MTG Lore :Elf Hippie Does Everything Wrong Edition

New magic story is all about Nissa and why she's so blue now. I wonder if the trails will effect other Jaectice league color identity down the road?

Maro said there are no more Gate Watch members in this set and I think only Nissa and Gideon partaking in trials. So maybe Gideon will get a second color, Boros would be nice if he survives or come back from the dead.


so does Nissa carry a seed of Emrakul within her or was that just a trip?
>Nissa creates new Eldrazi Titans to replace the ones she helped destroy

are you a pawn or a queen, Veeky Forums?

>UG Nissa
>WR Gideon
>UB Jace
>RG Chandra
>BG Liliana

is this a reference how Nissa is merely a card in a game that can be played as a pawn of queen by us?

And Ken Troop does it again with mind raping someone!

>Not WU
>Not WB

It's like you don't even lore m8

It's a reference to when Emrakul played mind-chess with Jace

Ok I could see that, I would like R/B Jace, but we have Ral already who I do like better.

>red/black Jace

Walkers were a mistake

Holy shit, I missed that it was a Ken Troop article.

And it's yet another 'eldritch entity mindfucks a female pov character' story. When was the last time he wrote a piece that wasn't that?

Are we saying this is his magical realm?

It's not like he's bad at it, but it's now a joke that every one of his stories is about a female getting mind fucked.

It's better than anyother episode of Chandra's autism and millenial talk

Nissa seens to have a lingering connection to Emrakul. Why is unclear, but this 'angel' used imagery and phrases from the mental conversation between Emmy and Jace. Stuff Nissa shouldnt even know. So it cant all be in her head.

Also, Emrakuls presence seemed to be fucking with the trial. I think we got some Farscape going on here, with Emmy as Harvey.

Hey, I'm not saying he's bad at it. He's easily the best writer they've got. It's just interesting that he hasn't written an article that doesn't involve mindbreak in over a year.

Wait, so is Emrakul actually helping Nissa or is there something more nefarious going on?

>locks herself away rather than eat Innistrad when she doesnt want to
>saves Nissa from a god
>gives her advice on how to be a better planeswalker

Is Emrakul best girl now?

Best girl since RoE

Eldrazi fags and Phyrexiafags were the real mistake

As far as I can tell, genuinely helpful. At least in the short term.

It looks like Kefnet accidently triggered cosmic horror funtime. Like, the trial drew on traumatic memories to throw at Nissa, including getting mindraped by Emrakul. But then halfway into the nightmare the illusion stops, looks at the camera, and says "jokes on you. Im memetic, bitch" and suddenly it wasnt just an illusion anymore.

>Still bringing up the Eldrazi

Emrakul was LITERALLY in today's story

It's unlikely that Emrakul is directly helping Nissa. It's probably just a sign that Emrakul's aura of insanity caused permanent damage that isn't necessarily 'damage.' Rather, it's given Nissa a perspective she previously lacked, probably with the intention of shaping Nissa into a sort of planeswalker that might eventually assist Emrakul.


When she betrays Emmy and goes full NGTOW


Why bring back emeria/emrakul.

>The scenes shifted faster now, barely even an image forming before being replaced. A fizzling torch. A broken clock with a clean face. A mummified head facing backward atop a mummified body. A split tree, its sap oozing into the ground. A shattered shield, its shiny metallic pieces torn and scattered.
Looks like this is foretelling the fates of the Gatewatch this arc.

>A fizzling torch
She'll probably be fine. Maybe she'll be so humbled by Bolas that her confidence dims or something.

>A broken clock with a clean face.
He'll get mind-raped, while remaining physically fine.

>A mummified head facing backward atop a mummified body.
She'll betray them, or become enslaved by the demon. She'll turn her back on them somehow.
However, I suspect she'll save them in the end, as part of some selfless character development or some shit.

>A split tree, its sap oozing into the ground.
She get's reckt somehow. Probably fine in the end.

>A shattered shield, its shiny metallic pieces torn and scattered.
RIP in peace.
Press F to pay respects.

This story softly implied that Nissa is unwittingly spreading Eldrazi corruption to other planes because she is such a slut for leylines.

