Have you ever offered or been offered slaves as a reward for finishing a quest/task/mission, Veeky Forums?

Have you ever offered or been offered slaves as a reward for finishing a quest/task/mission, Veeky Forums?

If you haven't but the possibility came up, would you immediately dismiss it as magical realm bull shit?

>If you haven't but the possibility came up, would you immediately dismiss it as magical realm bull shit?
Of course not. I need expendable pack-mules to carry loot.

If they were specifically sex slaves, it would certainly be MRB. Lots of slaves were for other tasks, though. I have never been offered such a thing, and I don't know how comfortable I would be roleplaying such a thing. I'll never know until it happens, I guess.

>Have you ever offered or been offered slaves as a reward for finishing a quest/task/mission, Veeky Forums?

No, but being offered a slave on Veeky Forums waz usually a reward as part of participating in a Quest, which we should bring back.

I'm really just hoping to derail these shitty threads, someone argue with me.


Depends on the character. I have a paladin of Shelyn who would balk at the idea and free his slaves. I also have a NE Slayer who would probably toy around with hers.

Wherefore let us derail this thread.

Quests almost always went straight to magical realm, it's one of the reasons they were shit.

This guy knows what he's talking about. Of course a harem is pretty damn magical realm, but if your given some slaves and a plot of land to set yourself up on? No magical realm there.

It all depends on context really.

Our best quest was straight up smut. Heretical Love Quest was one of the greatest things on the board, even better than Ruby Quest. Prove me wrong.


Honestly, I've never offered my players any slaves because I don't want to roleplay one, even if it would be setting-appropriate.

>better than Ruby Quest

Oh hell you liked that thing? Sweet fuckin mercy mate. People at leaves and though they were fucking bears! They made a fucking zord out of bear hallucinations! Tentacle sex with a giant fish god! Nothing but porn without a plot and bad puns! It was objectively terrible.
....and maybe I liked it just a bit because It made me laugh. Fuck you porn wit out a plot and random bullshit is still usually daft.

I agree completely, but it had one redeeming feature: Hat-chan.

I'm not hearing an argument I can hand-wave and bring up something else entirely about.

False, Hat-change was one of the most limp jokes there was. The bits with the Emperor were where it's at.

>Quests almost always went straight to magical realm, it's one of the reasons they were shit.

It was so weird taking a look at something other than Maverick Hunter Quest and see it inundated with waifufags. To this day I'm not sure how we weren't.

...Ok, yeah. Anyone with me on HLQ's Emprah was played by Jeff Bridges?

Yeah I don't know about that. I just can't see Jeff Bridges surfing the Warp and shit.

Really? From the first time I read his voice all I could hear was The Dude.

That sounds absolutely retarded, but then again I had a ton of fun with the stupid bullshit that went down in Ogre Quest. Each their own I suppose.

>would you immediately dismiss it as magical realm bull shit?
Depends on how it's handled. Most of the time I would be okay with it though. I'd probably just train the slaves to use a weapon and have them fight alongside me though.

That's called conquest, user. What, you thought I killed orcs and goblins? Fuck no, you subjugate them, install them as serfs in your lands or your liege lord's lands. Make 'em sharecroppers if the morale penalty is hurting the production attribute for the new hexes you added to your kingdom.

Slaves and land were the only real wealth for millennia. You think peasants are made from seeds? Nah, they're taken and installed.

It was absolutely and completely retarded. 300 percent stupidity, and that's why Its a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. Like I said it makes me laugh. Mostly I laugh at the fact that it exists.

I got offered laborer and fighter slaves during a...pathfinder, I think, campaign a while back, and received a small army of Mamluk in exchange for not marrying the Sultan's daughter during a politic-heavy D&D campaign.

(The Mamluk were pretty bro and the commander NPC that came with them kept telling me to overthrow the local nobility and establish myself as God King of All I Survey for significant portions of the rest of the campaign)

Unless you have conquered the Myconids, in which case, yes, they are in fact made from spores.

>What, you thought I killed orcs and goblins? Fuck no, you subjugate them, install them as serfs in your lands or your liege lord's lands.
I know that Orcs are strong, but when the inevitable peasant revolt comes along, you are going to have a much harder time dealing with it. Especially if the Orcs and Goblins are inherently evil, because then you will be dealing with revolts all the time.

