"Death Alliance on Suicide Watch" Edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
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"Death Alliance on Suicide Watch" Edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
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First-first for skaven
death player here, w-w-w-w-we don't need battletomes to feel relevant.
> Death player not feeling relevant because it's f no battletome
> Looks at shelf, with Brayherd and Warherd models
If you think Death is in a bad way, then you don't know how bad it can get.
can we get this for our game too please.
>no shooting at units in combat
>no shooting if enemy unit is within 1 inch except pistols
>-1 to hit with heavy weapons that moved same turn
>has the same cover system as AOS now
>same cant shoot if you retreated or ran
its like AOS was the beta test for 40k 8th
also elves when
>Age of Shooting
new death units never
I would like creepy vampire wizard army
My man
go play with your skyfires fag
>its like AOS was the beta test for 40k 8th
That could be more right.
I bet if AoSs sales were shit then 8th edition would of never happened
Yeah the modified AOS system they are giving 40k looks amazing
Need me summa dat
You thick? Skyfires are not Brayherd/Warherd and are Daemons, unlike normal Gors.
They're not daemons, they're still gors. They have both keywords because the discs they ride on are daemons.
but they aren't brayherd
>Keep in mind that the rippers can enter anywhere
No, they cant
Shadowstrike Starhost specifically says "more than 3" away from an enemy".
How best to equip Grundstok Thunderers?
They come with 1 of each weapon, so that's the obvious choice, but I guess I could clone the guns with oyumaruu if one loadout is definitely superior.
What's a good include for a 1260 Breton list? I'm thinking about including the Fey Enchantress, but I wanted to find out if just bringing a damsel would be better at this points cost.
Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
Skyport: Barak-Zilfin
Aether-Khemist (100)
Aether-Khemist (100)
Aether-Khemist (100)
10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
6 x Endrinriggers (240)
6 x Endrinriggers (240)
20 x Grundstok Thunderers (400)
Arkanaut Ironclad (440)
Total: 1980/2000
So if you fight Tzeentch with this you have a 3 drop army so you go first. Turn one the ship descends wherever you want. Everything in the army except the companies disembark and buffs up. The Thunderers can move and line up a firing squad into the skyfires, 40 shots with reroll 1s on hit and wound, so like 40+ damage with no armor save.
The Riggers can fly 12" and charge or fly 12" and grapple gun a dude and move another 24" then charge. It only takes one unit of 6 to fully kill a Lord of Change in one turn with their guns and chainsaws.
>Bothering with Beastmen at all
at least Death WILL get something good soon.
I just trashed my beastmen, folded them into Khorne, etc and just have the odd random cockatrice or whatever laying around.
Bray/warherd is the ultimate carrot on a stick but the carrot is actually a lump of shit
I just bought a bunch because I like them and Total War made me like them even more. I don't care how they play, they are cool.
They aren't Brayherd though, which means you might as well through any synergy you'd be looking for out the window.
I hope that GW will not treat the AoS as a successful but risky experiment that can be dropped now.
Also - have anyone of you tried to use your chaos army both in AoS and 40k? How was your list? Which faction did you use? Did you proxy some 40k models with AoS ones? What you think about 8e - are you happy that both games gonna share some rules or you liked to play two really different games?
Brayherd/Warherd are the only Chaos faction I actually care about. That's why I stick with them.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy them, but man what I would give for some new plastic kits, maybe some new named characters.Hell even just an SC box would be nice.
>I hope that GW will not treat the AoS as a successful but risky experiment that can be dropped now.
more likely AOS 2nd will be shockingly similar to the rules we see now for 40k 8th.
>DeathPlayer: Why is Death forgotten GW?
>GW: Because Death are the armies we deserve but not the faggots needs to deal with, so we will crush them, because their players can deal with
Good. For now 8e seems to be pretty good. I mean they teased only scraps but I don't really see any bad decisions for now
>Le nerdy movie reference
Reddit pls kys
I have a question for anyone with Stormcast, how do you make them interesting to look at? I've been having a go at one this afternoon, while it seems like it would be stupidly fast to get an army done the whole giant mass of metallic with maybe colored shoulders just doesn't sit well with me.
New to the game and working through the army builder.
Regarding Bloodknights, it says "soulblight battleline" does that mean if I had a full army of only vampires and nothing else, they are battleline or can I use them in battleline in some other death armies?
It might be obvious but it got me confused.
make them looks stone-like. Maybe marble?
There is a reason why they are called:
Samecast Eternals
AKA Snorecast Eternals
AKA Borecast Eternals
All your units have to have a "soulblight" keyword so you can use them as a battleline unit
>everyone winning at SCGT was cheating
somehow this does not surprise me in the least.
it was an indie tournament with unofficial point values, tons of house rules, and a bunch of casual players. no idea why people expect anything else
I'm aware, was just pointing out the daemon thing.
>It's GW fault that I'm not a creative person/have no painting skill
Fuck, you can even paint them monochrome - matter of taste what you find as an interesting look
Yeah, you can use vamps of any kind as well as bats and vargheists.
Remember, though, you can still summon anything in the death faction, and all your heroes are wizards. If you want to run blood knights as battleline but use other death units, you can leave the points out of your starting list and summon them into the game later.
>All the dudes look the same
>Even the ARCHERS are in power armor
>Even the big killy unique character (celestant prime) looks the fucking same
Its not just the paint scheme.
Me and my friend were working on porting Skitarii and Tau to AoS, but since 8th is about to hit there's really no point.
I tell you what I've never been so happy to be a warhammer fan. Everything is just glorious at the moment.
Hello,i'm new and i just finished my SE can someone give advice for Stormcast Eternal list?
>Playing Snorecast
Heres a good list:
Sell that shit and buy a better looking army
That's why I got some Deamons.
I can play both now
What you have user?
>working on porting Skitarii and Tau to AoS
Oh wow, that's something unusual but I saw few fanmade warscrolls for 40k units some time ago
you shitpost about stormcast all day every day
get a life
or start using a tripcode so we can ignore you
>implying only 1 person dislikes sigmarines
hivefleetcharybdis.blogspot dot co.uk/
This guy made great Tau rules, so it was mostly a case of getting the Admech to line up with them.
You have to tell us what you're willing to spend, what you have currently, how many points you want to play at, and how you want the army to play for any advice to be helpful.
What a funny maymay m8. Now you can go back to your thread and have some fun with your dead game but I bet you never played AoS or Fantasy. Here is your (you) - the last one in this thread
>YFW people who work for GW are currently looking at fan-made lore and battle tomes
>YFW these same GW employees are making tomb king units
I don't play WHFB, I just think sigmarines are gay as fuck
My reaction is more
>mfw GW isn't stomping down on her for posting/promoting fanmade content on an associated social media account
New GW, everyone
Why? Are they that boring?
6xGryph Hounds
>yfw youd still get kicked out for using that tome in store
Well i want to know what more buy, actually im aiming for 1000 pts good list and expand my army from there
the Sigmarization of 40K to include Stormcast Super Space Marine equivalents
Just to be absolutely sure I get this beyond my own retardation, to make a "soulblight" army I would need to take atleast three units of Bloodknights?
I thought I was crazy by simply owning the actual bloodknight models at all.
>Why? Are they that boring?
Don't feed the troll user. It's just a salty fantasy shitposter. You asked about list and he reply you with his aesthetic opinion - as you can see, he is just an idiot.
Hmm.... Nope. Still boring, still all the same, still don't like.
Look at the other starter army. A Khorne army has half naked men running around, buff guys in heavy armor, guys with no skin swinging flails around, knights riding huge hulking juggernauts, large monsters with tentacles, dogs with fins, and more. I dislike Khorne as well but as least you have a variety of units.
2 at 1000
3 at 2000
But you can use non soulblight units and still be soulblight by summoning them after deployment
We knew it since new 40k site launch user. But yeah, they finally confirmed it.
Fuck, I'm thinking about nurgle daemons + death guard but khorne daemons look neat
Props for actually owning them, are they metal or finecast? I'm kitbashing mine out of Empire and Bretonnian cavalry.
Get a start collecting box of both, so you get Nurgle + Khorne.
Then once you play both systems and you see which is best, expand one into your 40k army and the other into your aos army.
Its win-win m8
There's a 1000 point hammerstrike force in there if you had 10 liberators.
Metal, I bought them when they came out, they actully wasn't THAT overpriced back then. Expensive as hell sure, but now it's just silly.
They are horrible models by the way. They will NOT fit into their sadels regardless of what you do. it's a fucking nightmare (pun pun) to get them to sit on their mounts without looking pants on head retarded. And their shields are like 2cm thick, atleast on the kastellen. You are doing yourself a favor by doing it the bret way mate.
On a side note, are large units good? I got 120+ skelingtons that I've been wanting use post WHFB and I'd love to bring out for muh Phalanx.
Actually I was thinking about using one chaos army both in 40k and AoS consisting of three parts - universal daemon core for both games and two smaller parts to swap between - more bigger daemons for AoS and chaos marines for 40k. With new 8e rules maybe it will be easier to make but I'm not sure if I should go with nurgle or khorne. Nurgle will have its part in new 40k starter set but Khorne has more love in AoS
Bro, if you've got 'em just use your skellingtons for battleline and your blood knights as fast-moving objective grabbers and unit shredders. That is unless you want to run all soulblight for fluff reasons. By all accounts (I'm sure other deathanons can help out) the bonezone is a better tactic.
I'm running all soulblight because I wanted to undertake it as a conversion project. The aim is a table-ready 1000 point army in under 20 models using kits and bits I already have. It's also gonna be a lot easier to paint than 100 skellies, but if you've already got the skellies ready to go, use them.
Let me take a wild stab in the dark at what you do like ... Aelves?
No you won't. You can play with any rules you want if you play with GW minis.
>do like ... Aelves?
everyone likes Aelves
except people who don't and that's cool too
I like Sylvaneth, does that make me and elf lover?
No, because Sylvaneth only consists of treemen, dryads and spooky ghost tree warriors.
>Skyfires are Daemons
what was that, thickety thick?
>unlike normal Gors
well actually, they ARE normal gors and can be combined with a brayherd army and wreck shit just the same as they would in a tzeentch army
How effective are armies with no melee infantry? Specifically, I'm looking at putting together an Aelf mish-mash army, with Order Serpentis as the bulk and some archers from Wanderers. So it'd pretty much be heavy cavalry, some monsters and a shitload of archers.
how much truth lies in the rumors about new elfs in death allegiance? they smells so hard like bullishit but the same could be said about Dark elfs in order and that was true
>Order Serpentis heavy cavalry
cold one knights are horrible mate don't do it.
but they're cool and seraphon cold ones look like dogshit
Do what you like and like the look of.
When they DO get updated at least youll be OG order serpentis and can laugh at the faggots who will have to start from scratch whereas youll have a new painted army ready to go
the way I see it is that since Malarion (the shadow elf leader / incarnate of shadow) is part of the super-friends Order alliance of Sigmar, Alarielle, Tyrion/Teclis in the fluff fighting Archaeon and the rest of chaos I don't think we will see Malarion and his shadow elves switching teams. Dark elves from old-hammer were sadistic assholes but they were some of the most aggressive fighters against Chaos and they had absolutely no connection to Death in that setting either.
I think that the "shadow elves Death Allegiance" speculation is more about wishful thinking from those who desperately need more options in the Death grand alliance.
They aren't breaking GW's copyright policy.
All elves will be order
With MAYBE slaaneshi chaos elves
Everything in the lore given points to this
>When they DO get updated at least youll be OG order serpentis and can laugh at the faggots who will have to start from scratch whereas youll have a new painted army ready to go
dude I have 20 cold one Knights + leaders and Cold one chariots painted sitting on the shelf in this room right now. I tell you from actual games I've played that they underperform every time. There are lots of other options for elves that aren't as bad as Order Serpentis.
However the Dreadlord on Black Dragon is a steal for his points and worth taking almost every time.
>literally no synergy
>they can totes run together in the same army guys!
This is like saying Archaon can still run in a Brayherd army and wreck face. Sure, but it won't be because of any keyword synergy, it's because Archaon/skyfires were already good on their own.
okay so constructive advice time:
Ditch the cavalry and replace with absolutely as many dragons / frost heart phoenixes as you can cram into your army. Take a unit of sitsters of the watch and stick Alarielle on foot and a loremaster in the middle of it and throw up the minimum number of battleline shooter elf infantry in front as speedbumps.
>melee infantry
also if you ever do consider elf infantry for something other than just a battleline requirement filler then the only two options worth even looking at are Phoenix Guard and Executioners.
there is a formation called Exiled Blood Cult in the back of the Dark Elf Compendium that is the best youll ever hope to do with a melee footslogger elf army.
Gold vs Silver Stormcast
Which is objectively better?
personally, even just looking at all gold stormcast gives me a headache
Standard metallic with head swaps. Make them look like Warcraft Paladins.
Well, we don't know what's going to be in GHB 2.0 yet, it could be a significantly reworked ruleset.
Use balthasar gold and make them brass as fuck
fuck, I mean copper
what I do is use Leadbelcher/Nuln Oil/ Ironbreaker/ Runefang steel for most of the body
and use balthesar/ reikland/ gehenna/ auric armor for the shoulder trim and accents.
I think they look way better than the standard all gold eternals
Reminder that any army that isn't bretonnia or lizardmen all rook same and are garbage
Space marines are exempt from this because one guy might have a purity seal or an ammo bag and this is clearly enough to give a space marine a discernible personality.
aelves a shit
Nice get wasted on shitposting
>mfw I bought a Lizardmen start collecting box but now have no desire to put it together
why do I do this to myself?
I agree and I ended up going with tarnished copper
that looks fucking awesome!
since they're so dark, maybe if would be cool if you added a bright "glowing" effect somewhere on the model to take advantage of the contrast
I've been experimenting on my left handed skinks. How should I make them more interesting? The two in the back are how the rest of mine are painted. I tried giving them a yellow and red stripe on their back. I like the red one. Not really sure if I like the fin on their head being white though.