>It's a "God"
>Can be killed
Why call them gods then?
>It's a "God"
>Can be killed
Why call them gods then?
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Gods have died before.
Almost the entire nordic pantheon can confirm that.
I mean, you can't kill the God (permanently), but if we're talking little "g" gods then sure I don't see the problem with it.
>Piece of wood can make you die
Fuck anyone who calls vampires immortal
Daily reminder that mythological Odin is weaker than a generic 20th level D&D priest.
It depends on the mythology.
Nordic pantheon was weak as fuck. They're all destined to die, Odin needed to sacrifice his eye to get omniscience, if they don't eat their golden apples they start to age, Thor lost a wrestling match to Old Age, etc.
The Hindu pantheon was OP and Vishnu sweated out multiverses and hero characters could charge a blade of grass with the totality of the universe to create a universe-ending super weapon.
Japanese gods tend to not be very powerful either because "kami" refers to a mess of supernatural characters that range from spirits of tiny pebbles to spirits of mountains. You can be a "god" of a toilet.
"God" is a title like "king" and not all kings are equal.
Woah there buddy
Jesus was a guy but not THE guy okay
The Trinity mang, look it up
Let's not forget the Celtic gods, who are actually just humans who came to Ireland a little earlier.
I think that this would make an interesting setup for a setting. Different pantheons of varying strength and origin, and the head of each is competing with the others to become the "G" God of the universe.
Found the jew
Because omnipotent Gods are the fanwank religion of impotent Humans.
Old YHWH is way too OP
>he thinks god is the same as God
Here, definition of god:
>(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.
Nothing says a superhuman being can't be killed.
Found the camelfucker
To be fair, he did die, but then he rose 3 days later anyways. It's kind of hard to permanently kill an omniscient, omnipotent, infinite being unless he lets you kill him.
>Wood involved in death
>Came back to life
>Supernatural abilities
Okay so Jesus was a vampire
He didn't die, he was merely pretending
Play Scion and set it before or after the Titanomachy.
and then regret it immediately because Scion is a garbage fire of a system
>Not actually dying
That's poor showmanship
>Drink my blood to become immortal
...wait a minute
What a fool you are. I'm a god, how can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocents, how could you be so naive? There is no escape, no recall or intervention can work in this place. Come lay down your weapons it is not to late for my mercy.
Nothin personnel "God"...
>implying gods are defined by the fact they can't be killed
Immortal, perhaps. But not invincible.
Because historically, the concept of a "god" was not limited to beings that are absolutely immortal or even omnipotent. Gods got killed all the time in plenty of religions.
There is something strangely humbeling about Irish mythology.
Basically it says that the world is so perfect, it must have been made for a race of magical chosen people but clearly we are not those people, in fact we probably killed them and stole their shit.
>can walk on water, clearly he can hover
>Turn water to wine, perfect for seducing aristocratic virgins.
>Reanimated a corpse after being left alone with it
>No mention of mirrors in the bible.
>Wood involved in death
>Came back to life
>Supernatural abilities
Wait, wait, wait.
You're getting entirely the wrong conclusion from this.
IMO, including Gods in a setting beyond some distant, unreachable force is almost never worth the effort.
Dracula was deliberately meant to be an evil/gay Jesus analogue. It was meant to add to the horror aspect.
I know right
Isn't there a version of Dracula thats supposed to be Judas?
Being unabled to be killed isn't what defines a god, so...
I'm a god.
You haven't proved I can be killed, so this statement must be true.
He was more than just a vampire.
>Reanimated a corpse after being left alone with it
I am mostly certain that there were a lot of people around every time Jesus resurrected someone.
Now I want to play a character who thinks the only god worth worshipping and following is an unkillable one
And of course the way to find one is by trying to kill them all
It's less the wood and more the action of driving a large rod into their heart and pinning them to the ground.
You want camel for fuck? I have camel for fuck. Come come my friend I have prettiest camel for fuck, only slightly used, perfect working order, make-up not included. Only 20 goats! It is a steal, my friend. All teeth included for FREE! You want camel for fuck this is the one for you very pretty camel! Gives free circumcisions too! Good deal friend, yes. Treat camel right and she never leave you.
