/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General

Rolled 17 (1d26)

Latinized english Edition
8E Real Player's LA rules Sub-edition

Salamander players finally arrived, and when Cain murdered Abel he shouted "Nixon shock!". Our efforts to fix FW's mistakes were fruitless, but at least list advice was given. Luna Wolves don't play fait, Ulfsark pics are lovely and our planet's myths are a recopilation of Imperial history. Xenos and heretics are coming, get ready to pay the tithe issued in the last bread ->52921354


>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

>/HHG/'s allegiances

>Primarch Popularity Poll

>HHG Discord


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Previous bread

I claim this thread in the name of my glorious space dad

Moving goal posts much? Inferno was supposed to save /HHG/. Just accept that we are absolute garbage.

I wish they'd hurry up and make artalax models. They're a cool concept, but forgeworld are really dragging their heels with them.

doesn't help that none of you post pictures of what you are working on.

here's a tip lads, go find your models, and upload a photo. And that guy that responds with THICC to everyone try actually providing constructive criticism.

Behold ! The first psychic power of the 8th edition
looks like age of teh emprah to me

Well, if you insist...

There's got to be a way to make white scars look better.

>Mortal Wounds are a new mechanic too – these cannot be saved by any means and punch straight through thick armour and even invulnerable saves!
Oh boy.

Not really.

HHG was never made great. Every morning I wake up expecting it to come, but it is always one book away. That can't be it. I haven't woken up at all. It is just a dream. It is all a dream. I am in it, and you are in it, too. I am the dreamer, but you are having my dream. Do you get it now? You do, don't you? HHG... was never... great.
With three days left, I followed my orders from
(((FW))) and launched the operation. I made memes, I baked numbered breads, I failed and was archived. HHG survived, but I was locked as a breadanon. How happy I would have been if they'd let it die then and there... Our wishes do not come true. We just cling on to our dreams, our phantoms. Mine, and yours. But I think this one is coming to an end... After all, you've figured it out now.
You can post lists, paint minis, make memes... Burn the whole catalog down, and it still won't make HHG great. It, or any general of this board. And that was our business. Autism. We baked our daily bread with austism paid to us for memeing. Maybe us getting Age of Emperor'd was just balancing the scales.
You know, HHG was never the heaven we wanted it to be, but I was still happy to have lived with everyone there. It was such a short time. Such an autistic peace. But while I was on HHG, I was happy. So I hope I'm not the only one who looks back on those days with happiness.
There's more to remember than hatred and raeg... But of course, this is you, thinking that I should think that. It is no mystery now. I am just an user, a fragment of the mind you have lost. The real me died a long time ago.

stop, stop. it's too early. You can't do this yet, you need to wait until there's at least 200 replies. Don't fucking poison us this soon

Changes to the psychic phase:
-psyker no longer generate warp charge
-psyker are able to cast a number of power equal to their psychic mastery
-casting require to beat the number indicated on the power with 2d6
-one psychic discipline per faction

Maybe with furs and battle damage?

Maybe you can darken the colors?

Maybe make the trim chromed gold?

Shit I don't know.

I'm confused by how the painter was able to do relatively crisp freehand lightning bolts, but fucked up the rest so badly.

How about using a box?

Puzzling, isn't it?


A stormraven converts better, why would they choose to use a box instead?

But thin paints don't cover, can't paint white with shitty runny paint.

Hey did you know, cereal boxes are easier to use than plasticard?

>one-coat man
>100 dips a day

But seriously, cereal boxes are really good for converting

At this point they could get better results building the whole thing out of legos.

Is it bad that the thing that offends me most about this is the moldlines on the gun barrels?

How else are you going to cover all that grey plastic?

Nah, there was a promo a few years ago for tank toys in cereal boxes. Two birds with one stone.

That's what I told my opponent

What is going on with the counters (for want of a better term) on the eldar bases?

Looks like they are basically auto includes. Jump pack domitars with better weapons.

Yes really.

Not quite LEGO, but close







Can't read the vexilliarius' poker face

What colors did the Mongols were anyway?

Probably not horribly clashing red white and yellow

>-casting require to beat the number indicated on the power with 2d6

So there's no difference between a mook sanctioned psyker and a greater daemon in that regard?

>-one psychic discipline per faction

Like each faction gets one discipline on their own on top of the generic rulebook ones or each faction fan only use one or what?

