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Magic: The Gathering Modern General (Competitive Discussion)

>Metagame thoughts?



Weekly Modern Metagame:

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Here's a proper Kithkin OP image for future use.

>>Metagame thoughts?
It's ok. I hope they unban preordain and ban past in flames though.

I've been playing a lot of G/B Tron lately, it's just been very solid for my local meta. I'm also in the process of updating my Bantdrazi list.
A memey U/R Delver deck with pic related. It's been pretty fun to play in testing.
>Metagame thoughts?
I'm pretty satisfied with the current meta, there are a lot of viable decks at the moment. I'm eager to see if 9chad makes it in the format competitively.

What's the best deck for someone new to competitive magic? They said they'll spend up to $1k but not a penny over. I was thinking of recommending affinity but then I thought if he just gets hosed out of his first few games he might get discouraged.

Burn. It'll run your friend about $650-$700 but it's easy as pie and will always be a solid deck.

How does green black tron work? I remember the switch from green red to green white made sense because of the sideboard options, I'm curious as to what green black is all about

Collective Brutality to make Burn winnable G1.

Pretty much this also, discard + surgicals is solid against most combo decks.

Makes sense, hand disruption IS modern at this point, idk what would make somebody want to play without black

>playing 1 for 1's that aren't removal

I thought tron kept you fags out of the format?

Can you provide a list for the drake deck?

Second for burn

no one answered my question in the last thread--whats the best way to order a full modern deck? just search for lowest prices NM condition on tcgplayer?

Just recently tried this deck UG tron with the new nissa

// 60 Maindeck
// 15 Artifact
3 Oblivion Stone
4 Expedition Map
4 Chromatic Star
3 Chromatic Sphere
1 Mindslaver

// 5 Creature
3 Wurmcoil Engine
2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

// 4 Enchantment
4 Oath of Nissa

// 21 Land
4 Urza's Mine
4 Urza's Power Plant
4 Urza's Tower
2 Forest
1 Academy Ruins
4 Yavimaya Coast
2 Island

// 8 Planeswalker
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
3 Karn Liberated
3 Nissa, Steward of Elements

// 7 Sorcery
3 Sylvan Scrying
4 Ancient Stirrings

// 15 Sideboard
// 3 Artifact
SB: 3 Relic of Progenitus

// 4 Creature
SB: 2 Thragtusk
SB: 2 World Breaker

// 8 Instant
SB: 2 Warping Wail
SB: 2 Nature's Claim
SB: 2 Repeal
SB: 2 Aetherize

And? How was Nissa?

Yea pretty much. Or Amazon.

Here you go my dude. It could probably use a lot of tuning (and input from people who actually play delver) but this is what I have so far.

Bant Eldrazi.
Relative to burn, there's a bit more going on-board, but it's still pretty simple.

Order from an online retailer of your choice that has the cards and editions you want.

Personally I order from Cardkingdom instead of tcgplayer or stuff like that since I've had bad experiences and the customer service is great.

played like 10 games so far, its pretty good finisher, early oath in play and on turn 3 you play her for x of 5, uptick and next turn swing for 10

i live in the us, isn't cardkingdom eu only? if so is the shipping expensive?

CardKingdom is based in Seattle.

thanks, ill check out both
tcgplayer has a 3% kickback which seems cool (i was planning on ordering this tomorrow)
what sort of problems have you had with them?

Thinking of running one Ghost Quarter and 3 Surgicals in the SB of DSJ to fight Tron. You can search up Quarter with Deliriumed Traverse. Its my only hope to beat them desu I hate that fucking deck but I gotta find some way to beat them. I guess Gaddock Teeg can help too.

>someone selling a deck on Ebay
>costs more than just buying all the singles off TCGplayer
Why do people do this? Are they trying to catch retards?

I realize that Naya Zoo isn't really viable in competive Modern anymore, but what's an ideal land base?
19 lands
2 Stomping Ground
2 Temple Garden
2 Sacred Foundry
1 Mountain
1 Forest
1 Plains
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Windswept Heath
4 Arid Mesa

If there was an MTG anime akin to yu-gi-oh, what deck would the main character play?

GW midrange

Wasn't there a fanmade manga or something and the guy played Twin? I vividly remember a page of him summoning a Vendilion Clique against a Tron player, a commentator said he chose poorly, then the tron player assembled tron and cast a wurmcoil engine which said SCREEEEEEE

wizard's soul?


Source ? Reverse image search give nothing

Unfortunately it never got past 3 chapters translated

Probably burn. Easy to play, very consistent in gameplay and can't ever be outright banned away.

It can also get boring really fast, but it has it's own niche things that keeps things interesting.

If you take away eidolon,goblin guide and lightning bolt the deck is trash. You could easily weaken it with a ban.

