Will GW ever give them the Necron treatment and retcon them to maintain actual developing personalities and be more than just chrome shells literally bleeding emotions and character?

I mean fuck, even space marines could be counted on at least having zeal and fanaticism.

I mean... don't they just behave like normal people until they die? I thought the lore was they're the same people they were before being upgraded, but each time they die they lose personality, not that they START with no personality.

Do we ever see them without those face helms?

Or would that kill them?

Are you asking if it would hurt to remove their mask?

I think he's asking if they would die.

Yeah, they're just people beneath the armor. Divinely-upgraded people, but they're not like the Thousand Sons or anything. Men, women, elves, maybe dwarfs.


Some of them choose to not wear masks.

>Or would that kill them?
It would be extremely painful.

They're pretty big guys.

That was always a bit disappointing to me.
I'd originally thought they were like the broken lords from Endless Legend.

It doesn't really matter WHAT they are, since Veeky Forums hates them anyways.

The Broken Lords have personalities

They eat, piss, shit, get bored, get exited, have feeling, etc.
I dont get this thread.

1 and half year ago tou could troll easily but now that we have several book on them "muh golem" is shit tier trolling.

>1 and half year ago tou could troll easily but now that we have several book on them "muh golem" is shit tier trolling.
Actually some people still repeat those things. Most people discarded everything AoS related because not muh WHFB and not muh Old World. They discarded it so hard that they only heard false rumours and repeat them so the plague spreads.

Yeah but there's nothing underneath the armor.

For Sigmar.

This thread is pointless because it is confirmed that they do indeed have personalities, and are actually bodies of flesh and blood underneath the armor.

Their personalities vary a lot that each one has their own fighting styles and all that. They just wear a uniform, like any other disciplined military, that all look alike. Also one thing to keep in mind, they were all adults when they were taken up and reforged into divine soldiers, as opposed to space marines which start the process when they're children. So these adults have their own memories, and even beliefs that come into play.

They are still fairly new, so there really aren't that many variants in their armor yet, so it's not like SM with different marks of armor and different helmets and all that.

The best way I can describe it is look at the space marine legions before the horus heresy. These guys are pre-horus heresy marines legions, and they are all loyal.

Well, tell us where to find lore that wasn't written by a 1st-grader (inb4 muh battletomes) and maybe somebody will come around to liking them.

In addition to losing individual personality, the newest battletome revealed that some gradually take on extreme traits, usually related to their Chamber. For example if you had a Chamber who was known for it's stubbornness, Stormcast from it that are reforged could come back even more stubborn.

There are also some who suffer from things such as lightning flaring around their eyes when they get angry.

Stormcast are all human, though they can be men or women. The thing about them being elves or dwarfs from something a BL author said shortly after AoS was released.

They're fucking gay and Games Workshop fucked up something good like when they removed Gorka Morka.

>Veeky Forums is one person

>Will GW ever give them the Necron treatment and retcon them to maintain actual developing personalities

God I hope not.

>"Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars—mere globs of gas atoms. Nothing is "mere". I too can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more?
>"The vastness of the heavens stretches my imagination—stuck on this carousel my little eye can catch one-million-year-old light. A vast pattern—of which I am a part—perhaps my stuff was belched from some forgotten star, as one is belching there. Or see them with the greater eye of Palomar, rushing all apart from some common starting point when they were perhaps all together. What is the pattern, or the meaning, or the why? It does not do harm to the mystery to know a little about it.
>"For far more marvelous is the truth than any artists of the past imagined! Why do the poets of the present not speak of it?
>"What men are poets who can speak of Jupiter if he were like a man, but if he is an immense spinning sphere of methane and ammonia must be silent?"
—Richard Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I, p. 3-6 (line breaks added)



>his pauldron is actually a cleverly disguised grot

What's the price of immorality?

Same as the Space Marines: to be the greatest defenders of humanity, you must sacrifice your own.

I love the bit of fluff in the new battletome of ionus cryptborn getting an assignment to enter one of tzeentch's silver towers. So what does he do? He handpicks a bunch of paladins who have been reforged way too many times that they became emotionless beings of pure antichaos vengeance. They enter the tower and proved practically immune to all of tzeentch's chaos trickery and manipulation. They were an anathema to him.

It's not always good that this type of change happens to the stormcasts though. They sort of become golems in that they don't always have independent thought or initiative and need constant command, but it does bring advantages against chaos though.

I hope in the future we get rules for units that have been reforged too many times. I find it an interesting take on the Divine warrior aspect

For the shortcomings of AoS, I at least like that it lets other factions have a fighting chance against Chaos.

It is a different tone than old fantasy or 40k. As a fan of old fantasy, I find it a welcome change.

Old fantasy was chaos was always going to win. The books all drove chaos inevitability into you like a nail. Everyone could only delay it, and not indefinitely.

Now things are reversed, sort of. Chaos is not slated to inevitably lose, but they are not seen as the unstoppable Force anymore. It's refreshing

One purpose, one will - hate everything.

I'm fine with Chaos being unbeatable, but not with it being "irresistible". If the war against Chaos will last forever, then that's fine, but if they're GOING to win I find that bullshit.

At the very least, if they're slated to always win in the end it should be temporary. Ragnarok-style. Like maybe after each kalpa a new, stronger "Sigmar" will always arise to remake the world to be even more Chaos-resistant.

But that's just me, people are free to rage or whatever if they want.

Sigmar daemon princes/rubric marines confirmed. I think this was also hinted at in the novel where they teamed up with the seraphon