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Flat is forbidden edition.

Also, someone post the archangel version, I apparently haven't saved it.

I've got photoshop open. Motivation high. Inspiration low. I need an idea for a short cyoa NOW before my motivation dwindles to nothing.


Damn, this is taking forever. Now even those few people who know that I exist think that I'm dead.
I'm already long past the deadline I set up for myself, and I'm only half way done.
Throw some insults at me, it should make me work faster.

You are a shitposter on /cyoag/: Pick what bait to post to get your precious (You)'s.

>Not posting the edited version with the best career
Archangel version coming in a sec


I don't have the new mystery box tho

This exists and thus is better cyoa than yours.

Does there exist a tier list of superpowers from which one might easily select a few powers of roughly the same power for the purpose of making a cyoa?

mystery box

>someone got an erection to this

Is it you?

You know, michelle would be a lot more appealing if she didn't have that dumbass hat.


finnish gf is literally perfect.

Philemon is slacking the fuck off and now Stephen has to make a Megaten CYOA. Spend points on demons. Waste points on Social Link ranks to make them waifus. Maybe blow the leftover on human acquaintances and gain drawback points by pissing off alignment organizations.



Some quick OC I cooked up this morning.

She doesn't have to leave it on, you know.

Haven't seen this one for a while.

I left a setting on that made the bottom half look kinda wonky. Here's the OC for real.

>'waifu pickers have no replayability!'
>people keep reposting them

explain this fags

>reposting = replaying
>because they're short and easy



If I take Childish, can I keep my ding dong?



No, that's what the Unchanged option is for.

Never liked this one. It gives you stats with no context, then adds in pvp for shits and giggles. How important is having technique over strength? If two people with stats 1 apart fight, is it always a win for the higher stat? If not, what can change the outcome? How does threat interact with stats?

Too many of the options seem like sophism.

>Motherly (male)
Mama is here to care of his little girls.
Mama wants his little girls to make lots of friends, and Mama needs to find a man too.

>Role Model
>Demon Form
Mama will teach you how to make your way in this world and she'll tear to shreds any nasty pervert who threatens them.

Mama's gonna teach you moderation. Trust me, if you just try to achieve pleasure all the time you're going to wake up one day surrounded by 5 guys whose name you don't even know.
Seems like a nice girl. I'll make her wake up at a proper hour though. Mama knows too much sleep gives you wrinkles.
Mama adores colour.
Mama will teach you some proper taste. She'll learn to use her powers for good.
Mama's gonna need to wind down every now and then. We'll keep the parties pg13.

>If I take Childish, can I keep my ding dong?
>No, that's what the Unchanged option is for.
You fucked up. Try again.

It's a pun.

Japanese gay bars are run by a mama(-san). The mama stereotypically gives life advice and such to his "girls". I found it fitting so I made that the theme of my build.

It's just a cyoa.

I guess it's aimed for people who are fans of the game series?
Stats probably make more sense for them. Hunts aren't really explained either. Not sure why you would ever pick Bounties over Licenses or why you would add Danger to your Terrain.

It's not wrong to make cyoa for specific audience tho, the Touhou one is like that too.

Maybe the game has some kind of immortality/resurrection dealie that's just not mentioned, who knows. People who play the games, I guess.

It has no resemblance to Monster Hunter in any way. Monster Hunter games don't have abilities, stats, pvp, etc.

How did he fucked up? All options except Unchanged turn you into a girl(female), the Unchanged lets you stay male and keep your ding dong.

So the only options to ever interact with other humans is Resort and Nexus?

>no resemblance to Monster Hunter
I'm hoping that the games have monsters and maybe hunting.

But if the character creation system has no connection to the game and the stats aren't explained at all, how are you supposed to figure out what kind of challenges you could or could not take on?

>user makes a cyoa because you posted about your fantasy
Heckin' good work beri!

>Big Sis
Onee-chan is here to care for the sweet girls.
If it could be a big academy this would be 10/10 perfect. Nexus would probably also be okay but I kinda want to be the only Onee-chan.
Because Onee-chan is here to make everyone feel safe and happy.
>Child's heart
To help when we play games.
I kinda had hoped the Twin form would let me make a clone. I need to be able to be there for everyone at once

>beri I mean Existence
Because it is important she feels happy and safe.
She'll be great to help me plan out sessions for tabletops.
She feels like I do and wants to help everyone. I'll tell her it's not okay to make the other girls have crushes (but I'll still think it's adorable to look at)
Oh gee I can only pick one more...
Dang, Spring and Fall would fit in with my tabletop sessions but I can't get rid of any girl.
Her power is very, well, powerful. It would not be good if she abused it. It's not okay to force others to agree with you like that (but I don't mind if she gets me a second season of Chuunibyou)

Lots of good little girls that need to have their smile protected.
Gosh darn it beri, every time you make a cyoa it's great.

