Infinity General: Budget Cutter Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where chicks dig giant robots, and sometimes are giant robots.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Catalog of fluff, dossiers, and unit models

>Rules wiki (now updated with HSN3 content):

>Rules Wiki Offline Backup:!Dxs3VbKQ!_tRgLeIszkdMBvnpCFE4xHELtngLRL26cexppwmAIws

>Official Army Builder:

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>Faction Rundown:

>All Consolidated Rules:

>Operation Icestorm Scan (beginner missions)!AkkG0ZZA!CE-YzCWIWVROcSnnlkZI8SMWxWoNb1LkFbWI-LamYR8
>Operation Red Veil Missions (brought to attention it's missing pages)

>The RPG Kickstarter

>WIP Tactica

>RPG Character Creation

>RPG previews (+ a couple scans)!8pRURayK!Kj16fd7nQhEcaId8hKD4oA

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I may have too many Line Kazaks. Need to get me some Vets and Spetz.

Sexy dead girl repost.

How useful is the Morlock box? I hate the sculpts, but I don't feel like buying the Bakunin starter. Does anyone run them in multiples in vanilla Nomads?

If I was going to get the Bakunin box, how do people feel about Moiras? I think I'd rather have Kusanagi.

They are 6-point models with smoke grenades. Feel free to spam them.

Kusanagi is kind of waste of points IMHO.

I've heard that a lot about Kusanagi. What's so bad about her? She's the only semi two-wound model outside of the Brigadas.

She's overpriced, it's obvious she's the lieutenant, and the bonus SWC she gives is hard to take advantage of within the points you have left. Especially if you field her with a Miora link team.

Also Riot Grrls and SWAST, woops. I just noticed that 30pt spec-ops Grrl profile; I might pick up that Bakunin starter anyway!

I've go so many Alguiciles already, I might convert the Moderators to Morlocks.

Productive night of painting

I want Varuna sectorial to be released already I wanna play high tech navy seals/CT the army.

I really like the elf girl.


She isnt awful, but by no means great. Her +cust+healer is probably the most expensive and diverse button pushing haris. If using the spitfire option you can have a custodier be the Lt.

Moiras are okay solo or when you know your opponent wont have msv, it would be probably be too much to ask for moiras to be able to join a custodier haris. They run into a problem of competing with Riots.

Elf girl hips made for breeding. Bless ze Germans.

You're in the club and this salty ass Spaniard slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?

I realise that i'm on tg, and as such i don't have a girlfriend.

Are the current Riot Grrrls from V2?

>Morlocks and Moderators do different things. For starters Morlocks are Irregular. I've heard people used to run swarms of them in N2 in Italy.
One Morlock is only 6pts (other profiles are not worth it) and they do what every warband does: chuck smoke and kill stuff worth more than them before they die. Something like Morlocks would be good against a Moira link.

>If I was going to get the Bakunin box, how do people feel about Moiras? I think I'd rather have Kusanagi.

Moiras and Kusanagi go together. Kusanagi used to be meh, but they gave her Specialist Operative and a Spitfire, so now she can use her BS14. In a Moira link she's a monster, in a Custodier Haris still a powerhouse. And Moiras can still take a Healer into the Core with her, so you get two specialists, a BS14 base Spitfire and a few more ODD girls with some good weapons.
Moira link is generally thought of as good, but a little fragile for their points, as they have obvious counters in form of MSV and Direct Template Weapons. Riot Grrls don't have that weakness. However you can run a Moira Core + Kusanagi and a Riot Grrl Haris or a Riot Grrl Core and Custodier + Kusanagi Haris in the same list easily.

Disregard those people:
Spitfire Kusanagi does not give you any bonuses as the Lt, so you can actually use someone else. Multi Rifle Kusanagi is not as useful, unless you really need those SWC. The other guy is citing Custodier + Healer + Kusanagi Haris, which is simply against their special fireteam rules: it always must be at least two Custodiers (but you can have both Healer and Kusanagi in a Moira link). Not to mention blue Morlock girl is obviously superior.

You mean models? Yeah they are older. They are going to get a new box soon, with more dynamic poses, Missile Launcher and a hideous TinBot. Personally I think current ones look better than the previewed renders of new ones, but my opinion might change once I see painted models.

>wake up
>realize I haven't played for months
>realize I havent' painted my minis for months
>realize I don't have gf

Tell him to cut it out, he might chip the paint!


I'm mostly interested in seeing what will happen to the Kamau. The Fusiliers will probably be the LI link team to go, so we might see the Kamau get a transformation from LI to MI.
Also, Orc link team. Team mediocre, assemble!

Apparently Kamau are intended to be the main force with Fusiliers in a more supportive role, which probably means limited AVA. Hopefully the surfer dudes get some equipment or loadouts to make them more versatile. The BSG revealed in the dossier is a promising start, but I hope it's not all.

Hoping for a missile launcher for Orcs as well. All the basic linkable HI for other human factions got one, so it seems likely that PanO will too.

