What does Eldar think of Emps?

What does Eldar think of Emps?
Not that it matters, but still...

Stupid, sexy, monkeigh.

>said no Eldar ever

And now I'm just seeing the Emperor greet the Eldar in a diplomatic meeting wearing something that is much, much lighter and tighter than his usual armor and doing the "it feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!" routine.

>The emperor's diplomacy plans for the Eldar was to seduce them with his amazing ass and glorious hair.
>Dark eldar are the result of massive sexual frustration because they can no longer sex the Emperor.


plz delet this
macha is pure

>be great race of psykers
>some monkey from bumfuckistan is more powerful than all of your gods


What is the artist trying to convey with Emp's face there?

>some monkey from bumfuckistan is more powerful than all of your gods
Oh for hells sake, stop saying that Emperor is human. He is not human, he is a collective unity of deceased shamans, then aided by other human psykers (basically a robot operated by shamans etc), but he is NOT ahuman.

I think it is a giant doll for practise

We don't know for sure if he's more powerful then all the Eldar gods. Sure, he's greater then an Avatar of Khaine but that's just a broken fragment. Only if he took on Cegorach and won then he could be considered more powerful.

The shaman crap hasn't been canon since forever.
He is an extraordinarily gifted psyker and a perpetual.

Doesn't change anything. Bunch of rando human psykers before humans were psyker race made dude stronger than all Eldar and their gods ever.

Sexual attraciton is just retarded though since no Eldar has ever expressed any positive feelings about the Emperor ever.

And even if you still consider the shaman thing canon, he was still BORN. It's just his SOUL that's made up of a whole bunch of shamans.

Where did the Eldar even get a life-sized, anatomically correct replica of the God Emperor of Mankind?

>Property of the Adepta Sororitas

He's holding 4chaos gods...alone...
He definitely is strongest entity in both dimension

Easily the strongest entity ever.

read the chest

But didn't his physical form get destroyed and his soul splintered into countless pieces when his son attacked him while embowed with the powers of chaos.

They didn't, that image is shit

Why would the Adepta Sororitas need such a doll?

I can't think of many applications for something like that which aren't obscenely heretical...

They have their own ways of worshipping the Emperor....
