Potions may be crafted to mimic any spell, not merely spells with "self" as a target...

>potions may be crafted to mimic any spell, not merely spells with "self" as a target. Drinking a spell of fireball turns you into a fireball for one second

What is your favorite potion?

Wish potion.

Power Word Kill.

What does Polymorph Other do?

My favourite potion is to strong for you.
I'm sorry, I had to
Per 3.5 and pathfinder, potions are limited to spell level 3 and lower.

Explosive Runes. Next time the opposition tries to get a read on me, they are in for a nasty surprise.

I want a potion that allows me to cast acid cloud from my anus. I'd drink it, and then run through a crowded market place tooting like there's no tomorrow!

This is another example of exactly what is wrong with 3.PF types.
Instead of defaulting to the option which would give the most discussion and the most interesting ideas, you choose to cut off discussion at the point where the rules tell you that you have to.
It's like a lot of 3aboos don't even understand the point of a hypothetical, and instead default to picking on the "rules infractions" everyone else is committing when it's obvious to everyone around that no particular attention to rules was ever expected.

You are reaching quite a bit there, but I'll admit I could have explained my reasoning for pointing it out a bit better, I. E. at all.
I brought it up as people had immediately jumped to the most boring options, I.E. Wish and power word kill.
I would argue that having at least some form of limitation promotes more inventive use of what you have access to, otherwise you are going to mainly see people jumping on level 7 spells and above, and neglecting some of the more interesting low level spells.

If you actually want interesting ideas, have people chose a potion from each spell level and then explain their reasoning for it.

>Wish is boring

>What is your favorite potion?

The strongest potion

You can not handle my strongest potion.

What if it's too strong for you?

The retards who equate power with fun are going to keep on thinking like that, and on top of that, most of those people are the kind of shitters who go out of their way to ignore rules when they make them less powerful. There's going to be a certain quotient of garbageposting in every thread, and the only result of setting up rules for a broad question is the people who actually have good ideas being restricted, and the thread dying off at 68 posts because only the retards are answering.
The retards will post no matter what, and in fact more persistently if you put up rules, and sometimes the intelligent people need the opportunity to act like they're retarded to actually post good shit.

It's threads like these that make me realize how bored I am with the standard fantasy trope.

>Instead of Wizard, you'll never play a crazy alchemist who chugs potions to "cast spells."

There are tons of creative thematic stuff you could do with magic, but we usually get the ol' robe and wizard hat magicians that see any creative content.

Hey, nothing's stopping you to homebrew it.

I see where you are coming from and concede the point.

Wish is boring. If you don't understand why, it's because you're boring.

Pathfinder already has an alchemist class. Your "creative" ideas are already stale as fuck. Stick to the setting you're playing in.

Symbol of Fear


That's called curry.

Just my work ethic.

>Ever playing pathfinder.

You mean Tacos?

Fine, I'll just kill myself some other way.

>>you become a wish-granting entity. The next person who says "I wish-" binds you to perform the wish. The wish spell is instantaneous. You gain no additional abilities.
>>you become a word. You may travel at the speed of sound to a target whose name you know.
>>for one hour, everything-EVERYTHING- you can see polymorphs at random.

>A N Y
>>>>>Æ Ñ Ÿ

Really? Still trying to force this unfunny shit?

Yeah, except you design an entire system of rules for them to follow and present it as if they were supposed to. How are they supposed to tell the difference? Nobody can memorize all that crap, it drives you bananas.

It's a half decade old solid meme. Can't force what's already there

>potion of lightning bolt = damaging dimension door

It's garbage that died years ago that you're trying to bring back. Let dead shit remained buried.

>makes a thread about potions
>image is of the Potion Master

Calm down user.


The standard for potions is in fact 3rd level or lower, BUT there are prestige classes and character options that will elevate that limit all the way to the cap.

A Master Alchemist (Magic of Faerun) can brew up to four 9th-level spell potions per day.

>Nobody can memorize all that crap, it drives you bananas.
>tfw I can make several characters and run game sessions for D&D 3.5, D&D 4E, D&D 5E, Pathfinder, Rogue Trader, Mutants and Mastermind 3E and most likely even Ryuutama without even having to look at a book. All the while keeping track of what's happening in 3 different Play by Post games on two different Play by Post sites with little difficulty.
Maybe that explains why I frequently get writers block and have to spend a good hour or three prior to a game to put together a character.

>Chaotic Evil BBEG's plan is to get a Polymorph Other potion and then look at the ground

Hey, let him rage if he wants to. He's had enough of these games.


You're the kind of person who would take mod tools to make every character's moves into falcon punches with no start up or end lag. The kind of person who spawns 400 copies of the final boss. As you get older, you'll realize the best things are found working within interesting limits, not by being given a green field and all the power.