Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Somethin' dawned on me when I was on my own: any food you make tastes better when you use good ingredients, right? Then, if you take something already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? The ultimate flavor experience!

So I ask you, /pfg/: what's your favorite character you never got to play, maybe because the game was a bamboozle or you got rejected from the game?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Current Playtests:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread: Mask of Terror Familiar Folio.pdf

Whats wrong with you.

Naomi the Drunken Master Tanuki.

She was going to be hilarious. Using a custom Tanuki race with the shapechanging powers, magic sake, and ability to detect alcohol (poison). I was going to bully the team's catgirl ranger and kobold trapper.

Does anyone have a link to that pathfinder to starfinder conversion game? I can't find it on the LFG

Y'all got issues, chico.

I'm gonna put this here as a backup OP.

Here you go my boy.


Do elves go to the bathroom?

yes, but only male elves

girls don't poop

As someone who's played an elf girl, can confirm yes.

Are there good items in Gear of Power, other than those gloves?


There's no bathroom.

You've just never had a GM use it as an excuse to make the caster girl split away from the party after she's had too much juice in a social encounter.

You look him in the eye and say GIRLS DON'T PEE

I really want to play as this Pokemon in Starfinder. Don't know how, but I want to.

Is this why they like vampires?

Related but not why

What if she says that she'll prove you wrong?

I want to bang that rocket ship.

And what is that Pokemon?

Has any GM ever reviewanon'd for his own game?

They live in trees dude.

Even the dark ones that live in big open caves like making their homes in giant stalactites, not on the ground. It's practically a guano mine.

I mean.

Isn't that just what happens when we decide who gets into the game?

I mean in the thread though, under an anonymous name, or at least not identifying as the GM.

A lot of GMs explicitly offer feedback, but I don't think anybody puts on a ReviewAnon name. I mean fuck, you'd basically be doubling your workload.

Now players, on the other hand, I know some of them do the ReviewAnon game. Sometimes it's obvious due to bias, but sometimes it's not. The one ReviewAnon who did Wrath of the Raunchy could have been anyone, he had his favorites but if he was shilling it probably didn't work, since he didn't call anyone getting in. Maybe Lucius, but that was just "This is good but it's still a fucking excuse to play a trap."

What skill bonus does a Leshy familiar grant? Is there a way to check? I'm confused.

Calling it now, GMs ghostwrite the reviewanon's reviews.

There wouldn't happen to be a mega for 3.5 shit like there is for pf and 5e would there?

My DM uses those two extensively and she is looking for random content to sift through for ideas. Most of the old bookmarks I used for 3.5 shit before switching to pf seem to be dead.

Is there any 1pp way to make mounted archery minimally passable?

she will have to look kind of hard. A lot of the good 3.5 ones were destroyed.

Trick Riding and Mounted Skirmisher to get a mobile full attack, but that's only really viable if you're a Ranger or Slayer so you can get the feats early.

Zen archers make surprisingly good mounted archers. Otherwise some cavalier stuff can do it. A good thematic way is mongolian archers.

I'm halfway convinced that part of the reason Pathfinder was invented was because it was near impossible to find a good site that hosts all of what official 3.5 material has to offer, and hosted in such a way that it was clearly distinct from the 3pp material.

Luring Cavalier does okay.

Mounted archery is already one of the best combat styles. Just take the standard archery feats, and full-attack from your mount, making sure not to double move if you don't want penalties.

How do I become a GIANT /pfg/?

How do I refuse the influence of DEX?


Yes this pleases me

Full plate uses +1 dex. No more is scrubmode. You go fighter 2, barbarian 18. Rings of armor, belts of strength, gauntlets of power, mask of fear

either be a barb or BRUTAL SLAYER

Ideally barb

Mission accomplished unzip my pants

>read up on established religious lore of the Pathfinder universe (i.e. the backstories for the gods and demon lords and all that jazz)
>come up with tons of plots involving freshly-deified players shaking up things by giving them options to fuck with demon lords or other gods or just options to goof around in other planes
>know that I'd be more or less on my own developing these ideas because most (if not all) places on the internet would balk at the ridiculous stupidity of creating a campaign that STARTS with players being gods

To be fair, the game would play essentially as normal, the player-gods could still be killed by equally powerful beings and whatnot, it's just their options for exploration and what obstacles they'd run in to would be vastly different, and there'd be an undercurrent of "hey, this shit you're doing is having repercussions in the mortal world, wanna see?" going through the whole campaign.

Also there'd probably be some manner of gaining power via followers, and every time you do something significant like kill a minor god or demon lord you gain their followers, thus boosting your own powers.

Put the effects of Muleback Cords onto a ring, possibly by putting it onto a Ring of Protection. Be a Dreige or a Half-Giant, Warder, Zweihander Sentinel, and pick up a +2 Keen Shocking Greatsword. Wear the heaviest armor you can, and make your INT at least 16 so you can keep swinging with AoOs.
Alternatively, what said.

