MTG: Snowflake/Lore/OC/Waifu General

Shit's gettin' real edition.

>> Old Thread Here.

>Post about your planeswalker snowflake in the thread.
>Post/plan/collaborate stories.
>Avoid shitposting.
>Discuss Lore

Question of the Day: Does your flake have a long lost love?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorta? but more in a parent/child way

Postin' my Naya Orc!

Well, he's not really sure.
(By the way, his name is pronounced Ha-Za-Ur)


On Innistrad, can vampires become werewolves?

No, as far as we know.
Vampire werewolf is too special-snowflake-y, IMO

so perfect for here

I know, that's partly why I asked. I also honestly wanted to know, because a lot of settings with both stipulate that they are mutually exclusive but I don't know if MTG did that.

they might not all be, I imagine the moroi from ravnica could probably contract lycanthropy from another plane, but the monster that would result would probably be more horrific than you're going for.

>long lost love

No, but it raises questions regarding Nezumi culture as far as courtship goes. Probably something terrible because evil rat people.

In all likelihood, Koda just engages in no strings attached trysts and meaningless flings.

can love still bloom if you're mono black?

For all curious, there's a discord. Link provided upon request.

Some writefagging between Celuel and Loren

for reference

On the contrary, I want maximum horrific. I like the idea of a Jund vampire/werewolf that's completely bestial.

Also, doing some quick reading, I really don't know if vampires and werewolves should be mutually exclusive. Lycanthropy isn't a curse or spread by bites, it just sort of crops up randomly. Potentially even in children, though it is tied to nature so it probably only happens in rustic areas. Vampirism is a magical blood condition with potential ties to demons. Unless lycanthropies ties to nature have some purgative quality, I don't see why a vampire couldn't sire a werewolf unwittingly or intentionally, or a vampire randomly becomes a werewolf.

I'll stay away from it though, because it is pretty 14 year old tumblr tier.


The real question is

Do they fuck?

Newfriend here, only recently got into Magic. Just giving this a try for fun and practise. My autism forced me to finish at least a basic version this late at night, so spelling, wording and everything else might be shit at times (or entirely).
Rate, comment and subscribe, tell me if the colours are correct too.
Forgive English too, am not native. I swear my creative writing is better in my native tongue.

Well, there's a bit more after that.
Nothing lewd, though, sorry.

>No lewds

But seriously though, it was a cute quick read. Good job.


On Innistrad nature and the howlpacks seem to call out to their new members, which turns them into werewolves. Now would a natural thing infest something unnatural like a vampire? who the fuck knows.

I was thinking more the reverse, but I don't know if nature would "abandon" them if they become a vampire.

Moroii and Alaran vampires are undead and cannot be planeswalkers.
The ONLY vampires that work for planeswalkers are Innistradi ones or ones from custom planes

actually, moroii are not undead, there was an arcana about it. Moroii are living beings that eat years off people

Yes, it's just probably a very selfish or controlling love - love for the sake of self-fulfillment, rather than sharing it with another person.

To elaborate further on this, they are sometimes referred to as a kind of psychic vampire.

>"a kind" you say?
Szadek was another kind.

Right. They're a separate race entirely, aren't they?
Which kind of also negates BECOMING one anyways - though you could be a moroii fucking around the multiverse, eating people's years, you'd have to be born as one on Ravnica to do so

My point when first mentioning moroii is you could start as one, then contract lycanthropy from a plane where that is possible, like dominaria where lycanthropy is inherently black. Moroii are legitimately living vampires, albeit a race, so they technically could become planeswalkers unless I am mistaken.

Right. Whatever the Moroii and Szadek are are two different things. They seem pretty closely related, but whatever Szadek was, I think he was supposed to be the last of his kind (but we all know that they can't keep lore consistent).

What plane is the richest?
Or perhaps a better way to ask is which organization/who is the richest?

I mean, the Theros underworld literally has gold-based magic because it's so common there.

Rolled 35, 19 = 54 (2d39)

> gold magic
You've made me wanna make an obzedat walker that refuses to go anywhere but the theros underworld and the gods can't kick him out because they know if they kill him his zombie/ghost will be there, masturbating over their shinies forever.

>"That is NOT the appropriate use of a roll of quarters!" yelled Erebos

but why

Yes, (((why))) indeed?

I'm sorry?

He's saying he wants to make a jew planeswalker, if the whole gold and (((reference))) wasn't enough.

Hazaur is a sad old man.

I don't think the Obzedat walker would be used to actually having to deal with an actual god or faith.

Not the faith to be sure, but above a certain level they handle the gold.