You're JUST NOW realizing this? Van Helsing is disappoint.
Even Jesus died.
Just because they have all the powers doesn't mean they want to use them.
Judas or Cain are often made to be the "origin" of vampirism in settings where Christianity is a thing.
>killing a god's avatar is the same as killing a god
lol no
If it lives forever all alone its immortal
If it can be hurt, but not permanantly damaged, by action time or inaction its invincible
If it exists untouched and untouchable by time, force, or anything else, for eternity. Defying the laws of nature itself, set apart from existance, then it is invulnerable.
Learn ehat you are saying before you say it, it saves brain cells for the rest of us.
Nah m8 the world was made for the giants then the færies/gods took it off then then the Irish came and told the færies to fuck off
I personally put it as
Immortal: Beyond mortal. Cannot die by any mortal means or mortal magic.
Invulnerable: Without weakness. Cannot die.
Unaging: Does not age.
YHWH isn't too impressive by other pantheon standards unless you bring in kabbalah and Thomas Aquinas, then he's pretty OP.
Naw, you just need to make sure everyone understands what "god" means in universe. A Japanese mythology setting could be really cool and have a bunch of low level kami.
Boyo, if you think those "shepherd" boyhole-loving bishops are true christians, you gotta read yourself some Augustine
don't worry, 2E soon and it'll probably still be trash but whatever
>YHWH isn't too impressive by other pantheon standards
If you read the Old Testament through a monolatrist* lens rather than a monotheist one, the Old Testament God made a habbit of destroying entire pantheons for getting up in His grill.
*this basically means that the existence of multiple deities is assumed, or at least deemed plausible, but only one is deemed worthy of worship
>jesus is gods avatar
Fucking heresy
What about the word "god" implies inability to be killed?
Now *that* is a cool idea.
This is a cool idea.
At the same time he got beat up by Jacob even after breaking the rules of wrestling.
>Thor lost a wrestling match to Old Age
He only went down on one knee, if you recall. That whole tale was "haha eat shit for your hubris Thor JK YOU'RE ACTUALLY FUCKING AMAZING PLZ LEAVE"
ITT: over sensitive faithfags demonstrate that we need a /rel/ containment board for the same reasons we need /pol/
To be fair, D&D (especially 3.5 and 5e) is so very, VERY high fantasy and high power that it makes other works with high fantasy settings look like low fantasy by comparison. Magic is so commonplace that almost everyone is guaranteed to know what it is, and a level 1 character can create infinite bolts of fire with their mind, at no cost.
You could claim that this depends on the setting, but, ultimately, the fluff is still tied to what is expressed by the mechanics. If you wanted to run a truly low fantasy (or even a slightly more mundane high fantasy setting, like LotR) you'd need to reinvent the entire magic system, as well as many of the class abilities, at which point you'd be better off just picking a different system more suited to your needs.
Wow, Rood
just checking in to see if using the name Jim Profit is still an autoban
>it's a "dragon"
>doesn't have exactly four legs and two wings, no more no less
The author is wrong about the setting they created.
Dragons should be flying serpent
The Entirety of Indian Mythology has ridiculous power levels. Almost as if they're compensating for something...
I mean, the point was him triumphing over death for man. Thus, the role of Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia.
I like that quite a bit, actually.
I hope this is bait
>I'm ignorant about human history in general and know absoluetly nothing about gods and religion beyond muh jewish created religion that stole from plenty of other religions.
But/pol/ constantly leaks out of their containment board and have massively increased their off topic shitposting since the election.
>dragons aren't sea serpents
Fucking wingcucks!
kekekekekeke lol
Nah, they were spooks
Wasn't that in a dream, though? Still, it gives me a hearty kek when you realize this is what Israel refers to. The one Jewish state in the world calls itself "I wrassle God".
