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Cite source, faggot.

I'm OK with that. The guy deserve a victory.

more coming soon

>b-but it's vague
>i-it doesn't prove anything

as i said, more proof incoming

It proves Gorgutz was the one who massacred Boreale, which was my headcannon. His BALD and FEWLISH head deserved to land on the pointy stick.
Also using deep strikes to defend against endless green horde sounds like a retarded plan. It's just throwing marines away to be eaten by the orks.

It makes sense if you're using deepstrikes to wipe out nobz and other faction leaders within the WAAGH.

>using deep strikes to defend

Wasn't that Dark Crusade?

Or, if not, what was the DC space marine base assault?

That was Soulstorm. In general, the vast majority of the stupidest and idiotic character actions and voice acting are from Soulstorm.

The DC space marine base assault was orbital bombardment and First Company boyz.


"Hold the relay station! We must keep in touch with the Litany of Fury!"

In Dark Crusade the marines just had reinforcements coming from orbit.

What the fuck is with the campaign? No one sounds or looks like themselves. Hell, Diomedes doesn't even FEEL like Diomedes, and Jonah looks younger for some fucking reason. And don't get me started on the obvious villain inquisitor.


What are you talking about Boreale was obviously the pinacle of voice acting.

Still waiting on the rest of those proofs faggot.

Still waiting.

All you've prooved so far is he killed a bunch of blood ravens

I played DoW III and all I can say that the story is shit.
Apart from primarch sized terminator jumping terminator, Gabriel Angelos is uniting himself with Gorgutz in the end. Not to mention all other shitting on their own lore.
ButI liked few missions, the one where you have to rescue chaplain, it reminded me off DoW II style singleplayer.

How is gameplay through?

That was a script, right?

You ever play starcraft?

It's nothing like Starcraft, user.

>But /v/ said...
/v/ never played Starcraft in their life.
I have a suspicion a good number of them never played any Dawn of War game, either. Not even the new one, let alone the old ones made when the average /v/ goer still attended kindergarten.

I still do not know if I should buy it. It looks like APM Hell.

Op's right. But still a faggot

Wait until there's enough coverage of it.
Also, wait until they add other five-eight races and the price drops from like 150$ for the whole set to 30$ with a little tag attached, saying 'please buy me, my developers will be bought by EA otherwise'.

Welp, looks like Stubbsfag gonna attempt suicide...


Here you go




well bugger me

How the hell does he won vs Necrons and Vect?

Fuckin' Orks man.


Vance motherfucking DEAD

vect died in soulstorm
vect removed from codex


>B-But muh Stubbs!
>Muh 1d4chinny memes!
How will they ever recover?

Honestly, Stubbs was such a retard. He lost 100 baneblades, and when he was losing, he ran away like a pussy. He probably got executed like bitch by a commissae as he ran into the vulture.

Gorgutz, proper, won.

Eldar wasted the Necrons than left

Dark Eldarz was muckin' about too much

Well snap.


How did a retard like Gorgutz won?

His plans are usually 'crush them' and 'bring me an ork to kill when plans go wrong'.

>Get to Diomedes
>New VA
Geez Relic really fucked the voice acting in this game.

Why does the disorder factions keep winning Dawn of War?

Grim Darkness of the far future.

>DoW vanilla: Maledictum daemon freed.
>Winter Assault: Eldar victory.
>Dark Crusade: Blood Ravens victory.
>Soulstorm: Orky victory.
>DoW 2: Tyranids got killed.
>Chaos Rising: Mild Corruption, Avitus is the traitor.
>Retribution: Blood Ravens/Eldar victory. Maledictum daemon got krumped.

>have to play the shitty DoW2 to see the rest of Gabriel's story

2 things to consider:
-the new studio is just that, new. Almost every head of something left.
-VA strike, meani g many of the old VA could be refusing to work or whatnot.


For some reason black guy+glowy eyes always looks bad ass.


Screw you, Jonah is based as fuck and the beard is actually a really good addition on him.

Just like pale skin and void black eyes is commonly creepy/scary.

From what I can tell, it doesn't say that Gorgutz WON Soulstorm. At the very least, he's the one who destroyed the SM stronghold (makes sense, he's right next to it) and that he obviously survived the campaign. It doesn't mean he won outright.

i know, im just dicking around. I havent tried the game, but this guy looks pretty cool


See: The only matter is: how?




These are now canon. Watch to know how.

Retarded? Nah man, what are you talking about? There's nothing retarded about the Dark Eldar setting up their base next to the heretic mon-keigh that worship the soul-stealing chaos god that they've been desperately trying to avoid for millenia.


It's time to spread the truth, anons.

