All players roll 3d6 in order

>all players roll 3d6 in order
>players may trade attributes as they see fit, with scores staying linked to attributes
>play only begins once all players are satisfied with their statline
Could it work Veeky Forums?

Sounds kinda annoying.

It could work, but you know what doesn't work? Communism you filthy socialist rat

Prepare to be thrown off a helicopter

Of course. You can mix/max the hell out of it with that system. You could even give all the bad stats to just one character while everyone can be awesome.


I have better idea, player works for stats. And then buys them with non-fiat currency backed with gold. Like bitcoin.

If you're playing 5e just give it to the Moon Druid.

>people will respect one another's property rights with no forceful intervention necessary
>here, steal and read all of these books so you can learn about it

Ancap is my favorite meme

>intellectual property
Lemme guess the state took your balls at birth too?

Honestly? It would work too well.
>Wizard guy: Hey so can everyone give me some int points? I'll give away my STR and WIS
>Barbarian: Yeah take my 5 Int, give me STR
>Cleric: Take 7 INT, give me WIS
>Everyone has 5~6 in their dump stats
>Everyone has 26+ in their main stats

It would be a nightmare.


I don't think the idea is to be able to trade away part of your stat, all or none. So less:
>Barbarian: I've got 14 INT, do you want 6 of it for some Strength?
>Wizard: Sure, I don't need 12 strength, take 5 of it.
>I managed to roll 16 Int, I'll take your 8 and trade for your 17 Str so I can make a barbarian and you can make a wizard.

Sure, but why?

Not sure if just a stupid Ukranian girl or user taking the piss

Seems interesting! I'd definitely try it

For an ancap it's real.
For an anarcho socialist it is not.

>people will respect one another's property rights with no forceful intervention necessary

That's why you buy the cyborg modified child soldiers and the recreational nukes, you fucking bootlicker spook.

>actually they are given for free and not pirated


Would anyone ever actually do this?

I can't really imagine my players willngly trading good scores with someone else for the good of the group, but maybe that's just my group

> Voluntary Starvation the ideology



>Cannibalize one or two characters for their best stats, write off or kill them first session. Nothing but gods now
You're exaggerating the downsides of rolled stats by making it a communal duty to abuse it.

I do this.
1d10 +1d10 -1 in order