Whoa, nice. The square boxes are a cool change.
Big Sis. Can't go wrong with vanilla. Motherly is a close second. I'll look like pic related!
Nexus! Not only do I get to talk to other people, but they get the opportunity to make friends besides just me and each other, as well. I'll still make them get a good education, though.
Child's Heart and Twin Form. I'll try to be a role model without the aura's help, so Child's Heart will help when I can actually let myself have fun with them.
Ah, here we go.
Rebirth. Her power's a little bit dangerous, so she needs someone with firm morality to make sure she doesn't go down the wrong path. Still, if she's capable of worrying about her power's nature, that means she has a good base to build off of. I'll try and help her focus on the rebirth factor of it, so that she can feel better about herself.
Mischief. I can deal with pranks all the time, and Child's Heart should help me not get irritated by them if they start to happen a bit too often or too severely. She sounds like someone who just needs someone to laugh along with her when things go wrong, and who can take an unfortunate circumstance and turn it around into something positive.
Love. Although her power has less dire implications than Rebirth's, it's still one that should be dealt with tactfully and responsibly. I guess I'll just have to be there for her to provide more than enough love that she'll never need to use it on anyone! Plus, teaching her about how it's bad to mess with people's hearts and feelings.
Pop. She sounds like the sort of person I can be myself to, and the hardest part of dealing with her would probably just be making sure she spends some time off the computer. Besides, protagonists with hidden powers are super cool. In fact, I could easily see myself getting close to her as the first, and then unveiling my Twin Form - my own hidden power!

Anybody else choose Nexus? We can set up some playdates!

I usually dislike your graphical design but I have to say you've made use of some truly interesting and creative formats here Beri.

You get a gold star.

Even the monsters are unlike your typical monster hunter monsters. These are way flashier and outright magical.

It has about as much resemblance to monster hunter as competitive fishing does to pokemon.

Be honest. How long does a cyoa like that take to make?

>It gives you stats with no contex
Stats are explained what they do. It's used to compare builds with eachother and to provide a bonus on skills that need a little extra to compare with ones that provide a lot of utility.

>adds in pvp for shits and giggles
Adding PvP for the sake of PvP.

>How important is having technique over strength?
Obviously very important. Raw power is great but it's only that. Techniques and versatility can make the best out of any situation.

>If two people with stats 1 apart fight, is it always a win for the higher stat? If not, what can change the outcome?
Tons of factors. Environment, your skills, equipment or souls, fighting style, etc.

>How does threat interact with stats?
Threat is a generalized number for the difficulty of each monster/area category.

>I guess it's aimed for people who are fans of the game series?
Not at all. It has nothing in common with the videogame series other than the name and some images.

>But if the character creation system has no connection to the game and the stats aren't explained at all, how are you supposed to figure out what kind of challenges you could or could not take on?
Stats are explained in the legend. CYOAs are a thought exercise medium. It's all fantasy. In other terms, it's not set in writing. Generally people pick according to what they want to achieve or what they estimate can handle.

>Anybody else choose Nexus? We can set up some playdates!
Sorry. I don't really like sharing. And I still can't get an academy.
Plus, what happens if we pick the same girls?

>Stats are explained in the legend
They really aren't. How much does 1 point of strength actually increase your strength? How does speed from agility differ from speed from skill?

>they estimate can handle
how do you make estimates with no context. Sure, cyoas are all fantasy, but if your stats are as undefined as the ones in this cyoa, they're worse than useless, they're a detriment.

>Stats are explained what they do.
Not that guy, but no they're not. It's a meaningless number. Sure, yeah, we know that four strength is stronger than five, but we have no idea how strong either actually is. You could be benching a hundred pounds per, a ton per, or a mountain per. There's no scope.

...I just realized we picked almost exactly the same girls. And I was strongly considering going for Existence as my fifth but decided that four was enough to handle.

OC but it's fairly short.


Yes, unless you're fine with the internet & rare time off.

I thought about making Spring & Fall count as a single girl since they help take care of each other. Not sure. If they're unpopular, I might buff them like that.
You chose a very cuddly group.
>every time you make a cyoa it's great

That's cute. I like your idea to unveil your own hidden power to Pop.

Thanks. Yeah, I tried to experiment with some different layouts.

Let's see. I started at like... 8? And I finished at around 2. So that's 6 hours.

Ah I get you now, my bad. I decided to go with an undetermined power level on the stats because it was a hassle to balance that out along with the rest. Sorry if it doesn't work out for you.

You... didn't pick the slimegirl?

Gotta count to ten.
Don't. No. Count to ten.
Forgive him for he knows not what he says.

I always assumed one stat represent normal average/good human level. Since it doesnt make sense for master of the hunt to make you weaker than you was.
But I would like to see how it corresponds with lethality and danger. One skull for five stats or something like it.

>tfw Beri dissaproves of your build ()

I'm sorry. I'll become a better person.

Please stay where you are.

>forced immortality
Her magic affects food even if I don't know what "comfy food" is. She's boring as fuck but whatever.

Rolled 1 (1d4)

All of these are really good. So much so I'm rolling a die.

