/WFG/ Warhammer Fantasy General

Good old fashioned Dawi edition.

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> Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
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> The 9th Age

> Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

> Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer: store.steampowered.com/app/364360/
Vermintide: store.steampowered.com/app/235540/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Return of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/

Last Thread:

Oh god the old Dwarfs were so much better before they became ALL METAL NORSE AND SCOTTISH DUDS

GW seems hell-bent on giving everyone plate armour, even the most basic infantryman must have plate in the new setting.

Those actually look more or less the same.
The models for these dudes have chainmail and a helmet.

Only Hammerers and Ironbreakers have plate. Also the Ironbreakers woth guns, and new Longbeards. Some old Longbeards also had plate though.

The only major change Dwarfs ever had was when GW tore down Marauder and burned it.

If they ever get around to rehashing what was the old Dwarf range for AoS they'll probably drop the classic Dwarf warrior box and just have Longbeards be the new core. Hence why I want 3 boxes of them ASAP.

>everyone must have plate armour
Lizardmen =/= plate armour

I'd bet they would drop both.

Irondrakes fit their new direction better and the ranged options always were popular.

>GW seems hell-bent on giving everyone plate armour, even the most basic infantryman must have plate in the new setting.


Giving Slayers any kind of armor is too much.

Wow 5 examples. I'm clearly wrong.

Meanwhile they have an entire faction of gold super men.

You said the most basic infantry men must have plate, and that GW was hell-bent on giving everyone plate.
But the only new faction where everyone has full plate is Stormcast.

Scaly skin was basically plate armour but better, though.

Okay there are two archetypes, evil barbarian muscle man who wears nothing and nice civilised man who wears plate.

Plate was 4+
Scaly skin on Lizardmen was 5 or 6+.

Plate was 3+ wasn't it? Heavy armour was 4+.

Nah, there are chaos warriors who are evil barbarian plate wearers.

The plate/naked dichotomy still holds though.

>one faction out of dozens has plate armor?!
>Holy shit, everyone must have it!!!


Well, no.
Fyreslayers and Sylvaneth are typically good and wear nothing.
Kharadon Overlords are good and wear mostly rubberised suits.

heavy on its own was 5+
heavy+shield was 4+
heavy+shield+mount was 3+
heavy+shield+mount+barding was 2+
gromril on its own was 4+ or 3+, I think?

been a while

Shills out in force today.

I get confused because Empire knights with lance and shield always had a 1+ and that was usually the only interaction we had with plate. So I guess take away 3 for barding, shield and mount and yeah it must have been a 4+.

Light was 6+
Heavy was 5+
Plate/Gromril/Chaos was 4+
You had to go to magic armour to get a naturally higher save, but things like shields, being mounted and having barding could increase the save.

I'm just pointing out that not everyone, or even close to everyone wears plate in Age of Sigmar.
How does that make me a shill?

I hate to admit it but those tzeenchian cultists look nice

except that godawful mace-axe

I kind of like the White Dwarf and Black Gobbo minis this year.

Too bad they'll probably cost as much new as the older good ones cost OOP.

The WD looks alright, BG not so much.

I'd buy these for $10 each.
I'd consider them for $20.

But they'll probably both be $40 each.

But I can actually say now that they made one AoS mini and two BB sets, the other being the Skaven team, I would buy.

I disagree. They look like fucking war toddlers on this particular art.

There is no need to when AoS actually sells.

They're braziers.

All of the new tzeentchian miniatures minus LoC look ace and don't have the OOT look so typical of recent miniatures.

fuck the nuhammer bitching and focus on the good news.

Warhammer 2 Artwork looks awesome and I love the direction the various armour designs are taking.

Here's hoping the Units will get a more distinct look than any before.

You are at the FLGS complaining about AoS and this guy slaps your ass, what do you do ?

Age of Reckoning had the best armour designs of all time.


Is that Vampire alright?

Bright Wizards were always my favourite Empire Unit.


I love all the College wizards. So much you could do with them in design, so few of them worth a damn on the table.

Veeky Forums providing evidence to the contrary in their own post never fails to amuse me

I'm not going to be able to unsee that now. It's like Nomura and his obsession with belts/chains.

You know that's not what he meant.
Every Fantasy army has plates of armour on them as well.

That argument is settled, dumbass.

You are not adding to constructive discussion.

