Name a more cancerous card

name a more cancerous card

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The Alpha Duals. They go into every deck that can use more than one color and the only way to print better lands is to make them Basic Lands. They pretty much murdered the design space right in its infancy when they printed these cards in Alpha. Outside of some weird, specific scenario, there's just no bloody reason to play any other dual when these are legal, because there's practically no downside to them. So, instead of having several land cycles with various trade-offs be viable, we have the definitive two color land and no real choice in the matter, because playing an alternative is just flat worse.

>because playing an alternative is just flat worse
So all formats but vintage and legacy are worse than vintage and legacy?


>there's just no bloody reason to play any other dual when these are legal
>when these are legal

Lol fuck this game, I want a do-over.


Best card ever.


I remember actually managed to halt one of those in a particularly casual game.

did you keep stacking more counters on it? I don't play this game but from the wording on the cards the first one says the game is over when YOU remove the last counter. If your opponent does something to remove the last counter instead, does the card fail?

>doesn't reset life points
Seems fine to me.

>If your opponent does something to remove the last counter instead, does the card fail?

>Divine Intervention’s third ability triggers only if its controller removes the last intervention counter from it. It doesn’t matter how that happens. For example, if you control Divine Intervention and the last intervention counter is removed as a result of a Clockspinning you control, the ability will trigger. On the other hand, if the last intervention counter is removed as a result of a Clockspinning another player controls, the ability won’t trigger (and won’t ever be able to).

Smart man.




yugioh player here. I was watching some friends play magic and this girl had the most cancerous deck. there was a card that's text wrapped around all 4 sides of the card and another card gave +1 counters or some shit based on how many words were in the card's title. it was like a 35 strength monster or something ridiculous.

excuse my lack of mtg terminology and rules. I am pleb.

Be mad poorfag

I don't think you have to worry about that

That was from one of the joke sets.

I guess it's kind of like yu-jo friendship/unity. hilarious combo, but pretty stupid

Fuck this faggot card.



Literally only shitters use this

It's at 1

It's at 3

The beginning of the end

>You can only use 1 "Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer" effect per turn, and only once per turn.
I understand that it's probably because it's translated from Japanese but this game has been going since I was like 12, so why are all the cards still so badly worded? Seriously, it reads like a MTG card from fifteen years ago.

It was worse 6-7 years ago. Some guy which I forgot his name came up with the idea about putting ":", ";" to make the effects easier to understand, pay costs and form correct chain links

>Mirror force was already posted

I wish yugioh had joke sets instead of having half of every set be a joke.

Recent packs barely have pack filler. Most cards are usable now.

Except it's even better than a do-over if you can flip it and win the game because of the reset board state.

That was from a joke set waaaaay back when.
It's not legal in any format.

>calls someone a poorfag.
>doesn't post a play-set of each dual


>it's another "duals should be banned because I'm poor" post

dual lands are the perfect power level for vintage/legacy. Shocks are too shitty, they would make aggressive decks far too good. The downside of being hit by wasteland/blood moon/price of progress is already enough of a drawback that every deck (except delver strategies) plays some basics and the format obviously isn't 5-color goodstuff running rampant. Look at the recent khans-bfz standard, where fetches+fetchable duals created a shitshow of a format because nonbasic hate didn't exist. Fortunately for legacy, good nonbasic hate is quite common and is the perfect counter to greedy manabases with tons of duals. Yes, these have no drawbacks in regards to other duals, but these lands are exactly what legacy needs. Hell, even in modern you don't have that much of a choice of what lands to run. You play a bunch of fetches, some shocks, and some basics. You might throw in some fastlands/checklands depending on the speed and land count of your deck, but its not like you are making huge meaningful land decisions in formats where duals aren't legal either.

Ah yes, the ultimate "NO U"

You do realise that the argument was that alpha duals were a design mistake that to this day dictates all dual land design and not about powerlevel of the card?

This one. Shaymin is arguably more powerful and played more, but Shaymin has the excuse of TPC possibly not realizing how broken it was. Hoopa, on the other hand? Not only does it tutor without even taking up a Supporter play, it tutors for THREE CARDS AT NO FUCKING COST, not even discarding to replace the cards - it's pure card advantage. There is no excuse whatsoever for this card, especially not when the TCG has been going for this long.