Yeah, I'm assuming that having two stars puts you at least above the average person though maybe not by much. It's hard to tell is all I'm saying.

>that angle
But she's just going to shoot through her nose? She won't hit any part of her brain?

Ah, sorry! I was getting lunch & missed it. I hadn't replied to you yet.

It's not like (male) really breaks anything... It's more there to discourage lewdness. I mean, you're free to go outside of the rules of a CYOA, but that just brings about the same debates of "why not just imagine anything?" But this is minor enough that it hardly matters.
I feel like your advice for Pleasure is just gonna leave her with more questions.
I feel like they'd be alright in your care. You wouldn't take Demon Form if you didn't care about them.

The update for Wilds Outside is coming along. It's taken me more than I'm proud to admit to come up with a replacement for the "Tasks" section, but I made it.
Until then, this is an addendum containing the creatures and some ores which you can either add to your build of you want/can or just consider as flavortext otherwise.
Feel free to leave suggestions/spellchecks/shitposts/whatnot.

The goblin of course. OG Shortstack can't do wrong.

I was going to! I just didn't know if I could handle one more. Here, I can still adopt her, right? I'll make it work somehow!

She seems cute, though she might be a bit tough with the whole "not understanding the consequences of her actions" part. I'm not sure how the best way to gently teach her about that without making her feel bad is. Honestly, she'll be a tough nut to crack and bring up the right way, but in the end, I don't doubt that it'll be super-rewarding.


Skeletons are dumb and you should try to eat something that isn't live spiders.

Even then, the stats don't tell much. Is 2 Str twice as strong as normal human then? Or maybe just a little stronger?

It's not just this but a lot of cyoas seem to want to add in some stat system that then has no context to the rest of universe. The advantage of numerical stat system in games is that it's easy to interact with ruleswise. But cyoas don't have rules really, so I think descriptive stat system would work a lot better.

YEa, saying "you are stronger" is muuuuuch better than a simple number !

Saber CYOA did pretty good job in this aspect I`d say.

Damn near every cyoa i've seen that let you improve stats gave a short description. Like, 1 point in strength is average human, 2 can lift a care, 3 is superman. Or whatever. Point was they gave you an idea of how the stats interacted with the world, whereas in this one they're just empty numbers.

Okay I can swap to Nexus since user took all the same girls as I did.
I'm still gonna build a school though!
Even if there's only five girls.

There'l also be a world to explore outside the school, so that's nice. Plus they get to socialize with others just like them.

CYOAs in general have no replayability

Saber CYOA was dogshit so it doesn't count.


Two of my favorite things.

I suggest a savage.

>InCase, the CYOA.

Girza is great.

So how does lets say being raven and goblin giving you aphrodisiacs exactly works?
Rest are just into bestality I assume.

What if I pick unchanged but in already a girl?

You still remain as you are.

You get a complementary cock

>btw am a grill! XD

Nice! Someone else to talk to around here! If you ever need someone to help out with that school, I'm your guy! Or, I guess, girl now. We'll get them taught somehow, definitely!

I just want the option to grow a penis.

I'm sorry to hear you have such a disgusting fetish.

I mean, I'm running a daycare, right?
They may be more sheltered but it will be good for them to be social.
>Fairy form
I can be like their fairy godmother or something.
Gonna take care of a cute slimegirl
Geez Beri. I figure with my motherly figure, I can be someone she can relate to.
She's just going to make my job easier
Another selfish choice. I want my sequels dammit.
This makes buying holiday supplies real easy.

You've got a point there with Pleasure. At least she won't be alone in her circumstances. You did pick quite a few just to make things easier.

Okay guys: Checking for traps!
Would you rather as a rogue or as a bard?

What are the odds of a HxH cyoa being made before the manga finishes?

Goin' with Akatta Bok'bok. Gonna be livin the easy life, and I get to transform into a Komodo Dragon.

Cocoon "have cause any casualties", many casualties?

Ravager "Their tale ends in a stinger", tail

Nocturnal Wyvern, "this creature has developed ecolocation", echolocation
"Imbuing their would acause"

Forest Guardian "equipment to change it's shape while maitaining it's mass", maintaining

Black Steel "It has no special caracteristics", characteristics
"Won't alter stones upon forging"?

The odds are zero since you won't do it.

I'd rather do it as the sturdiest, most heavily armored person around by running straight in.

Hard to say, dexterous rogue can easily feel up them unnoticed but charismatic bard can lure them into quiet corner for checking.

I thought about converting all those item cards from the game arc into a CYOA.

Bard. They get a couple spells that can be from ANY spell list. I could just divine the traps or teleport past them or revivify the party's fighter after they run in.

Oh boy, here we go. How badly am I gonna screw this up?

>Body: Big Sis
Huh. Okay then.

>Home: Nexus
Won't do them any good not to have many friends.

>Powers: Child's Heart, Fairy Form
Sounds good to me.

>Charges: Refresh, Mischief, Love
They're adorable.

Keep in mind that we're most likely talking about an infinite span of time.

