Dungeons and Dragons is Bad

Its a bad system.
Its a bad setting.
Its a bad game.

You're not wrong.

But would you mind suggesting something else, and why you prefer it to D&D?

Which one, give reasons for why you dislike it and we'll recommend something to play that'll help solve those problems you have.
Literally which one, faggot, do you mean the primary one that Wizards of the Coast/Paizo supports for each system or a specific niche one you don't like?
>bad game
Subjective, again, what do you dislike about the game? If you tell us, maybe we'll have an actual conversation about finding you a system/game that fits your taste, faggot.

Or you know, stop killing threads to whine about D&D when you can just stop playing it and play something else. It's not perfect, but some people like to play it and they have every right to enjoy it. Just play something else, for fuck's sake.

OK, and?

I disagree



My players and I like it and that's all that matters.


This is not a matter of opinion.
This is not a subject of debate.

There is an objective standard of quality lacking from the base setting and rules system.

Then don't play it.

It's not a system.
It's not a setting.
It's not a game.

It's a brand.

Okay, but it's fun and people enjoy it. Who gives a shit?

"D&D" isn't even a setting, idiot.

This is a common misconception.
It's not fun, it's popular. And because it's popular, people have learned how to have fun in spite of it to justify its popularity.

Troll thread

Oh fuck you're right, I was only fooling myself into having fake fun.

Fuck off retard

Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
You were not fooling yourself into having fake fun.
You were fooling yourself into thinking you were having fun because of D&D instead of in spite of D&D.

Is epic.

Its a bad opinion

>Its a bad system.
The systems do what they set out to do, although 3.5 is bloated, a lot of players like that.
Previous editions are an artifact of their times. They were testing the waters, and still have some good sides when played today.

>Its a bad setting.
All the editions, except for supplement books and campaign modules, are not bound by any settings.

>Its a bad game
That's wholly subjective.

Okay cool

Not that guy, but Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay circa 1989.

>expect le Veeky Forums to betray us, the fellow D&DGOOOOODSS!!!!!!!
>they don't
SLAAAAAAY QUEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS. You fucking idiot.

I like the setting a lot.


Who are you to say why he was having fun?

He's not, I am. No one is to enjoy themselves without my permission, and I say everyone in this thread needs to be even more miserable than they already are, which is why I'm going to shit up the thread with my Weapons-grade Autism until it's an unbearable cringey mess.

Good luck.

Let's say you're right and the only reason I enjoy it is because I've learned how. That doesn't make the fun and enjoyment I get out of it invalid. It still entertains me, regardless of how I got to that entertainment.

Yes, but you were still doing it wrong. Everyone does it wrong. You need a perfectly round table so you can stick your finger up the ass of person to your right. Also the proper ceremonial garb is required, which means you're all Going to need to invest heavily in crushed velvet, and you'll need to purchase a replica of Mike Meyer's Dick in order to discipline players, but Bad Dragon merchandise will do if you're a cheap pleb.

OP is a gentleman and a scholar.
Rolemaster 100x better

What the hell are you even talking about? Did you escape from your group home again?


It's a bad thread I don't even like D&D but these threads are atrocious

4e was a good game.

Then again, according to the D&D fanbase, that made it not 'real' D&D.

I only know of the setting, and I agree. It's too autistic.

I love this thread. It's a bait thread and every post is also bait. It's a flock of wolves thread.

>Bad Setting

Unless you're doing something that depends heavily on the setting like a Ravenloft campaign does anyone really care? Most times the it's just some custom built/tweaked fantasy setting.

Let's have a stealth 4e thread. I liked it the best besides 1e.
Nothing will ever beat 1e and I honestly wish they'd sto trying. 5e (they weren't going to call it that, remember? lol) is just fucking bad all around. 4e tried to fix caster supremacy but fuck that, fuck letting martials ever be good. Let's go back to shitty 3.xdhiyfvj paradigms. It didn't make work then! It's not working now, despite your stellar sales. This shit Twinkie sells like hotcakes and that's the worst part.