Aww what a cute story uwu

None of those cards will ever get banned though

Yeah but WotC will never ban those cards

No that wasn't it.
>the worse off the mom got the stronger with cards she was
>little daughter trying to prove her wrong and beat her with all her might
Fucking Christ.

What are some good -any color- cards to go with a white life gain deck?
Because I can gain a lot of life but cannot actually win the game

>Because I can gain a lot of life but cannot actually win the game
Play pic related. Do it for the memes.

I've been doing this with 2 surgicals for the last couple weeks. It can be helpful, but GQ doesnt come in against any other matchup

The GR Valakut decks with/without Scapeshift and with/without Through the Breach are very competitive, quite customizable, easy to learn, and hard to master. Pretty much all of them don't hit the $1k mark

I love people like you guys. I remember people saying the same about Bloodbraid, pod and twin. Never say never especially with goons like Aron Forsythe in charge.

I've personally got sick of Modern Burn because it shoves you into way too many unwinnable situations. Which is specially infuriating after playing Legacy Burn for over 12 years and doing straight up legendary shit like beating Reanimator with Iona in play, getting Jace Ultimated and still beating Stoneblade at 1 life after after dealing 36 damage in a single match, winning through double Chill against Shardless, and consistently beating Miracles with quirky sequencing.

Legacy Burn is Rocky Balboa, Modern Burn is Kimbo Slice...

>shaving slots off the engine to run more lands than necessary and a shit walker you can't reliably cast instead of 4 Karn 4 Wurmcoil and spot removal to not just die
Mindslaver is decent inevitability and disruption vs combo, I'll grant you that.


Bug Loam Pox, because repeatable tectonic edging and ghost quartering people is "Fun."

Is there any deck that can't be sodomized by a single sideboard card?
This shit's getting ridiculous, tournaments are being won not by the best players, but by the guy who dodged hate all day.

I agree with you m8, part of the reason i stopped playing modern burn. The other reasons are because i didnt like how often it rewarded stupid greedy plays and also because I'm a midrange player at heart. But i have to argue that Modern burn is better in its respective format. Modern burn has been tier 1 for the past few years and puts up a lot of results while legacy burn has arguably never been tier 1 and finds itself outclassed by other decks very often.

That's the point behind my fighters allegory.
Modern Burn is "professional". Allegedly good, popular and connected enough to keep showing up on stream even if it's an embarassment of a show 9/10.
Legacy Burn is a nobody that gets to trade punches with the best and look like a champ when he finally beats them.

Besides, it's worst match just got banned out of the format.

I guess my point is Modern Burn is so mediocre and inconsistent it wouldn't be above 1.5 if it hand't been under $200 to build for half a decade when the format was new. It's a padded statistic, rather than a championship deck in it's own merit. And I'm walking out on it.

I disagree, but there are a couple decks right now that involve narrow strategies that fold to certain hate cards. Burn

Wasnt miracles a decent/hood matchup thats what everyone else says? Also the deck is still consistent just not as consistent, plus it is a relevant threat in the format when considering sideboarding and what not. In Legacy burn loses to other decks being better than it, in modern you lose to getting hated out/take off your gameplay. So its more feel bad. Also its actually a good tier 1 deck in modern, it isnt all just padded.

that seems pretty good
now why it is priced 0,50 Eur? It is shit for some reason that I cannot see?

4 is too much for modern
not enough support for it in standard

>Shell out significant cash for tiny semi-professional fantasy art pics on low grade cardboard
>read online to find the list of optimal decks as discerned by professional autists
>"play" these decks against other "optimal" decks.

I cannot imagine why people waste time with this "game". Force of habit combined with Apathy plus there's no roleplaying so you can have Maximum Autismo?

People accuse GWS of being money-grubbers, but MtG is a full-blown ponzi scheme.

didn't you see all the $ signs in the OP? You're not welcome here poorfag

anything running the 8x discard package

Autists are unable to change their ways. Keep in mind this. No matter how many times they will go 0-3-2 they will keep playing their deck.

I think modern burn is just consistent. Sure, it lives by top decking into last few damage and currently gets hosed by collected brutality.... It is still most solid way to hit damage to face every turn, unless you get manaflooded or you can't deal with leyline or such. Compare that to combo decks that cripple themselves every so often.

Anything that isn't Burn/Balls to the wall Aggro/Tron/Affinity/GYshit. Play goodstuff or midrange and you will pretty much never get hated out of the game.

Melira and most CoCo/creature toolbox variants.

>i beat Eldrazi Tron with DSJ through chalice on 1 AND 2 ratchet bombs. Tight play and patience are key desu.
More like by drawing a very specific sequence of cards versus a player that draws like shit.

