Warhammer 40k General

"Nobody fucking likes Abaddon" edition

>Proper Duncan

>8th edition FAQ:

>Latest GW teases

>List organizer picture book

>Offline list builder
Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format.

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

Previous thread:

1st for Plastic Plague Drones

8th ed best ed.

1st for Real Heroes Dont Wear Power Armor

>yfw todays weak armies are tomorrows strongest

Does anyone know if the GW online store accepts prepaid visa/mastercards?

my dudes > (You)r dudes

But (You) are my dude user!.

That's one of the wrong ways to deal with balance issues.

I'm going to try to get my plasma devastator + haemotrope + librarian list some use before 8e hits

>Go to friendly local gaming store for my game of Warhammer 40K, 8th edition
>Open my box and start pulling out my Orks
>Collective groans from everyone in the store
>Manager, arms folded, shakes his head at me in contempt
>No-one even considers a game, even though I insist that my list has only one Gorkanaut and no Nobz

It's more a structural artefact of how they're changing the core rules than specific balance changes.

I would cry if my Orks became the new Tau

Why are DW so gimped,
Why can my chaplain not get termie armour
Where are the Techmarines
Why does the head honcho get a Guardian spear but cant take anything else

Fool, the Eldar cannot be denied their throne.

>Why are DW so gimped,

Because in a game based on chance the more dice you have the better you'll be so small armies are a bit fucked.

what the fuck is this list where you aren't running

>Cruddance weeps as his guard are tabled by bugs for the 5th time
>C-can you p-please not bring OOE next game he wimpers
>OK, next time I'll bring the Swarmlord you wisper to him as he weeps in a corner

I mean you'd at least get a few months to play before the tau and Eldar waacfags ditched their armies for orks and fucked it all up for you.

Sometimes you don't want to be an absolute cheeselord, user.

I can't wait to need to give my flyrants wings to let my opponents have a fighting chance.

>tau players insisting that their Sept is one taken by dark eldar as an excuse to use the de codex.

Looking forward to tabling people with my 15 penitent engine list.

As if spamming burna boyz in battlewagons and stormboyz with their imba 6+ that no basic infantry weapon can deny is any less WAAG than the cheesy nobz in their cheesy naut.

Try getting a game with Nobz in a Naut. No-one, not even footslogging DE (and we know how fucking busted they are) is going to give you the time of day. Even Nobz outside of a Naut are going to get you dirty looks.

The list I typically take is Trukkboyz, Kommandos, Burna Boyz on foot, Zagstrukk for a HQ, two Blitz-Bombas and the rest split between Kans and Flash Gitz. People still bitch and moan though. It's a hard life being an Ork player in 8th, especially since we swept the LVO for the 3rd year running.

Looking forward to being able to play my Tau vs Orks and not hate myself.

>mfw WAAC becomes WAAG

>hurr it's ok to run flash gitz as long as I don't run nobs in a naught
>g-guys this one broken unit is ok as long as its just a few right?

God, fuck you green skin WAACfaggot, your whole codex is fucking op.

I can't wait till 9th.

WAAGfag (Winners Are All Green) you git

Hey fuck you, I could be running them in a Dakkastorm Detachment with Badrukk. I like the models and taking two units isn't that cheesy. Once you get past their Gold-teef ward save and 4 wounds, they go down really easily. Just invest in some lascannons and let me play my army.

You Ork players deserve new miniatures and a decent codex more than anyone else.

Why are the tau so blue?

8th edition

Typical orkfag

>spam cheese
>"hurr git gud"

Fucking cancer

Tbh I'm happy if Tau go back to being the underdogs.

That's why I started playing them back in 5th as a challenge.

not necessarily. we don't know all the core rules yet.
Plus army rules are changing as well. You can't judge the core rule info we have against 7e codex rules.

The goodwill off today might be tomorrows bait

Ad mech or tyranids for 8th?

What's the best way to play Dark Eldar?

Do they have any competitive builds?

So far I've just been using Venoms to harass the enemy and warriors to hold objectives

Tau are fucked.