I thought it implied that even though Emrakul was sealed away, she still has influence over people, even those far from Innistrad
What about the other images? The one with the stars and the snake?

>It's a Ken Troop female MC story

>I can do anything I want. Anything at all. Remember that.

Didn;t even realize this was taken directly from the last emrakul story.

That part is clearly true, but remember Nissa's little freakout about maybe the corruption being in her all along? That was before she went into the trial, and seemed to come from the same internal voice as headEmrakul.

The broken tree, leaking sap into the ground? Also applies.

Nissa is to Eldrazi what Karn was to Phyrexia.

>What about the other images? The one with the stars and the snake?
The stars are the gods. The snake is Bolas. Bolas killed 3 of the 8 gods and corrupted the rest.

As for the rest:
>A falling dragon.
ded bolas
>Giants, covered in metallic blue, stomping through streets.
Lazitep constructs in Hour of Devastation, sent to kill the living/unworthy unless they prove their worth.
>A massive flash of light, consuming a world.
Hour of Devastation.
>A large golden disc, shaped and stylized like a sun, descending from the sky. The sun disc approached a large circular stone tablet covered with strange sigils, and the two discs merged, becoming a single golden disc. Cracks appeared in the golden disc, small at first, then widening, growing. The disc crumbled away into nothingness.
When the Second Sun converges with the regular sun, the Hour of Devastation is up and Amonkhet is destroyed.

Also, the sideways 8 with the stars making up the infinity, represent bolas eternal hunger for his powers back. Also, when Nissa talked that the corrupting line goes from amonkhet to another planes, makes me think that it maybe what will happen in HoN is just the first piece of domino in Bolas' current keikaku. Which may be the reason the ask Ajani to go to Ixalan

The most that I got from today's story is that Bolas does not care at all for the plane, despite all the dragon dick stroking and wotc selling the idea that it could be his main plane.

The text mentioned that something malevolent was left where the star of the 3 old gods were, so I'm betting they will show up in Hour of Devastation either as Demons or as Zombie Gods.

On a sidenote, I'm still a bit weirded out by there being 8 gods, It's such an odd number for MtG.

at first i thought it was a bit weird that kefnet wasn't willing to accept hacking his trial as an acceptable solution, and then i thought, maybe he was and he just wanted to check if she could hack him as well

Nah, it makes. His trial is supposed to be puzzles and riddles and shit to test the mind. Nissa wasnt giving the correct answers, she was just making origami out of the answer sheet and riding paper cranes to the next area.

Get back on my railroad, reeeee.

I think hacking the trial shows more of your expertise in what may look to Kefnet as "magic" than mental aptitude and fortitude.

>demon/zombie gods
If they do come back, it would be fitting for them to be in only Grixis colors. Then the 8 makes sense as well: 5 main colors, 3 for maximum bolas.

Maro said Amonkeht would be top down Egypt and that Hour of Devastation would be top down Bolas, so I'm on the hype train to Grixis Gods. Just hope they are more interesting than the current live ones.

I never got the top down? What does that mean?

bottom up = coming up with a mechanical theme and devising flavour to fit
top down = coming up with a flavour and designing mechanics to fit

Concept then mechanics
Bottom up is mechanics then concept.

I'd be down with grixis gods. And I also hope they are more insteresting than the current ones.

Speaking of the gods, why is Bontu the only one that doesn't have a gold mask?
My guess is, being the Black god, Bontu was the only one to willingly go along with Bolas plans. So she wasn't mind controlled and the masks is what is keeping the others in check for Bolas.

Why does top-down almost universally mean "low powered garbage?"

Kefnet also doesn't wear a golden mask, so I think it was mostly stylistic choices on the god's design.

OG Inistrad was top-down design with horror classics as a theme. It has mostly to do with how everything is powered down in current Creatures: The Tappening

Hmmm. I wonder if the grixis gods will be multicolor, to further distinguish them from the 5.


>Kefnet also doesn't wear a golden mask, so I think it was mostly stylistic choices on the god's design.
His head looks very metallic though so it could be argued that it's a mask.
But I see your point.

