Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Bringing Two Guns to a Gunfight Edition

What are your favourite methods of using firearms in Pathfinder? Gunslinger, fighter, gunsmoke mystic, gun witch? Maybe something from Spheres of Might playtest? One gun, two guns, Kasatha with four guns?

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I hit the gunslinger with a spear 2fast4him

Asking it again
So how's Swashbuckler?Can you guys go into detail,like how good is one in combat and non-combat situations?

What is the functional difference between a Daemon and a Qlippoth? They both want to destroy everything.

they're extremely niche, but they're better than Daring Cavalier, despite what Veeky Forums thinks because daring cavalier fucks itself over for damage. You're better of using Unchained Rogue and taking the Panache Talent.

Qlippoths existed before anything. They are also chaotic evil as opposed to neutral evil. Qlippoth only want to destroy anything that isn't the abyss.

Daemons want to literally annihilate the multiverse.

Is a Daemon just an NPC who's tired of the campaign and wants to shoot the DM

>Panache talent for rogue

The what now, got sauce on that?

Qlippoths are defined by their relation to demons. They are proto-demons and loathe them, and by extension humanity because it's mortal sin that allowed demons to spawn. They are more primal, aberrant and maybe even "primitive".

So basically they're oldfags, humans are newfags, and demons are reddit?

Qlippoths are oldfags, humans are normies and demons are newfags. Degenerate normies land in the Veeky Forums and piss oldfags off.

Pdf of Bestiary 6 fucking where?!

Unchained Rogue Talent Firearm Training give you grit. Grit qualifies you for taking Panache feats.

Apparently it was third party shit that my GM had.

This weekend, probably. Be patient.

>Some rogue shit is based off Wis (ki pool, grit)
>Some is based off Int (bombs, a bunch of random bullshit)
>It supposedly wants to have Cha skills trained

I wish more rogue shit actually got unchained, because the class is a fucking mess.

So if that talent doesnt exist,mind telling me more about why should one choose rogue over swashbuckler?


Mesto is fucking sexy holy shit


/ss/ bait

>Turn the party back into kids


Actually does nothing to their mental abilities, only their physical appearance.

Yes I like this.
...By RAW they don't even look any younger, they just shrink, but I'm going to keep pretending everyone becomes loli and /ss/

>stuffed into Krampus' bag



Pedobear has return to haunt our games!

>You're not just playing a Virtuous Bravo Paladin
>You can get easy access to an Even Curved Blade for 1.5x Dex-to-damage on URogue
>You know the good archetypes and use them
>You have a way to get the talents and stats to pack Ninja shit
>You're using Legendary Rogues

what the fuck

all of these dudes have stats now too.

Did the quillopth lords ever get posted?

DAMMIT AUGUNAS! Stop touching little boys dressed as foxes!

Paizo knows that Pathfinder is dying with each passing day. They are burning the last ship with noDragonStar.

how do we save pathfinder

It's being cleaned, chill out dude.

but we waaant iiiit.

We can't. Just let it go.

We don't, if you've been paying attention the quality of our threads have dropped substantially, hell I'd wager the existence of PoW, Spheres and constant /pfg/ games is the only thing keeping it up.

Eventually you need to let it go.

no ;-;



>literally no mechanics for watergirls
Paizo is the one that's killing Pathfinder.


At least Rougarou are kinda cool
>Entothrope Skinwalkers when!

You're gonna carry that weight

Oops, the picture was kind of cut off there.

>As long as the creature carries the naiad’s token and retains her favor, that creature gains a +1 insight bonus on Will saving throws and Craft and Perform checks.

evil blight droods exist now too

Actually I have a serious question, what are the chances of a Pathfinder 2e? I mean it's basically reached the point all the dnd editions got to by now, there's a book that's touched on basically everything you care to mention and there's not much left to do.

>1/day beast shape
>furbait as fuck
>literally just a boring skinwalker with locked in bestial traits

Logs where


Thing is Pathfinder showed up in the first place as "3.5 but fixed". What would PF 2e be? "Pathfinder but fixed"?

That looks like a monster from The Suffering.

Pretty good. There are decent odds that Starfinder will float a bunch of rules changes just to see what people like (not necessarily what's actually good) that they can include in a second edition.

It'll probably just end up being a bunch of tiny incremental changes to basic rules, though. I wouldn't hope for some kind of revival for d20. Paizo's survived off of the lingering success of 3e for so long there's no way they try and do something actually new.

>people keep playing Werewasp-kin Skinwalkers to be Q-Bee

"We didn't do a good job, but we're gonna go for round two with everything we learned from last time"?

>tfw Darkstalkers is dead

Well, the June 17 sample will apparently include conversion rules. I guess we'll see the direction they're taking then.

But user, hope is an illusion.

Yeah, no. They pumped way too many resources into Starfinder to have a Twofinder in the works.

Why do people complain about Pathfinder being bloated? Isn't having more options better? And besides, GMs can always dictate was is and isn't in setting?

>Isn't having more options better?
Not when 90% of those are actually non-options due to either having negligible benefit compared to shit you actually NEED, or in some cases actively making your character worse.

I don't know but Pathfinder is pretty weird in its setting
Golarian is like 60 other settings tossed in a salad and mixed up together.
If you're talking about mechanics it's because a lot of them are either boring 'mechanics' or fun concept but shit execution - see Magus for more onthat.

You could paste shit down to the 20% people actually bother and still have way too much, and nobody would notice. Nobody uses the garbage content, it exists to pad out books and hide the actually useful shit so people who autistically dig for it can feel good about themselves.