For Yu-Gi-Oh, I'd go with Harpie's Feather Duster. Back in the day when many broken cards were legal (1 per deck) and your only defense against opponent's cards were spell and trap cards (monsters got boardwiped every turn pretty much, the only card that did anything in the hand was Kuriboh), Harpie's Feather Duster left you 100% unable to defend yourself, and chances were you'd lose that turn. (I recall a particularly aggravating case in a YGO Online event where you had to get 7 wins in a row; after 6 wins I ran into an opponent who did Feather Duster -> Dark Hole -> Injection Fairy Lily -> Megamorph for a loss that could only have been prevented by having Magic Jammer on the field).

For Magic: the Gathering my vote goes to Consecrated Sphinx, which seems like a typical value mythic but otherwise mostly harmless. Not so much in non-free-for-all multiplayer. For six mana, the player gets not just a threat, but also (unless a player has instant-speed removal and the mana for it) two cards plus two cards per player who does not have removal for it, more if others are drawing extra cards (and many more if nobody has removal or can't use it due to having bigger problems). And when it inevitably gets cloned, those two players get infinite card advantage, derailing the entire game. In free-for-all games this can be sort of balanced out by ganging up on the Sphinx player, but in games where not everybody can attack that player you can only watch as that single card practically wins the game by itself.

>you don't lose life due to mana burn
Simply OP.

This is a controversial fact, but lands as a card type in Magic are fucking cancer. Card games already have variance. You don't need to tie variance to the ability to actually play the game in order to make things fun. I much prefer variants where you can play cards face down as lands of a basic land type, That's way more fun, enables more fun decks, and never exposes anyone to the risk of being locked out of the game for drawing too much, too few or the wrong lands.

but then you can't have interesting or unique lands

You could still print nonbasic lands if you wanted to, but they wouldn't be necessary in every deck. If I made a card game with this system, I would print "utility" type lands only, not mana fixing lands.

That, or you could have a separate 'mana deck' which contains only lands, so you can replace a spell draw with a land draw when needed.

Most packs include 20 new flavor of the month archetypes designed with 0 external synergy.

>not running gryphon wing
You deserved it

Isn't mana fixing a pretty big part of the game though? Why wouldn't everybody just run the best cards in all 5 colors if any card in their hand can be any color of land?

Why would you post the cheapest duals if you're calling someone a poorfag?
There are fucking modern cards more expensive than those lmao

Because diluting your mana base in game like that could lead to bad situations if you have double or triple color costs of one color. You'd have to add more double or triple color costs in MTG, but it would work out fine.

An interesting point of comparison is Faeria, where mana cost (faeria cost, whatever) and color restrictions are separated. You can only place one land per turn (lands 'pay for' color restriction), but you can freely choose which land you want to place, independent of the cards in your hand. But to not make cards in your hand useless (unless the game drags on too long) people still play as few colors as possible so you don't get stuck with cards you can't play for another two turns. (There's no 'mana fixing' in Faeria.)

That's what Force of Will does. Shame about the rest of the game, though.

>Non Island duels
Lmao what are those like 20 dollars each?

It's worded that way because he has two different effects, one that cost 1 xyz material and another that cost 2, it says his name as well which means if you summoned another copy this turn it couldn't also use it's effect.

They started wording them by name instead of "this card" when a lot of cards starting being able to pull off degenerate loops. You can thank pic related for that.

I'm tired of seeing this faggot everywhere.

"Required Materials: 2 Level 4 Monsters
Once per turn, you may either:
* Detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to change target face-up monster to face-down Defense position.
* Detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card to shuffle target other face-up card into the Deck."

Should be much clearer. If other cards with the same name are a serious issue, something can be done about that in the rules; for example, it could be a rule that 'once per turn' effects can only be done once per turn regardless of source (i.e. a second copy of that card still has the same ability that has already been used this turn), or if that gives too much conflicts with older cards a different specific phrasing or keyword can be ruled to be independent of the ability source.

user what are you doing

user NO STOP

This. The only interesting part of that game was the separate mana deck.

Anyone play PTCG?

Doesn't work that way, you are trying to change mechanics based on magic rules not yugioh, Some cards need to say one of this specific guy while others only need to say once per turn.

It's not even an issue with being compatible with older cards it's an issue of having to balance the game around having no resources to spend, you need more restrictions which means more specific descriptions.

You first point of the bullet points is what they've started doing with the newer cards so that is fine, they wouldn't change that card though to avoid confusion.

If you have to print special variants of something to make it "interesting", you're essentially saying you have a core concept or mechanic of the game that is intrinsically uninteresting, which is another way to say boring.

