He'll Guillidie and you know it.

Those are Sigfuckingmarines 40k.

You know that the guy waking up in the end is the Lion

he didn't said xenos
is Guiliman doing a truce with the aliens ?

They can wait.

He's probably tackling the threat within first.

more like they can develop more
wich is good

What did you expect? He is not going to wipe out noble and graceful race that resurrected and helped him.

>truce with the aliens

That's a funny way of spelling "marriage to an eldar death princess"

Does anyone know which chapter the marine on screen belonged to when Girlyman was talking about rebirth and shit? I can't recognize it.

Man. I thought the rumor mill had settled on it being a new mark of powered armor. I knew I shouldn't have allowed myself to get optimistic. I should of known Rise of the Primarch having semi-decent fluff was a trap.

Hope is truly the first step on the road to disapointment in 2010s 40k

Its a Space Wolf.

>more space yiff
oh no

Really? didn't look very space wolfy to me

If only they went traitor instead of the TS

Daily reminder that CAWL and GUILLIMAN are better at making space marines than the emp*ror

I dunno, Orks and Tyranids still seem a threat just as big as Chaos if you ask me. I could see forming truces or temporary alliances with Eldars or Taus, but there are some dangerous xenos that require immediate intervention.

So, NuMarines aren't true-scale marines? Their just new, bigger marines?

Reminds me too much of Stormcast Eternals for me to be excited...

Classic space wolf pattern on the pauldron.

>Inb4 Guillie is a traitor and those pink eye lenses indicate that

necrons are pretty chill for alliance too

Blue-Grey + Black and Red Triangle markings + Background guy weilding huge axe + Space Wolf style knife = Space Wolf.



This. Kinda crappy. Like centurions. Just bland. They're not spacemarines in side space marines, they're just bigger space marines.

Space Wolf turned renegade? Implying they will come back into fold?

Yes, I think that it is true.

Guess I'm just used to grey/yellow wolves
so what, is he wiping the slate clean and remaking them as not a giant pile of fuck?

lucky bastard

Does this mean we may get wolves that arent yiff?

you got a problem with it ?


>Guilliman just orders the execution of the current wolves
>Remakes them from fresh genestock
>Pretends nothing has changed

Just like the imperial fists
except you know, not out of respect.

Nucrons should get beards, hipster glasses and those motivation bands on hands.

Guilliman/Yvraine confirmed
Queen of the Imperium

it's robout

the e is silent

He's ensuring the Chapter doesn't get ground down now theres less than 300 after Magnus' attack on Fenris, probably by giving them some of these New Marines

Are the new guillimarines clones or are those chambers supposed to gene-enchance normal humans or normal astartes?
I'm confused, will other chapters benefit from these warriors or will they form a new independent force?

We don't know yet

Lets sum it up:

>Cawl meddling in geneseed making "better" muhreens,
>Also they purify the geneseed, they've probably listened to the community - Space Wolves without wulf slapped everywhere? That's a yes from me.
>Primarch waking up at the end, probably Lion since he was also comatose.

>Imperium with Roboute AND the Lion

Unf my dick

I hope it leads to them splitting the imperium into two to lead it better and we get a western/eastern Imperium

Even if they wake the Lion up, he's still probably not the next model we're getting. I think it's supposed to be Mortarion, what with all the Death Guard emphasis we've been getting.

>>Primarch waking up at the end
where did you see that? it looked like one of the numerous other stasis beds to me

It was literally spelled out for you. Deal with it.

>>Cawl meddling in geneseed making "better" muhreens,

This is the part that fucking baffles me, does this mean that Cawl has always had a fucking way to make SM's better but just did nothing? Or did Roboute just know where a cache of knowledge was? Maybe he was able to access some archive the Imperium wasn't because of his genes

They didn't

But Fenris got Exterminatus'd and the wuffs suffered major casualities in Warzone Fenris, so they're basically a dying chapter

Cawl was old school mechanicus. Geneforging was always his thing.

Bob said rebirth of old chapters, so they will mwerge them.

no no NOO

>robooty girlyman, greatest tactician among the primarchs, declares that a good defence against the forces of chaos is a new offence

I need new rogal dorn reaction images for this




Trazyn implies Girlyman will have beef with him so not all of them.

>Reboot Girlyman

bigger and better marines
20$ they will also be able to be female

wow it honestly looks like shit and more end times/age of smegma

best thing that can happen at this point is they kill the setting and then sell the license to someone who doesnt hate it

No pls don't make the SM version of Tempestus Scions did they not learn anything

>Cawl has always had a fucking way to make SM's better but just did nothing?
Heresy stops being heresy when the son of your god commands you to do it.

he was desu always kinda shit at tactics and strategy, he got outplayed by a normal human in the void battle for Nuceria, which is just laughable

but he is good at logistics and empire building

>they will also be able to be female
I honestly wouldn't be surprised at all.

i would be more surprised if nu-gw didnt let them be females

its going to be a shit show for sure

name another primarch who wrote a book about tactics and strategies

>Or did Roboute just know where a cache of knowledge was?
Haven't the Primarchs always had some level of knowledge about how to create Space Marines? I thought that was why Corax knew how to make quickmarines (before the someone sabotaged his batches).

