Alright Veeky Forums by fortune, chance and conquest you've come into possession of exactly 1,000 elf slaves

Alright Veeky Forums by fortune, chance and conquest you've come into possession of exactly 1,000 elf slaves.

The elves are overwhelmingly civilians with only a few trained for battle. Roughly 5% of the elves are children, the majority are young or middle-aged adults and a substantial number, about 25%, are elderly. Most of the adult and older elves know a trade or have a saleable skill. Some don't have practical knowledge but are academically inclined. The elves don't all come from the same place and there are divisions and tension between the different factions that have been enslaved..

You have enough guards to keep the elves in line but not enough to deal with a full scale revolt. You don't have enough supplies to keep the elves rationed for long but you're camped in fertile grassland and there are several towns within a few days' travel.

What do you do?

Let the elves go. They are a noble people and will repay my kindness to humanity at large.

Elf slave wat do is still elf slave wat do, no matter how many words you use


Bring the elves before the grand patriarch and kill each and everyone of them in his name, use their skulls to decorate my walls, use their bones to make bread, and of course keeping the most beautiful as concorts as a prize of conquest


I just clicked a C instead of S

>have the children be educated
>make the adults construct infrastructure and work agriculture and basic resource collection
>instigate a breeding program
>tell the elders to fuck off, help or party-hardy
>the educated children would teach and indoctrinate the next generation of state raised elves and set up the industrialization of my lands
>greatly militarize my denizens
>watch in pride as my Elvish Reich is now poised to conquer the world

Free them and go get drunk.

Kill yourself
Check my 9

Kill the elderly in front of the rest to assure some fear and dicipline, take the two most beautiful to be my slaves, along with a few children because I like the idea of brainwashing a young Elf to be a lifelong family servant.

Sell the rest based on their specialty, but keep any exceptionally talented smiths

>can't handle all the slaves revolting
>do something that will make all the slaves revolt

Laugh maniacally as I weave my magic, making their skeletons break free from their useless fleshy bodies.

How are they going to revolt when they're tied up?

I propose to free them, and that we organize ourselves into a caravan of artisans and courtesans to improve our situation until we can find a place to settle.

I get some booty in the process and get my name hailed as a hero of liberty and founder of a town. That's good enough for me

>use their bones to make bread
How does this work by the way? Why did the giant want to do it?


Sounds like I just got 1000 skulls with which to build a fancy new throne.

Let the elves go. Probably not all at once, instead I work on gradually repatriating them to their homelands.

Kill off all the elderly, crippled, and so-on. All the ones I couldn't reasonably re-sell, then sell all the rest except, a dozen or so of the prettiest, most submissive females.

Then I retire with my elf-harem and live off the money I made selling the others.

I'm assuming we're in an elf-hostile land, where elves have no rights and are enslaved on sight? I free them in all but name, and gather any Elves I can reliably call leaders to discuss the future of our group. I give them the option of trying to make it back to their homelands on their own, but suggest they join me in for in the core of a new group of Freedom Fighters.

My guards train any able-bodied Elves how to fight, while the artisans are commissioned to create weapons. I then take my new force around the country, targeting other estates with similar ratios of slaves to guards to build my forces until I have a grand host of Elvish freedom fighters, supplemented by any human abolitionists I can bring to my side.

We then attempt to overthrow the Monarchy or other type of government and if successful, I become King and build a new Nation where Humans and Elves are equal in all rights.

Ignore the boring faggot OP, this thread is now about this scenario:
>by fortune, chance and conquest you've come into possession of exactly 1,000 elf Slavs

people are slaves =/= all people are slaves

I guess it depends whether it's racial slavery or just slavery of a specific population. Totally possible you could be selling elf slaves to elf masters in some settings.

>Alright Veeky Forums by fortune, chance and conquest you've come into possession of exactly 1,000 elf slaves.

Clearly, I've slaughtered a slave ring and rescued their hostages. Time to get to liberatin'.

Right, that's why I made the assumption. Honestly, even if it wasn't a full-on species enslavement I'd probably still lead a liberation to replace the local government with one based on anti-slavery.


Sacrifice them en masse to the snake god, thereby securing the allegiance of nearby Yuan-Ti resist an incursion of not-Catholics.

Or, at least, that's what my players did when I presented them with an eerily similar situation.

You say slaves, I say subjects. Not much of a difference when you rule with an iron fist, but whatever. Using magical elf lifespans and their "oh we are so smart" fuckery, we should be able to carve out a decent empire.

Fuck making this a republic of any kind though, Fascism/Gommunism is the only way these fuckers would behave. Also gene manipulation/drinking a fuckton of elf blood to try and get that sweet sweet lifespan.

1000 is a hard to deal with number.

You only need a few hundred for a small town, and a thousand will require extreme logistics to keep fed and alive through the harsher months if you decide to settle down somewhere.

You can sell them off, but there is no way you'd be able to liquidate that many slaves before they started dying and getting feisty with you.

Keeping a select few and letting the rest go is a good way to have a dagger plunged into your back by your Elven maid-o.

Honestly the best choice is probably to let them go and fend for themselves. There's no reward, but no repercussions either.



And elf curses.

Also mythological precedent of being notoriously difficult to capture, in a "locks undo themselves for them" sort of way.

Don't fuck with elves. They're kill your livestock, steal your children, or make you a servant in their fey realms for an unknown amount of time, where when you return you turn to dust as time catches up to you instantly.

>The elves are overwhelmingly civilians with only a few trained for battle.

These aren't elves then. Each and every elf is proficient in longsword, shortsword, longbow, and shortbow, unless they're Drow. Then it's different weapons. Every elf knows how to fight.

Roughly 5% of the elves are children, the majority are young or middle-aged adults and a substantial number, about 25%, are elderly.

Children biologically or children age wise. Because an elf can be like 100 years old and still be legally considered a child. An elder elf is not the infirm type either.

I have no interest in elves like this. Release them into the woods and ask them not to cause trouble. Suggest that they trade with the nearby settlements.

>trade for immediate supplies, release them from bondage, found a town, collect taxes and rent

Freemen are worth more money than Slaves

Release them and spend a token amount of effort for them to find their homes: I don't have the logistics needed to care for a village of elves.

Well the most humane thing would be to make the most obedient ones free elves with possible land ownership and make a settlement on those grasslands.
Top 5 beautiful ones will go into my harem while the male children will be educated to the best of my abilities about warfare and statesmancraft.
The children will also be free elves ofcourse.
Basically I want a human-elf ottoman empire.

Mass drug them with hallucinogens for a period of 7 days in order to quickly instill within them a religion of my creation. They need not be slaves of leash any more, instead they will follow their cult leader by their own accord. Any who resist conversion will be taken and slain in the night by whatever boogieman entity I create as part of our religion. My devoted followers will construct a small town in the fertile grassland to support ourselves.


>Let the elves go
>kindness to humanity