Well done lad

Guys, it's time to accept Age of Sigmar. You guys clearly can't stop talking about this meme game.

Because that meme games is actual Warhammer.

doesn't look very scared to me. Looks like he's thinking about fucking your bitch.

My favorite new design is Isabella.

One of my favorite things about Warhammer Fantasy was the old artwork. It hits a "goofy but badass in an ultimately cheesy kind of way" spot that I don't think many other mediums would allow for.

Which faction has the best plate armour for their basic infantrymen?

>he was this mad

Why don't you move on from 40k to Starcraft then?

I kind of wish she was more monstrous. Not specifically Vlad tier, but she's far too pretty for a Vampire. She has a pale human face and baby fangs.

She should look more monster-y than the noname Vampire heroes.

Why do even daemons have plate armor?

I mean, yeah, but I'm still glad they covered up the panties and thigh highs from her model. Offputting.

why is the scale so inconsistent in this pic? It's buggin me

To be fair, that wood elf clearly only has leather and scale.

I think there has to be some sort of distinction between 'plate armor' and 'a piece of armor that is plate.' Otherwise just a breastplate would be plate armor, and we know that's not right.

>To be fair, that wood elf clearly only has leather and scale.

I dunno, those shinguards look pretty plate to me.

Yeah, she looks badass.

I kinda wish they made a kit of her with the winged horse now though.

She looks really monstrous

Vampiresses should be smokin hot.

Von Carsteins should be hot when they're trying to be.

When they get into conflict and drop the glamour where Vlad looks like a rotten corpse, Mannfred looks like an angry cabbage, and Konrad's jaw unhooks like a fish, the females should look like this.

Its another vampire posting thread.
my fucking god.
Even fimir wank last christmas to frebruary was better.

>You'll never warm Isabella's cold body with your hot manhood.
>After a session of passionate love making you'll never have her wrap around you like a hot water bottle

it's actually much more related to the amount of animalistic degeneration the individual vampire has experienced, while Blood Dragons are usually very Composed, they don't degenerate at the same rate as Carsteins.

On top of that Carsteins are close familiars to bats and wolves, and Carstein Vampires that lose their mind are turning into Varghulfs and other Beasts.

Both Vlad and Mannfred have been dead several times, and thus are quite far gone mentally and physically. But younger and less degenerate Vampires aren't that animalistic yet.

but your pic is a pretty good depiction of what a degenerate female Carstein Vamp would look like.

The current concept art we are getting is fucking glorious, if it gets translated into TWW:2 it will be a complete nerdgasm
>Lizardmen without their oversized crest and no longer restricted to having to fit on Rank&File
>Silver helms looking pimp as fuck
>Witch elves looking as you expect

Anyone have suggestions for Empire/Greenskin regiments from the lore that might be fun to mod into Total War?

Rugluds Armoured Orcs
Morglum Necksnapper and his Big Un's
Grom the Paunch
Hobgobla Khan and his Wolf Boyz

Carroberg Greatswords
Any of the Dark Omen units, Morgan Bernhart and his merry men.

Ruglud is so far removed from GW canon its ridiculous.

Orcs who learn, use battle tactics, win without forming a WAAAGH, and can actually read and write. Autist newfags would shit themselves to death over it.


Always meant to convert some of those up but never got around to it before 8th turned up and shat the games tactics up

Any source on them turning into anything other than vargheists and shit? I thought all the beastly degeneration was bat-themed.

I really like werewolves but only when they're hideously savage and undead

I don't think they turn into anything other than Degenerate Bat Monsters in the end(commonly known as Varghulfs), but I do think depending on a Carstein Vampires personal tendencies they may express more wolfish features when going berserk. And looking at the details, even Varghulfs and Vargheists have some Wolfish influences alongside the obvious Bat ones.

Ulrika: Bloodborn.

A Lahmian fucked a Strigoi. She gained the ability to turn into a wolf when she drank his/her blood during coitus.

In old continuity Neferata turns Lahmians into cats sometimes.

Those are the only indications. Technically Von Carsteins should be wolfy and Von Carsteins batty. VC specifically have Dire Wolves because of a connection to them, like Dracula. Strigoi are the ones with the giant bat monsters as kinfolk.

But GW couldn't make up its mind and gave little thought to the Bloodlines after 6e, so everything is Von Carstein.

I mean VC wolfy and Strigoi batty.