GW description of them only talks about the suits, no mention of alien allies.
That's their new identity, the "gaint mecha" faction.

Ad.Mech with Skitarii. Buy some stuff from ForgeWorld too.

venom spam, corpse thief claw backed up by a dark artisan.

But why would you when 8th is about to drop?

Ditto. I already play casual Tau with a lot of stealthsuits and footsoldiers. I like their "pragmatic approach" schtick where their soldiers' lives actually matter and you implement tactics to achieve victory with as few losses as possible.

I love that bit of the fluff where a Shas'O can be shamed into retiring if his command is incompetent or achieves needless levels of losses.

Nice choice. We will hold the line.

Guys pls help how do I win against Looted Wagon gunline/w Meganobz on foot?

I would actually start a Tau army if they go back to be average.

Tau with lots of firewarriors, pathfinders and stealth suits are way more fun to play than pure crisis rush.

What's with the latest normie invasion of Veeky Forums?

They seem a bit obsessed with the Eldar...

Am I missing something or is a wraithseer literally just a wraith lord with a staff/spear?? Pic related. Is the forgeworld kit fully resin or just a plastic wraith lord with a resin spear?!

Half my army outflanks, I know that feel. bait with small gunlines and snipers and suddenly shit comes out of the walls.

Carrion Throne download when?

Yeah same I also love the look of crisis suits so I try to fit in as many as possible.

Missile Pods are our lord and saviour.

Hammerheads are fun too.

I have nearly 4k of Tau and no Riptides. I just bought 3 more broadsides and 4 crisis suits off eBay for £40. So I'm pretty much set for the new edition.

Refuse to play

That or sell your army and buy deldar


Free cupcake for Rogal Dorn here, feel free to come and get it no strings attached honestly.

The head is different too.

Just don't play with WAAGfags. Expect when you spam wych cults or vespides, if you can't beat them this way you are just retarded

I don't know which will be more hilarious: All the shit codices becoming the ultra cheese or all the shit codicies still being shit in 8th edition. One way or another, I can't lose.

So who are the winners and losers of 8e so far?

I fucking love cupcakes!

Dunno about winners or losers but terminators got a break and low save units like guard, tau infantry and orks got better because AP5 is AP0 now

Still looks cool man.

I was considering a Wraith list back in 6th, then it all went to shit.

So far it's looking like a rhino rush edition.

So I got an army idea for you guys, need some feedback.

Ever since the new Sisters of Silence lore came out I'm considering doing a guard force built around the idea they are recruited from the normal human population on these planets where SoS enclaves are located and used to support Sisters when they go out to kick psyker/daemon ass (because SoS by themselves is so fucking limited).

Due to what is basically immersion therapy they don't feel the same disgust that normal humans feel since they live their entire lives near pariahs and Sisters basically use them to breed the Pariah gene. As a bonus bit of grimdark(depending on your perspective) any male Pariahs that are born can't leave the planet and are used solely for breeding, since men can impregnate as many women as it takes for their dick to get hard but women can only get pregnant once every 9 months. There is also a belief, not directly supported by the SoS or the planetary government, that Pariahs are the true evolution of mankind, not Psykers. Thus, the men and women of this planet an extreme dislike, or even hatred of Psykers, seeing them as what's destroying Humanity as well as the Galaxy.

Because they live on a planet full of pariahs they don't have to do the whole "Faith in the Emperor keeps me safe from Daemons" thing the rest of the human race has to do, so the Imperial Truth flourishes on the planet, heavily encouraged by the Sisters themselves. They basically follow the same values as some of the SM in that they view the Emperor as the height of the human species, but not divine in any way.

I'm also considering making the planetary society Matriarchal based, just because the whole planet basically serves the Sisters and maybe society developed towards "women are leaders" direction.

Maybe each Guard squad led by a SoS wannabe (not a pariah, but a SoS/Guardsmen conversion or something). Army-wise I would always have a SoS detachment, even if there aren't any psykers in the other army.

Bought this to use as a Datasmith proxy and convert some squat mechs to use as Kastellans.

Jesus Christ, the scale creep. This fucker is meant to be a Dwarf.

The molded base doesn't really help things, he'd be a head shorter without it.

Ah yes good spot. Think I'm gonna get one.
I've got an all wraith army (for my gf). I'm kinda glad d weapons are going for 8th as everyone seems to hate it ATM.

This is why we need the NuMarines.

Isn't that a blight drone? Plague drones are already available in plastic.

Sounds cool, I would probably take issue with the whole Imperial Truth thing since they probably would get rekt by some other Imperial faction for being heretics.

Glad I never got around to starting a marine army, the new scale looks so much better.

A head shorter than a 7 foot space marine, yes.

The only reason I think it would work is that SoS are so secretive no one probably even knows where the planet is.

Sounds kinda fetish-you.

Not to knock you too much man, but maybe tone down the breeding bit.

I would order from the Chinese then if that's the case. The forgeworld prices are obscene.

From what I remember you get a staff plus the body plus the head and a d-cannon in the kit.

You mean the same height all warhammer dwarves have been at for about a decade?


How does one field an all wraith army? I was looking for a more elite force for my second army

Heh, I was just throwing ideas around. It's the only reason I could think of that only women are "Sisters of Silence", I thought it made a pretty good justification since Pariahs are so rare.

Scenery for me, especially with the new tractor thing.

Can it be possible to field an Assault Marine with a Stalker Pattern Bolter and make him a Sniper?

God I hope meleefexes are good and Spammable.

an easier explanation is that the sisters only take in the female blanks

Same here bud.

Gonna Zerg the shit out of my opponents.

Biologis borderline hereteks that experiment with controlling nids.

That just raises more questions. Why did the Emperor only let woman pariahs become SoS?

Not mechanically, the only "snipers" marines have are scouts. Assault marines dont usually use bolters, either.

>using mind controlled tyranids in battle
>BORDERLINE hereteks
That's full blown tech heresy dawg.

A+ Command Squad, Reg Guard Guy

At least I assume thats you...

Nah. Closest you could do to that would be to stick a sniper scout into a scout-squad loaded up with pistols and close combat weapons.

Just do a full-on Weyland-Yutani-in-40k theme.

doesn't really need explanation or justification, though

Maybe he just found a community of female blanks and decided on it arbitrarily. It's not like they're the only blanks in existence, just one of many imperial organizations containing blanks.

strictly speaking theyre individually only of animal intelligence.
Using xenos animals is completely kosher in the imperium.

Wraith Host Detachment with 7th edition, we don't know for 8th yet.
Wraith Host is a Spiritseer, 3 units of Wraithguard/Wraithblade, Wraithlord, and Wraithknight. Comes out to a fair chunk of points.

How long does it usually take for stuff to ship to a GW store?
I usually only head in some Fridays, but if I poke my head in and place an order Monday will it likely be there for my usual Friday visit, or will I be waiting til next week anyway?

But it would be a perfect long range Unit, an Assault Marine's Jump Pack would allow for access to higher ground and in turn, a better line of sight of the enemy.

The Emperor doesn't seem like the kind of guy who does things arbitrarily

I know that the two LGSes here receive their shipments from GW on Wednesday as long as you order by Saturday. Always comes in on Wednesday no matter what. Your area may be different, but I'm pretty sure it's a flat "restock every week as needed" shipment that you'll get tagged onto.

Compare a trooper

The Hawk Lords actually have something similar to that in fluff, since they have Devastators with Jump packs to use Lascannons and fly around.

Not on the tabletop though.

Hey Guys, Nid player here. How can I get people to let me play my Maleceptor? Everyone keeps refusing to play me... I mean, I know it's cheesy AF, but I really like the model.

Also, on that note, how many Pyrovores are ok for a friendly game?

>imperial truth on a world
Nah mate, the Ecclisiarchy would declare the world and it's population heretical, and have crusades to destroy it.