Please tell me there is an explanation for this Veeky Forums

Please tell me there is an explanation for this Veeky Forums

inquisitors can commission tactical dreadnought gear for themselves

been in literally every edition of the game

Very feminine looking man.

Also, its not officially canon.

She didn't have thrones for matching helmet

You mean terminator armor.

It's just terminator armor. Non-marines can wear it too, and could since forever. Also


tactical dreadnought armour is terminator armour


>tactical dreadnought
>durr actully is terminator

Same thing

But yeah, there have always been human-sized and useable termie sets for use by Inquisitors. Rare, but available. She's not a femul sprss murhen, so don't get your neckbeard in a knot.

>charging into gunfire without a helmet



it's an inquisitrix, not a space marine

there're non-astartes patterns of power armors, which will inevitably include a greater deal of the armor powering itself for movements purposes
terminator armour is still a kind of power armor and an inquisitor with all likelihood has enough resources for commissioning a personalised armor

The =][= on her forehead will protect her.

Only true masters know that bare heads or hats protect you better than a helmet in 40k.

>this fucking bait followed me from /v/
I apologize to all of you.

No, we still wonder how her anatomy works because that's fucking impossible, unless she lacks arms and it's all robotics

In 40k, inquisitor is a gender-neutral title.

thankfully, because the -rix suffix always sounds real fucking dumb

She isnt an Astarters so she doesn't have a clue about what the codex Astartes says about helmets

>Western comics

That's all you have to know in order to know it's shit

She's like those mech-troopers from X-COM!

Since you fucks are interested.
>he thinks all western comics are modern capeshit

There's plenty of space for her arms inside the chest cavity.

Terminator armor is, as mentioned upthread, "Tactical Dreadnought Armor."

You don't have your arms inside the arms of a Dreadnought, you rest inside the central sarcophagus.

First time I hear this, and sounds odd as fuck because lots of official art seems to contradict that

It's 40k, don't expect it to make total sense, be consistent or look realistic or even possible.

Shitty setting.

>First time I hear this, and sounds odd as fuck because lots of official art seems to contradict that

Yeah, Space Marines are huge enough that it really makes no sense they fit inside a Terminator suit but if we asked GW for consistency before we played, we'd never get started.

Wait... what?

No, no dude. "Tactical Dreadnought Armor" refers to the size and bulk of the armor. Terminator armor isn't a Dreadnought-like life support systems. Only actual dreads work like that. Termie armor is just bulky armor that's compared to dreadnoughts because of its bulk.

They aren't as bad as you think

WH40K Comic

>Implying helmets are better head gear than main character status

Most accurate desu.

If she wore a helmet no one would know she's a girl.

>I'm cumming with my ass, even though I'm a boy!
Eastern comics are also garbage if you only focus on the garbage ones.

She is so fucking rich, that not only did she commission Aegis-pattern terminator armor AND a power glaive, but she also has a personal planet to hunt down heretics and masturbate to her kill count when she's not terribly busy.

You're a faggot and should kill yourself.
Uncultured swine.

Sure kid.

Did you seriously just post capeshit to try and refute him


Say what you want about the Imperium, but at least it's equal opportunity.

I don't see why women not getting to be space marines is such a big divider. I mean, who would REALLY want to be a space marine? A life of monasticism and a few centuries of constant warfare ending in bloody death?

You could be an Inquisitor and potentially live out your every power fantasy. Or an Imperial Navy/Guard commander and use your Schola degree to send droves of men to their deaths. Or a Magos, and then nobody can tell WHAT sex you are once you're far enough.

Or you can just be a Sister, and live the exact same rigorous life as a space marine except for shorter and there's an increased chance of you coming back from the dead with kickass wings.

>He doesn't like Black Manta

I agree,there's not really a need for female space marines.It would add nothing and break canon just to please some Tumblr posters,who will probably be asking for a transgender Tau next.

We already have transgenders in 40k. They're called the Aeldari


Okay so this is wrong as fuck, that's not how terminator armour works. But at the same time, I could actually imagine this somehow being how non-astartes would use terminator armour if it has similar stature.
I mean it's really just art that hasn't been thought through, let's be honest, but it's still fun to see how it might actually work.

She's an inquisitor, if she doesn't have a Rosarius or an Iron Halo I'll eat my own hat.

I would have to buy a hat first, of course.


Fuck off /pol/. Go kill yourself.

It looks like her head is coming out of a toilet bowl.