Come to think of it... what do the Orzhov believe in?
The power of spending?

Wow. That was really bittersweet. Is the woman someone who knew him? Another flake you're making, maybe?

I was aiming for it to be Celuel, actually. Another oldwalker who can sort of understand what he's going through, given that she's lost a lot, too.

I'm pretty sure that it depends on your rank. The short story "Precious Gold" (if you can find it) showed a picture of the Church of Deals from the ground level worshippers, for whom the mantra was "We are the precious gold; with us Orzhova is gilt, with us it shines most bright" which answers very little except being a painful metaphor for how people are exploited by the Orzhov.

Come RTR they seem to at least claim worship of a being known as Orzhova (rather than that just being the name of their guildhall/central cathedral). They also take up the line (from the letters in the prerelease kits) "Debt is Salvation", Teysa (allegedly) insisting that owing the Guild money is, essentially, the bond between the mortal and the divine.

Between all of this, I'm guessing there's a paper-thin vineer of something pretty they can put on their stained glass windows and that the upper echelons are fully aware that the "Church of Orzhova" is really just the front for the Orzhov *Syndicate*, so that if you're actually a made man/clergy of the Orzhov you know it's really about making yourself as rich as possible.

Oh, cool. I didn't pick up on that. I don't remember reading anything about mind magic on her sheet.

It's cool that you're including other flakes in your stories, tho.

She does have Telepathy, which I used a bit creatively.

Guess I missed that, then.

Also, I really liked Hazaur more than I expected. He was a tragic old man, and I like how you teased at his past crimes. Will we ever learn his full history? And will he ever regain his memories?

To everyone else, I recommend It was a short read, but really good I thought for what it was.

Well, that sort of depends on where his character goes and who he finds. If he happens to find a powerful mind mage capable of retrieving some of his memories. Celuel wasn't capable of that, but she was able to make him more aware for a moment or two.

So something like
Layman: "We worship the goddess Orzhova"
Higher Up: "Orzhova is the concept of getting filthy rich. We worship it all right. We also made it a hot chick because why wouldn't we?"

Quick, someone make a hardcore mind mage so this poor old man can be happy at last!

Hmm. In the interest of fixing him, maybe an encounter with Kruphix would do, if he's feeling benevolent? That would probably be enough. That or some well-intentioned Dimir agent, maybe just one who wants him whole for their own purposes.

Not his maker, but I imagine that Haz's crazy can only be cleaned by a hardcore mind mage. Like, the kind of flake that could run circles around Jace, Tamiyo, etc. Maybe make a sphinx oldwalker?

I bet Bolas could cure him. Then promptly make him his slave.

Yeah, you got her abilities just how I'd imagined them, actually. Cel has empathy/telepathy sort of "active" at all times, like an additional sense. She hears thoughts and feelings like a quiet murmur or a soft breeze, ever present when she's near living beings. When a thought or feeling is particularly loud, she hones in.

She reads minds and can traverse a person's memories well. She can even influence their emotional state.

But reconstructing a shattered mind? Breaking a mind in general? Feats like that are beyond her. At most, she could perhaps hide certain memories from someone. But fixing Hazaur is something she simply couldn't do, even though she undoubtedly wants to.

Is there a difference between what Nissa could do and the Aether-seers of Kaladesh?

The elves of Kaladesh seemed able to detect and observe the flow of aether in the immediate area around them.

Nissa seems to able to plunge her consciousness into the mana of a plane, whether it's in leylines or in the air like aether. Then she's able to explore the plane through its leylines or aether and communicate with it, just like Jace is able to enter the mind of someone else.

Would it be somewhere in the ballpark to say that the Kaladesh Elves can read only the surface thoughts compared to Nissa's more thorough abilities?

If the land is a person in this analogy, most people are capable of just looking at it. Maybe they're able pick up obvious cues (lots of dark clouds, might be able to rain) but that's about it.
The elves of Kaladesh are able to read that person's expression and body language fluently.
Nissa is capable of reading that person's mind.

Are other people able to see/track leylines and make use of them like Nissa then?

Most definitely, if they have her skillset. And and you don't even need to have Nissa's identical skilkset, either. For example, Nahiri is a lithomancer and has arguably better control and influence over leylines than Nissa.

Keep in mind that Nahiri's leyline manipulation revolves around building and structuring a network that directs the plane's mana and altering the leylines as she sees fit.
Meanwhile Nissa just channels and utilizes the leylines as they already exist, drawing mana from them and using them to power her magic.

I'd say that black is the only color that's incapable of manipulating the leylines in some fashion, but Ob Nixilis was capable of draining the life of Zendikar through the leyline nexus at the Khalni Heart. So, all colors are able to interact with the leylines in some fashion.