Kamau becoming MI would probably drive up their cost more. They are still a bit expensive for LI, but I guess that's the price of BS13 and WIP13 in PanO.
This dossier is probably not binding yet and they've been known to contain mistakes (like BSG on Moderator one). I'm half expecting Kamau to drop HMG in favor of Spitfire. But as they stand they would already make a decent (if fragile) Core.

Fusiliers may get limited AVA like in MO.

I wonder if there is going to be a new MSV unit. PanO wouldn't be PanO without having some MSV in every army.

>Hoping for a missile launcher for Orcs
I would say I wouldn't hold my breath, but I remember Brigada ML and Hacker profiles were revealed very shortly before their box release. So who knows.


Forward deployment level 2, nullifiers and linkable please.

Any lurking whorecors want to spoil Major Lunah's stats or at least her special equipment for us?

>right now Bostria is sitting at his monitor frustrated that he can't spill the beans yet

Actually in the Kusanagi FAQ its POSSIBLE to make a Kusanagi + Custode + Healer.
You have also that lik specified in the mobile army.

Oh shit, when did they change that?
I want to play Bakunin now.

More than two months. I use that haris almost every game and I have to say its powerful as hell.

Also I won a match against a friend thanks to the custode pitchers and the pitcher refill bot (8pts) just by hacking his TAG.

The holly trinity they call it

Considering that the only other forward deployment L2 unit is considered a skirmisher I really doubt that's going to happen. L1 is possible, that would be pretty sweet but you'd want a spitfire as alternative to the HMG they have now.

And aren't nullifiers alien-only tech?

Aaaand for you to see. Look at the last type of haris.

Yeah, desktop version has that now too.
Pretty sweet.

>She's the only semi two-wound model outside of the Brigadas
>Riot Grrls
There's also Lupe and Jaguars with Dogged.

>Population of Dawn: Less then 9 million
>Typical human planet: several billions
>Ariadna is somehow a major faction.

Slap his ass?

Yeah, but how many of those billions are soldiers in teseum armours?

>Less then 9 million
That's more than population of Israel.

They got Teseum, and the other factions aren't legally allowed to kick their shit in.

Doesn't matter, there's literally billions of expendable wageslaves/peasants/unemployed the big boys can throw at them.

They don't even control the whole of their own planet, and said other factions are happily funding secessionist movements, essentially making Ariadna on Ariadna faction wars much more likely canon-wise compared to everyone else.

Doesn't seem that atypical to me. Lots of wargames have small dying races that are major factions (e.g. most depictions of elves and elvish equivalents). [Heck Genestealer cults are barely a blip in the radar in the general Galactic scene of the 40k universe, especially considering they mostly die when their planet gets devoured, yet they still have a presence given with a codex].

Considering Ariadna specifically, it's got a higher military presence as a portion to the population compared to most other hyperpower factions. They've had to deal with Antipodes and harsh environments mostly by themselves, fending off corporations who want that sweet Teseum moolah, while most other factions have the equivalent of mall cops or super elite agents no one's supposed to know all that much about.

Anyone have scans of the books?

Dude... The rules are free

Yeah, but fluff is nice and I need something to read while taking a shit.

I doubt even the Eldar are THAT numerically inferior compared to the rest, and 'stealer cults (especially successful ones) generally comprise of a not-significant part of planetary populations that are again typically several billion and above.

And even with a higher % of population under arms, they by all rights should be too busy trying to not get killed (by antipodes or each other) to matter much to the rest of the Sphere. It's amazing they can even spare anyone to ship off world to begin with.

Last link in OP. N1/2 stuff is 90% the same anyway.

Thanks, user.

Had my first ITS tournament yesterday, won 10th out of 24 places. Felt really good, and grabbed some infinity token price goodies which I actually sorely need.

WuMing pain train was real fun. Think Bao sniper gets a little too much flak for how effective a deterrent he is at the end of the day, even if there are lots better ones out there.

Oh, and I killed Achilles, mh mh.

Cute Uhlan edition.

Anyone got the picture of her sister?

Trying to make a decent JSA list that also uses what I wanna use. Unfortunately, that's difficult because there's so much I want to use. This list is not optimized at all, to be honest.


I love Miyamoto Musashi, mainly because of the historical Miyamoto Musashi. He was such a fascinating man. But I know Yojimbo would be better, and cheaper. I also want to use an O-Yoroi, but that's just too expensive if I want those Oniwabans. I don't really know what to do here.

>the professional armies of PanO/Yu Jing couldn't conquer Dawn
>an army of shitty conscripts would somehow do better

pan0 couldn't outright conquer Dawn anyway due to legal shenanigans by YJ (with Nomad/Haqq/ALEPH agreement) to have Ariadna recognised as a sovereign state (though not the whole planet).

Grenades are infinite, correct?

For some reason yes. Just like all other weapons without the limited ammo trait.

Grenades having Disposable 2 but better damage would be good.

The State Empire finds your performance satisfactory.

Don't pretend to me that one Zuyong is a Wu Ming. I know what he's up to.


Imagine this scene with Felix and Amba



Getting more work done on this.

Daily reminder that those are most likely victims of human trafficking whom the Druze society mind-wiped and biomodified into sex slaves against their will.

Then Emily and her so called "heroes" blew them all up.