Or a school of sharks smelling blood in the water

I didn't escape. I Woke up one morning to find that the entire property had been sold and condemned. This is the fourth time that's happened and I don't know why. Maybe I should stop molesting the patients and switch to the name brand peanut butter.

They'd stop* trying
Sorry tg. My coffee hasn't kicked in yet.


No, we're a pack of autists who sense when someone says something wrong on the internet, but we're unable to detect whether it's deliberate. I however have gone one step further and criticize the act of correcting someone else while I myself am still correcting someone else, making it wonderfully hypocritical. Except that I'm pointing this out, which instead makes it meta-humor, which I can then build a fortress of autism and bullshit around.

There wouldn't be blood in the water if d&d had good devs. Pf, as shitty as it is, showed wotc the most how bad it hurts a company to have their market shook under them. Wake up call to wotc. There's always been competition to d&d (white wolf comes to mind as being pretty successful, GW as well, Steve Jackson has tremendous success with Munchkin) so to see them stop acting like their devs opinions are the only opinions that matter would be fucking great. Listen to your fanbase, assholes!!

No, don't listen to them. They still conceptualize using their meat-brains which are unreliable unable to provide feasible evidence for most of reality according to their worldview. How do they even know if they're having fun besides what the chemicals in their brain tell them. No, far better to consult the psychic fruits from beyond k-Mart in order to achieve truly correct system development.


I actually learned a really interesting thing the other day. Not exactly new, but it highlights an implicit problem with the D&D 3.PF way of doing things.

The Pathfinder core book? Has 148 pages of spells. Significantly more than any other individual section.

Even if martial classes were exactly as powerful, or even more powerful, than magic users, the sheer difference in options and versatility is overwhelming. The design is so obviously, heavily skewed towards them at every level it makes Caster Supremacy entirely unsurprising.

Master Casters, like Master Debaters, need to have expert use of handling their rod in order to attain fulfillment by their own hands.

I disagree.
>I speak for literally everyone on this board
Still not grown up enough to realize that sometimes people have tastes that aren't yours, huh? Hopefully you get there one day, kiddo.

I have autism so the concept of other people being individuals is more of a philosophical discussion than a factual statement.

As someone else with autism, go fuck yourself. You don't get to blame your conditions for you personally being an asshole.

No, but I get to post bullshit statements in a bullshit thread in order to make the thread as unpleasant an experience as possible in order to make it truly cringeworthy and try and bring Veeky Forums to a state of self-awareness that arguing over bait is simply not worth it.

That's extremely self defeating and your wasting you're time

Yes, but better yet, I'm wasting everyone else's as well!

>Dungeons & Dragons
>A setting
You had one job.

>>I speak for literally everyone on this board
But they weren't implying that at all you lying jackass, they were just expressing an opinion. God
I hate this shitty argument.


Noooot really but ok my friend. Have a picture.

You know, you could be right.

And yet....

How shitty is the argument on a scale of 1 through 10?

No, see, the futility of my efforts is itself a statement about the futility of posting in a bait thread. By failing but continuing to post anyway I'm only succeeding in making the thread worse. That I'm self-aware about it and point it out only furthers the level of unpleasantness, especially since I've started waxing philosophical about it.

Lol. You're certainly allowed to think that. Have fun with it! Play until the wheels fall off, Mr rock and roll Junior.

I like d&d a lot. Is it the best thing running? Nope! I'm ok with that, too!!! Bait averted!!!

I guess I'm just really desperate for people to listen to me and earn their approval. Being accepted by a community is and earning their approval are important to me.

Now, see, that's the crux of our problem. Veeky Forums works best when no one cares what others think, we just post things because we think it's cool or interesting, and aren't mean-spirited about it all.

user, what you need is real friends and a real group, not Veeky Forums.

I'm pretty sure that was sarcastic... although I can't tell because I also have autism. Would appreciate it if a neurotypical helped me out here.

For more severe cases of autism this is actually true, but in this case I was being sarcastic to hijack the conversation. I wasn't even the guy he replied to originally.


I could tell that, I just wanted to see if literally everyone in this thread had autism.

I do like to spin so there's that.

It's very common amongst people involved in traditional games.