I love MTG, and the restriction cost of things being mana is just fine, but having the primary generation of mana being a card type that 1) serves no other purpose beyond letting you play the other 2/3's of your deck that actually interact with the other player(s) and 2) ensures that the randomness of drawing cards and shuffling decks can screw you out of a necessary component to actually play the game is 100% the worst part of MTG and the thing that made me give it up once better games came out.

I remember at a summer recreation program I worked at, there was this kid that had this card of a wind up toy kangaroo (forget the name) but we all jokingly named it the Apex Predator, because its special power was that if it did nothing during a turn it would gain 400 attack points.
So this kid built a deck around stalling his opponent while this fucking wind up toy grew stronger and stronger. By the final round it had like 4000 some odd attack points

I'd say that card is pretty bad.

Hi. AND it's weebshit.

You can't top that.

>foot fetish
>loli fetish
>cat girl ears

What is that one new fusion that is straight up a furry.

>awful art
>ugly loli
>stops most decks
>secret rare that you need 3 of so you need to waste $270

You mean twenty years ago.
Fifteen years ago they had basically the same templating they have now, only with a few minor terminology changes (like 'dies' and less things being referred to as 'play')

(Has 4 of those in his deck, because this is
Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Forth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip poker
and not a certain children's card game where such card is limited/prohibited)

Don't remind me.
Wish he could make them more often, but hiding from Nicolas Cage probably takes up a lot of time.

Haha I understood that reference to a smart show that hasn't jumped the shark by ignoring the gimmick that got it popular in the first place

wait whats the degenerate loop from this?
t. i don't play yu gi oh

Is there a decklist specifically built to get this thing to proc as many times as you can in a game?

Perhaps, but there is no decklist that can stop you getting ejected from the house/store/tournament after the second time.

Imagine running four of these.

Dude that card hasn't been relevant in a long time.

so what card game is the card game of card games atm? Is it still magic?

And where are your dules?

It'll always be MtG.

i mean mtg is cool but yu gi oh has been around since ancient egyptian times and people still play it so im going with yugioh.

Real life ccgs only? Yeah. If you mean card games in general there is a lot of competition (dominion, faeria, and netrunner are the ones I know of)

mostly poker imho

Not really familiar with this card, but the wording makes it so that you could trigger that card an absurd number of times in one turn as long as it was flipped face down in-between activations. And there are a looooot of cards that do that in YGO

Just thinking about it makes me mad.

This was the top tier deck until they banned the xyz and hit magician to one, and yes this deck was VERY consistent.


One new Fusion? Lunalight is an entire archetype and has 3 fusions.

I want Leo Dancer to sit on my face

How does the first attack on that thing work? 20(x+y) or 20(min(x,y)), if you know what I mean

ugh i tried to watch the video, didnt help, tried to read up on it, didnt really get it.
but basically it lets you put a bunch of shit out and re cast shit from the graveyard in a loop that makes your opponent discard his whole hand and you end up with a bunch of monsters?

on a simple level yes, you just need him and any other wind-up monster (that's all that is in your deck) and you could summon loop until they usually were down to 1 card, this guy had a spell so he could do it to 0.

But still starting the game with 2 monsters on board and 4 cards in hand against 1 card in your opponents hand makes it pretty hard to lose.

Basically if wind-ups won the dice roll that was it, some people would just scoop the second the saw magician come out.

yeah that doesn't sound too fun to play against.





>Your Divine Serpent's strength may be infinite, but that's still not enough -- for now there is a force beyond infinity!


fucking checked, goddamnit Atem.

You only say this because of the reserved list.

The real cancer, as well know are the fetchlands.
>They add even more timewasting shuffling to tournaments than Sensei's Divining Top
>They are what pushed dual lands into brokenness by being able to tutor any color you want untapped on turn 1.
>They have added value like shuffling away shit you don't want from brainstorms, or giving extra landfall triggers.
>Also thin the deck

What the fuck man.

I'm glad no one plays it. The weebs at my locals are fucking cancerous.

Fuck shuffling the deck somehow when i do that all my lands end at the top or bottom

I have full playsets of Underground Sea, Scrubland, Badlands and Bayou. I wish I would have completed the set before the value multiplied by 10 and the knockoffs entered circulation.


The combination of dual and fetch lands is actually the most degenerate thing in magic. Allows you to put whatever the fuck you want in your deck with almost zero downside.

Every two-colour land that isn't a dual or fetch is just a shittier version of one of them. If Wizards somehow managed to print anything better I don't think colour would mean anything anymore. Apart from "pitches to force of will" of course.

