>Star Wars campaign.
>I want to play a Jedi but only use blasters.
How do you make a character like this effective and explain why he doesn't use a lightsaber even if he has access to one? Speaking mostly from a lore stand point and pic mostly related.
Star Wars campaign
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Look up the Grey Paladins. Literally a Jedi offshoot using blasters, not lightsabers.
>inb4 shitposting about gray jedi
If it is Empire era, then it's because the Imperials would drop an army on you if they saw any hint of a lightsaber
Really any Jedi who has reason to want to be discrete could be expected to use a blaster. They favor sabers, but they don't really seem to have anything against using blasters when its practical.
Because you have dex out of your mind and not strength.
>Implying strength matters when your swords blade has no weight and can cut through anything
It has noticeable resistance depending on the density of it's target. They can also be blocked and/or shorted out depending on what they're struck against (cortosis, mandalorian iron, etc). And the strength of anyone wielding a lightsaber against you can also come into play.
I wouldn't say it's the most important, but it does make a difference. Depending on the setting I guess, I don't play any SW games. Unfortunately.
They have torque, and tend to wander "off-station". Just holding a saber at ready position for long periods would be tiring.
I've always wondered, if a Jedi that had been far away from everything during Order 66 returned and turned in their lightsaber to the Empire, swearing off the title of Jedi, what would happen to them?
Put under surveillance? 'Drafted' into the Sith? Executed? If they surrendered in public, would they get public support?
Does that ever happen in the EU?
Not a Jedi, just a force sensitive who is either unaware of the force or actively doesn't believe in it.
Lightsaber is super conspicuous when you pull one out. It is literally a glowing signal indicating that you're a motherfucking Jedi.
Whereas a blaster is something everyone has. Pull a blaster in a fight, you can use all the force powers you want and unless you go up against another force user, opposition and bystanders will call it luck.
Literally no one is that stupid.
Could be a jedi exile, perhaps someone who willingly left the order but still has a connection with the force.
Detained if they surrendered, killed if they fought, maybe brought to the emperor and tortured to made of some use. If it was Vader then killed instantly. The purge comics show how they where treated by vader, how they had nearly no support from the public and why.
Because he's not retarded and realizes that you don't need a lightsaber if you have the force, and just need a blaster for the things too far away to hit with force push.
Luke was still regularly using his blast all the way through the first two movies and made a little sparing usage of them in ROTJ. Its not that weird although generally the Light Saber is better for the shit the Jedi can do
>How do you make a character like this effective and explain why he doesn't use a lightsaber even if he has access to one? Speaking mostly from a lore stand point and pic mostly related.
Had a saber, but it was taken by the BBG. He refuses to use any other, and is grim determined to get it back.
Has a saber passed down from relative/mentor, but refuses to ever turn it on. The rest of the party might think this is just because of some strange compulsion, but it's really because the blade is red .
Travels unarmed, because 'muh pacifism' but considers taking an enemies weapon (likely a blaster) away from them and using it against them as perfectly acceptable.
As others have mentioned, trying not to draw attention.
I believe it's implied that strength actually does matter when facing other lightsaber wielders, as the Sith in TOR seems to typically follow more brutal styles and more crushing attacks.
Because realistically, lightsabers are dumb. The *only* practical benefit they have is the blocking/reflecting shots power.
Otherwise there's no reason otherwise to ever use one. If you're ever in a situation where you're thinking "Man, I really need a lightsaber, specifically." then you've fucked up.
Not OP but that second point is tops
Gives depth and opens up new character avenues for when he inevitably has to whip it out at some point
Being able to protect yourself from blaster fire is pretty handy. It makes sense for jedi at least, as they weren't supposed to be soldiers and the lightsaber was just for personal defense.
I don't know how canonical it is, but in the Revenge of the Sith novelization, Dooku notes that while he thinks he can take Anakin (and it makes it pretty clear he throws the fight with him and Obi-wan), one complicating factor is just how physically strong Anakin is, and how he always has to work his blade around it and can't just straight up block or strike.
Definitely, but you don't need a lightsaber for that.
I mean if you're more concerned about protecting yourself and avoiding trouble, there's no reason not to have one. It's not like they take up much space. Also being able to cut through doors is handy.
>The *only* practical benefit they have is the blocking/reflecting shots power.
>Otherwise there's no reason otherwise to ever use one.
You've never used your saber to light a deathstick before?
So barbaric!
Aren't there force powers that let you do that?