I heard a theory that it provides structure to social engagements. Autistic people usually still enjoy the company of others, to a greater or lesser extent, but doing so is often draining and confusing given the complex rules of social engagement and the risks implicit in them.

Having a game to play, whether an RPG or a board game, creates a simpler set of rules to govern the social situation. It helps you calm down and enjoy social engagement because you have the rules of the game as a frame of reference for what's happening, leaving you feeling less lost or confused.

It's just a theory, there haven't been any studies done, but it fits my personal experience very well.

Well, I'm a diagnosed Sperg, so yeah, maybe, though I believe the breakdown is more like 30% have mental disorders, including Generalized Anxiety, Depression, etc.

This too. Rpgs are System Mechanics and Narrative, the two things we happen to hyperfocus on. Combine that with people who we can share our interests and discuss with, and it's basically the perfect environment to teach us how to actually socialize. I don't think I would have gotten my current girlfriend if interacting with my friends and D&D group hadn't prepped me for social interaction.

>Its a bad system.
>Its a bad setting.
>Its a bad game.
First, here:
' ' '
You dropped these.

>It's bad
So is movie theater artificial butter flavored popcorn topping.
So what?

A former player of multiple editions of D&D who has had and still has the opportunity to personally observe and interact with a multitude of current and former D&D players.

How does that relate to my post?
Again, there is no mention of "fake fun" whatsoever.

You have no authoritative standpoint here while you still claim to think using your meat-brains. As I said here, , your viewpoints on reality are tenuous at best and therefore unreliable.

I play fantasy craft, stopped playing D&D when I discovered there were other systems and that I didn't have to be shit just because I chose monk, rogue or similar classes.

how is fantasy craft compared to DND 5E AND 3.5PF

Compared to 3.PF it has a similar level of character options but almost no balance problems (there're some, but are minimal compared to 3.PF ones)

Compared to 5e is more complex and crunchy.

is it more crunchy than 3.5?

You forgot the part about NO FUCKING SUPPORT EVER.

>It's not fun, it's popular
>Screeches "ur wrong and ur a fagget!" at anyone who states that they have personally had fun with the system
Yeah, they are making that argument. Anyone who says they've had fun is really just deluding themselves into THINKING they're having fun, according to the person you're defending.

>Its a bad system.
>Its a bad setting.
>Its a bad game.

>5e planes
Terrible taste. I could even have forgiven liking the Great Wheel.

WTF I love bad things now.

85 replies to a literal bait thread. This board has no awareness or self-control.

Well thanks for bumping it, asshole.

Veeky Forums lost the ability to turn bait threads good but maintained the inability to let shit go.

Truly, this is the worst timeline.

But it's fine as a gamist system. I just don't want gamist fantasy.

>Unless you're doing something that depends heavily on the setting like a Ravenloft campaign does anyone really care?
how can anyone really believe this? how can anyone not comprehend that the immersiveness of a world depends on how well the different parts fit?

wtf i love D&D now

Good for you.
I'm still going to play it.

>Anyone who says they've had fun is really just deluding themselves into THINKING they're having fun, according to the person you're defending.
Only if you lack basic reading comprehension.
Anyone who says they've had fun because of D&D (note the last part) is really just deluding themselves into THINKING they were having fun because of D&D, when they were actually having fun in spite of D&D.

Strange. When my friends and I get together to play, we have fun. I'd wonder if we had a problem, but it makes more sense for you to be a fucking retard.

And another user without a shred of reading comprehension.

Which setting? There is so god damn many it's not funny. From Iron Kingdoms to Krynn to Planescape...

I've more seen it as Babby's first game.

Players don't want to learn about lore. This is the generic "It doesn't matter that you know shit all about lore, go bash some monsters and get some loot" game.

Also for GMs who can't be arsed to read about lore and simply want to inject their own take on a fantasy setting.


You're not having fun because you're playing D&D. You're having fun in spite of this broken, illogical, stupid slog of a game.

Sure, playing with friends is fun! You even managed to have fun in spite of playing one of the worst game of the market. Congratulation.

How would you define what makes a game fun to thus make D&D not that?

Would you care to elaborate?