Ruglud is pretty cannon... He was created for the old 'Regiments of Renown' range in the mid 1980s... then (iirc) again slightly later and once more at some point in the late 90s.... I think the fluff was that he stumbled into a dwarvern (possibly Chaos dwarf) barrow with his Boyz and stripped the corpses of armour and weapons.

Yeah I getcha. This is good to know though because it means there's precedent to mix it up a little for my conversions. My army is mostly Blood Dragon, but still.

I think that there's mention somewhere that Von Carstein Dread Abyssals have monstrous wolf heads. It's not a transformation, but it continues the wolf theme.

the way I remembered it the Carsteins were based on Dracula, so batty but with inherent influence on wolves. Strigoi are the ones with inherent ties to Ghouls, I guess? Not all Vampires have Animal Familiars, like Blood Dragons.

genevieve is still a cutie.

dismounted Knights of the white wolf

Khorne, I imagine, due to being all about martial warfare... and running headfirst into danger, screaming gibberish. I don't remember the other powers ever using it on Daemons.

So I'm getting mixed Signals here, why is Asuryan called the Creator again? He didn't create the Elven Race, that was Isha.
Did he create Ulthuan?

Shit, you're right. I was thinking of Ugezod.

Strigoi alternate between anything feral, wolves, bats, and just the undead living mixes.

Whatever that particular writer isn't giving to VC is Strigoi.

Thanks to retcons, Asuryan didn't do jack shit except fuck up and create Dark Elves after Khaine trolled him but refused to do anything about it.

In old continuity he's Elf Zeus. Created Elves, rules over the other gods, notorious for not wanting to get involved in conflict between other gods but is supreme when he does.

Ulthuan was created by all the gods after the huntress killed the god of dragons. Its his corpse.

that looks fucking retarded

Like most MMOs, Age of Reckoning had issues where you'd hit the best looking sets midway through levelling and then end up stuck with some absurdly over the top shit once you're finished.

Did you ever actually play the game? It had a system where you could overlay the appearance of on armour onto another. Your enemies would see what you were wearing, but you and your allies would see the better set. You could also dye it.

When you say "Empire" are regiment of renown welcome ?

I've always thought it should vary based on how well the vampire takes care of itself. The type that likes to seduce and manipulate should probably look attractive if their human form was. Simply because they are likely going to be constantly drinking blood and paying attention. The type that sits around reading necromanic tomes all day like some obese neckbeard should be rotten as hell and make Orlock look handsome because they likely don't give a shit.

>But GW couldn't make up its mind and gave little thought to the Bloodlines after 6e, so everything is Von Carstein.

Pls don't remind me. They went from bloodlines are utterly defining to every vampire linage can shift their type depending on how they live to who knows because everyone is a Von Carstein.

Since we're talking about vampires: 8th ed AB mentions Sylvania being ruled by an elector count. No previous fluff supports the claim. I've seen mentions of Carstein boasting receivable claims to the imperial throne.

What's going on?
Sylvania has no runefang and is never mention as being an electoral province, where does this come from?

Sure, as long as it makes sense for them to fight for the Empire. There's a lot of limitations (can't make new models, for example) but I'm just getting a general idea for things that I could possibly work on.

Annexed into the Empire after Runefangs were handed out. Sylvania was never an electoral province on its own.

Isn't Sylvania officially considered as part of Stirland?

Well, there are two Runefangs left over - Solland and Drakwald's. There was at least one time where the Drakwald runefang was given to the von Bilhofen's of Middenland, during the Age of Three Emperors, in return for their support.

If you want to ignore how inconsistent that bit of lore is, you might argue that it's part of a von Carstein claim for legitimacy, or maybe a human agent set up to smooth bureaucratic things over so the Vampires don't have to deal with it, and taxes are always on time.

wish there was more runefang art

This is what I always liked to imagine as well and why I didn't care for the previous version of Vlad and Isabella that were stereotypical vampires.

I only wish for witch elf to sit on my face.

Calm down, don't have a brain aneurysm.

What was the point of getting baited this hard?

Better pic.

they look like apes in the trailer. dark elf is supposed to mean evil not nigger

Pretty sure Sylvania is considered officially to be a part of Stirland. But everyone and their mother realizes this is bullshit and the Vampires really rule there. On paper though I supposed they would be considered to be under the count of Stirland.

Where do they look like niggers?