You didn't say what system, OP. So I'm going to assume FFG's swrpg.
Pick Seeker career with Ataru Striker specialization. Spend 15 points to get to Ataru Technique in the tree. This lets you use Agility instead of Brawn for your lightsaber skill.
Now got pick another career and spec that is good with guns.
Basically done. You have access to fancy jedi powers without having to double up on agility and brawn to use guns and still be able to use your lightsaber if you ever needed to.
Force deflection takes a ton of skill and focus to use, quite a lot more than simply using a saber does. Not every jedi/sith can do it.
As for cutting through doors, no, there aren't any force powers that do that. One could theoretically blast a door open with a powerful enough force push, but again, it's simply easier and less draining to just cut it open with a saber.
>always hits
>sick reaction speeds for insanely fast draws and shots
Guess you can add Mass Effect style adept bullshit like just pulling people out of cover.
What happens when a blaster bolt hits another? Could you shoot them out of the air?
Easiest thing to do would be to take away access to the lightsaber. Maybe he lost it or it was destroyed, maybe he was kicked out of the order (either for doing something against the rules of the order or for more more benign reasons like not picked as a padawan, like what happened to Obi-Wan). In anything after Episode III, it's pretty safe to say that they don't have access to anyone who can teach them how to make one to begin with.
I think they should explode when they hit each other. Regular blaster impact.
Bouncing blasters would be very exploitable, best keep that to forcefield.
Lost a hand or two and just don't feel like your cybernetic replacements are up to the job?
A preference (whether from experience or not) to engage enemies outside the range where people can pull a thermal detonator on you?
Was always more of a sage/seer type and never really took to sabre training?
Carrying a lightsabre can be pretty indiscreet
Most Jedi were commanding officers/general types during the Clone Wars so you could say they perferred to keep the lightsaber as a symbol of 'office' and kept a sidearm on hand for the necessities of ranged battle.
Not exactly Veeky Forums, but playing through KOTOR2 using a modded pistol in one hand and support/offensive force powers in the other really captured the feel of a retired Jedi general working the frontlines again.
>Vaguely remember turning Mira into a gun jedi just to see how it would work out and finding she's absolutely devastating with two high level pistols.
To work undercover.
Seriously in empire era when jedi are hunted down it's more retarded to fight with lightsabers than blasters.
>Had a saber, but it was taken by the BBG.
When you're either of these guys.
>super accurate shoots
>insane reaction speed
>can pull people out of cover
>depending on the skill of the jedi the shots go faster than normal
>also precog
>precog with a gun is fucking stupid
If the jedi is skilled enough he can take down anyone
Why don't they make knife sized light sabers for soldiers?
You would think that would be useful
Or am i just being dumb
Because lightsabers require the usage of the Force to align the crystals just right, and there simply aren't that many Force users out there to mass produce lightsaber blades.
What would be their purpose? Do they have smaller hilts so they're even easier to conceal?
You can go full blaster jedi in Knights of the Old Republic 2, and it fucking melts face.
Sith come at you and you just fucking drown them in a million unnaturally accurate shots.
Because you don't need a sword to do knife things?
>instead of order 66ing the younglings palpy puts them to work in the factories to mass produce various forms of light sabers
>explain why he doesn't use a lightsaber even if he has access to one
Because they're not trained in the use of a lightsaber and they *are* well trained in the use of a blaster.
Simply being more attuned to the force than others means you're (probably) not going to accidentally kill yourself or a friend with one, but that doesn't make you an accomplished fencer or whatever.
And like others said, it's a helluva lot less conspicuous.
>can pull people out of cover
Jesus, that would be terrifying.
Why don't all Jedi carry blasters?
>Why don't they make knife sized light sabers for soldiers?
Star Wars has "vibroweapons" like vibroknives, vibroswords and vibroaxes, that have a metal blade and a battery that makes it vibrate fast enough to be equivalent to a low-rate lightsaber in terms of cutting power.
>Sith come at you and you just fucking drown them in a million unnaturally accurate shots.
It occurs to me that you could bend blaster bolt shots the way they bend bullet trajectories in Wanted.
Probably even more radically, considering Luke did so with TORPEDOES.
I thought those torpedoes were able to turn on their own and he just used the Force to make sure they were pointed exactly the right direction when he launched them.
Now OP I don't want you to take this the wrong way but do do you want to be a Jedi or a force-user that favours blasters? I ask because a Jedi has a lot of philosophical baggage that talks about seeking non-violent solutions and using martial arts to develop physical and spiritual harmony.