Pretty sure they're mongol-like rather than actual Mongols.

some characters might still get bonuses to their roles.

probably a set of their own powers per faction

all this identical to AoS

Mook Psyker only gets one power, too.

Remember that each additional mastery level represents a huge jump in control. Being able to cast three specific and powerful spells in a short span of time is exponentially more difficult than psychically pointing some lasguns.

Sure, but that doesn't charge the fact that a mook psyker is as proficient at casting the same spell as Magnus. Would have assumed that a powerful psyker has more control over psychic powers, not just more of them.

But guess it's an acceptable simplification of things.

think about it...pretty sure a super psyker will still get bonuses to their roll

Thousand Sons
- Re-roll 1's on psychic test
- All psykers can manifest an additional power
- New lore consisting of one power per cult
- GOTCK adds 2 to all psychic test results

can't wait to paint that in my candy red

That's why you do a bunch of LAYERS. It takes a while but it doesn't look like shit.
Don't get discouraged by all the hate btw, if you work at painting you'll get better.

Forget about your red, I love how you've done the light from the warpflame

Osirons are a 50 point upgrade to any TS contemptor talon.

Where are you getting the HQ from? They're elites

>-one psychic discipline per faction
That fucks with TS a bit.
They'd have to lose the disciplines associated with Cult Arcana and instead just get a flat casting bonus.
Or they get their own discipline, but it'd need like four times more powers than a standard 'Imperial' or 'Did Nothing Wrong' deck.


To be fair, in the list of legion specific units on page 210 of Inferno it lists the Osiron as an HQ choice, while on page 211 it simply states that the Osiron is a 50 point upgrade for a Contemptor Dreadnought in a regular Talon. So there is definitely a little wiggleroom for both interpretations here. FW will need to FAQ it.

>So there is definitely a little wiggleroom for both interpretations here
Well, there's room to question it, but prevailing logic, the community at large and the army builder software have all interpreted it as an HQ choice.

So does that mean you could take 3 as one HQ?


so are HH models receiving new rules right away or do we have to wait longer

My bad, I wanted to say one specific psychic discipline per faction, along with the rulebook ones

We are stuck with 7th, for now.

GW said it's not affecting HH right away. No telling how long after 8th edition it'll be, though. They may wait until Angelus is released.

I thought the HH was going to stay in the 7th edition

and on the next page

>They'd have to lose the disciplines associated with Cult Arcana and instead just get a flat casting bonus.
>Magnus as a LoW
>9 Psychic dreads as HQs
>4 Sekhmet squads as Elites
>6 Vet squads as Troops
>3 Ammitara squads as Fast Attack
"You just need to ally a few SoS :^)"

It is, for now at least. It will not be transitioning along with 40k, I presume that Angelus will be the transition book, with new Red Books following short after based on the new rule-set.

>picture doesn't say anything about what battlefield role it is
You sure showed me.

Faction rules and special character maybe, but a lvl. 3 psyker casts as well as a lvl. 1 does.

>Not just writing an unit entry when the description of the Osiron takes up a whole page anyway
Fuck Inferno.
I mean, I can see the confusion and why people have plumped for it being an HQ. If you track the way the unit is talked about, that's the conclusion. Does it make sense or is it clear? Fuck no.

>You can have an Osiron-pattern Contemptor. An Osiron-pattern Contemptor is an HQ choice.
>Oh, rules? Well, you take a default Contemptor Talon, pay 50 points and get these rules and this statline for the melee weapon kthxby.

That's a statement followed by a process that doesn't actually contradict the statement.
Which was phrased that way for no fucking good reason. I actually actively dislike the torture the English language is put through in parts of Inferno.

Finished the grave wardens. That's all my squads done, only vehicles and some characters are left.

take an army picture

I need some food and tea first but I'll see what I can do.

Waaaaay better than my termies, you sir are a true master. May saint Duncan bless you

May be of interest to fists players:


I need one last look over for my Ironwing list. Emailing it to 30kchannel today and want to make sure it's up to par. Most of the list I've seen played on the channel are real competitive and want to make a good show.

>HQ 623 points
Preator + Command Squad in tartaros terminator armor. Preator has a terranic greatsword, combi--statis round, and an iron halo. The squad has combi-plasma, power fist and chain fist. All in a Land Raider Phobos with armoured ceramite and multi-melta.

Terminators work real well with the RoW and the Command Squad comes in at a nice discount. Not much of a deathstar but can tie out others, the statis shell works real well on the charge and I've had some real good experiences with the greatsword.

>Elites 200 points
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought with lascannon and havoc launcher.

Anti-everything, also covers flyers.

>Troops 585 points
Three identical Tactical Squads. Sergeants with calabanite warblades, melta bombs, artificer armor. All in Rhino's with combi-meltas

Basic, bolters get +1 W within 12 inches, Combi's are to help take a hull points off of dreads or kill a single person, worth the 5 points.

>Heavy Support 1765 points
Predator Tank Squadron. All have lascannon sponsons, machine spirit, and one has a executioner plasma destroyer.

Cheap minus one of them, shooting at BS 5 the damage off of the cannons is good against infantry and light vehicles. Mostly just want them firing every turn,

Deredeo Dreadnought with ailos missiles. Another anti air, infantry, and light vechiles. The missile system works great with tank hunter. Also a mobile gun platform.

Malcador Assault Tanks, these have been my game winners. Three of them with demolisher siege cannons, lascannon sponsons. and armoued ceramite, one is the squadron command tank. Have been moving my troops behind them to take advantage of their cover and killing/tar pitting anything that can assault it in melee.

>LoW 415 points
Typhon with lascannons.

self explanitory.

So, 3588 pts. Can't you turn those Rhino Combi-meltas into Multimeltas?

I did not do good on my math. The game is set at 3500, I need to do some cutting.

I use to run multi-melta's on my rhino's but they ended up getting killed before they could fire them off. I still use them on vet squad rhino's when I play them.


Cut the lascannons off of the typhon, there's half your points already. Combi's aren't really necessary with your preator and command squad, there's the other half minus a few points.

The meta around my locale is real competitive and I enjoy that side of the game. I have a few people a city away that are completely fluff driven and I have fun with that side of the gaming as well.

Ah, the reason is the Rhino may not live enough to shoot more than one time, so a single shot melta is preferred to spending on a full multimelta.
Considering combimeltas have a range of 12" and thus a melta range of 6", why not instead bringing a HK missile that has the same strenght and infinite range?
The only thing I could agree with is to cut the Typhon's lascannons, and maaaaaaybe the Mortis' Havoc launcher, but everything else is good and you'd still need to let stuff go. A tough one.
A bit unrelated to point cuts, but the tacticals are despoilers?

repostan in a thread that isn't autosaging
IH Libby practically finished

I've tried hunter-killers but the rhino has to stay stationary and I never get to use them effectively since I tried to keep the list very mobile. The Tact's aren't despoilers, I've tried that as well but the DA bladed mastery isn't worth the effort and I can't charge them out of Rhinos.

Thanks for the feed back, I'm only a few points away from e-mailing the list.

Imperial Knight, ready for a billion magnets to be installed and a pretty monumental number of subassemblies. You think I can get away with putting the armour plates on the Thunderstrike Gauntlet before painting it?

>I've tried hunter-killers but the rhino has to stay stationary

Good work on the glow effects, especially the eyes.

> Mortal Wounds
So is that gonna replace Instant Death? If it does Eternal Warrior might be replaced with an added Mortal Would save

HHG, help my pick my legion.

Iron Warriors
+ Like tech and template weapons
+ Cool models
+ WW1 Muhreens
- Mediocre special units (fuckin iron circle are expensive)
- Loyalist IW are cool but kinda cliche

Iron Hands
+ Sweet models
+ Cool rules and units
+ Ferrus is my waifu
+ Red Talons
- Boring paintscheme
- Limited tactics

Sons of Horus
+ Cool paintscheme
+ Cool playstyle
+ Torgaddon did nothing wrong
+ Justaerin are sexy
- Kinda hard to draw inspiration for (mad max warrior technobandits?)
- Kinda underpowered?

+ Vulkan is cool
+ Modelling opportunities
- Pure green looks kinda dumb
- No phosphex funtimes

Word Bearers
+ Top tier scheme
+ Gal Vorbak
+ Pyromaniac assault marines
- Fuck Lorgar
- Daemons are boring
- Traitor only

+ Unsanctioned xeno weapons
+ Nasty in assault
+ Your Dudes
+ Reaver Lord can kick ass when you invest a lotta points
- Kinda sue-ish?
- Expensive base infantry

I'm an indecisive piece of shit, I know.