That headdress looks really stupid, also, what's with topknots and warhams?

Ffs stop shitting up threads, /leftypol/. You are scum of Veeky Forums.

Okay, i'll bite like a good fish. What on earth have you seen here that's somehow /pol/?

Hello you stinky libtard
Go be a failure ugly

If you're going to meme at least don't fuck up the format so badly.

I started this, fuck you

I think the idea is that it's a /pol/ack seeing signs of feminist degeneracy in everything.

While /pol/ is certainly quite inclined toward this kind of stupidity, I think this is actually a case of some retard just not knowing 40K fluff and having a dumb kneejerk reaction.

Hat equivalent for other factions.

Terminator armor is literally called "Tactical Dreadnaught armor" you stupid fucking prole.

Still needs ''Guilliman'' added to ''likes''.

How can eldar bois even compete?



You're just mad that Roboute doesn't think you're a great warrior.


Shit, yeah, something about this definitely reminds me of the way they advertise football.

Real football, that is, not American football. I've never seen a steroidball ad in my life.

Yes, that's what I said.

Point 1: Tactical Dreadnought Armor = Terminator Armor

Point 2: The "Dreadnought" part of TDA refers to the bulk of it. It has nothing to do with Terminator armor acting like life support.

We're agreeing, here.

I think its a case of baiters gonna bait.

Listen, we all know horseshoe theory. Any reasonable person will hate screeching uber-feminists as much as they hate cuck-shouting /pol/tards. Just enjoy your tabletop games and don't let political extremist freaks ruin it for anybody.

She really should tie her hair up so it doesn't get caught in the shoulder joints

>Work Helmet

One fragment of the Emperor's fractured, tortured souls is actually dedicated to making sure that any one of his subjects that likes to wear their hair down in battle won't have it impede their performance.

This is how the Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and Sisters never have to worry about caught hairs or hair in their eyes.

The Emperor does this so that humanity might forever remember the gloriousness of his own divine locks.

CS Goto strikes again, I see.

Black Manta, dude. Black. Manta.

You wish you had a character as good as him in your games.

It looks wrong because it's a regular human wearing a tactical dreadnought mean for a space marine instead of one meant for a regular human.


What kind of fucking hack artists do they hire to draw these? she looks like a baby strapped to the front of a normal spacemarine.

red is where the shoulders on her suit are, the blue is where her actual shoulders should be.

>she looks like a baby strapped to the front of a normal spacemarin
She reminded me of dreadknight

At least its not a Marvel Shitter like greg land.

That reminds me, how is Chapter Master doing these days?

>getting mad at 40k artists for proportions


Didn't he give his double fists to Rowboat?


Means Chapter Master as in the game. Where you build a space marine chapter and die horribly.

That looks like it hurts.

What if she's just a head with spine entombed inside the armour?

I actually really like that idea, as memey as it is.

She is the Slenderwoman

that's not even proportions, that's just basic human anatomy.

C&D as far as I know.

For me terminator armor was always more like a mecha.

>Being this new to the setting....

Man, I can almost remember those days.

>"Real football"

You mean no hand, pretend to be hurt for an hour and a half period before a toothless riot sphere?

Hey man, Land mostly traces from real pictures so those are technically more accurate.

... Now Rob Liefeld ...

>Using aegis termie armor and a force weapon to deal with a bunch of cultists with autoguns
That's a little overkill.

Not overkill: pointlessly stupid.

>wearing terminator armor
I don't think so.


First off, it's probably commission, the artist is just trying to earn a dollar.
Secondly, the shoulders kiiind of make sense of you think of them as pauldrons above her real shoulders.

But it's not a hack artist, it's a rushed artist.

I've got no explanation for that artist's horrendous art style and utterly fucked proportions.

It's in the wargear list of Codex Inquisition unless you're that faggot from the other time this came up that said "just because they can take it in the rules doesn't mean they can take it in the fluff."

I mean, there's a point to which "Rules != fluff" makes sense, but that's fucking absurd.

>Secondly, the shoulders kiiind of make sense of you think of them as pauldrons above her real shoulders.
Except they don't. Her torso would have to be as wide as it is tall for it to reach her arms. The artist has been drawing the arms entirely too far from her head.

Her shoulders are three feet behind her neck.

She's a Non-Astartes in Terminator armor.

I'm betting she doesn't even have her arms in there.

How did you not turn this into a Black Manta thread?