Raises a good point and the answer to they're question is because Jedi try not to make killing easy for themselves. A blaster is the most convenient handheld way to kill things in the galaxy.
So in other words, Jedi aimbot hacks?
Nope, the torpedoes only fired in a straight line, Luke just used the force to bend the torpedo down the shaft. When taking this into account, it makes sense why they didn't patch up the hole.
>Tfw, a swarm of blaster shots just soar down a hallway seeking targets making a noise similar to vid related
>Nope, the torpedoes only fired in a straight line, Luke just used the force to bend the torpedo down the shaft.
Is this just an assumption, or is it actually written down in canon somewhere?
Well in episode 4 (which I'm not sure was edited or not) there was a scene where one of the other fighters shot a torpedo and it only traveled in a straight line.
See, I thought that was just because he wasn't that good at aiming and it hit the edge of the hole without going in.
Wookieepedia is frustratingly light on technical details of proton torpedoes, and I don't have any of the technical manuals that talk about them.
That doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever and you know that. It you literally were required to curve your ordinance in way that was impossible then they wouldn't have mounted the attack in the way they did.
I've seen this argument come up before and it's fucking stupid every time, if I can't tell my guided ordinance to turn why am I releasing it down a horizontal trench when I want it t go down a vertical shaft? The answer of course is that it is not as you claim.
Well I mean, how many non-force users have you seen blocking/deflecting/redirecting laser fire?
>if I can't tell my guided ordinance to turn why am I releasing it down a horizontal trench when I want it t go down a vertical shaft?
Because George Lucas is a shitty writer.
So let me get this straight, instead of assuming that the trops are pre-programmed to turn and dice at a certain point and that the Attucks runs are attempting to use the targeting computers to time that you have decided that it is far more logical that the only way it was possible was though the use of pushing with magic space powers no one had seen for twenty years minimum.
You then then have the fucking audacity to blam your conclusions on the writers? Have I got all that?
>He's a Lucas apologist
Oh man, I haven't seen your kind around here since Disney started releasing the new Star Wars movies. Shouldn't you be on /tv/?
Not that guy, but it's pretty obvious that you're incorrect about proton torpedoes and their ability to turn on their own.
>Says I'm wrong
>Doesn't post proof that proves me wrong
Seriously, is Veeky Forums so shit now that we're getting runoff from /tv/ as well?
What has drawing a perfectly logical conclusion got to do with being an apologist? Compose an actual counter argument.
Why is the idea that the whole trench run operation was run by actual retreads who could not think in 3D somehow the more logical conclusion?
I mean Christ, the targeting computer is the foucus of a great deal of the sequence. Luke turns it off, let's got and learns to trust his own feelings about when to fire. How much clearer did they need to make it?
Pic related
RIP Kyle
I sort of want to make a post-66 character who claims to be a Jedi but is actually just using parlor tricks and tiny repulsorlifts.
Yeah but here's the thing dog, there is no proof on the matter, no word of God, no smoking gun. Only conclusions that can be discussed as having varying levels validity and sense.
So defend your shitty opinion or get off my board, I'm going to bed.
That sounds like a great way to have Darth Vader show up and rip you in half.
2 reasons:
1) A lightsaber is super obvious
2) A blaster has range.
The only real reason to use a lightsaber, is so that you can fight other people who have lightsabers (assuming you take the acrobatic stuff introduced in the EU and the Prequels as stuff any force user can get with some practice).
If you have blasters, you can fight enemies at basically any range, but with a lightsaber you need too either get close to your enemies, or leave yourself with a weapon for a couple of moments (throw it at them).
Also, I'm sure it's easier to find utility modifications for blasters than lightsabers.
Doubt there's much of a market for lightsaber mounted grappling hooks or scopes for example, so if you have a lightsaber, you need to carry that on your belt or something, where it can fall off in combat, while if you have a blaster it could be just attached/be part of it.
Because Jedi are not soldiers, they're peacekeepers - their primary focus is preventing the need for military uprising, and protecting people when that fails.
A blaster literally has only one use - as a weapon. A lightsaber can be a shield.
The scene you're thinking of doesn't say anything about the shots being turned with the Force - in fact, since we know that the first shots didn't go in, they "impacted on the surface" points toward them being programmed to turn at that point.
The only thing that Luke did was to trust in his judgment as to when to fire the torpedoes, not to actually turn them.
