Hi Veeky Forums!

This is Robby the Skeleton.

Robby the Skeleton likes to play human fighters and blaster wizards at his local gamestore. When he's not playing those, he really enjoys making Magic: the Gathering drafts but is really bad and always changes color halfway through.

Other urls found in this thread:


Robby just wants to be accepted by everyone and not live as a spooky scary skeleton, so he likes to frequent his local gamestore! His three best friends are the only ones who will play with him, but Robby keeps a positive attitude about his unlife and always has a smile on his face.

fuck off
we don't need more cancerous conversation about who is and who is not Veeky Forums's mascot

His name is Robby. He's an undead, so perhaps you could call him Rotten. And according to his mug, he's Number One.

Fuck off with your normie memes, OP.

Well I'm sorry you're both alergic to fun, anons.

I'm enjoying the idea. Keep on keeping on, user!

>Robby the Skeleton

Yiff in hell, you furless furfag.


He regularly visits his local gaming shop to casually scare the employees and talk shit about several card games, all while not buying anything and asking for some free coffee.

Requesting my lizardfolk fighter. He's a good baby and everybody loves him. He kills whatever the party tells him to like a good boy.

I like Robby. He seems like a cool guy.

He has a mug what does he drink?

>what does a skeleton drink?
Are you thick? he obviously drinks milk.

And, wrong thread. Good job, me.

Blood from people who used to play with him? That's my guess.

1 part scotch, 2 parts tears of his group


I need more Robby the Skelly

Robby is quite fond of pepperoni pizza.

>two months later
>no real change
WEW guess Veeky Forums was real hardcore about becoming great again.

The fat guy should be named Burt. He looks like a Burt.


Veeky Forums has more mascots than Geico has commercial spokesthings.
That said, Robby wasn't the product of a targeted attempt at generating a mascot.
He's just chill.
The whole idea reminds me a bit of Drew, Lug the God of Holes, and Steve Lichman, who might as well be Veeky Forums.
I approve.

Hey I remember that thread. Good job OP.

Robby seems like a cool guy to play with.

He's too spooky.


Much like Veeky Forums Rpbby sometimes hates fun too

Is Rpbby Robby's evil brother?

Steven Lichman is SO Veeky Forums it hurts.

Plus, I can totally see Robby having a great comic collection, as well.

Every person I know called Robbie is the epitome of douchebaggery. I don't know why this name is cursed so, but this rule applies literally 100% of the time.

You are not out mascot, and you will never be.

I don't know guys, I was in that thread and it seemed kind of forced. But you know, who am I to stop you

The bluehaired woman looks like a Stefanie to me. "Stef" and the guy´s a Kevin. Definitely a Kevin. "Kev"

Oh no, here come the fun police!

I kinda like this, but it's not spooky enough

Seems a little forced but what do I know.

This. Drew the Lich was the superior Veeky Forums skellington, because his popularity rose slightly organically, or at least wasn't as forced at this was

Bone brothers for life.


Nothing gets done here anymore unless it's forced.

At least force something worth forcing.

People cried for two days after moot left, but didn't really do anything he talked about. That user was just repeating that same sentiment in many ways.

There's one thing you can never do, and that's get Veeky Forums to listen to you.

>Lug the God of Holes
tell me more

I like Robby. Post more Robby.


bone hurting juice

>more mascots

The more the merrier!

>The more the merrier
Who the fuck is that?

Cestree, who's best friends with Ribbon, the girl in our banner.

Someone draw a spooky Robby.

Ah shit, my bad, i didnt recognize her in that cutesy as fuck drawstyle

>>Lug the God of Holes
please tell

okay so here goes

The fat guy is the resident nerd expert who is an absolute asshole to anyone who he perceives as a challenge to his knowledge.

The ginger is a decent guy but sort of a normie, but after advice from his psychiatric ward he's been helping out at (but secrelty an outpatient), he decided to play board games.

The teal girl is your resident SJW who is trying to understand this game so she can infiltrate it and influence it accordingto her and her Tumblr community's desire. Secretly hates every other person there.

This thread is more evidence if Veeky Forums slowly going to shit fast

Yes I know

>Steve Lichman
Googled this out of interest and damn it's funny! I wondered what that "just fucking kill me" reaction image was from.

Why are we doing this mascot shit yet again? This was the original result from just after this boards creation. Nobody liked it then, nobody likes it now.

feels to me like you're forcing it,
but don't let me piss on your camp fire

it's still OC and not thread complaining about D&D №5399849

I like the ground work, here, so let's "Yes, and..." this

>The fat guy is the resident nerd expert who is an absolute asshole to anyone who he perceives as a challenge to his knowledge
His name is probably something that sounds kinda gross when it comes out of your mouth. I like Burt, suggested earlier. He's in his 50s, been playing everything under the sun since forever, tried his hand at creating his own games (but they are such number-crunching autism that even HE'S embarrassed to share.) He loves to one-Up your stories with his own "totally better story I swear guise" Deep down, he just wants to have friends and be accepted, but he's been such a grognard for so long, he doesn't know how.

>The ginger is a decent guy but sort of a normie, but after advice from his psychiatric ward he's been helping out at (but secrelty an outpatient), he decided to play board games.

I think hes like one of my players: completely normal from the outside. He has a decent job in sales, he works out 2 or 3 times a week, eats well, enjoys sports. Maybe he just bought a house with his girlfriend. No one really knows why he games with eveeyone, though. It's kinda wierd. He gets into a game like he would anything else: 100% of his attention is devoted to whatever he's doing.

>The teal girl is your resident SJW who is trying to understand this game so she can infiltrate it and influence it accordingto her and her Tumblr community's desire. Secretly hates every other person there.

I like this one a lot, because it gives her a character arc. So, she's basically a militant far-left feminist, and will rant about patriarchy, but everyone else agrees with her to a more moderate extent. Originally trying to "take down the boys club" from the inside, maybe over time (probably after betraying and back-stabbing the group) she realizes that not every man is out to oppress her. That she doesn't have to tell and scream because there's not always a reason.

Just my take on it.

This is good, this is good. What do we name the feminist?

Spider looks like he's about to fuck the shit out of that sign

Wait you actually like that? I mean, my play group always says I make good NPCs, but I've always thought they were just being nice.

I'm a fan of an ironic name for her. Unity, Serenity, something like that. Or, maybe an old lady name. Gladys or Maryl srlpring to mind.

Yep, good shit user. And I like Gladys because it sounds a lot like Glados.

Just remember that this isn't the first time that Veeky Forums's come up with some new character or mascot that gets forgotten after the initial few threads, and it won't be the last.

In fact, it actually happens a lot.

that one in particular was pretty bad though. I think most of Veeky Forums just ignored those threads since they looked like some combination of some furry oc and a quest thread. By the time anyone outside of it's own threads tried using it it was either forgotten or hated

Thanks for your positivity, how about we enjoy it while it's here, yeah?

It's more like recognizing that Veeky Forums is full of a ton of different people, with different opinions and ideas. Ideas will keep getting thrown out all the time, and people will want to make characters out of them all the time. It's fun and all, but they rarely last, and that's okay. It's not like back with Cultist-chan and stuff, where it was well known and widespread outside a few odd threads.

We wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't a blatant attempt to create a mascot. You can't force a meme user, many have tried, none have succeeded.

I unironically like that hamster, and wish Veeky Forums did more with Teegee.

>Lug the God of Holes
Never been a more bro-tier Deity.


Huh, I've been here longer than I thought.

Additional Luggery:
