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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Have you ever played Requiem for Rome?
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Does anyone have the "World of Darkness General" template/layer that's pasted on the previous thread's OP picture and this one? I want to make more WoD general related images with that particular typeset.
I house ruled that digital information falls under the purview of Prime, as part of my attempt to use the digital web in Nmage. It seems to fit. Invisible power, non-mental information, etc.
Hypothesis: The GM is a superdemon running exploits on the exarchs.
The origin of mage supremacy. Masters are vanishingly rare for a reason.
It still chaps my ass that Alien gets so little love as a Fansplat compared to Genius or Princess.
It's based on gnosticism, but it's not a carbon-copy of it.
Never found enough people to do it. The idea of playing a clan basically doomed if you want a ventrue-like vamp is kind of offputting, but i'd still be willing to give it a try.
I would absolutely love to play Requiem for Rome. And possibly change history, but that's not mandatory.
>Masters are vanishingly rare for a reason.
IIRC, the biggest killer of Mages is tripping over another, older Mage's convoluted plan while trying to advance your own plan and getting BTFO.
>It still chaps my ass that Alien gets so little love as a Fansplat compared to Genius or Princess.
To be fair, it just hasn't had has much exposure.
>It's based on gnosticism, but it's not a carbon-copy of it.
You shouldn't reply to that guy, user. He has no clue what the fuck he's talking about and several of his complaints are void because they're already in the game.
>archmages do fuck off to a higher plane after ascending
>attaining higher levels of gnosis does detach you from the mundane
>the goal of ascension isn't to kill the exarchs
>the goal of ascension is about escaping their prison and ascending above it all.
I mean anybody who reads the fucking wiki should know that.
So I'm in the process of puting together sort of "[city] by night" for my players. Who is who, pictures, covenants and so on.
I wonder if anyone else does stuff like this for their games?
I use a tiddlywiki for each of my games
As far as fan splats go, what does /wodg/ think of this? Someone in my group occasionally asks to use it when we go a mixed group.
It exists because of a mistake. The people at White Wolf misread the market and didn't know that the 90's RPG bubble was bursting with the rise of the MMO. So, they rejiggered their entire line and Requiem sold like hotcakes but immediately after that, sales plummeted back to their depressed level.
Cue aquisition by CCP.
Seriously, no one? Is the guy who made these just gone from these generals?
I never liked that fanart of Deb. Reminds me of that midget from Youtube.
Well, there was also booksellers vanishing that played a hand into it. Even if oWoD had continued uninterrupted, the death of places like Borders would have doomed White Wolf anyways. Getting bought out was pretty inevitable, and the time of the metaplot was coming to a close anyways. The only real change is that we probably would have gotten a straight up Storygame edition of VtM in about 2008-2012 as a 4e. That or White Wolf would have straight up died and FFG would have ended up with the rights.
Aspel made a lot of them, so yes. I think they exclusively post on Twitter now.
I only came around into this thread a few weeks before her vanished completely, but I figure people have a legit reason for not liking him and the whole "Don't reply to Aspel" posting that went on for a while.
But seriously, Aspel made those? God fucking damn. Guess I'll talk to him then about it. Got his twitter handle or forum username from OPP forums?
I keep posting it here because I think it's brilliant, especially for a Fansplat. It has a concise idea of what it is and what it wants to do, and Alien actually fits pretty well unless you're one of those people who can't deal with having Nuts n' Bolts aliens in the CofD. I'd change a few things, but I like it.
There was another person who did them who occasionally posts around here but yeah a lot of them were theirs. They always were good at basic graphic design stuff like that, and while I always thought their fan work was half-baked and always released too early, it's not like they didn't look good.
They don't post on OPP anymore, or at least they vanished from OPP at the same time as they vanished from the thread. I don't remember their Twitter handle, I ran into them exactly once on there and didn't talk to them. I've had enough of talking to them for one lifetime on here, I wouldn't want to do that again on a place where they could send off posts at the speed of light.
I wonder what made them finally drop off, though. Either way, it's for the best, posting on a place where people want to dunk on you personally isn't healthy, and while I can't say I ever liked them as a person, I wish them well all the same.
Anyways, someone else also does those, they come around from time to time and hopefully you can ask them.
The problem is that the person who makes these seems to only appear in early morning hours for me, when I'm asleep, and I've posted a few times before, and no one ever replied. Still, I guess I'll keep trying in every thread. Thanks.
Does anyone have a pdf of Rio?
>tfw every notable person from this general is dead
Time is the fire in which we burn.
is it just me or are changelings kind of underpowered at the start
Changelings are usually quite weak in general.
Don't. Aspel was the kind of player that That Guy threads were made for. We're talking about an avowed pedophile that treated it as a civil rights issue.
Deb is forever linked in my mind with that one radio dj from GTA VI. The one that did Radio Broker.
I know that the latter is based on a real person, but in my mind both of them are kind of messy looking brunettes holding cigarettes in smoky rooms, slight smirks always on their faces and their eyes sly.
I definitely have not thought about this more than I should.
>Masters are vanishingly rare for a reason.
They're really not.
Are you talking about that inbred coathanger, Delameme?
So, they were an average pre-2008 Veeky Forums poster, then.
Okay so on a slightly less flamewary topic but still related, whats the highest rank of inferno demon a archmage could beat?
How is this slightly less flamewary?
Because I doubt anyone is going to run to the defense of literally Satan. Or rather, inferno demons aren't the specific domain of any splat so it isn't stepping on anyones toes.
Best cards per Discipline?
No clue who that is. No, I meant Juliette Lewis.
Depends on the Archmage in question, but if the respective Seeker has attained the Practice of Transfiguration he/she will be capable of taking out even Satan.
Shame they don't get much focus. I'd like to imagine what sort of reactions the other factions would have from someone going on a crusade against hell. Prime would probably be best for it right? What with it's association with stuff like celestial flames and so on.
Transfiguration Is infinite in accordance with the Arcanum being used, there would be a lot of overlap between the ten Arcana overall due to the heavy interpretation as a basis for it.
Prime would no-doubt be the best option for a crusade of such scale, but the others are also solid options.
I imagine the Pax would still be in effect, if rather minimized. I don't think any single Archmage would cry over mighty Lucifer being thrown down, but you never know.
I gotta dig back in the book, do the seers/abyss have any connection to that place?
Stuff like this is why I wish other splats had archmage like rules for power stat 6+. Not because >muh balance but because I want to play a werewolf who eats the devil's heart. Or a changeling who plays tricks on god's of entire planets. Granted I guess it's a theme thing, WoD was never meant to support high level play like that, from a fluff or mechanics perspective.
Though I guess I can hold out hope that I can reverse engineer it from scion somehow.
Better question is what happens when that archmaster gets tempted and falls into service of Inferno
If it ever actually came up (but let's face it, it won't) I'd run it like an altered version of one of those abyssal archmages.
Archmages are too arrogant and confident when it comes to their own capabilities, to be tempted by others, even Satan.
I might just be running on stereotypes. Hubris and all.
Inferno Demons can give you both Arcana, Gnosis, and Artifacts (including 'lost' ones) they might be a bit tempted by what Satan has to offer.
Vorador could pretty much fit as a Tzimisce character in WoD, right?
Well we have Archmasters serving Exarchs, ones serving abyss, ones that want to return old gods to their stations. So Archmaster serving Lower Depths is not out of question. Bonus points if he is Obrimos and uses Inferno to Ascend as a symbol of sin or corruption(dunno if we have exarch for that already)
Sadly, I don't think there will ever be an Archmage-equivalent Template for non-Mage gamelines.
Though you're right about the theme(s) being the deciding factor; Mage (both old and new) having the most incentives to receive this luxury.
Reclusive, freaky bat dude, lives in a huge stately mansion way the fuck out in the creepy wilderness? Fuck yeah. Though he's probably one of those Tzimisce elders who don't give two shits about the Sabbat.
They can? According to DaveB Pangaeans are the only non-Supernal entities to have access to the Arcana, not the demons of Inferno.
Mind if I ask for a citation for further references?
They don't cast them, they can grant them to mages.
That's still considered access to Supernal whatnot though, something Pangaeans explicitly occupy in status.
Demons literally can't access them. Are you retarded? Pangeans POSSES arcana ratings. Demons CAN GRANT MAGES AND ONLY MAGE, their power stat and arcana. Just like they can offer any other supernatural parts of their template. That doesn't mean Demons can use them or even have access to them.
Demons granting other Templates increases to their core-abilities & statistics is an outdated mechanism dating back to first edition.
Pay no heed to it.
aabbt kindred
So hostile. Perhaps you should take your overdue morning medication?
I found only this in Inferno but there might be more
>Entering into a demonic pact requires a degeneration
roll to avoid losing Wisdom (roll 2 dice). Demons
cannot grant a mage dots in Arcana, but can grant
knowledge of rotes. A demon cannot call down Artifacts
from the Supernal Realms, but can arrange for a
mage to come into possession of an existing Artifact.
Rotes are mixed traits, while Artifacts are external
traits. The Dream Merit is an internal trait. Demons
cannot grant the Destiny Merit.
A mage who reserves part of her Mana pool
to power a pact has a constant feeling of unease,
as though her Unseen Senses are never quiet. The
character suffers a –1 to the Wits + Composure roll to
detect supernatural phenomena with Unseen Senses.
(Using Mage Sight does not incur this penalty.)
>Demons literally can't access them
>Demons CAN GRANT MAGES AND ONLY MAGE, their power stat and arcana
>That doesn't mean Demons can use them or even have access to them.
I have to wonder how Descent Demons would react to Inferno Demons.
I don't really think the lower depths have anything to offer a mage.
I assume they do exist, though, because it's mentioned that they do. Filling in the blanks is your prerogative. I would be hesitant to run an archmaster-level game, in all fairness.
Also this
>A demon can grant an increase in the character’s
“power trait” (Blood Potency/Primal Urge/Gnosis/
Azoth/Wyrd), but doing so requires a Major Sacrifice for
each dot by which the character wishes to increase it.
>because it's mentioned that they do
Never been mentioned for a fact, rather a "what if" scenario. Nothing canon about. Methuselahs aren't the Archmage equivalents for Vampires, as an example.
I think there was some kind of sidebar about that exact topic at the start of the book, like how many beings go by the name 'demon'. Or wait, maybe that was at that start of the descent book.
There's currently no canon instance of a god-tier Template for another gameline.
Only Masquerade back in oWoD had one, and they weren't really comparable to Archmages at the higher end of play.
True Fae are god-tier for Changeling considering they are the strongest thing changeling can face within its own splat and they are also what Changeling can turn into
Im putting together one for my Requiem game now actually
We're talking about a tripfag who dropped their trip to avoid filtering. I've never seen anyone begged to start tripfagging before Aspel and I haven't seen it since.
Heh my notes for Requiem are getting bloated as outside cheat sheet for players that I'm building I also have shit ton of notes on mind map.
How are yours going?
Yeah, but that's where comparisons come into play. The True Fae are rank 7 entities, which is one rank lower than Luna & Helios.
Archmages as a whole can be in any rank depending on how powerful they are.
Ok but this is crossover. I'm assuming splat only and if you consider that True Fae are the nastiest things changeling can run into same as Elder vampire is the worst thing vampire can face in VtR. And for comparison sake all those high-enders are derived from base splat.
Compare to woof where you get Indigam, Spirits and Hosts all of with can grow to be stronger than any single werewolf and with werewolf cannot change into
I just think WoD's cosmology get's really interesting when you take all the freaky shit into account. In a way it reminds me of the early Dr Strange stuff, where there were all sorts of spirits and gods and various other related things all with weird agendas and stuff. But if I want to run a game like that I can only play mage. I don't dislike mage or anything, I just sort of wish there was more. Granted it looks like I can just go to other OPP games to scratch that itch before too long here
Oh, wow.
I was reading that Beast review because I was expecting it to be not much more than screeching about SJWs and progressivism, but jesus. Beast isn't just fucked conceptually, but actually mechanically as well. Beasts can basically fart out fresh WP points with ease and Family Ties is *ridiculously* powerful if you tie yourself to a full-on Brood.
>Reclusive, freaky bat dude, lives in a huge stately mansion way the fuck out in the creepy wilderness? Fuck yeah. Though he's probably one of those Tzimisce elders who don't give two shits about the Sabbat.
Eeeeh... I'm not too sure about that. Sure, I could see him as a Tzimisce, but not as one of the Old Clan.
The main reason being that the Old Clan Tzimisce as a whole don't tend to care much for fleshcrafting (with some refusing to even learn or make use of it), and the ones that *do* bother using it tend to make only subtle and slight changes to themselves (eyes that blink vertically rather than horizontally for example), looking down on "monstrous" fleshcrafting as the work of adolescent amateurs.
Vorador's gray-green skin, bat ears, three clawed digits on each hands, face-tendrils/chin-horns and all that speak much more of a Sabbat-aligned Elder, rather than a Fleshcraft-hating Old Clan Elder.
There are cases of not Sabbat aligned Tzimisce who still use fleshcrafting and aren't Old Clan
Yeah, those are what I was thinking of, not Old Clan Tzimisce.
Seeing as how there was a little bit of fan splat stuff last thread I might as well ask, was there ever a version of genius updated for chronicles, or a not weak as hell version of princess?
So i'm trying to build a campaign of WtA that isn't around yiffing and ecoterrorism, but actually trying to do their job fighting the wyrm while defending against intrigues and some powerhungry fucks in the werewolf society
How do i do that?
Was thinking about starting with some shit like:
"The party is sent to help a Glasswalker, who is the head of a national R&D company, to run for Mayor. The other main candidate is a rich oil mines owner and a phylanthropist with ties to Pentex and loved by the people. Good luck"
How the fuck are you supposed to be a mayor when you have the curse?
>Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition: While Lost doesn’t require enormous changes in mood, or rules, we want to give wider meanings to the PC’s time in captivity so that not every version is some sort of abuse (although that remains the compelling core metaphor) and to mesh the rules changes from Chronicles of Darkness 2nd Edition into Lost. Developer: Rose Bailey and Meghan Fitzgerald
This doesn't sound very promising to me, but who the fuck knows anymore, OPP has been all over the place.
>mfw people are going to shit on them for whitewashing slavery or whatever
Homid Low-rage high willpower Theurge or Philodox?
Well, that just means that they come closer to matching mages, so it can't be that OP.
I didn't get the feeling from Hill that it was going to get a ham-handed Beast-esque poor metaphor for abuse and probably saying how its not abusive, but I feel like its almost a certainty now.
Honestly, I'd say that without Family Ties you're missing out on REAL mage supremacy. An extra +5 dice to cast any spell so long as it's helpful in some way to your "family".
maybe i just miss the bus, but did anyone notice beast is a ripoff of an as far as i know uncompleted fan game that was on Veeky Forums called leviathan the something. i read through the review that got posted and it reminds me of a shit version of the outline i remember.
Beast exists only to support Mage supremacy, user.
We all know this.
>An extra +5 dice to cast any spell so long as it's helpful in some way to your "family".
Could be literally anything
>mage supremacy
>Have you ever played Requiem
The old WoD ads that ran in Dragon were comfy af
I have never played Mage before, but I have played VtM, Hunter, Changeling and Scion. I've heard that a surprisingly effective build, due to how everything boils down to dice pools in one way or another, is to have 1 dot in every arcana to get the mage sight rote spells for each, so my character would be able to see magic but never risk paradox, then dump XP into Gnosis, because similar to Exalted, once your power stat is over 5, your attributes and skills can as well, so you could eventually have 10's in everything, every attribute, every skill. Does this actually work? Is it viable?
Could a Wyrd 10 Changeling reliably challenge a Gnosis 5 Acanthus Master?
You need 3 in mind and 3 in life, and then you can raise stats + skills above normal max without high gnosis just using some extra reach on spells.
Also mage sight is no longer a spell.
>Reclusive, freaky bat dude, lives in a huge stately mansion way the fuck out in the creepy wilderness?
>Kill The Batman
Dresden files!?
paradox has got nothing to do with mage sight, having all arcana at 1 wont mean you never risk paradox,
its possible as a starting mage with life or mind 3 to increase any 1-2 stats/skills to 10 but will take at min 5-6 hour ritual casting and some willpower to relinquish spells, hence some prep
He might be referring to extended casting abuse back from 1e.
Wait, seriously? Fuck that.
Govern is probably the quintessential Dom card. Deflection is also really good.
Pic related is my pick for Ani
Suck my dick magefag
I will gladly suck your dick if you stop posting cards
I'll post cards and you'll like it.
You can always whine about it more while stuffing your face full of cocks, I don't mind.