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First for the Dark Ciry

Orks charge, orks strike first!.

*select 8 enemy unit within 48", roll 6d6 automatic hit on each*

New flamers are noice

>the unit they charged falls back and then the orks get shat on by wyverns.

>Orks are a melee race!
>Movement: 5"

Probably early July to coincide with school kids starting their holidays

>Melee race
>100 boyz strike first

ahahaha nobs would be move 4 and manz move 3

its next week preorder faggot.

I being a lying sack of shit fun? Or is it just your fetish?

AoS was august
July is the usual new edition month
June is new financial year

so any of these three months are strong contenders

my money is on june because warhammer community is doing daily posts about 8th edition until the new release, and there's only 12 pages of core rules


Just a lore thing but I do collect HH Word Bearers,

>Movement 4

This. They managed to make melee even worse now.

Just 30 boys, but still 120 attacks.

>Painting my sisters of battle
>for some odd reason I thought the Order of our Martyred Lady painted their veterans' shoulder pad Inquisition markings gold
>they're actually all white
Well fuch


Make up a reason ur dudes a gold

>wipe out some Wraithguard
>get deleted by scatlasers next turn
Such buff, so viable, wow

they probably get extra bonuses for every ten boys in the unit, like in AoS

>WS: 4+
>Strength 3
>"Orks are slow and clumsy creatures, and do not gain the bonus for striking first if they charge."

+1 S to HoW for every 10.

>what is 'ere we go

>i am mad for some reason: The post

>I just HAVE to use this image over and over, it's too clever not to.

>being concerned about a game you play is badwrong pls leave

Anyone else excited about narritive play?

I don't play AoS but, I'm hoping for decent campaign rules to get an ongoing campaign amongst the factions at the FLGS

Mmm all these (you)'s, and each a minute apart.

How convenient.

I've formed narrative games out of modifying missions such as one from the battle missions stuff and overlaying a basic campaign structure that I think I borrowed from the 5th edition rulebook. I hope they put some effort into narrative play.

>Anyone else excited about narritive play?

Yeah. I'm not so much interested in historical refights and things, but campaign rules and extra scenarios will be very much appreciated.

I went with SC! Mechanicus, did I fuck up?

I'm assuming 8ed is in June. GW doesn't hype things up too far in advance and they won't release Nurgle boys before 8th drops so May is looking quite empty (Shardspire maybe?)


They're releasing Kharadrons all throughout may. for 40k you're right though.

Saw a rumor for June 17th. And preorders on June 8th.

faeit leaked the release date as june 4 for preorder and june 17 for actual starter

I'd believe it

Ah, I thought they only had 1 or 2 more weeks left. Still, June sounds like the right time.

Here's another one.

It's only badwrong if the logic that leads to you being concerned is shit.

Which it is. Being able to walk out of combat is massive for melee units as it effectively removes tarpitting from the game. Never again will a conscript blob tie up your expensive melee units for the entire game.


>June is new financial year
What? That's April.

June is a good guess but it could very well being may, also. GW generally likes to make big releases shortly before the end of the fiscal year to make their shareholder reports look better.

Every company picks its own financial year, it just has to do with when their accounting department reconciles/closes their books

>Never again will a conscript blob tie up your expensive melee units for the entire game.

It also stops you hiding in close combat from enemy shooting. Six and half a dozen.

That said, making any claims about how the game is going to play at this stage is asinine. We're looking at a complete ground-up rework in the vein of the 2nd/3rd edition revamp, so trying to predict what will and won't be balanced is impossible. We just don't know enough.


Well, 7th was announced on the 10th of May, preorders were up on the 17th, and it released on the 24th. I wouldn't be surprised if they did something similar this time.

But 8th was announced last week. Meaning it should be up for pre-order already if that was the case

Sorry I missed that post up, I meant to talk about a May release.

Tosin Abasi mah nigga. Good taste

will you still be able to retreat if there's no room to move? say you manage to completely surround an enemy unit

>just bought 1000 points of DEldar
>can't assemble them in case they change the special weapons numbers again, like the old trueborn squad size

What are the odds Scourges get some kind of relentless? Is there a teaser anywhere explaining how movement and shooting will work?

>what are magnets

Nth for Tyranids updated only to kill them off screen sce they're a boring NPC faction with no personality and the community would go full autismo if they develop speech
They'll join tomb Kings soon

Nope, it's the best value start collecting bar none, everything in it is excellent. I need to get another two or so for more Dunecrawlers and Vanguard, and the TPD is basically free converty bitz once you have two of them.

