My character is a Kobold

>My character is a Kobold
>but he HATES dragons

How do you pull it off?

A Kobold who's sick and tired of the many stereotypes surrounding his race - dragon worshipping being his biggest pet peeve.

A friend of mine did a good kobold dragon slayer, he was convinced that if he killed dragons and ate their hearts, he'd ascend to the next stage of his dragonhood or some shit

All dragons?

He could just align to Tiamat or Bahamut and kill one of the dragon sets while leaving the other alone.

He hates Kobolds and dragons. Especially because of the inbuilt draconian awe that renders him unable to argue/resist/do anything but cower in their presence. That's why he lives with humans even despite loathing them too.

>Hates how his people all worship dragons
>Dragons have given nothing to Kobolds and yet Kobolds throw their lives away for them
>Dragons are very powerful but they're lazy, they sit on their hoards of treasure instead of using their power to change the world for the better
>He wants to see Kobolds be independent of dragons and actually make a proper civilization

Kobolds aren't necessarily related to dragons in any way.

He could have actually been told by a younger dragon to run free, and stop evil dragons.

His life might have been saved by that young dragon, while others seek to kill him. Thus he hates those evil, evil dragons.
(and he's still not sure if the young dragon is trustworthy)

He is a chinese doge kobold

Some good ideas in the thread so far. My offering - a sense of personal betrayal?

>Kobold warren serves a dragon; not unusual
>This dragon is a real grade-A dick
>Has a tantrum over something insignificant and nearly wipes out the warren
>Our hero is the survivor
>Being one of this dragon's most loyal followers and losing his family to them over the equivalent of someone leaving a butterknife in the sink crushes his heart, his hope, his soul
>Becomes particularly bitter towards dragons and vows to find a way to even the playing field between koboldkin and dragonkin so that he can eventually kill the motherfucker that betrayed his whole warren

>Eventually runs into another dragon, and this one isn't a dick at all
>Drama ensues

Kobold revolutionary that wants his kin to rise up against their oppressors

> How do you pull it off?
Imagine being the single sane person living in a community of extreme SJWs (or poltards, but not both) for his entire life, and slowly going insane from trying to remain the sole bastion of morality in an ocean full of human shit.
That's what the life for this kobold among the other dragon-worshipping kobolds was in a nutshell.

appears to have taken inspiration from .

Why would the dragon throw such a tantrum, though?

If these tiny little fanatics catered to your every single whim, I don't think you'd do much to them either. I at least would let them keep on doing their thing.




Uh, not sure what you mean. If it helps, I was typing my post before that one popped up on the thread for me.

Then again, I can see them taking place in the same continuity.

Iunno. Because some dragons can be petty and horrible?

>Iunno. Because some dragons can be petty and horrible?

Yeah, but they're also clever enough to not do it in a too large scale, because otherwise they'll have to go do their own groceries.


There's a plot hook here that shouldn't go unexplored.

-Why- would a dragon act in such a self-destructive manner? What would cause them to rage against their loyal servants so? Truly some incredible failure, or a bitter betrayal, has happened here.

Our kobold protagonist was but a child then either way, and this rare and unusual circumstance burned to his memory as a violent and irrational hatred to all dragonkind.

Don't be a 3E+ Kobold.

Why? 3e kobolds are solid: they get a pretty good accumulated AC bonus and their only penalties are physical ones.

Because 3E Kobolds are lizard-like, and are associated with dragons. Going with good old fashioned dog-bolds will let him toss the dragon association easily.

>but he HATES dragons

Why though? Jealousy? Resentment of the tyrannical dragon who rules his warren? One day he realized, "if dragons are as great as my brothers and sisters say, why do those humans rule most of the world?"

Yeah, but then there'd be little point in the whole thing. A lizardbold hating dragons has a great plot hook on its own.

Latch onto other themes associated with kobolds. I had one hatched and raised to be a devoted slave in the swamp cult of Wastri, that shitty little demigod from Greyhawk, whose domains include human superiority, self-delusion, bigotry and hatred, and amphibians, which all sounded pretty koboldy to me.

So my kobold tried hated everything like he was supposed to. He hated other kobolds (they should all be good slaves to Wastri too) and he hated dragons (false idols, drawing other kobolds away from Wastri). But he didn't have a great grasp on the scripture (or reality) and hated humans too (the priests always beat and yelled at him). He worshipped toads and wandered off with one after getting addicted to licking it and got lost in the planes (and joined the party), but he knew deep down that this was what Wastri must have intended and tried hard to satisfy his (own warped view of) his god's designs for the multiverse.

