G-GW is still bad guys!

>G-GW is still bad guys!
>J-Just ignore them still having their franchises be within the top 5 most popular in the US
>A-And ignore the fact that they're actively trying to repair relations with their customers!
>D-Don't forget, those B-Bundles that s-save you money, and those r-repacking's that g-give you more mini's a-are just rip-offs!
>T-The rules a-are shit! I should know so! T-That's why n-nobody plays them! At all!
>40k Isn't G-Getting a R-Reboot because AoS is good! I-It's just GW being S-Stupid!
>L-Look at these 1 to 2 pieces of bad art!
>It's all WoW tier!

God, you people are so whiny. What happened Veeky Forums? Even back in the old day's when GW was 100% shit, we didn't bitch and moan like we do now.

There are still people who refute Age of Sigmar being a success. Do you think GW would change 40k if AoS was such a failure? And do you think if GW was in such dire straights, that'd they would bother wasting time on the Hobbit, Blood Bowl, and Armageddon?

Let's set the record straight: Prices are going down. The Repacking of Stormcast into bigger box sets for cheaper, from 50 for 5 to 60 for 10, the Start Collecting box sets and Board games which give you plenty of new minis/terrain along with a fun game, the honest god communication with the fanbase through Facebook, Tournaments, and the community page, the live battle reports, the painting tutorials from Duncan which shows you cool shit like Blood Bowl conversions and such, and the new White Dwarf having shit tons of features make it clear that GW is getting better.

No matter how much you cry about "Muh Fantasy" or "Muh ruulz", it doesn't matter. More and more people are enjoying GW. This is the future of the hobby were looking at, people.


>Successful or popular == good
user, I...

>"save you money"
lol plastic costs fucking nothing and they charge you $10+ per model, $25 for characters, $90 for "big" things...

>lol plastic costs fucking nothing and they charge you $10+ per model, $25 for characters, $90 for "big" things...

Than go ahead buy some plastic, somebody to physically model the miniatures, put those models into a mold, and start producing your own miniatures that are superior to GW. Do that, and I'll believe you.

Besides, after working with both PP, FFG and Mantic's plastic, along with some lesser known brands, I can safely say that GW has the best plastic quality on the market.

I'll be honest, I still don't understand the market. I've tried getting into the hobby, but christ, $25 for a piece of static, unpainted plastic the size of your thumb?

I get it needs to be sculpted and molded, etc. And I get it has value as a game piece, but CHRIST. They fucking mass-produce the things, they have no moving joints, and you have to paint them youself. AND MOST ARE THE SIZE OF YOUR THUMB. $25-50??? WHAT?


What does it mean?

This is some of the saddest bait-shilling I've seen in a long time. You have to be legit retarded to pretend to be this retarded.

obvious GW shill is obvious

Reaper Bones can shit out minis for 2 bucks each, that proves that GW minis are extortion-tier. Cultists only buy them because of stockholm syndrome and muh lore.

When AoS gets canned you may want to stay off here for a few month.

>plastic costs fucking nothing
the steel plates used to make injection molds cost quite a bit, actually

That's why smaller companies stick to resin and pewter. Or, if they must go with plastic, re-use the same sprues for everything to cut down on costs. The original rhinos are an excellent example of that.

40K fanboys on suicide watch.

No point trying to explain what production costs are. They think that everything should have a cost determined by the weight of the materials it is made of, and reasoning is futile.

>Misshapen lump of metal painted green and red, with cluttering details everywhere
>Highly recognizable mini, that has proportions that allow him to be identified from across the table.

Oh no, the weeb has bested me. Might as well go take a siesta and dream I was japanese.

>how to be a self-satisfied prick that turns people off GW

Keep it up, false flagger.

Who are you quoting?

What's this thing about models being identifiable across the table I keep hearing about. It's an argument people use when i mention how obscene 40k scale is, especially when it comes to weapons.

I look at Bolt Action minis from across the table and I can tell if some guy is holding a rifle, an Mp40, or even the difference between an MG42 and MG34 and they're smaller than lasguns. I don't even think I have that good eyesight because I find it difficult to recognize what anything is holding if it's not painted.

Personally I just like 40k's style. Nothing to do with practicality, I just like the THICC.

There has always been better games out there user, you must have known this. And on a model by model base, there has also always been better miniatures as well.

What GW gives is miniature wargame on a larger scale. And they do this, strictly from the words you posted, because they are successful. Had they not been that, they wouldn't have been able to produce the miniatures they make, nor advance the rules and systems that they belong to.

If you want better rules, more advanced stuff and so forth, there has always been and is still, better games out there for you.

The problem you state here is the problem most people have with this hobby. They refuse to accept that it is just that, a hobby. And a hobby, like most things of luxury, is an excess, something beyond your everyday living necessities. It will cost you big money, be it collecting vintage Barbie dolls, stamps/coins or enjoying wildlife fishing and so forth.

The issue here is that you, like many, look at small plastic men, and you relate them to a children toy. Thus its aimed at kids, and therefore shouldn't cost anything.
The same principle can be seen at westerners having never seen a Manga series before. Its a comic, and therefore its for kids, no matter that its contents. That its a comic of rape, murder and grotesque daemons has nothing to do with it.

