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For the first legion!

Nth for Bjorn becoming primarch tier in 8ed

3rd for fatherly love.

3rd for buff tau

>tfw Orks no longer have to suffer I2

I thought melee was supposed to be getting better. If anything shooting looks like its getting a huge buff

Any predictions for Riptide stats?

implying youll get into combat with 4" movement

>If Vipers were better than bikes then you would see a lot of them

user, you realize you dont HAVE to spam a unit if it's good, right?

Well, it wasn't a vehicle to begin with, so I'd imagine its stats aren't changing too much. I cold see its armor save dropping to 3+, not sure how invulns work yet. I'd imagine its weapons are going to see greater changes.

12 12 12 12 12 12 1+
Points upped to 190 for balance

>riptides becomes 2d6 S9 ap-3 D1d3
Hope you like never getting there

So you won't even need grav to kill it in two turns?

Probably 8-9 wounds at most

In what sense? Low armor models benefit a lot from the changes.


Are you a proud noble warrior? Choose Space Marines.
Are you the real hero of Warhammer 40k? Choose Imperial Forces.
Are you right and everyone is wrong? Choose Chaos.
Are you smarter than the rest? Choose Xenos Empires.
Are you a retarded shitposter who gets his joy by spreading dumb shit on the internet? Choose Xenos Hordes.

>implying they'll be bringing that nonsense back from 2e
Keep dreaming git!
>implying Orks aren't both Xenos Hordes and Empires

We have yet to see that. They might pass out -1ap like candy

Oh, wounds will likely be increased, as everybody's getting more wounds on big or tanky things. Maybe up to the 8-10 range?

Wouldn't Orks count as a xenos empire(s)?
They've got the systems for it.

My FLGS plays tables with over 50% terrain. Should I tell them to suck dicks?

GW wants to sell more model so they'll get the short end of the stick while mass infantry gets buffed, gotta sell those boxes anom

I'm getting so pumped for 8th and I'll be loving the opportunity to use orks more than once every other month like I used to since all they did was collect dust.
But all this excitement got me thinking.
What if all these changes for the Orks turn out to be too good?
What if they're so good no one will want to play against my green horde?
Will I be considered that guy no one wants to play with just because I brought this specific army?
Will they be muttering to each other how much of a faggot I am for playing orks, just like we have all done to tau and eldar players?
Will they believe me when I say "I've always played orks, even through their tough times and I didn't just start playing them because of how much they benefit from 8th more than any other race"?
I'm worry now Veeky Forums

Bolters don't get it, so that's promising.


Orks are known to work alongside other races

We've already seen bolter profiles and those are ap 0, same with flamers. lascannons are also only -3.

if someone wants to play mass flamers: thousand sons.

sorcery and flamers en masse. every rubic can have one

You should suck their dicks, Tau player.

/40kg/ I have a confession to make. I am starting a Tau and Sylvaneth army. Specifically a Tau Melee army to celebrate 8th edition.

Sounds like you should post on their Facebook page to nerf Orks
And nids too for that matter

I'm gonna guess it'll be mostly the same, but bumped up to 10 wounds or so, along with point changes

>implying Tyranids don't have an Empire as well

Fucking racists.

I can't say that's wise

>my first squad only has 2 flamers and a flame pistol
Well, hopefully 8th makes it so running more rubrics is better- even in lower point matches. That way, I can rely less upon these Tzaangor herds and have a bunch of sexy dust armor. I'm excited

>implying Geedubs hasn't heard the fans complaining about the Riptides and won't be nerfing them in response
Face it fishface. Every melee oriented army is about to be eating the Tau's lunch next edition.

Orks and nids are still fighting over who called dibs on your bento though.

Thus far, it looks like -1 AP is going to start showing up on Heavy Bolters and autocannons. Anything with flimsy armor isn't going to lose their save entirely until you start shooting Lascannons at them.

no, thats fucking awesome.


They pretty much live in mobile homes, I wouldn't call that an empire.

Don't say that in the trailer park.



Totally. That isn't nearly enough terrain.

>the trailer park.
>Suddenly Larry the Cable Ork steps out of the mobile home with a big shoota!


B-but I'll have to wait 3 years for them to do something about it for 9th edition!

Best part about cover giving everyone a bonus to saves? Marine players will have a good reason to want to play on Tables with a decent amount of terrain.

>mfw Heavy Bolters can now be fired on the move

8th ed best ed.

So 40k is getting total aosification. Why are people so happy about this? I thought raping the rules to become a tenth of what it was is a bad thing?
They want casuals to be able to play and they're making it into a child's game, great stuff

Pls kill yourself already Raptors user, for defiling that Dreadnought. He looks more nurglite than anything.

We've really no clue just how light or heavy the overall simplification will be
We're just waiting

Well, if AP4 gives AP or -1, 30k chainaxes are gonna be fun.

dumb nidleaf poster

>t. Retard who hasn't actually read any of the changes/doesn't know how simple AoS is compared to this


You baited a bit too hard and it gave the game away. Good effort though!