That just means he was the only one to think of writing a book, not that he was the best (although he was pretty damn good).

>we offer rebirth
What, so is he going to just fill up some of the almost dead chapters with his Sigmarines?
Does that mean the Marines Malevolent will have access to much stronger soldiers now?

name another primarch that got beaten by a normal human at a thing they were supposed to be good at

Horus, Lion, Kurze.

How did Guilliman manage to do something that no one else has done before with the present day Mechanic us? He's not the engineering Primarch, he's the politician. Where did he get his degree in Super Space Marine engineering? Not from the Mechancius, they couldn't even engineer the current ones.

I was so hopeful with the last rumor that we were just getting new tech and not fucking Age of Shitmar

all of them

following orders

> Roh-Bootay

is this really how it's pronounced?

I cant tell is it story that makes me sad, or half assed art style.


>I cant tell is it story that makes me sad, or half assed art style.

its really getting the full age of shitmar treatment

>GW shills tried to convince us this wasn't AoS 40k edition
And yet once again Veeky Forums's doomsayers are proven to be mostly correct

No, the game just doesn't give a fuck about xenos anymore.

how does he have a better way to make them? did big E not push SM as far as he could without crossing into thunder warrior territory?

why is there a better, Loyal version of fabulous Buford?

I assume he's assembled noble warriors across all creation, and forged them anew using the powers of the Storms of Heaven.

>ordos reeee!

>I was so hopeful
>Hopeful GW wasn't going to go full retard with the fluff
The shitty of (you)

I won't even be mad
women in armor is my fetish


the world isn't getting destroyed though you fucking faggot

>The Veeky Forums doomsayers were wrong! They said 40k was going to get AoS'd, but GW merely turned it into AoS without destroying the galaxy!
kek. 3 Cents have been deposited in your account.

>Storms of Heaven
the what now?

im willing to bet i wish it had when all is said and done though

besides the official stance of gw is that fantasy wasnt destroyed either, it was just advanced ;^)

And he's going to do more than just. Ultramarine Human/Eldar hybrids are canon. The Lord Commander of the Imperium will not be stuck in the friendzone.

This. Xenos are just literally nothing now unless they're aeldari buttchums with marines.

>making the rules less shit and barely touching the lore is AoSfication

>literally nothing now
>literally nothing
Untrue, I bet you'll populate many a supporting role in irrelevant side stories.



>Barely touching the lore

>God character returns (like AoS)
>God character makes new super units (Bet these will be the space mariniest yet!) (like AoS)
>God Character launches a great counter attack against a realm assailed by chaos (like AoS)
Not worth replying to a further to someone this deluded or being paid this much. I'll happily take another (you) from you if you so desire though, just so long as you're aware you won't get one from me.

Aeldari will get to suck Guillicock, Orks will lose so TRUE ENEMY can show itself, same as Nids and Deldar (if they don't just fall on their faces and die).

Tau will probably all almost die but then Guille-sue will save them and take over. Then all Xenos will either be mooks who Chaos shows up or Imperium slaves. Hooray.

Reminder that Girlyman dies if he tries to get out of his armor.
Sorry, dudes, but Papa Smurf gonna have to learn to like watching.

>Orks will lose so TRUE ENEMY can show itself
Not an impressive prediction when this is pretty much already confirmed true on Armageddon, one of the Orkz' premiere warzones.

it tru tho

To be fair to AoS at least in it Chaos has dudes who actually beat the Sigmarines. Archaon's handed them their ass twice and made Sigmar look like an idiot too.

Also in AoS the Sigmarines are the smaller force trying to get victories where they can, whilst in 40k the Imperium is literally most of the galaxy and the strongest military force and it just keeps beating everyone's attempts to defeat it.

They're similar, but there are differences in the style too.

you got it wrong

orks are the apparent threat until chaos arrives
tyranids are the threat intended to forge unlikely alliances

He has removable codpiece like Malekith.

I think lore-wise, they are trying to apply divergent evolution to loyalists and traitors, with csm after 10k years of warp fuckery and veterancy going increasingly techno-organic(ever notice how smeared and molten-looking chaos armor looks for 2 editions now), just getting access to really weird and messed up mutations to counter antiquated equipment, while imperium marines get newer marks of armour, and Guilliman's astartes 2.0 project.