What I mean is are they capable of reading the plane's mind in the way that she does?
It seems like among the Gatewatch she is the only one with a truly unique skill.
We've been all over the Multiverse and ran into necromancers, illusionists and more. Liliana and Jace aren't that special.

But no one can do what Nissa can... Gideon may have something unique as well but... He never really seems to do anything magical.

No, they can't. No one can, from what we know. She's the only one that's shown herself able to communicate with planes on that level.

Jace, Liliana and Chandra are all 'the best at what they do,' but nothing they're capable of is really that special. Nissa's capable of bonding with planes on a level that no one else can and Gideon's a bit unique as well, being invulnerable to everything except for three inches of dirty water.

Tsukiyo now has an ignition story, for those interested in such things:

Neat story.

Is she a bard?

She's a scientist
...of magic

But she tells stories to cast magic.

How does your flake planeswalk? A burst of flame? A flicker of energy? Fade into smoke? An electrical burst?

Iunno. Spatial warp?


Invulnerable isn't immortal.

The power of money. And law. But especially money.

How about giving those two melanin-enriched fellows some feedback on their flakes? I feel like they'd appreciate it.

You could make your writing a bit more captivating, but apart from that, I'd lie if I said that I didn't like your guy. How would you feel about writing a short story or two?

Definitely not a bad start for someone entirely new, I feel like the bio box was a bit too small for you. Maybe you could try to flesh out your character more, possibly with some writefagging where she reminisces about her past and how she became a planeswalker? As you said it's only an early version, I'm guessing you're already thinking about how to improve the sheet? Keep going!

Isn't all planeswalking the same?

The act is the same but the effect is different.

Like how?
In a lot of the story work it seems like all that they do is just concentrate and vanish. None of them leave in a poof of smoke or flash of light.

>I watched as Ajani stalked away from us, pulling his cloak closer and vanishing in a flash of light.

And also:

>"See you all in Amonkhet." Liliana began to shimmer as she started to planeswalk.

>I watched as the others around me began to shift as well, each form vanishing in a slightly different manner. How other mages cast spells—especially how they planeswalk—has always tugged at my curiosity. Perhaps I'd ask the others, when we all had more time.

>The world of Kaladesh blurred and wavered, then melted into smears of color, much as an illusion wipes away when its magical threads are unwoven. I felt the now-familiar (yet ever-alien) press of the Blind Eternities around me, the crackle of energy and aether leaving the taste and tingle of fresh rain and lightning on my tongue. We traveled infinitely far yet not at all, standing still yet moving at blinding speeds. Time and space and dimensions folded and unfolded, and I followed behind Liliana (or was it below—or within?) as we pushed through the nothingness between worlds, leaving strange trails and inverted wakes of energy behind us. I felt as they arrived, and with a final tug, the colors around me slid back into place, the vague electric taste of illusion and dreams solidifying into reality.

And that's just one article.

Okay, I redid some shit with my flake, and fixed some typos.

And now she's up to "present day", with an additional goal that developed as I wrote her interactions and which more clearly justifies her "red-white" tendencies.

Law is more just a teysa thing.

Caerys-user back from a ban with two new flakes.

New link? That one's expired

2/2. Mezirov is a snow-plane I'm working on; Caerys and this guy are both from there.

Where are the UR walkers?

I think the question you should be asking is, what are some decent ideas for a UR walker beyond "artificer" and Memezzet?

There's one right here.

W-whats wrong with an artificer? I wanted to brew one...

Answering your question, UR has often been associated with chaotic discovery, spellslinging, and a drive to innovate. Perhaps you could make a UR artist who has very inventive designs or a UR asectic looking to perfect his aclectic fighting style/rigorous training.

It's about as original as a BG character that is devoted to the cycle of life and death, a RW character that is a bombastic jarhead or a UB character that is mysterious and manipulative.

Anyone got the blank template?

>W-whats wrong with an artificer? I wanted to brew one...
Nothing inherently, it's just kind of overused as the "default" for UR.



Much appreciated my dude.

I just realized something about Kaladesh; it's probably the best place for a Green walker to either come from/learn from in order to not be "back to nature" barbarian.
If only I had the desire to make a Red/Green character maybe I could make something good from my most hated color combo.

All of these intellectual faggots shitting all over the best color combo.

I want you to look at the Gruul clans and the Atarka and tell me what good comes from that.
From anything Red/Green. It is the least interesting color combo to me, because it only has one outcome: Barbarism.

>I'm with her!

Sure thing, buddy.