What's the best alignment?
What's the best alignment?
The No Alignment.
Neutral is boring, and people who run "alignmentless" games set in a dull gray world are the roleplaying equivalents of fedora tipping atheists.
Even in the real world there are some genuinely good people and some absolutely evil people.
Chaotic good
You do understand that virtually every fantasy rpg that isn't D&D or it's direct derivatives has no alignment system, right?
You can 100% have a game with good guys and bad guys and a world that isn't "fedora tipping" without shoehorning everyone's characterization into a 3x3 grid
Not having an alignment system is different from having no alignment.
Even the alignment system in D&D only had as much impact on the mechanics as you wanted them to, and 5e has taken several steps to reduce the mechanical side of alignment. With that said, alignment remains important in just about every narrative, even if only through the nature of being used as shorthand to describe the tone. When people say they are playing without alignment, that either means they are choosing to not describe what is clearly alignment as alignment, or that they have chosen the dull grays of neutrality as the constraints upon their setting.
>Edgy not on Chaotic
I'm more upset by Sonic's hair extending beyond the right of the frame while his fist doesn't.
CN when it's well executed, which is to say almost never.
NE is interesting too.
What the hell.
OCD Status: Triggered
>Neutral is boring, and people who run "alignmentless" games set in a dull gray world are the roleplaying equivalents of fedora tipping atheists.
Or because the DM is running 5e (or *gasp* NOT D&D) where alignment is entirely optional and doesn't want their players to think of their characters as just a class/race/alignment
Narrative rival? Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil is my go to when playing PCs, it gives you such freedom and usually rubs against moralfags in the best ways
Describing a person's personality and morality via a two-axis system with a total of nine concrete positions is the STUPIDEST fucking thing imaginable.
Edgy goes on chaotic, maybe metal sonic for lawful evil?
Have people already forgotten Coldsteel's real name?
And he can't be Chaotic. Chaos relies on individualism. He makes it clear that nothing's personnel.
The best alignment is the kind that defines your relationship with the forces of Good, Evil, Chaos and Law.
pis related, the only well done CN character I can think of.
Chaotic good and lawful evil are the two best alignments.
Chaotic good because a CG character is far more interesting than a cookie cutter Dudley Dooright.
Lawful evil for the same reason. LE characters tend to be far more complex than, "I skin kittens for fun because I'm just that bad."
Lawful good, if simply because then no one is giving you the side eye and when the king wants you for a job then the guards escort you as opposed to the being brought forward in handcuffs that a chaotic good would get
LG, LN, NG, and LE (weirdly) generally make for the least shit behavior by players, I've noticed. Lawful rather than chaotic means they won't go to crazy, even if they're evil in a party of good guys, and neutral good tend to be cooperative little wallflowers.
Not that other alignments can't be played well, they just leave too much room for or even implicitly encourage shit behavior for most players, because most players are dipshits.
That's because he's sticking his head out of the panel but not his hands.
Lawful Good & Knuckles
Idiot. Alignment is an awful mechanic and an awful means of describing complex characters. Fuck off back to kindergarten.
Fuck off back to re-ddit. Alignments actually add structure to the game.
Yeah, all the structure of a Lego set. Appropriate for dimwitted autistics like you.
Alignments do nothing but lead to arguments about what alignments mean and if a character should be a different alignment because they did a thing, or if they shouldn't do that thing in the first place because they're X alignment.
If you really want to use a system for people to define their character's beliefs, use the 5 colors from MTG, since those are tied to less nebulous and polarizing concepts.
>Not putting omochao in chaotic evil
Literally considered doing this once.
>Worst fucking chart ive ever seen
>Argument without evidence
Mind the bait boys