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First for Khorne

Second for boob armor is still retarded.

Third for over reacting early

>be at g-dubz
>everyone is enjoying each other's company
>suddenly all is quite
>you turn around to see that Brittany and Jamal have entered the store
>everyone begrudging says "hi" to Jamal
>Everyone babies Brittany through a 1500pt game
>you leave prematurely, knowing that Warhammer is yet another nerd hobby sacrificed on the corporate alter of "appealing to a greater audience"
>you see Brittany and Jamal boning in the back of Brittany's Dad's PT Cruiser on your way out of the parking lot
>thanks GW

It'd be nice if there were alternate, less boob plate-y SoB models.

Can you do the order Fire on my Target to a Leman Russ? The only reason I'm asking is because I saw them do it in a Corvus Cluster batrep and it seemed wrong.

Completely uninspired armour design isn't a great alternative. 40k only really has style going for it, and you want to take that away.

Blood for the Blood God!

Hey, anons, what do you want to see buffed in 8th? I hope Plasma everything is worth taking, because right now in 7e Plasma Cannons just don't synergize well with DA, and it makes me sad.

Decent 30k meme.

Retards are still posting.

Is this a good start for an army? Should I hold off on models until 8th?

I'm not creating my own art, I'd honestly prefer if the Sisters had very similar armor to what they have now but with the other pic's chest piece.

Formations cost points when

One thing AoS did perfectly

>Not liking boob armour

What next not wanting churches on your space ships?

It's power armour, not fucking medieval plate. You're the retarded one. The boob ornamentation on the outside of a solid ceramite exoskeleton over layers of gears and servos over layers and layers of thick padding is completely fucking different than the retardation you're imagining that would "crack the sternum" or whatever completely invalid argument relating to a completely different type of armour from a different time period you want to regurgitate in an effort to sound smart on the internet.

Ah yes, boobplate is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in this setting with chainsaw swords, giant robots with medieval heraldry, DICK EAGLE FORTS and guns that are half witch-killing crossbow half-autocannon.

They're gone entirely in 8e.

Man, Deathwing termis look cool with plasma cannons.

Yes, though if you really dont want to wait it's not the end of the world. All the models will still exist in 8th, we just dont know what their stats will be.

>you will never ride your pet maulerfiend into battle to reap skulls in the blood god's name
why live

Its okay to invest in staples i.e. troops and transports, your list looks solid and will probably only need minor tweaking after 8th comes out so you might as well get those boys ready for the launch events coming up

Oh is this idiot again.

No, this is decoration on top of fucking power armour those tits are decoration, "bullet traps" are not a thing you can apply here to sound like you know shit.

At least say you don't like them, instead of pulling stupid shit.

What would an 8th statline look like for our favorite forced meme?

8 is Khorne's number! 8th will be the melee edition! Free chaiaxes for all factions! Free rage for everyone! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!

>tfw no chaste nun GF who turns into a lovingly sadistic sex demon at night

>Let's take this game known for its completely over-the-top design aesthetic and put in a faction with plain, practical armour to get people to buy them.

Toga a cute. CUTE!

If I talked about everything retarded about 40k I'd never finish a post. So I choose to complain about boob armor.

I can only hope it's viable to take more than 3 plasma calivers in a Skitarii army now.

>tfw preferred enemy on the warlord probably won't be a thing anymore though.

Because you might some day get to ride in a Leman Russ!


>8th edition
>Nurgle is the featured Chaos god

>you will never ride your pet maulerfiend into battle
Not with that attitude faggot, somewhere out there is a naked molerat dying to serve khorne but lacks the mutation and augmentation necessary. Find that fucker

Yet 80% of us play Guard

>you will ride maulerfiends but their food instead

M5 WS3+ BS4+ S5 T5 W3 A3 LD6 Sv5+

so you choose to complain no matter what? Why not go do something you don't feel the need to whine about? That's an incredibly unhealthy and philosophically bankrupt way to live.

We get practical armor in exchange for a few impractical things like Rough Riders and Baneblades.

It's hard to be edible to something that will never, ever exist! :P.

>No, this is decoration on top of fucking power armour those tits are decoration, "bullet traps" are not a thing you can apply here to sound like you know shit.
I'm honestly not even sure what a bullet trap is. It's just common sense.

It being decoration is a valid explanation though.

>At least say you don't like them
Not denying that.

Still only 3 wounds though? I feel like if boyz get 2 then they need a buff to stay relevant.

>implying the demon won't eat your soul in your sleep from across dimensions and universes

Who said Boyz get 2?


Sorry I don't follow, yes Cadians are rather bland, but come on.
The fuckers are using bayonets and Xbox Huge tanks along with horses to charge into battle.
Reasonable and practical is not exactly the Guard strong point.

Boyz will remain w1

>Every model will be viable
>Ogryns get a slight downgrade though because fuck you.

>Common sense

Please stop posting, have your (you)

Lmfao, do you need a safe space to talk about your miniatures?