What if you have a blaster in one hand for offensive use, and a saber in the other hand to deflect enemies' blaster shots?
Then you're playing a swashbuckling Jedi Space 1889 style, like a real man should.
>get off my board
I don't even know which side of the argument your taking, but that's probably because I can't understand you over the sound of you fitting every single cock into your mouth at once.
You're probably a mary sue, or a sweet pirate.
I wonder if the whole lightsaber thing works as a form of Yoga or Tai chi with ritualistic meanings and stuff?
I don't know so much about ritualistic meanings, but as a form of exercise or meditation, going through the stances and forms for lightsaber combat is absolutely a thing.
Well as said in the thread there is the possibility of being able to shot down other blaster shots like a storm trooper revolver ocelot. Hell if you're good enough you can stop a sniper in his tracks assuming he isn't using a actual laser.
I know exactly what can be done with blaster bolts - I'm the one who posted the first reply to look up the Grey Paladins, who were all about that shit.
But the point remains. A blaster is an offensive weapon first and foremost. You draw a blaster in a crowded area, suddenly all eyes are on you as you've instantly made yourself a threat to any and all beings in the area regardless of their hostility toward you.
A lightsaber inherently doesn't give off that same threat level.
Really, a sword glowing blue with plasma that can cut up absolutely anything it touches is less threatening than a ordinary blaster? It's even worse if you have a red one for whatever reason.
A man with a blaster can hit anybody he can aim at.
A man with a sword has to run up to somebody to do so.
There's also a reputation in play - the lightsabers are, to most people, the arms of the Jedi Knights, who have been the servants of the Republic for thousands of years, and they're rarely seen in the first place. Meanwhile, any asshole can pick up a blaster from pretty much anywhere and shoot somebody in the face for any reason.
It's the difference between fireworks and bombs. Both are explosives, but one has a reputation the other doesn't.
Then just use a light saber bayonet. Even a really small one. There problem solved.
>A blaster literally has only one use - as a weapon. A lightsaber can be a shield.
Why not use a shield?
That's a pretty big benefit. That's like saying the "only" pratical benefit of shields is that they block/reflect shots.
>No proof
>But here's why I'm right anyways
>"Your" board
Holy fuck, it's like you took every dick in existence and jammed as many down your throat as possible. If you got no proof, you're basically sperging out over nothing.
Note general Dodona over here doesn't say "you'll need to have bullshit space magic powers to make your unguided projectiles magically travel into the death stars anus" and you'll note the ordinance launched from the snub fighters TURN on their own.
You're attacking the film for what you claim is a plot hole, but it's only a hole if one assumes that Luke was telekinetically steering his photon torpedoes because they can't change direction on their own. This assumption contradicts several details in the films themselves, a fact which either proves that it is incorrect or makes the writers even more mind-bogglingly stupid.
Conversely, if one assumes that the photon torpedoes would hypothetically be capable of making the shot with proper targeting, but Luke used the Force to guide his shots because he trusted it to be more accurate than his targeting computer, then the events of the movie make sense and your hated plot hole does not manifest.
Can you prove that your assertion, which you use as a reason to condemn the writers, is supported by evidence?
I wished that you didn't have Lucas' cock jammed down your throat and actually posted evidence like did, but alas, you are doomed to chock on the many cocks of George Lucas.
You already know where the evidence is. It's in the movie itself. Your assertion contradicts the evidence, which either means that you're wrong or that the movie has a plot hole because of shitty writers.
Unless your accusation has evidence supporting it, then the more logical assumption is that it is baseless and the plot hole isn't there. Do you have evidence?
Can't you just go back to /tv/ with the rest of the Star Wars kiddies? Someone else already did the work for you, so why are you still here?
Homie I think you're bring baited.
can you just accept the evidence in that the torpedoes can turn and just
>photon torpedoes
That's Star Trek.
Fuck off.
I do accept the evidence, which is why I didn't say anything. Yet, even after someone else did the legwork, you're still here, making a fool outta yourself.
Seriously man, go home, you won, you have no reason to be triggered, unless you were actually upset that I said that Lucas is a shitty writer.
Drafted into the Inquisitorius.
dude, I'm and I'm asking you to go away
go fellate an entire tripod-mounted e-web you fucknugget
I can't imagine you'd need much more reason than either, "he lacks training" or, "he just happens to be a really good shot.". Alternately, maybe he doesn't like fighting up close and prefers keeping his distance.