I'd go with Blackshield. Pick the dudes you have the most fun playing.

>+ Gal Vorbak
>- Daemons are boring


Thanks makes sense... Which means GW won't do it and will do something brken, stupid and lopsided instead

>pure green looks kinda dumb
You tell me mate
>no phosphex fun
Who needs phosphex when you have your entire army obsidian forged ?
In all seriousness I'd say pick a shattered legion made of wathever you want, it let you have the playstyle and paintscheme you want

Go for Salamanders
There are plenty of green schemes out there that can make the scheme work better, plus added fire effects can break up the green wonderfully
My personal fave is Duncans scheme, see what you think


Trust me, after you get used to super meltas and flamers while tanking all the pain from your enemy, you wont miss phosphex


We never see Iron Hands on here, and it looks like you like the vast majority of the shit they do. They're no more restricted than most of the other Legions, Breacher siege lines with Vindicators and outflanking speeders, tank columns with air support, termie and Dread lists, all kinds of shit.

I've seen some amazing paint schemes for them, too. There was one lot that had this badass metallic sheen to the black vehicles, kinda reddish where the light caught them, looked fucking awesome with red cabling and steel emblems and trim and such. If I see that guy again I'll take some pictures if he's cool with it.

Point is, you don't have to prime black, layer Abbadon Black, wash with Nuln/Agrax, and you don't have to go Spartanstar Sicaran Spam every game either.

I quite like the whole Big Angry Possessed Beasties thing, but regular ol daemons and summoning don't really do much for me. Should mention I'm an IG/Chaosfag when it comes to regular ol 40k.

Thanks for the advice, anons! I'm gonna pick up my next set of primer this weekend and test out the schemes on a few of my old marine kits before I look into putting them onto HH stuff.

Yeah, I was thinking of going with shattered legions with an Iron Hands breacher squads and a couple blobs of Salamander tacts and melta/flamer support and Iron Warriors to hold points and clean house in exceptionally nasty areas, with some support from IW rapiers and outflanking SoH/IH volkite vets and dreads. Feel like trying to get them all in a SL list would be a challenge, but hey, could split it up into multiple armies for small games.

> IG/Chaosfag
Instead of Deamons, why not run the Sacrificial Offering RoW on Word Bearers, it works around a combination of Marines and a Warp cult of humans, combine your 40k fetishes into one eh?

Oh also consider running Samus, he's the most Gal Vorbeck looking Daemon who ever existed and can run as your Marine LoW

>Iron Warriors
>+ WW1 Muhreens
I'd say they're IG-y marines. Lots of artillery and mechanized warfare, their commanders aren't afraid to spend them and they aren't anything special yet they still fight on and follow their orders (traitors following Perty's word unquestionably, loyalists keeping their oaths to the Emperor through all)
>- Mediocre special units (fuckin iron circle are expensive)
We pretend those don't exist, only Havocs and Tyrants.
>- Loyalist IW are cool but kinda cliche
I never thought so many of us would think similar.
>Iron Hands
>+ Ferrus is my waifu
>+ Red Talons
>- Boring paintscheme
You surely can liven it up
>- Limited tactics
Don't fall for the mechanized meme. They're a ranged legion, which is kind of the same of IFs but with better mech stuff and less sword and shield.
>Sons of Horus
>+ Cool paintscheme
>+ Cool playstyle
I like you
>- Kinda hard to draw inspiration for (mad max warrior technobandits?)
Mean looking guys for SoHs, or Germanic Romans for Best Wolves
>- Kinda underpowered?
You said they had a cool playstyle? Full agression frontal attacks, that's them.
>+ Modelling opportunities
Do tell
>- Pure green looks kinda dumb
Then mix it with stuff. Like flames, black, obsidian, emerald, scales or other kinds of stuff.
>- No phosphex funtimes
>Word Bearers
>+ Pyromaniac assault marines
>- Fuck Lorgar
>- Traitor only
I know right! Lorgar so a shit his legion cannot use Loyalist Iconoclasts anymore. It doesn't help the Iconoclast Centurion leader became daemonic diabolist Zardu Layak

>I'm an indecisive piece of shit, I know.
Lol it's a stage. Sort of.