With the abandoning of the old system, the feral ork army I ran out of an old white dwarf will finally and officially be unusable

Sad, but not unexpected

>getting total aosification
>replacing initiative with simple movement and 'charging unit attacks first' is somehow a bad thing
I can understand not like the 'vehicles just have wounds now' user, but overall the changes seem pretty good so far.

>can cause D6 auto-hits on target regardless of how many models are in range

Get off the web Jamal, your ghetto thoughts arent welcome.

I remember what you're talking about, the massive 40k lore bible in a 300+ page word document. Though, how useful it is now is questionable, given it was starting to get outdated/inaccurate in 2007 or so.


>Into a children's game

It's ALWAYS been a chlidish game. Doesn't mean we can't love it, but damn 40k is silly.

Assuming that 8ED doesn't drastically change armies, what detachment should I use/what troops should I use to fill my compulsory troop choices for Big Bugs-only Tyranids?

My thought, for list theme, was Tyranid Warriors.

WAACfags are actually physically compelled to spam anything that is better than the alternative. So no, he would have to spam Vipers if they were made better, because otherwise his body would begin to shut down.

Mucolid spores

Buy fw mioetic spores, theyre cheaper

It's less about that, and more about the loss of popping next to an enemy unit and dropping 5 flamer templates and just racking up hits.

>It's ALWAYS been a chlidish game.
Just picked up a copy of lost and the damned to go with my slaves to darkness.
generally that stuff disagrees with that idea.
not only because of the tities n shit but also the fucking tables everywhere


There'll be FOURTEEN FORCE ORGANIZATION CHARTS! 14! FOURTEEN! There WILL be one that has Heavy Support as compulsory and if it does happen THEN CARNIFEXES AND TRYGONS OUT THE ASS!

Been branded a WAACfag on here simply because I play Eldar, but I will never field the ugly Vypers. Not when I can benefit from rending shuriken cannons, not in 8th

We have confirmed that 2x toughness weapons no longer IK.

Combined with a certain increase ij wounds for Warriors, I'd say they're probably gonna be a solid choice.

And causing D6 hits doesn't sound all that great in comparison. But I'm not doomsaying, just bummed my wall of flamers won't get more hits than the enemy unit has models.

And lo, the old "DISTRACTION CARNIFEX" strategy was once again relevant! Provided the 'fex gets a proper buff of course!

What exactly will you be missing? Squiggoths are FW and so should have new rules.

> inplying that gratuitous titties aren't childish


I assume that childish means, like, 14 year old spergs.

pig docs, wild boyz, squig herds and 60 point giant squigs

>> inplying that gratuitous titties aren't childish
it's not gratiuitous
or titillating.
it was the first thing to come off the top of my head but the point is there was a weird WARPed nature to the illustrations. kinda like blanch and DAT were mixed together.
point is even if you ignore the strangess in the book the amount of tables and shit ain't for kids

Inb4 everything in Kastorel Novem doesnt get new rules

Goodbye blasta bommers and klaw stompas

5W paladins with 36" psycannons, who says no?

3W paladins

Why would they get +3W?

Imperium, Chaos or Xenos

which one should I pick

To make them useful. They're marginally tougher than termies now and useless.



1W Termies go to 2W
I expect 2W to go to 3W, not 5W, that's retarded

>that dreadnought
Jesus christ how unholy

Will 8th ed make Salamanders great again?

Neither are video games where you can turn the opposing team into bloody chunks

And yet, who do the AAA publishers try to market towards again...?

Again, the children being referred to are less tween and more teen.

So paladins will still be useless in 8th. Gotcha

why did you paint your dread like that, you should have given him a stone like look if you wanted to make him look like an ancient hulk rising out of the ground

Yes we do, 12 pages

>go to GW
>excited for 8th edition
>everyone is there and equally hype
>suddenly Brittany and Jamal walk in
>the banter dies instantaneously
>everyone nervously says "hi" to Jamal
>Jamal approaches you
>Jamal: "Hey user, you down for one last 7th edition game against me and my gurl?"
>you defiantly accept
>he tables you turn 3
>you think to yourself "well, at least 8th edition is around the corner. Maybe orks won't suck so bad"

You're just retarded is all

3W 2+ save means that they will be near impossible to remove in 8th, and considering Paladins are WS5 compared to regular's WS4, they're certain to be better in melee as well, and can get apothecaries unlike regulars, iirc.

You're just dumb, user.

Are those the guys who go "blood for the blood god, skulls for my summer wardrobe"?

You most know weapons deal multiple wounds now, right?

they can in 7e.
we can't assume weapon type rules aren't changing.

though at a guess firing a heavy weapon on the move is probably a -1 or -2 to hit modm

>girl plays nids
every fucking time

I'm browsing through the megas but can't find the rules for the Renegade board game. Anybody got a pdf with them they could spare ?

so 3 times the size of AoS, meaning significantly less simplification.
Which was already obvious since they haven't AoSified the statlines.

But what if all the carnifexes are distractions?

Counting 2*T is too complicated for kids

Does there exist a space marine chapter that isn't full of genocidal bastards? I kinda want to paint simple models, but the lore of space marines is disgusting.

My gf plays celestial lions.

Those are Bloodsecutors.
Learn your AoS buddy jeez.