Still it feels so odd that Bontu has a real animal head when majority has metal masks.
Hope they give some explanation as to why Bontu and Kefnet stand out in design compared to the others.

Check the art for Winds of Rebuke in today's story. At least the impression I got was that it was his actual head/neck.

Am I the only one getting the sense that the reason that Bolas released the Eldrazi in RotE was so he could study the mechanism by which they consume worlds in preparation for his own chowtime?

or spite.

Unless he has another multiverse to go to it sounds like he didn't think it all the way through

I would hope for the shard colors, at least. We already have two-color gods from Theros.

He isn't just red because he's a dragon. He's red because he acts on petty, spiteful, irrational whims just as frequently as he plots and schemes in the long term.

Let me guess, you were monumentally disappointed when the gods were got for Amonkhet weren't exciting and revolutionary.


If Nissa goes mad and/or becomes a servant of Emrakul I would love her forever, not because she's cool or muh eldrazi, but beceause they finally gave her an arc or a character.

>spreading corruption, just like Karn

Eh. I was disappointed with Hazoret for having literally the same ability as Purphoros. The other gods at least do different things.

>you were monumentally disappointed when the gods were got for Amonkhet weren't exciting and revolutionary.

Yeah, and?

They don't have to be pushed standard chase mythics, but I wanted something closer to Theros god powerlevel, or something unique.

Theros gods are fun cards, the amonkhet gods, not so much.

I've kind of been wondering that myself. She's always been green (the color of mana fixing) and now she's blue. She's been shown to use Black mana as recently as B4Z. She's definitely the white side of green and they've been teasing a spicy gay relationship with Chandra. What if she just goes full WUBRG at some point? How mad would /co/ be?

Fuck me I'm crossposting. I meant Veeky Forums

agreed - the story went down kill real quick and plain walker cards are next to useless in a real game

Walkers can be great for stories.
Problem is the bad writing of them and how they are used.

When they were few and all had different motivations as to why they were fucking around on planes they were good.
Having a reoccuring cast of the 5 same ones all working together for the same goal over and over again it gets boring.
Also it kinda removes any tension when we have a superhero team as opposed to 1 or 2 walkers wanting to do their own thing, which doesn't necessarily mean saving the day.

Hell, the damn superhero stuff wouldn't be AS bad if they'd just fucking...split up. Have one or two a block instead of the full group for the past four and a half blocks - suddenly, there's breathing space for OTHER FUCKING CHARACTERS and you aren't having to figure out pointless little things for all of them to do to justify all of them being there.
Yeah, it'd be better still to have blocks not focused on any of these five chucklefucks, but they've decided to not only use them, but in the worst way possible. By cramming them down our throats until nobody gives a single shit.

>planeswalker cards are next to useless in a real game

>It's another "Ken Troop tentacle mind rapes a girl" story

>Have 1 or 2 a block and split up.

That's exactly what it was like between Lorwyn and Origins. The gatewatch had the centre stage even then but it was usually one or two at a time.


So whatever the fuck was going on with Nissa's halucinations were cool, but did everyone just forget that she literally mind controlled the blue god?

She didn't mind control him as much as inceptioned him to let her go. It's powerful as fuck but she wasn't in full control. She could only implant an idea.

I have in my head my own little fantasy where Nissa wasn't retconned, and the little Nazi got to suffer and hate her life for a half-dozen blocks before her character arc resolves and she stops punishing herself for killing her world.

That being said, if it turns out Emracrul is hiding in the moon while riding Nissa's mind, looking for planes and using her leyline magic to connect to all of them so she's not burned alive by dumb writers, that would be neat.
>no stopping the eldrazi as long as anyone they've mentally connected to is alive
>worse that they're planeswalking, spreading their influence even further
>gatewatch has to either die or stop hopping planes to halt the spread

I'd actually be down with either a Sultai or WUBRG Nissa. 5-color makes sense as the leyline walker, and she could gain proficiency with other mana from block to block, experience to experience, Avatar style.

What would a Sultai Nissa do though? She's pretty non-black personality wise isn't she?
Also, what black things did she do in B4Z?

The shit with nissa seems kind of malicious.