>A religious discussion? In a thread that questions what a deity even is in the first place! That hurts my feelings! We need chinkmoot to make [my favored board] a safe space!
Here's another idea for you, Chuckles: grow a pair. I don't mean this in a "kys yourself famalam" way, but if you really cannot deal with people disagreeing with your or holding opinions you don't like, it's best for yourself and everyone around you to just remove yourself from society. Go live in a shack in the woods or something.
He wrestled an Angel
There's a better fit.
Because they created the world, but the world no longer needs them so they need to fuck off now. It's like outgrowing an ant farm.
Even from a fedora tippers perspective this doesn't make any sense.
>Jesus is a deity who became flesh and conquered death, after which ascending to heaven once more
>But that's not supernatural enough, we need to invoke the undead even though undeath is something entirely different
This is on par with ledditors trying to turn news headlines into Paradox memes.
Because they can do shit like this.
On the other hand, under the right circumstances, they can also take an ass whoopin'. It's not mutually exclusive depending on the setting. But if it makes you feel better, I imagine after they're taken down a peg, people cease to revere them and thus their God status is downgraded to devil or monster.
Israelites really went out of their way to shit on other semites, egyptians and pretty much everybody else. Sometimes I wonder if it all was out of jealousy, since while other peoples got to be awesome and civilized, jews were violent barbarians (who really wanted to be accepted and awesome, too).
Technically christ hasn't conquered death yet. Or did he? All I know is that he was supposed to have gone down to hades and kicked the shit out of him and taken all the souls down there. I don't know if that was a prophecy or no though
It's funny. Absurd premise is the joke. You're welcome, i guess.
He did.
Because in my setting :^) the definition of a god is that it can instantly destroy negative energy created in its vicinity and absorb the accompanying positive energy thus giving it a constantly renewing supply of magical power, but if you hit it with a sword long and hard enough it will die
>Technically christ hasn't conquered death yet. Or did he?
My (vague, shallow) understanding is that yes, he did. He died, went to Hell and pretty much took over, taking the keys from Satan, and then he resurrected and ascended to His Kingdom while alive, never to die again. That's what I remember from Sunday school ~25 years ago, and according to Google, that's pretty much accurate. I always did have a knack for trivia.
YHWH is pretty hilarious. He can do everything, yet his people just got raped endlessly.
It's like a man with a big fucking gun, and a tiny penis.
Let's simplify the issue and talk about what it means to actually 'kill' something.
Sure, you can kill a person or an animal, by which you put a stop to it's functions and reduce it from an animate independent being to something inanimate and unthinking.
That said, you can also kill an idea, or a dream, or a belief, by causing directly or indirectly the absolute failure or destruction of that concept, be it abstract or something with tangible form.
Now, since a God, or a deity rather, can be both a form and an abstract, that rather makes somewhat difficult to destroy, but that doesn't mean they can't be.
For instance, if everyone forgot how to play Poker one day far in the future, then you've effectively destroyed Poker as a concept, I don't see why this couldn't apply to something that seeks to be worshipped, since the complete absence of worship would seem tantamount to death for a deity.
Hell, the annuls of our real history or likely littered with the metaphorical corpses of forgotten gods and goddesses, it's practically assured.
I just figured the creator had a mean streak and ridiculously high expectations. It wasn't a question of if he could provide for his peeps or if he could kill their enemies; he proved time and again he could without effort. He set them up to fail and suffer on purpose to prove some divine point.
Like you said, he can do everything, up to and including putting his folks on the chopping block. Sometimes literally. I hardly see how that constitutes failure on his part, since that was the goal.
Gods needing worship to survive is my number one disliked godtrope because it makes gods look like chumps. Mortals should need gods, not the other way around
You say that, but he couldn't beat some nameless loser that lived in a valley somewhere because they had chariots made of iron, so ...
>went to Hell
might wanna check that translation again
Oh boy. This sounds like it's going to get awfully semantic.
I agree that it's an awful trope, but if a deity has no reason to do anything besides for entertainment, there would be no benevolent gods.
Maybe some gods are just... nice?