Stole two slaves by killing their master. Freed them from bondage, but man did I offer up a contract SO FAST for them to be our helpertons. Five silver a week for all the help we need? AND THEY COOK? And they only want quarter shares if we bring em in a dungeon? And they signed my contract, in which is a clause that from thenceforth I own their souls? I'll take it. Good deal.

As long as you don't abuse your peasants and hold up your end of the fuedal social contract you'll be fine. There is a reason the system lasted for hundreds of years, and it wasn't because people back then were pants on head retarded.

But that was dealing with humans. When we're talking about orcs and goblins, we have to take into account that they might be naturally stronger than humans, and thus more dangerous even without good armor and weapons, they might be naturally evil, and thus more prone to rebellion, and they might breed faster, and thus be very hard to keep contained.

>Have you ever offered or been offered slaves as a reward for finishing a quest/task/mission, Veeky Forums?

Not yet, but my players soon will be at some point given that I'm running Out of the Abyss.

Slaves are a commodity, so they're bought and sold at price. Pic to the left.

>would you immediately dismiss it as magical realm bull shit?

No. Friggin' Conan had slaves, why can't PCs?

Once offered the choice between gold or slaves to my players to see what they would do.

The Paladin immediately threatened the merchant.
The Ranger kind of wanted the slaves.
Greedy theif wanted the gold.

In the end I think everyone didn't want to put up with the hassle of roleplaying / keeping track of the slaves so they took the gold.

I'd say that most people are stupid and lazy regardless of what time period they're in.

You bring up reasonable points. However assuming the leaders knew about these issues I believe they could find ways to address them. For instance if they are evil and breed quickly, then perhaps regularly reducing the population by leading them on conquests that satisfied their base desires might work.

The advantage in strength can be offset with cavalry. There is a reason Heavy Cav ruled the battle field for centuries. Unless the orcs can figure out Pike and shot then we're good.

I plan to, Slavery is a big thing in the setting and part of what sets the tone of the world. There is even a background players can pick when generating characters that says they come from slavery.

Complaints of magical realm won't really work because the campaign is deeply inspired by Heavy Metal and sword and planet stories. There is an inherent eroticism to them that I also want to convey in my campaign. If you're not there to play in that sort of campaign, then why are you at my table?

>There is a reason Heavy Cav ruled the battle field for centuries. Unless the orcs can figure out Pike and shot then we're good.
That is a good point. While pikes can be made relatively easily, I highly doubt the orcs have the discipline to make an effective pike formation.

A big thing to consider is how do the orcs breed? If it's the same way humans breed, then we can castrate them as babies. They will lose much of their strength, but their aggression should also be toned down with that. We could even implement a eugenics program to breed the strongest and weakest orcs, for battle and fieldwork respectively.

>Friggin' Conan had slaves, why can't PCs?
Conan was pretty magical realm-y, dude. If it was a game, I'm sure there'd be a couple of That Guy and That GM threads about it.

No castration would only lead to resentment.

Now something we could do is create something similar to the Janisaries. We take a portion of the population via Tithe at birth, and then raise them as our elite soldiers and bureaucrats. The janisaries were a core component of the Ottoman empire, which were very usefull because they had no other loyalties than those to the sultan and they were reliant on him for their high position.

Gotta be careful not to privilege them too much. I'm pretty sure the Janissaries becoming too powerful and entitled is part of what lead to the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

This is, of course, highly dependent on how the Orcs in the setting behave. It's not like you could ever expect to reasonably raise a Warhammer Ork, but an Elder Scrolls Orc would be no problem.

Actually the problem was that influential families inside of the Ottoman empire began to demand that their sons be allowed to join the Janisaries because they were resentful of the power and prestige being given to them. Because of this they were no longer loyal purely to the sultan and divided loyalties weakened them and made them less useful. Everything was better when they were just slaves, and not slaves and some entitled rich brats too.

Oh really? Huh, thanks for the history lesson user. I'm still pissed off that they took Christian children, but if I'm being honest I'd be totally fine with it if we had done the same to them.

My history professor in uni had a thing for the Ottomans. We spent almost a third of the semester on them. It was really quite fascinating.

Haven't been offered slaves yet but I may take them to save face with whoever is offering them and later ask the slave what they would like to do and help them as best I can.

Most of my characters would not have slaves but would offer to grant slaves freedom and offer them fair employment.

I once gave the party a slave that they were more or less coerced to accept for legal reasons. They weren't happy about it, but the alternative was worse.

I'm not sure why the party would consider it 'magical realm bullshit' though.

>have a paladin of Shelyn who would balk at the idea and free his slaves
Actually Shelyn Rae's pet nation has slaves.

Sorc is a noble and would hire them on as his personal staff but, honestly, adventurers have so much fucking money and no-PC-class-level labor is so damn cheap there's really not much difference. When a single gold piece is more than the average person can make in a year and even first level parties can get hundreds of them with a little luck, hiring servants might as well be free.

This is also why Cohorts and Followers are completely busted, if your DM allows Leadership take that shit every time and get a personal buff-bot/bodyguard who can do all your research, scroll crafting, etc. so you get basically double value out of downtime. Nevermind getting followers to cart your loot around or build a keep for your party to stash all their shit

Unless it was a Thrallherd type situation I would be wary of my DM making any slaves betray us at an opportune moment to make some moral point iregardless of whether or not its accepted in the society or our treatment of them. Like yeah you're a slave but you're the slave of a midlevel mage who takes regular trips to literal paradise afterlifes, there's worse fates to have.

Honestly depends. Even sex slaves isn't really magical realm into the DM starts going into far detail.

If the culture has slavery and it would make sense and he doesn't focus on that only it isn't magical realm quite yet.

Yeah, happened frequently in our Dark Sun game.
My character tended to keep them on, owning them in name only (he found the idea of becoming reliant on others a quick road to weakness and death) and basically giving them a place to stay (he was rarely home) while insinuating they should figure out something to do with themselves.
The vanishingly few with any real Will or talent for the Way were given complete instruction and then emancipated. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

>tfw the only slaves you ever see in fantasy are sex slaves, laborers, or gladiators
>tutor slaves literally never show up

for what purpose

Not only tutor slaves, but various house slaves also never show up, which was probably the most common type of privately owned slave in antiquity.

But user, I already have a slave. It's called a familiar. And yes. That is my magical realm.

>This guy knows what he's talking about.

Are you retarded?

>Of course a harem is pretty damn magical realm
What the fuck? You know that both harems and Sex-Slaves were an actual fucking thing?
There is a very simple rule here:


>Our best quest was straight up smut.

But Homeless Mutant Quest only had like one sex scene.

>Everything I dont like is magical realm

Get back to your Tumblr-Safespace, jesus man. Just listen to yourself.

Including it in a game where four or five friends are sitting around a table and expected to look one another in the eye and socialise for the next six hours is pretty magical realmy.

Nobody wants to listen to you drone on about what you're doing with your cute haren slaves.

I'm sorry, did you stick your dick an owl?


>Including it in a game where four or five friends are sitting around a table and expected to look one another in the eye and socialise for the next six hours is pretty magical realm.
The worst part i that I can actually tell you never had a an offline group to play with.
No one expects you to tell everyone in detail what you do, there is also fade to black.

It like i am unironically talking to a THATGUY.

>Everybody should never talk or mention things in a game that I ME ME ME ME ME FIND ICKY
How the fuck would you even know what other people want, you probably never even leave your basement.


Friendly reminder that people like you are the cancer that is killing Veeky Forums and the reason /pol/ shows up more and more. You summon them with your prudish SJW-Retardation.

>No one expects you to tell everyone in detail what you do, there is also fade to black.

Then, unless your slave girls are going to be characters with arcs and a useful role in the story (and I know they won't be either), why are they even there?

They're there because you're indulging in a sexual fantasy. Which is fine, but not at the gaming table.

>Everybody should never talk or mention things in a game that I ME ME ME ME ME FIND ICKY

I don't find any of this icky. Harems and the like are a fun fantasy, and a fun thing to roleplay with a partner. But I'm not retarded enough to bring my fetishes into a game I play with my friends on saturday night.

>How the fuck would you even know what other people want, you probably never even leave your basement.

Wew, that's some powerful projection right there.

Offered? No. Taken? Yes.

Also, does taking the reanimated, sentient corpses of your foes count?

Depends on context.

If some random noble offers me a bunch of bikini babes for killing a bunch of mercenaries and orcs raiding his village, yeah, that's probably magical realmy.

If I get a bunch of bikini babes for finding a rare sea map for some Viking lord, that is a lot less magical realmy.

>>Of course a harem is pretty damn magical realm
>What the fuck? You know that both harems and Sex-Slaves were an actual fucking thing?

Maybe Harems were a thing (as a way of distracting the Sultan, so you could Govern/Embezzle the Empire) but sex slaves ARE a thing. They have always been, and still are. Not just in ISIS-land either. Most western nations have sex-slaves, its just outside the law.

Rewarding the players with slaves, for sex or work, is just worldbuilding. Expecting them to use them as such is magical realm at worst or some Edgelord ERP at best.

Fun fact about the sultans Harem in the late Ottoman period: They were not just for the wives, but for the whole family. That meant the Sultans heirs was brought up in a sealed of palace with no contact with the outside world (aptly described as a golden cage). This practically GUARANTEED their incompetence and complete reliance on advisors when they inherited the throne. This was one of main factors in the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

Many times, but we were playing Rogue Trader or WFRP, so nothing strange about that.

No, but that depends on the slave.

If it's a slave who is just going to act like a packmule or something, it's cool. If it's a slave for a harem, then it's not so cool anymore.

>Have never been awarded with slaves or living beings of any kind
Whats a guy gotta do.

Yeah, we were playing exalted and we were dragonblooded.
We were against it, being outcastes adopted into the realm. But yeah. Out of all the things we were against owning d dozen slaves each that we dedided to treat well was not even top 20.

In another Borderlands-esque campaign I took the survivors as slaves and kept them as gardeners in my fortress of Far-away-from-everything. We needed food damnit and food requires tending.

Slaves were mostly a labour force, either innside the home or a work site/trade. There were slaves used for sex but the idea that "it's ok to sex any slave whenever I want" is something I think horny lonely nerds thought up that appealed to jocks as well. Slaves are still people, and even if you both recognize that they don't have much to say when you demand sex you are still living together with these people and seeing them every day. It's not a good idea to make them miserable or hate you for the lulz.
Depending on where you are the local community might also have guidelines for how you can treat them.

spice, gold, gems, slaves... all of this is good for barter, no ?

>If you haven't but the possibility came up, would you immediately dismiss it as magical realm bull shit?

Depends on the GM. Some GMs I've played with, I would definitely immediately think Magical Realm, but I don't play with those GMs any more so no matter.

Other GMs, including the one I have now, I would not expect magical realm.

I've had people offer marriages before. Its probably my favorite peasant reward whenever I gm fantasy. Nobody's ever accepted, but it gets the gratitude across pretty well.

You're slow, so I'll make it explicit for you:

>The Sultan who is giving the quest has a harem
Not magical realm

>The Sultan offers you a night in his harem as the quest reward
Magical realm

>The Sultan offers you a night in his harem as the quest reward.
>You are led to an empty chamber with a beautiful silk dress.
>A few hours later, the sultan knocks on the door.
>What did you think a night IN his harem meant?

>>The Sultan offers you a night in his harem as the quest reward
>Magical realm
Or the most typical genre convention if you're playing arabian nights. Next thing you know sex in general is magical realm in your book. Fuck I'm dragging this game so deep into magical realm territory, can you believe my noble wants an heir? What a depraved degenerate I am.

No no no, my terrified by nude beaches compadre.
It would be a magical realm if instead of fading to black upon receiving your night in the sultan's harem, you tried to narrate in detail just how many concubine buttholes you licked.

>It would be a magical realm if instead of fading to black upon receiving your night in the sultan's harem, you tried to narrate in detail just how many concubine buttholes you licked.
This. Thank you, user. Too many people here decry anything and everything as magical realm nowadays(been going on for a while, but whatever). It's sad and rarely fun.

>Especially if the Orcs and Goblins are inherently evil, because then you will be dealing with revolts all the time.
You don't really understand how evil species work, do you? Subjugation is inherent in their nature. As long as you're strong enough, they do what they're told.

They honestly make better slave races than good or even neural races. They're the ones who get ideas about "inalienable rights" and "compassion for your fellow beings." An evil slave race knows there's a hierarchy, and if they're not the Dark Lord and they can't backstab you to become the Dark Lord, the best thing to do is climb as high on the heap as you'll let them and kick down anyone who wants to climb higher.