>VA strike, meani g many of the old VA could be refusing to work or whatnot.
That's still a thing?

Alternatively, it makes perfect sense, because it's isolated away from all the other factions, and if you can wipe out the Chaos forces right away, you don't have to worry about them corrupting and infiltrating the other factions you're enslaving.

Maybe? I dunno. I hope the French VA are as on point as they were before. They were better than the English ones (had more people) in the previous games, and apparently the english VA aren't as good i thsi game.

Just. Because. They. Were. There.

I don't care. In my Kaurava the 252nd conservator regiment banner still flies high!

I'm going to chalk it up to the writers not thinking things through. Like for instance, the in-universe reason you use the webways to travel between planets is because the warp storm is making normal space travel to and between the planets impossible. Now that's fine for both Eldar as they normally use webways, the Necrons were there already, and Chaos are aided in the warp. But everyone else flew there normally. HOW? THE WARP STORM SAYS THEY CAN'T.

I know, the voice acting on the SM and Orky sides is heresy of the highest decree. Hell, they even removed the hilariously overblown way of talking Diomedes had.



I like the acting for the gretchins. And if nothing else, the ork dialog's writing is spot-on.

Do they make any reference on how he became a Chaplain? Or to the former episodes at all?

Monolithic fucking shit

For the orks, war is the win condition, thus they cannot lose

Yeah, but Gorgutz's lines are... odd, they feel like they're missing something and i can't for the life of myself find what.

Gotta agree with you in the dialogue bit though, Gorgutz is as kunnin as he is brutal.

>the first ork mission when Gorgutz builds the big gun, only for it to reveal that all it does at first is insult the enemy

I'll pirate it just to play that, if I'm kept entertained for more than 30 minutes I'll buy it.


it uses denuvo

They've made passing references to the previous games, but no, they haven't explained Diomedes' career change so far as I've gotten.

>What waz dat
>It insults da enemy boss, so dat dey get sad and stop foightan us.
>Oh, well izn't dat neat. One problem, DEY'S STILL FOIGHTAN US.

Dont open it.

And then the way they move it to their base.

But more than that, the fact that both the Eldar and Smarines are Grim. Dramatic. Gravitas. All. The. Time. So the Orks are the only ones who actually cut across that in any way.

God I hate the writing in this game. DoW 2 was so much better.

Oh, see they are the mysterious enemies in the game. And I was afraid that it would just be daemons.

Honestly I'd be down for them to push off IG and Chaos for an expansion and have the first one for DoW3 be Necrons vs Tau.

They're newcrons I guess?

Neat, I thought Chaos would be the first one added.

You know damn well they're going to ush races one at a time.

What if the first expansion campaign is IG vs Necrons vs Chaos?

>You know damn well they're going to push races one at a time.

I know that is likely the case but it is disheartening to believe because almost every time they do that, Tau/Dark Eldar end up getting shafted and not included.

Nope, they were the owners of the world. They are pissed that it was blown up and their daemon prisoner escaped.

It was heavily hinted crons after that make war not love event where the Necron lord was added to dawn of war II plus the trailer.

The big bad of Dawn of War 3 was the daemon that the Necrons iced on the planet.

My assumption is any post talking about a get that they get is a script.

Oh man he does not look happy being put on Ice.
Finally have an excuse for this fucking picture

That's unsettling.

>We been pushin all da buttons, Wazzmakka, but the compoota's not workin'
>That's cuz youz got to hack it, you gits!

holy shit

I feel like despite the orks kinda being just side characters that wander into the larger narrative, they're the ones the writers put the most effort into.

He's a big demon.

that bloodthirster seems way too big

It is the same VA and he does say "CHAPLIN DIYOMEEDEES" even if he doesn't say "you have" before it. Stop memeing.

It's actually easy to understand how/why. It's the faction where you can have proper fun, where for it to be good, it has to be fun.
The others can quickly turn into writing solemn warrior/smug wizard #8417. They require a lot more actual effort to pull off WELL, although they are the easiest to write at all. As I said, you can make them fairly easy, but writing them well requires effort and talent. There'sa reason Tarkus is so appreciated. He's a simple concept, the typical space marine. But he's done well, and that's a lot harder to do.

There's something very comical about necrons just freezing a demon, i mean, they could just seal him in a tiny cube or something, but they decided to put him on a ball of ice instead.

Wait nevermind, you were right he isn't the same VA. He does a really good job at sounding as ridiculous and comical as Diomedes did in Retribution though.

>In an age of madness, let the madman lead the way!

Fuck off retard, he is shit.

You're just mad because this means the space marines will get baneblades before the IG.

Mind showing his master skin?

Why does this game look so much like Heroes of the Storm/Starcraft 2 graphics-wise?