One day I'm going to have a whole team of Maulerfiend, Heldrake, Defiler and Blood Slaughterer. Gonna tame them like fucking pokemon until one day they help capture the legendary Daemon Engine: The Brass Scorpion.

Just guessing at the new starter set units.

Playing the Dark Vengeance set recently (ie. Everything I have to deal with the helbrute is plasma and I guess grenades) 3 of my 4 plasma guys took themselves out.
I also survived a pile.

>Mfw three Ogryns could probably kick the shit out of Dread in 8th.

Has anyone ever found love playing 40k?

Im going to run the shit out of my 3 Raiders after the new edition arrives, assault is good again now that I wont have to get fucked over by random charge distance!

user please, the faggot is bitching about stupid shit in 40k
That is like complaining about pizza being pizza. Or gay sex in gay porn.

It is just another level of internet autism

Bullet traps, or "Shot Traps" in tank design, are areas where a shot, were it to bounce off the armor, would deflect back into another, more vulnerable area of armor. See the Tiger II's two different turret designs to see how engineers sometimes have to deal with this.

The Leman Russ, by the way, is filled with shot traps.

Such is live in the guard
>every model will be viable
[Citation Needed]

Bellman is your middle Plague Drone.

What is love?.


ha, no. the majority play marines of one flavor or another

fucking do it, open play exists for a reason and I am 99% sure you can even write a campaign around it and get someone to play as the wild creatures, have some fun

I think you're right, that means all of the plague drones are likely Terminator sized. Hmm. Plague Marine Terminators sounds cool.

Shot traps would be less of an issue in 40k, due to the amount of exotic weaponry.

Depending on the day it is mostly IG followed by flavour marines.

At least straw poll wise.

I laughed the day that SoB had more players than Chaos, resulting in chaos bitching and moaning for three threads in a row.

>the starter will be attack on Barbarus
>the beginning of the campaign against Mortarion
>he'll end up getting BTFO by Sicarius
Calling it now

Straw poll says otherwise.

Baby don't hurt me

It's likely Death Guard invading Ultramar.

Baby don't WAAAGH

"imperial forces" doesn't mean guard

t. sob player who voted in that poll

To be fair though, a lot (if not most) of the weapons in 40k are energy/particle based, so not much of a threat of bouncing there.

The thing is that concept in 40k is just silly, considering lasgun are a shit weapon when in real life or other setting would be a miracle weapon.
Also power armour by it self and how IG tanks work sure break a bunch of Thermodynamic laws. But it is 40k so who cares as long it looks cools and triggers tit shaming user

According to The Verve, love is noise.

In the trailer the ultramarines are arriving through drop pods though

And yet the guard's most common enemy are PDF using their own weapons, which include kinetic darts not unlike the modern Sabots (At least, that's what Imperial Armor Claims). Plus, you got those Tau Railguns which are also kinetics-based armor piercing weapons.

Lascannons and Neutron Lasers wouldn't care, so you're right in that respect. Neither would HEAT warheads, or anything psychic or grav-based.

Ah, I see, thanks for the lesson. I'm talking about a different thing. The idea is that when something impacts the front of the armor, instead of spreading the impact across the chest area like armor is supposed to do, it drives all of that kinetic energy into the middle part. And it doesn't take much kinetic energy to crush a sternum.

Like someone else said though, maybe they're decoration, although it would work a lot better if the ceramite part was still shaped practically and the boob part was made of paper or something.

Well you can still drop pod into your own planet if you have a space ship and marines to drop in.

Also Good vs Evil theme they are pulling is lame as balls

>80% of us play Guard

That's pretty adorable.

Reinforcements, a counter invasion. It's not like Drop Pods are only used when invading an enemy planet.

Love is Noise
Love is Pain

Do you know how meaningless straw polls are?

Inb4 they get rekt hard but actually win because they fulfilled some secret objective in spite of massive losses.

Mortarion will of course get banished and his army routed, all while screaming 'JUST AS PLANNED!' all the way onto Nurgle's garden.

look mom I posted it again

and we're also mostly Texans right? not buying it. if guard we're loved that much you'd see GW giving them more attention

Houston here by the way

Sabots don't ricochet though, which is why modern tanks aren't concerned with shot traps.

And you gave him a (You).

Not understand 40k the post.

You could have armour tits shaped into form so everything hits the sternum and still wouldn't hurt the girl inside.

You know why? Fucking 40k power armour that is why.

If the shot pierces the armour the dude inside is already dead

>Getting defeated was the fastest way to get to Nurgle's garden in time for tea with the plaguefather.


Dorn is ready, are you?

This is Veeky Forums we are minority.

Probably the only way to sucessfully pull that off

You mean that shitty one where you could only vote for one army?

>in any way representative of anything

Also Houston! How ya doin'?

>we're also mostly Texans right?
Fuck it

Dallas here

I just noticed one of the Cadians is black.

Nah, over the years. The general trend is more IG than anything else. Some days marines have more.

That is why I mention the SoB example. Some days more people of one particular army vote while others don't