I don't know. If you can't move through enemy models, and the Retreat move is just treated as a regular move away from the unit you're assaulting, I imagine you could physically block it off by surrounding them.

There's an article up on the website about how movement works, and it hasn't changed a great deal. And we know how weapon profiles work, but not what they all are.

So I'd hold off for now.

I don't want balance I just want to end the game fast to do something else later

Didn't They say all current codexs and models will show up in 8th ed?

Re roll the 1d6 when charging

All models will be playable. They didn't necessarily say every race would be getting a new codex

All codices and models will get an 8ED release.

They may not be good, but.

>putting magnets in infantry arms

2hard4me, I only use them for monstrous creatures etc

Yeah good point. Just read over the articles and there's not enough there to go off of.

Yes they did.

All models are getting brand new rules to fit in the new system. And codices are getting rolled into 5 "Grand Alliance" books. We don't know specifically what they are yet, but the best bet IMO is
1. Space Marines
2. Imperial Forces
3. Xenos Empires
4. Xenos Hordes
5. Chaos

Everyone will get a new "codex" in that all their rules will be updated to 8th. Probably no specific lore but there will be 5 books that, amongst them, will have rules for all currently existing models.

Nah, grand alliances m8

Tomb Kings got rules for AoS to then being unceremoniously being axed from the settimg, the only "tomb Kings" units remaining are the mummy montarch and Nagash

1. Space Marines
2. Imperial Forces
3. Eldar (inc. Dark Eldar, Harlequins, Haemonculus Covens, Ynnari)
4. Xenos
5. Chaos

That's my bet.

Will 8th ED make Gunfexes Great Again?

Or should I just use a Hierodule?

>DG vs Overseas

That cracked me up a bit.

Hmm. That probably is a better bet considering the new Ynarri focus

Orks might be nice if they get a speed boost, but I'm not seeing them as being faster than a 5.

Fantasy also had their lore upended and did not receive the same promise that we got.

I magnetized my neophytes (for SW:A) and it was hell.

Gold Colour of the Emperor.

>AoS to then being unceremoniously being axed from the settimg
Great I'm suffering a stroke

>not dual crushing claws

Bit racist

>implying I'm not running a Instinctual Carnifex detachment with Old One Eye as the leader
Synapse is for pussies.

>carnifex charges
>only gets 2 kills because low WS and few areas
>enemy falls back on their turn
>carnifex gets BTFO in their shooting phase

Should I buy FW recast terminators or GW plastic terminators?


I don't know how I misspelled attacks so it autocorrected to areas, but it do.

Is that a lacrymole skull?

>not Commorites with Vect ascendant and the shadow muses with mandrakes teaming to fuck with Slaneesh

>all current codexs and models
>All models will be playable.
>All codices and models will get an 8ED release.
>All models are getting brand new rules
So what will be the stats for these?

>charging with a gunfex
In 8 they'll probably get more kills given templates are no longer a thing.

all models that have rules

i heard Commorragh is destroyed these days? what has happened while i was away for 2 years? are my DEldars okay? what about Vect?

Posting again because it seems Veeky Forums ate my post.

I need something confirmed or debunked.

Guy was talking to me about 8th edition 40k and he was mentioning that the Tau are getting rolled in with the Eldar.

What? How does that make any sense.

I have a hard time believing it but wanted to check.

Thanks guys.

The Gate of Khaine finally shattered when Yvraine was resurrected as the prophet of Ynnead, the Eldar god of death.

why the fuck would you believe that for even a second?

>everyone keeps hyping up the five faction things
>implying it won't be shit like rulebook, scenery book, imperium, chaos and xenos armybooks



Vect and Rakarth are building new subrealm, Commoragh is in battle with daemons.

Gate of Khaine blww open, Cammoragh flooded with daemons, whiny vect is sulking because his crib is ruined and half his subjects went off to join the nudar.

I charge with my tldfex.

Sometimes you have to do dumb things.

But maybe this will be the return of the 10 wound carnifex, as was foretold by ancient prohets as one of the events that would preceed the end times.

Kheradruakh and the Mandrakes closed the Gate. Vect and the Covens are trying to hunt down Yvraine. Or were trying.

Also Lady Malys will be the first Slaanesh Eldar.

Well now Im reading the thread and Im seeing stuff about 5 factions, seems like it might happen?