Is anyone besides Matt Ward excited for Age of Guilliman?
Is anyone besides Matt Ward excited for Age of Guilliman?
I just want more mechanicus goodies to shoot Tau with, so if that means numarines, so be it.
The only Guilliman fan on Veeky Forums
I mean, at least it's not Age of Curze or Age of Russ or something totally hopeless.
I would much prefer an Age of Dorn or an Age of Jaghetai.
You're not alone.
I don't get it
>I mean, at least it's not Age of Curze or Age of Russ or something totally hopeless.
>Age of Jaghatai.
So you get to reroll all dice if you bring a treadmill?
Memes aside, he seems a good choice to rule the Imperium, specially considering that grimdarker map for 8ed.
The Imperium will be smaller and somewhat fragmented, but also more efficient and more prone to have new tech.
Plus, the more time Ward spends jacking off, the less he writes. Unless he learns to use the left hand for one of those...
All murder all the time
Im assuming this is an alpha legion reference
There's nothing to get. It's just a happy little baby crocodile with cheerios on its head. Why does everything have to BE something with you guys? Clearly that adorable little guy isn't doing anything sneaky, look how happy it is! There's nothing "deeper" going on here, how could an Alpha Legionnary even disguise himself as a crocodile, anyway? That makes no sense.
Also Guilliman, how you doing man? Is this a bad time, or...?
It will turn from grimdark to nobledark. The situation will still be grim, but there will be actually hope.
Good. I was getting sick of an amateurish way of always raising the grimdarkness without using contrast.
In an attempt to be very serious, many GW/BL writers were making the setting a satire of itself instead of the original satire it was.
That meme wasn't funny before, it's not going to be funny now user.
I am most definitely hyped for 8th edition though.
Yah. Mainly because it's a slight plot progression.
I know WH40k cannot have plot progression that goes anywhere far, and if anything it's a baby step, but in all honesty, that's still a move forward.
Maybe during the next thirty years GW will gather enough willpower to kill off the Tau.
Good, it was getting fucking retarded. I play scions because I love the models and I spent years wishing for plastic stormtroopers, but the fucking """codex"""" fluffis atrocious.
Stormtroopers went from being weaponised orphans to survivors of some sort of bizarre child-abuse cult and from elite black-ops/special forces to mindless beep-boops who live only to follow orders.
And don't even get me started on the Skitarii fluff.
Used to be I loved reading the fluff in my codices, now I just try to pretend it doesn't exist. In dire need of being toned down a notch, it's gone beyond grimdark into being cringe-inducing edgy teenage fanfiction akin to coldsteel the hedgehog.
What's wrong with Skitarri? They've always been disposable tin-men, and cyborg warriors. Sure, the Dragoons are dumb, but the troops are fine.
hes right
More like All Eurobeat All the Time
I would normally be worried, but the Lion waking up soon and Russ coming back will force him to check himself.
Gulliman will be the Davis to the Lion's Lee.
The Return of the Khan would have been glorious.
instead, we have the return of the smurf king.
I am, to a certain extent. I loathe stagnation in plot and setting.
At least it will finally advance the plot if nothing else
If anything they are bringing 40k to the same tone as Fantasy around Storm of Chaos. Times are dire but there is hope because legends walk besides humble mortals and push them to the greatest heights.
While i appreciate the decision, i hate the way they did this.
There were a million plot threads that they could've resolved in qays that make sense or at the very least were foreshadowed properly, but half of gathering storm is full of new shit from the nugw design team who forcefully wanted to add their own oc donut steel fluff to leave a mark, and you can so clearly see that
Just hoping Orks will be any good at all
How did the Ecclesiarchy react to Guilliman?
How did Guilliman react to the Ecclesiarchy?
>how could an Alpha Legionnary even disguise himself as a crocodile
they are very clever
Guilliman is a okay primarch
People only make fun of him because of the smurfs and ward
Omg literal Jesus figure and badly.
I'm not. I don't think this will stop anything though.
I'll be honest, I'm not really a fan of bringing HH-era fedora tippery into 40k. Seriously the dumbest thing about the Emperor's plan.
Excited about the rules getting an overhaul though. Long overdue.
Yeah, of all the Primarchs to bring back I think Roboute was the least interesting choice. He's basically just a new mini Emperor. I'd be way more interested if say, Lion or Corax came back to rule. I like Jaghatai but he's not the governing type and would just fuck off again.
Seconded. It's fine to be the joke / gimmick army, so long as you're not also the get-curbstomped army.
Considering Guilliman is my unironically my favorite primarch and that this seems to be a shift from grimderp to a more nobledark setting I'm pretty happy. 40k would be one of my favorite sci-fi settings if not for the baffling incompetence and try-hard edginess constantly on display.
>He's basically just a new mini Emperor. I'd be way more interested if say, Lion
Dude, Lion was described as being most like the Emperor in personality.