Put on my matte finish so I wouldn't have a glossy flak jacket on the dudes.

Took one picture with flash and one without, my models look somewhere in between both pictures.

That's sick!

Infinity isn't a game about open wartime conflict. It's about black ops combat situations.


Okay, but who are they servicing? Still Jethro? I mean, he *was* hot, but it'd feel like a missed opportunity.

Here's a better idea, Amba and the Daktari catgirl servicing Felix.

I thought the point is that Felix serves Amba.

Boo, get that non-Veeky Forums-original out of here. Rather, have Amba and the proposed Aleph-loli service or even Felix roommate do the deed.

Why not the chimera? She was quite present in early felix art.

>(other profiles are not worth it)
Son, are you throwing shade on the assault pistol morlock? 2 points more to upgrade the pistol to a B4 damage 13 gun with the same range bands?

Might just be my experience, but it's done plenty of work for me if you can spare the 2 points.

>Today on Arachneleaks: Invincible army vs. maghariba guard.

Someone post a link to the Outrage scans

Or you could, ya know, buy it.

If there's more money they're more likely to make a sequel.

I'm a sucker for cyberpunk/sci-fi comics, yet I don't think it deserves a place the shelf for most people. It's an entertaining read, but not noteworthy in any way.

I've spent over $200 on Infinity in the past year alone.

>9 million

now 8990000 lol

last link in the OP

also kiss my ass moralfag, I bought it twice and there were still days between the first scans and when mine arrived.

That said, at 20 dollars for a book and figure you'd have to be a dumbass not to have grabbed it straight away.

>Or you could, ya know, buy it.
>Supporting Bostria's salt mine conglomerate.
>Supporting things that aren't game related.
>Supporting things that aren't miniatures.
Lmao kill yourself

So what do you guys think a Re-Creation of Adolf Hitler would be like, and what faction would it belong to?

He wouldn't join a heavily religious faction like PanO or Haqq (plus, dirty brown people), and he's obviously not going to CA or Tohaa. That leaves Aleph (but he's not greek), Nomads (but they hate Aleph), Yu Jing or Ariadna.

I'm not sure what Yu Jing would do with him, unless they wanted to give him to the Japanese sectorial, or make a Japanese Rebellion Army that's trying to get out from under the hand of Yu Jing.

I could see a neo-nazi subsection of Nomads going to one Ariadna's rival factions and joining up under NuHitler.

Well, the Nomads hate ALEPH, but they've 'freed' two recreations from his control already (Avicenna and Wallace). Maybe a neo-nazi Praxis module catches wind of ALEPH doing this and drops a ton of money on rescuing the Fuhrer from the dirty juden AI's clutches?

MOV4-2 CC12 BS13 PH13 WIP16 ARM3 BTS3 W2 S2

V:Courage * Sixth Sense L2 * ODD * Blitzkrieg

Hitler LIEUTENANT (Strategos L2)
Hitler (Executive Order)

Blitzkrieg: Models is this unit's combat group gain Advance Deployment L1 and V:Courage.

Combi-Rifle, Pistol, Knife? Maybe a MULTI Rifle at least?

>or Haqq (plus, dirty brown people)
Hitler had a lot of respect for Islam and there were plenty of Arabs who fought with the Axis. There were even Muslim SS divisions.

I gave him good defensive stats because he managed to escape despite half the first and second world looking for him. Blitz and Strategos because he was an effective statesman and started a war with great success.

He wasn't much of a general, so I didn't give him any offensive stuff; his supporting abilities are so strong that all the defensive stuff acts as a point sink for it. If he had a spitfire or something he'd be ridiculous. I should probably drop him to one wound.

As for weapon, probably an AP Rifle assuming Ariadna, Multirifle for Nomads. Pistol Knife sounds good.

I'm surprised I haven't heard that as a factoid against muslims before. Themoreyouknow.tif

What's the point of Executive Order if he doesn't have Camo or AD

I mixed up EO with CoC. I was thinking of something fluffy about his political coup.

Is the Shasvastii Corax showing some underboob or is that armor?

Like interfering with people that knew what they were doing?



Which one? I need to know.

But a trooper with EO immediately becomes the LT as soon as he hits the table. So if Mr Hitler is going to be LT regardless of profile option and the other provides Strat L2, why even bother with the EO option.

>unless they wanted to give him to the Japanese sectorial, or make a Japanese Rebellion Army that's trying to get out from under the hand of Yu Jing
I feel like Oda Nobunaga would be a perfect fit for that role.

Alright, so if we know what Hitler's like in Infinity, why not some other recreations?

Stalin? Pol Pot? Chairman Mao?

Other side of hte coin: What if ALEPH tried a second Wallace, but for USAriadna? What president would be best?

I would rather see someone like Tokugawa.

Gotta be Teddy Roosevelt. Not many of the other presidents are tough enough to survive on Dawn. Teddy would love it.

Washington or are probably the top picks.

Lincoln. Actually good in combat (he was a wrestler, and among other feats once tossed a man by the neck) but also very much a figure people have in mind as charismatic, and stern.

They'd probably have to change his voice a bit though, it was described as rather shrill.

I'm still holding out for a Simon Bolivar recreation.