>Play goodstuff or midrange and you will pretty much never get hated out of the game.
What is Tron, Blood Moon or a combo deck that has Leyline of Sanctity.

>tfw you play dredge and not a single opponent draws their graveyard hate all night
Fuck Modern, but I'm glad every time that happens.

If you don't like playing the game as it currently is, then why are you here? Go outside and do something else.

Oh no it's the Wizard's Defence Force emissary from Reddit. Quickly, no one say anything mean about Magic or suggest it isn't as good as it once was.

I didn't even hint at my evaluative attitudes towards the game, I just don't like outright lying. BGx midrange is the least capable deck in the entire game of winning via "tight play", moreso vs deck that's basically a hard counter against it.

But you're not being entirely truthful, either. Midrange decks have to know their matchups, i.e. where they need to be on the aggro-control spectrum or they will lose. Is that not counted as "tight play"?

No, because the average bgx list curves out pretty well so you spend the first 3-4 turns tapping out for whatever is the best, most expensive card in your hand for the current situation (hint: turn 1 it's always your discard or tarfire if you have nothing else, turn 2 it's tarmogoyf, turn 3 it's liliana or discard+2drop), after which you should be basically hellbent and you keep slamming the top card of your library down after combat, unless it's an answer like Abrupt Decay. The card draw nor selection just isn't there (compared to say Aggro Loam or Delver in Legacy) for you have multiple "correct" lines at any time t. If you're playing vs Storm that cast a discount dude on turn 2 and you have a choice between Terminate and Tarmogoyf, of course you pick the former but that's just not being retarded, not tight play in any relevant sense.

I do pretty well against Tron with Esper actually.

I think the only MUs that are hard for control no matter what SB configuration you have are the disruptive tribal decks. Stuff like UB Faeries or Bant Spirits that go wide but are also resilient to Wraths.

M/W foxes here

can I get some help/tips?



Seconding this. Also slamming mountains and getting those valakut triggers feels amazing

come on I have no other place to post it

make a kitchen table thread, people are usually up for it

or just try in the edh general

So i'm starting to play again every now and then and am in serious need of cards/decks that don't suck
All I really have is a deckbuilder's toolkit from late 2012 and as a result have a set of decks with no real synergy and that just suck in general
What would be the best choice for just getting some decks/cards that aren't just a mix of random shit just for casual play? The cheaper the better given i'm just playing casually with friends

Look, this is not the thread you're looking for

That being said, if you don't really care about powerlevel and just want cards to dick around in kitchen table get duel decks or buy planechase anthology with 2-3 friends and keep one deck each

There's supposedly an Archenemy set coming this year, that should also work

If you're not convinced, just do chinaman kitchen table and play whichever decks you want. I do, and it's good practice for FNM. Seeing how the top decks in the format works is a good learning experience

sorry friend didn't know, what's the proper thread to ask in

There's not really an appropiate one, honestly

I think we should have a kitchen table or just a MTG general for these kinds of questions, but I'm too lazy to make it

Just create kitchen table general or something. Most important thing about kitchen table is that decks are about same powerlevel. Which doesn't really work outside friend circles, hence formats. Pauper is cheap and well contained format.

>draw go
This is a competitive thread you fucking inbred

is Pauper a good/fun format? I've heard good things but never played it myself

5 colour super friends

It's alright. At least it has proper rules compared to kitchen table and isn't expensive.

You're a grade A retard if you can't tell the difference between those cards and burn cards

I'm sorry you're so unfulfilled with your hobby you had to come here and shitpost. Good luck with your future

Then don't fucking post it.
>hey guys I know this thread is for trains but just lemme post some boats

>Storm and Dredge tier 1

fun and interactive

>Storm, Dredge tier 1 Valakut tier 2
>UW control getting more viable as counterspells are more relevant

Now only if we had the actual fucking counterspell though.

kitchen table general created

Elves and knightfall at a healthy upper-middle t2
Liking it. I'm glad Knightfall is seeing more play

Thank God this format has some real Magic to fight the brain-dead aggroshitters.

>have a conversation with friends about modern bans like 3 years ago
>"Man if they ban pod and twin tron will just be all over"

It's like you could see it coming or something.

Storm is a fun and interactive match for me tho
t. Temur delver player

but Gx Tron is tier 2 and Eldrazi Tron was inevitable with the amount of colourles creatures in modern

Yeah I have nothing against it, but sadly because of decks like that Preordain or Ponder will never be unbanned and Delver strategies will be forever tier 3.

My nigga. This meta is shaping up very nicely for us

It's Legacy Lite.
Commons-only slows the game down, but asides from that there's minimal reduction in power.

T6 pauper is still just as crazy as T3 legacy