/swg/ non-shitposting edition

Previous Thread: →

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

>Darth Geralt


Thank You Op

Thank fuck for that, the shitposting had reached critical levels.

Engine upgrade or countermeasures for a Kath Scarlet Firespray build?

I would think engines for the repositioning, but I'm not sure

got some deathsticks?

The Firespray is pretty good when it can stick on someone. Try either one in a practice game and see what you like? I prefer engine mostly.

>Butthurt children can't handle a OP pic
Comedy gold

I want to use Integrated Holsters to make my character a walking arsenal. What're the 6 weapons that can cover most combat situations, while still being 3 or less encumbrance?

isn't this the thread?

yes. This thread here is for people who don't react well to jokes.

Reposting from the other thread:
For Ranged (Light): Disruptor Pistol, Ionization Blaster, Czerka Dragonstrike modded for sniping, Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (or some wrist mounted mini torpedoes), Underbarrel Flame Projector, Melee weapon to taste.

Am I the only one, or are FFG classes an awful mess of inbalances and repetition.


Does anyone know if pic related has been scanned?

What would a SW witcher equivalent be? Weren't there some jedis hunting dark side beasts in Kotor? Iirc they got rekt byForce ghosts and tetentatek.

It's at hungry ewok.

You're a cool guy user.
Here's Tarkin as a young officer doing some crowd control in thanks. Fresh from /k/.

How big can a lightsaber be?

Could you make a ship size lightsaber that can cut through enemy ships and ram them?

Why do they not try to improve on the lightsabers damage output? Like create a super ultimate weapon of enemy annihilation?

So much emphasis is placed on lightsaber forms, but what about just placing 500 lightsabers around your body to become a porcupine?

why not just have a lightsaber shield so you can sword and board? It's been proven that shields are much more versatile than trying to duel wield or use a single blade.

>Could you make a ship size lightsaber that can cut through enemy ships and ram them?

Ships have shields.

Why don't people just genetically engineer super soldiers with force powers?

Why don't they just give everyone force powers through genetic tinkering?

Why hasn't there been a "Force Master Race" villain yet?

The largest lightsaber to exist in Legends was basically about twice the length of a regular saber. Once you scale up to the point where you would need a power generator, you're no longer creating a lightsaber, you're basically creating a miniature superlaser.

Because Force sensitivity isn't actually linked 1:1 with genetics.

Yes. We'll call it the DarkSaber, it's more intimidating that way.

Thank you for the new thread OP. You are only 50% a fag.

Thanks. Any suggestions for Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery?