What if Warhammer 40k had taken a religion other than Catholicism as its foundational inspiration?

What if Warhammer 40k had taken a religion other than Catholicism as its foundational inspiration?

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>Guilliman's Imperium Secundus survives while Terra falls to Horus. Church of the Saviour Emperor takes hold but with an altogether different tone. Ultramar becomes Byzantium.

Then it would be inspired by that religion.

Taj Mahal in space? I could see it.

Though that and Japanese/Chinese Palace architecture are the only ones that come to mind that would be distinct enough, though I'm probably just blanking out on some other culture.

>Warlord titan with minarets sounding the call to prayer as it stomps across the desert


>40K, but the Imperium is based off of Slavic animism and early religion

Western Christianity, Orthodoxy, and Islam would all be good fits for the Imperial Creed. They have similar backgrounds - value placed on expansion, loyalty, etc.

Traditional Chinese religion might work as well, in the "worship the Emperor as a dragon god" sense. Confucianism would mesh well with the authoritarian Imperium. Other religions that are less "separate religion" and more "worship the State" work well.

Shinto, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism would likely be more of a stretch. Maybe for individual space marine chapters, or if you blended them with the "worship the dragon-emperor" vibes, but those religions -by themselves- aren't quite as "angry".

Paganism is more Chaos' thing. Though groups like the Space Wolves and such show that it can still work. Maybe if the Imperial Creed was less "The Emperor is God and the Primarch's are his saints" and more like LotR where the Primarchs are gods/archangels, along with any nature deities individual worlds may have, and then the Emps is big-top-#1-god.

>Buddhist Marine reposting

>"If I do not descend into the hell-worlds of the Warp and preach the pure dharma there, who will?"
>"And if I do not pass, in the mind, in the spirit, in the volition, in the perceptive-feelings, in the emotions, in consciousness, into the unclean realms to preach the pure dharma, who will?"
>"And if I do not pass into the gardens of Nurgle, tainted by desire, into the palace of Slaanesh, tainted by desire, into the labyrinth of Tzeentch, tainted by desire, into the throne of Khorn, tainted by desire, into the Chaos Wastes, tainted by desire, and preach the pure dharma there, who will?"
>"Monks, in pursuit of the pure dharma, in the name of the pure dharma, for the blessings of the pure dharma, I must descend into all these hellworlds that I might liberate the trillions of sentient beings living there. Abide therefore in the truth until I return."
>And with that, the great Chapter Master Maitreya closed tight his eyes in the meditation, and was not heard from again.

I'm trying to picture the whole Imperium being Norse as fuck and all I'm fucking getting is that game Too Human and that was utter shite.

That and the Imperial Navy ships look like long boats with great halls on top rather than cathedrals.

Rinzai Zen could work.
You'd just need to emphasize the martial dimension.

What if the Emperor was originally a Japanese emperor during the Edo period?

Very cool

This guy as inquisitor figure.


Actually the whole thing is that the temple of the savior emperor got toppled by a not!martin luther

The Ecclesiarchy today is basically whst happens when protestantism wins: ten billion little cults all trying to cooperate and failing

And when everyone squats...nobody will.

Age of Sigmar is when you Norse 40k.

He would have had no power whatsoever, the Primarchs would choose their own leader through conflict and every Traitor would have individually attempted to usurp their leader over time rather than in one giant Heresy.

Horus blows up a shit after he refuses to believe the Emperor is on it, only later finding out his fuckup. The others destroy him and the main conflict is which of the sixteen surviving Primarchs will rule humanity with alliances constantly being forged and broken while Gillyman attempts to maintain a semblance of order.

Also almost everyone buys shit from the Eldar and Vulcan worships Khaine.

Don't you do this. Don't you make me want to start up a Buddhist Marine chapter you son-of-a-bitch.



So buddhist marines confirmed extinct after eye of terror crusade?

They could be like the Emperors Nightmare where they do astral-battle with daemons.