A hobby, like much in life, is a privilege not a right.

I get where you're coming from, but I had a similar discussion with a player I knew personally when I was considering getting into the hobby.

I asked how he afforded the hobby, and he posited that my own interest in video games cost me about the same. I refuted that for $60 (assuming I bought the game on-release) might offer me up to a year or more of steady playtime for one purchase. Even more in the case of some games, like Skyrim.

In order to even get a viable setup for a kill-team style game in 40k, I'd need to spend upwards of that on models, paints, rulebooks, etc. To have a fighting force large enough to actually compete at army-level, it would be far far more. Not even considering if the game remains entertaining across codexes, or if I can even find anyone to play with. And each piece is costed at far more than what would have been the actual labor and material costs to produce it.

I don't fault anyone for the hobby, and I don't dismiss it as juvenile. But I think there's a serious disparity in the expected investment of money and what you're actually paying for that needs to be addressed. It's industry greed, is what it is.

Reaper Bones plastic is ridiculously bendy/flimsy, and its main selling point isn't the quality of the miniatures themselves, but the quantity of different figures they have available.

They're designed to be single purchases to represent RPG characters and shit, the lack of poses and consistency makes creating a decent-looking army out of the Bones range pretty much impossible.

And if you don't have a gaming PC then it's a whole different buy in cost for skyrim, isn't it?

I've stated it in similar threads before, but while the buy-in cost for Warhammer is high for a tabletop miniatures game, it's not got the routine maintenance/wear-and-tear costs nor membership fees of many other, normal hobbies.

Case in point, my hobbies of mountain biking, rock climbing, hiking, and firearms. A $30 box of space marines, assuming I don't smash them, will still be a box of space marines in 10 years. They may suck due to codex creep but all I need is all rule book and opponent and I can play on my kitchen table.

That box of .45ACP or. 308? Gone after a trip to the range. My Evolv climbing shoes? Resoled every six months, with a $70/month gym fee, plus more rare replacement of carbiners/rope/harness.

Sure you could have cheap hobbies like drawing/sketching, but let's not pretend there aren't many other hobbies/time-wasters with heavier buy-in costs and inbuilt depreciation.

OG GW >>>>>> 2017 GW >> Kirby era GW

They're doing better than they have been right now but they still don't have shit on the company it was when Rick Priestley and Andy Chambers worked there.

The writing especially is kind of shit these days even if other areas are seeing some nice improvements.

Except the first one looks like some generic shit from literally any 3rd party hole in the wall sci-fi setting, and the one on the right is immediately recognizable as belonging to 40k which is a hugely stylistic and unique setting with massive appeal.

The distorted mutant proportions of 40k are absolutely recognizable from a mile away. Like Rob Liefeld's art, there's no mistaking it. Are you saying that's because it's better? I mean.. that's almost stockholm syndrome.


As somebody who loves 40k but never paid the ridiculous prices for their shit, I have to agree. Warhammer needs to ditch the autist core fans and reclaim the glory they deserve.

Better designs, better business model

Beaten wife: the post

Manzoni's 'merde d'artist' is fairly more recognizable than the work of a million artists.

Same reason academic books can cost hundreds of dollarpounds. Supply and demand.

Unlike cheap Chinese shit, GW actually produce their models in the UK.

and have to pay at LEAST uk minimum wage, making it way more expencive. and you cannot poison people or the enviroment, so you have to keep the materials less toxic.

videogames and miniature gaming are somewhat hard to compare imo but I'll try to, sure if you already have a computer it'll be relativly cheap and painless to buy and play 400 hours of skyrim for 60$ on your 300$ PC., in the same way it'd be relativly painless to buy a box of marines for 60$ to add to my 300$, but when you're done with your 300 hours of skyrim, I'll still have my marines, and when the next installment of the elders scroll's come out and your 300 hours of skyrim are meaningless in that context I'll still have my tacticals when GW releases a new marine unit. my collection expands and my options increase linearly while your collection gets updated and replaced.

for example lets take a warhound titan vs seeing a movie, a movie ticket in my country is 10$ or so, while a warhound is a staggering 362$, however a movie is only 2 hours ish long, giving it a dollar/hour of only around 5 bucks, to keep the same relative value I need to have fun with my warhound for 72 hours, considering its going to take more then that to paint and put it together, and I'll be able to play with it (lets say I just go to one event that allow titans a year) for 9 hours a year. but I'll be able to keep bringing that titan year after year after year. good luck playing the same video game year after year after year.

user, it's ok if you don't know what heroic proportions are, but since you clearly don't play the game, but troll about it on Veeky Forums, you are merely a faggot.

I don't care how good age of sigmar is.
It is not fun for me to play, nor is it for most browsers of this here arabian chicken farmer forum.
Miniatures are still very expensive and a lot of the newer models look uninspired. I don't care how reponsive GW is to the rest of the player base, I care about myself and those I game with not being able to enjoy a supported warhammer fantasy game or warhammer 40k game in the future.