If they swap out Nissa and Garruk for "corrupted mono green walker" I'd be fairly happy.

It's actually not meant to be; poor wording. But I'd find Nissa more interesting if we followed her on and off after Teeth of Akoum, having to deal with fighting eldrazi, looking for Sorin, and struggling with guilt, instead of 2-3 contextless cards followed by a retcon.
>wizards makes a waifu elf neowalker
>but she's not a hero-waifu
>and she's a jerk
>and she doomed her world!
>aaaaaaaand lol nope retcon to waifu

Would you uncorrupt Garruk? I thought the idea was that he found he liked his new outlook, not that the corruption was controlling him. I've been hoping for a monoblack Garruk actually.

That ancient race with the chain veil is still doing something, and yea I'd prefer a mono green garruk over a golgari or black one.

I'd also appreciate them fucking with nissa since she's the most flagrant example of retconning shit.

Nah, they're obviously setting it up for the Eldrazi being not as horrible as they seemed - necessary for the multiverse, only fucking up Zendikar/Innistrad because they were brought there against there purpose, etc.

i mean we've known that since bfz

And now Nissa might get to be one!

a man can dream

Why is Troop the only good author they've got?

doug wasn't that bad in I, Avacyn

>magical realm mindrape man is considered good

He's great at painting weird images, sure, but the fact this is all he writes is concerning.

i think he wrotes a khans story

d-do you have more?

I don't know who drew it offhand, though I now I can find it by just googling "emrakul waifu"

gris and shit just lead me back to other Veeky Forums threads

New Phyrexia was the best thing wizards has ever shat out. With shit taste like yours, it's no wonder you like walkers.

They used her proficiency with black mana in the original Zendikar block to show that she was at least a little evil (because how else would you do it?) but after realizing that she'd fucked up bad she stopped using it / it was retconned out. In B4Z I don't think it was represented on a card but iirc she used a little bit of black magic to fuck up Ob Nixilis when they met at the Khalni Heart. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong

The others are just bleh writers.
Entering the Magical Realm of an author means it's something they care about and put a lot of energy into, instead of just shitting out words to make a quota.

That seems to be less just Emrakul, and more a representation of Innistrad getting Emrakul'd.

You know, reading these stories, I'm getting less a 'superheroes' feel...and more of a 'really shitty gaming group' feel.
Like they might be actually playing sessions of some freeformish RP to get the general story beats going, but went and assigned people to characters so some of them are not exactly that good at it. Thus why Chandra's acting like a modern teen girl, and why Nissa is so wonky - the person playing Nissa has as little clue as to what to do with her as we know about her.
And today was 'alright you already found out about the stuff with the plane and the gods, so now you're...going to talk to a god, who we've already stated doesn't know squat about before that? Okay, time for something different because fuck you. And oh look, your character can do stuff other than talk to rocks MAYBE YOU SHOULD DO STUFF OTHER THAN TALK TO ROCKS gjkshgdsg'

I think that image existed before soi was a thing.

Still cute though.

Huh. Will have to go and read everything. Long time ago a friend mentioned the New Phyrexia stories being good, but for a long time I didn't think Magic put anything out except for that RtR ebook thing no one seemed to like. And post retcon all I've heard is how bad the writing is (though anons think everything is terrible unless it caters to their fetish) so who knows. Maybe I'll enjoy Ajani and Jace more.

Wish the wikis were updated more specifically like other rabid fanbases.

SOI block stories were decent, but pretty much everything else post retcon is either super average (kaladesh) or super bad (bfz)

There were actual novels for every set from Urza's Block until Eventide (and ones going backwards for before that), then they swapped to 1-2 per block until Scars of Mirrodin. Nothing at all for Innistrad, then ebooks for Return to Ravnica and Theros, then they switched entirely to stories on their website starting with Khans.
Of the current stuff, the guy who only writes his magical realm is honestly the best and I don't know why.

He perfected females being mind raped by eldritch abominations to a T

>Nissa becomes Karn 2: Electric Boogaloo

Man, and I thought Emrakul was ripping of Phyrexia's shtick BEFORE.


I got to say if we see more mind break and mind rape in the story I would not mind

In-depth Atrax backstory when