>There is powerful dragontry at work here

Hurr ironic is not a plothook, user.

Not irony, but rather pushing against cultural norms and trying to be their own being.

You could make him focused on murdering dragons without it being a question of hate.

Kobolds are, especially these days, often portrayed as brilliant trapsmiths. In a culture that reveres dragons as an almost unreachable peak of perfection, a lone kobold trapping and murdering dragons could lead to a widespread cultural shift. The kobold would likely be decried as a villain at first, but as the claws of the dragons are peeled from the Kobold race, they may come to see him as sort of their equivalent to a warrior-king who showed his people that they COULD stand up to Dragons, and that they aren't gods at all.

Frankly, it could be a really cool character arc.

A normie who gets polymorphed into a Kobold by a WIZARD.

Literally my first ever dnd character.

He despised dragons for (supposedly) exploiting his entire race for their own ends and hated the kobolds for being cucks and throwing themselves at the dragons feet. Given he wasn't strong enough to off his dragon overlords, his goal was to become a widely renowned hero to show to the world what kobolds were capable of, and to inspire others of his kind to become more than lowly dragon worshippers/slaves.

In the end, he inspired revolts he became strong enough to take down a dragon with the help of the other player characters, and spent the rest of his days going on tour with his younger brother, performing all across the country.

Not a great character in hindsight, but I'll always have a soft spot for him, given he was my first,

Maybe it was a white dragon, the dumbass barbarians of dragons from what I recall.

>Ctrl + F: dragon patriarchy

Here you go.

>How do you pull it off?
I remind OP that we're playing 2E.

Commie kobold uprising. He's tired of seeing the working kobold crushed under foot and wing by their draconic masters.

So? Lizardbolds are objectively superior to dogbolds, with better fluff and appearance.

*hisses at u*
i dargon *flaps wings*
*fills mouth with alcohol and then spits it across a torce to breathe fire*

Plenty of reasons.
>his tribe used to serve a dragon
>dragon ditched them when the going got touch and let his people die as cannon fodder to humans

And then there could just be:
>Is annoyed kobolds basically exist in the shadows of dragons and constantly try to achieve the glory of dragons and not realize their own accomplishments.

alternatively, and this requires a setting thing:
>Dragons originally created kobolds as a servant race
>This one is not that happy with the idea of his existence being defined by indentured servitude

or for the comical...
>Kobold kid walked in on his mom cuckbolding his dad with a dragon
>His younger brother is also half-dragon and thus seen as the shit by the rest of his tribe even if it killed his parents' marriage
>A supervillain is born.

Just give him the instinctual response to dragons from and you have my fetish

>my character is a human
>but he's a mysanthrope

How do you pull it off?

A kobold actually swapped bodies with him - he was originally a dragon.

We have a bronze kobold paladin, he doesn't hate dragons just evil because he's not a chromatic cock.

>My character is a Kobold

>that third/'comical' option

Best option is if his half-brother is actually a pretty cool dude and leads a charmed heroicly admirable life. Some part of the elder brother knows that hating his little brother is petty, even reprehesable, but every time he looks at him he sees his mother impaled, howling and writhing in pleasure, her lower body lost under the thick coating of steaming draconic seed.

Why do you autistically screech so much

Communist Vietnamese.


>kobold Uncle Ruckus

Play him as a self-hating Jew, constantly railing against his race and country.

Tell me, if kobolds are descended from dragons, then why are there still dragons?

Have you never met a militant atheist with really religious parents before? I have.

>Now you lissen' here you little lizards
>I am NOT a Kobold
>I am a short human
>I have a vitamin deficiencies that the good human lord did pass onto me as some sorta cruel joke
>Praise be to him and all this smooth skinned glory
>Now I'll be damned if some stupid dragon worshippin, big snout havin, little scaled bastards is gonna get in my way from havin me a nice human wife with nice human chilldren runnin about my nice human home
>Now sit down and shut the fuck up!

He doesn't even realize he hates dragons. He's a loyal servant with self-destructive tendencies, he's his masters most trusted charge but sabotages him at every turn.

Whites start with 6 int as wyrmlings and progress to 10 as adults/ancients. They're dumb by dragon terms but they're equal to humans.
Just make it so that he thinks the warren took a piece of his horde.

Dragons killed his parents? Dragons burned down his village? Dragons bullied him during monster highschool?