens in AoS - good

I'm not the same user, it's just an obvious pattern that every time a new announcement is made people come to the general just to shitpost and b8 people who are too autistic not to reply to stuff that's obviously blown out of proportion or not true

I hope they give the special terminator variants to every one instead of just vanilla marines. There's really no excuse this time

I always disliked MK4 helmet, i love classic Armorum Imperator more.

>being this pedantic

>Vat-grown super-soldiers produced at a rate fast enough to to reinforce all space marine chapters
>No physical or mental breakdown
Wouldn't be so optimistic about that one myself.

I want to use him too, but no one will play me. I wanted to run my make shift Straken model with Nork and rush up the field.

>tfw all space marine fluff will be guillimarine from now on

So far they seem like they'll end up pretty good. You don't have to spread out as much, and nothing will be entirely immune to your weapons. Lighter armor saves also need heavier weapons to ignore them.

>not true

What will you say in a few years from now when all they sell are numarines I wonder?

Its MK4 helmet.

I respect that but man I really love MK4 helmet

>even in death matt ward still strikes

unless Cawl has been making them since a long time, it would be an asspull that they suddenly come out with legion numbers of SM to reinforce all chapters

why not just put down the codex restrictions and let chapters grow as much as they can?

>the action of reappearing or starting to flourish or increase after a decline; revival
>the act of taking the place of something else

>these are totally the same thing guyz!!!1! If you say otherwise you're being pedantic!

See? A good example right here, and then they try to cover up you calling them out with more autistic screeching

Five nights at Freddies reference??

>why not just put down the codex restrictions and let chapters grow as much as they can?
Because the chapter system doesn't limit the number of space marines, it just decentralizes control to prevent another horus heresy?

teach a man to fish and why would he buy from you?

it might be also too complicated for marines to make. the admech can pump out geneclones by the dozens which might be more effective then recruiting battle hardened teens/tweens then putting them through the ringer. there might also be a higher success rate

>why can't we let chapters grow as large as they want?
>what was the badab war and Horus heresy

Someone get us a shoop of row bootay girlyman twerking

>Hail Champions of Fenris
>The Lord Commander sends myself and my indomitus marine brothers to join your chapter
>What the fuck is with all the wolves

>humanity is beset on all sides
>bring out bigger tougher warriors of man for a new crusade across the galaxy

We Thunder Warriors faction now?