12 fuckin dexterity... But don't tell anyone you point bought that shit up

you fuckin fggt.

alternative, combine the two

Please respond. Mask of Terror

mask of fear fits perfectly.

Be a PoW Warder, then you can use Strength and Intelligence for everything. Familiar Folio.pdf
this is as far as I can take you. If its not here then who knows.

H-how do I set up a F-List?

Fuck off

PM me and I'll tell you


1. sign up for an account on the website. nobody else sees this, it's just for management purposes
2. make a profile
3. fill out things for the profile

Wait, is Starfinder out or have their been spoilers dropped?

>Moogles is a fetish option
What the fuck

It's a few months away from release, but the devs have shared a few tidbits here and there.


its originally a furry website dood

But moogles?

are you new to the internet

>AC is still named "AC"
>they didn't even call it "Defense" or something

That's silly.

How much Ride and Handle Animal is necessary to have a simple horse for travel?


At least it seems like its backwards compatable enough with pathfinder so far that they might as well be the same system. Thats a good thing for the most part. Only real different thing seems to be the stamina thing.

>>I wonder if wizards from pathfinder for example will still be able to be relevant enough.

Read the frickin' skill.

>Typical riding actions don’t require checks. You can saddle, mount, ride, and dismount from a mount without a problem.

the skills are mostly for in-combat or if something is currently happening to the horse. for the most part traveling requires no checks.

Well, there's a sample coming out in June that'll supposedly have the conversion rules. Just have to see.

Initiating is faggot shit, user. Y'just hit them.


Pathfetish is getting out there.

Literally a rocket ship, the Pokemon. I don't even know what kind of personality I would try to play with it.

Bruh, we already had an all-female race of bee-babes who have to abduct men of other races to turn into breeding stock so they don't die out.

Said breeding stock spend the rest of their lives drunk off their tits on honey and bee-sex.

This is nothing new.

Were the drakainas before or after that point?

And even apart from that--succubi. We had fetish shit going in.

Woah, hey guys
Welcome to EB games

So Solarian is just a functional Kineticist?

Make them cute and shy.

I don't know if I can do that type of personality justice.

And wouldn't it go against the murderhobo nature of prptagonists? I don't even know if there is going to be non-lethal weapons in Starfinder.

Question about Magic Weapons
if I had a +2 Shock Longsword and wanted to put another +1 effect on it what would be the best way to go about this?

I need some RP advice here

I usually make and RP characters who tend to act silly and a bit foolish most of the time and even the ones who are meant to be serious tend to be socially awkward in their acting. This is partly because the characters are meant to be that way and partly because I am a huge awkward dork in RL when it comes to socials

This troubles me in the times I want to create somebody who is supposed to be intelligent, wise and mostly no-nonsense, not silly at all, is there even a way to improve at that or should I not bother at all?

I know what you mean, dude.

What I found helpful was giving my character explicit goals. Something that he was focused on that guided his actions. It could be anything:

>I want to make [thing]
>I want to achieve [thing]
>I want [thing] to happen

Focus on a prize and make it yours.

ask your dm

You can upgrade magic weapons and armor just like making new ones, except the price you pay is the difference between the two.

So the difference between the total +3 and the total +4 would be the cost.

See, I know I do that, but the problem is that, because of my IRL personality, even my supposed to be intelligent, etc character comes off as making decisions that are amazingly foolish or downright stupid, or making all the huge faux passes without me being aware of it until the GM or somebody points it out

Makes you feel depressed about it when it keeps happening

Is there a link for bestiary 6 yet?

On that note, are there any new playable races in the Bestiary 6?

several, but they're all shit, ugly, Azlanti tier, or 'actual furry'

Were they spoiled in a previous thread?

>Somethin' dawned on me when I was on my own: any food you make tastes better when you use good ingredients, right? Then, if you take something already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? The ultimate flavor experience!
Calm down there Gladio


Don't talk.

Keep quiet.


It's golden. You won't say needless things and people think you are driven despite being unaware. Feel free to press the DM for more information about things. Even OOC, the other players will think your PC is always working, even if you are lost.

You can resume Bestiary 6 with this reaction:

No more furries pls

Me personally, liked Bestiary 6.
Very cool, very cool.

Hand me a link then


>Doesn't get the Red Letter Media vs Collider war reference.
It was absolute shit, boyo.
The incarnation of the concept fecal matter which would make you get such depression you will be in suicide watch.

Easy edgelord

No, really.
It reeks of corporative marketing intellect insulting maneuver. Is obvious Paizo is focused onto Starfinder to save their sinking ship so this Bestiary was full of filler crap and uninteresting monsters except those blatantly extracted from public domain works of fiction.

What about Munavris? That race sounded cool

>RLM-Collider war

I support Stoklaza's crusade against corporations fucking with nerd subculture but he is going to lose this war. Nothing can be done against the might of Mordisney and IsenWarner.

Underdark wankers?
No, thanks.

Azlanti tier not pc race

What's more important: Catering to the sexual whimsy of my DM, or avoiding offending or alienating the players?