It's also full of incomplete shit that desperately needs attention, but will never get it because that doesn't make big bucks. We have a billion archetypes that need to be expanded or rerolled entirely, whole classes (like magus and investigator) even, but that won't happen because new shit sells better. Hell, look at Mooncursed Barbarian, it was ALREADY INVALIDATED by another, newer archetype, rather than being reworked into something actually good.

Oh gosh! I'm going to go onto the forums and bitch about my Water Balloon Fighter not being as good as someone using a longbow!

Only if they're real, valid options. Pathfinder has so many trash options in it that sorting through them for the actually usable stuff is really tedious.

Seriously, there are nearly 3,000 feats in Pathfinder, just from Paizo material. And the vast majority of them are totally worthless, just existing to waste your time and pad wordcount.

That's not the important question, the important question is whether a PF 2E would be good.

And let me tell you now, the answer to that is no.

Give them a break, Paizo employees hardly get paid more than a middle manager at your local Burger King.

How about water balloon fighter being better than a crossbow fighter?

I've heard that story, but does anyone have links or screencaps of the builds being posted and the replies?

And those who complain end vored by Lisa Stevens.

Alchemist dip for int to splash damage already makes this pretty effective.

And yet they're still worse at their jobs than people who Do It For Free™

NEETs don't do it for free, they're paying with Good Boy Points.

>it's a shit on Paizo thread

You could have said dogecoin and it would have the same value, dude

Dogecoins, much like bitcoins, are the perfect currency.

The amount you get paid has little to no bearing on what you produce. It's like saying because you don't get paid as a chef you can't know how to cook.

Not him but I hear Magus get shit on alot around here. What exactly about them makes them suck so bad?

the professional chef making 6+ figures is likely to be better at cooking than the high school dropout taking orders at mcdonalds

They're fine. It's just a little tiring that some of their strongest options are really weirdly specific, so different magus characters end up looking a lot like each other.

Isn't this the case with most classes?

Yes, but the professional chef making 6+ figures doesn't suddenly become bad at cooking when he's not being paid for his signature dish.
The amount you're getting paid for your work is not an excuse for shit quality, although it might well be an indicator since if you were actually good at cooking you wouldn't be working at a burger stand.

They're boring, evenmoreso than Fighters, and get outclassed by a lot of other characters, and there's like two or three viable builds, maximum. Unlike other classes too if you don't use a good build you're basically unplayably shit.

Not to the same degree, and certainly not when you're talking about other spellcasters.

I like magus, but my biggest gripe with them is that they don't get full BAB like a duskblade.

>They're boring, evenmoreso than Fighters

How in the world do you build a Fighter in a way that's less boring than Magus?

I'm not disagreeing with you, I really want to know.

Regarding Starfinder,

Is anyone here planning a campaign or story for it?

Literally every magus is the same thing, and adding to the frustration is the idea that a spellsword SHOULD be cool but the Pisszo version isn't. As a fighter you can at least ape 2fast spearmen or Guts or something, but Magi, being shit and functionally locked into one build, are neither fun to build nor fun to play.

>TFW we get around to brewing the entothrope skinwalkers and their alternate spell-like ability is vomit swarm

The problem is that the strongest options blending characters together are all SO SPECIFIC that the need to use them to make the class pretend to be functional results in it being BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS that all Magi are basically just the same build with different paint. It's always the same spell(s), the same playstyle, the same weapon(s), the same Arcana (especially when they nerfed Flamboyant Arcana/Arcane Deed), the same problems. The Magus's actual MECHANICS aren't too terrible (Spell Combat is great, IMO), it's how they're put together in a class that's a major problem. The Magus is very clearly Paizo's first attempt at designing a class.

Also, to lead into Lots of the good 3/4th BAB classes get something to shore up their BAB outside of their WBL. You know what the Magus gets to do that? To add +1's to their sword, with a limited pool of special abilities that they have to spend both Arcana and extra pool points to add to.

Why IS Shocking Grasp the end-all be-all, anyway?

Nothing else in their spell list is really better, pound for pound.

The really confusing part is that it's clearly a Duskblade with the serial number filed off, but they utterly ruined the things that made the Duskblade passable.

I'm kicking around a few ideas, yeah. Probably won't have a solid picture until the book release, or at least the June sample, but I'd like to run some space adventures.

The Magus is more like an archetype than a class, and I mean "archetype" as in "character trope" and not "class archetype". It's like a mechanized version of one single character who fights with sword and spell, not the mechanical version of a generic character who fights with sword and shield.

I've seen several ideas thrown around here that ranged from "exploring a large expanse of uncharted space" to "two rival megacorporations bicker over the rights to a system, causing a three-way war between the megacorps and the natives."

Trying to piece one together. Honestly though, I don't know what to make of it. Until I actually see rules and what is and is not possible it's all just a pipe dream.

No save, attack bonus if they're wearing metal, electric resistance isn't particularly common at low levels, damage can scale surprisingly well for such an early-game spell.

It just WORKS. It's lethal damage, it scales 1-1 with level and can be Intensified to scale higher, it has a bonus effect (+4 on Attack Rolls vs Metal), it's a damage type rarely resisted at early levels (Electricity), and its closest competitor is strictly WORSE IN ALL WAYS FOR NO REASON. SERIOUSLY, THE ACID TOUCH IS JUST "ACID DAMAGE", THAT'S THE ONLY UPSIDE. THE DICE ARE SMALLER, THERE'S NO BONUS EFFECT, IT DOESN'T EVEN IGNORE SPELL RESISTANCE LIKE OTHER ACID SPELLS.

Also Frostbite WOULD be REALLY good (1d6+CL Damage, useable CL number of times? With a rider effect? Damn son), but it's both Cold Damage and Nonlethal damage, which completely ruins it since so much shit is immune to one or both of those.

It's safe to assume things like robots, laser guns, ship combat and mechs are available.

>1d4 lasers

a few ideas