Do necromancers ever get attached to their undead underlings? Do they ever find them cute?
pic only tangentially related
Do necromancers ever get attached to their undead underlings? Do they ever find them cute?
pic only tangentially related
>While back, played in a campaign where we ran across a Necropolis.
>The living used the bodies of the deceased to do most physical labor and work as military.
>Sometimes, encounters in the city would end with us having to pay for property damages to the city, every time we killed a state-owned undead
>One necromancer we encountered was particularly saddened that his favorite skeleton was starting to go bad. He had to lock it in a closet to keep it from going g crazy on occasion and killing people.
that was one of the antagonists in my last campaign.
he wanted to kill someone who had a similar skeleton to his favorite thrall that decayed so he could get a new thrall like them
I see what you did there, and also your digits.
I personally like to take living orphans and make them into my apprentices and heirs (my cock withered away long ago so I can't sire children anymore).
It's pretty fun, I'm a father figure but I'm also basically a great grandpa to these children considering how much older I am compared to them. I do have to keep the zombies away form them though, the skeletons are fine, but the zombies stench and maggots tends to frighten them.
Oh wait, the underlings are supposed to be undead. Okay, I messed up. No user, I do not find the skellingtons particularly cute.
I did not. Explain please?
He has a skeleton in his closet.
>Underleveled party on the verge of death makes their way through a dungeon
>Resident Necromancer notices a Bard, and offers the party an option. He will give them all the loot they desire and an escape without hassle
>In return, the Bard has to help him woo one of his undead minions
Events to impress the girl occur such as;
>The party is serving the Necromancer and his waifu dinner
>The Barbarian throws a wrestling match with the malnourished Necromancer
>The Cleric "loses his faith" After the Necromancer counters all his spells
It'll be like Kings Quest.
My necro basically treats them like beloved pets, and is genuinely chestfallen when the other party members ask him to keep them at a distance.
I feel dum now.
BTW what's the sauce on the pic user?
>not recognizing the deviantart filename format
One of my player's made a shit brickhouse of a fighter who caught a face-full of lightning at level 1. His next character was a necromancer, and at the end of the story arc, I let him find the fighter's body. Mr. Beefcakes has become he main zombie assistant.
Necromancy is just efficient, man.
I have a necromancer who transitioned from being a healer. There was a little girl he tried to save - but he wasn't in time and failed. She ended up becoming a not very sentient undead. Being a very lonely man and also feeling grieved for his failure, he kept her as his 'daughter', though she can't do much besides wander around, and play some very simple games. She's pretty cute for a clearly animate corpse. At least she isn't actively rotting or anything, though - he made sure of that.
Ah, he also has a skelly-puppy which is just freaking adorable.
>not a cat
shit wizard desu
Cats are terrible
Hence why they are an appropriate pet for practitioners of unclean magics.
>eyes in the skies
Not really productive to such a disruptive pet for one such a profession. Then again you'd have a mouse catcher that gnaws on your zombies and you don't have to worry about it running away with the femurs of your skeletons.