You might want to free them first. Otherwise you now have an armed fighter that might want you dead.

This guy knows what's up.

why would a noble slave be that cheap? sure they don't have much use probably but I expect there to be relatively high demand.

Depends on the context and my character.

>relatively high demand

sex things, you know for irony points
different kind of irony points

compared to "bandit, cultists, guard, tribal warrior" slaves. Not only are there probably much less of former noble slaves, I assume a lot more people want to buy them. They should be at least as expensive as a thug slave.

stealing this

I suppose there's the rarity factor, but that aside, why would the folks in the Underdark want to buy something that is meant to fulfill a purpose but can't do much? What can the noble do that the others can't and do the prospective buyers need a slave to do said task?

The list seems heavily weighted towards combat or military applications, so I have to assume that's what most slaves are wanted for.

>Nazi's in Fantasyland

Not that I can recall, no.

Consider the following:
If I would've been ever offered slaves as a reward for finishing a quest, the first thing I would do is put them to back-breaking work at copper mines back at my estate. All of them, both children and adult, female and male - there is no slave in existence that isn't suited to work - after all, that is their entire point. Children can work at lead mines, dying in the age of 18 from lead poisoning. Women can work at their looms and men can work in the fields. They are the backbone of both craft and trade, and wasting them away onto such fleeting pleasures as sex or companionship is short-sighted - if I wanted someone to warm my bedsheets, I would hire a maid who would do that professionally and wouldn't need me to waste time educating her.
So ponder me this: why wouldn't you do the same? Why would you waste your time on educating a slave to be a companion when you can hire a professional companion instead? Just because it's ostensibly (and questionably) "your property"? That's dumb, nigga.

Are we going to pretend that sex slaves and human trafficking aren't still ongoing? Even ignoring that, you can't forget things like the Japanese Comfort Women.

If we go into ancient history, which is probably more relevant for DnD, the vast majority of slaves were for labour. And no, you couldn't rape and murder them for lulz. Rome, Egypt and Greece all had slaves with good standards of living. They lived no different than a regular serf, depending on their master sometimes better than one.

Well, the thing is with capitalism, the need for labour slaves slowly disappeared.
Now you can just hire a willing wageslave instead.
So the modern slavery is, indeed, mostly sex slavery.

Noble slaves would be adept in academia. They could work as scribes and translators.

How much training do you need to give something you intend to either fuck to death yourself, or have fucked to death by others (as a reward obviously)

Why not both? Pick a favorite slave, and have them sent to your bedchamber when the mood strikes you. Worst case scenario you'll get some fun every so often, best case you get some new slaves out of the deal.

Offered, no, but I demanded them.
Was at war with an orc band on their home turf, and after a while, the slaughter was so great, they turned to parley.
I said to their chief, in his own tongue, that since orcs respect might, and we had proven mightier, I wanted half of his plunder, his gold, and all of his slaves as my own.
He agreed, we took his goods, his gold, and his slaves, some of them expecting.
Then, my half orc ranger bought a huge manor in a city with his cut, putting up the women there and teaching them various trades according to their inclinations, raising the children as their supreme patriarchal figureand teaching them to be warriors for my own warhost, and properly breeding with my harem to have more mighty sons, eventually choosing my successor from them and we lived happily ever after, well, after I betrayed and murdered my comrades just after our greatest victory, leading my warhost against the nations we had saved and becoming emperor.
It was a good time.

Possibly. Depends entirely on the setting as to how educated the average noble is compared to the common people and whether they're actually much more intelligent than the rest of the populace. Just because your parents can afford to have someone teach you to read doesn't mean you're necessarily smart or adept at clerical work.

Do the prospective buyers even need those services? If there are affordable free people that can do the same, why waste your slave money on someone to do that job, when you could get someone to do it on the cheap and instead spend your slave money on someone who can fight, which again, seems to be more of a valued skill based on the presented list.

I'm not saying you're wrong, user, just that the information given doesn't present nobles as very valuable and that maybe there's a reason for that? If the people buying them are uninterested in ransoming them, a noble might not possess any extra qualities to make them all that desirable.

You guys have turned magical realm into a hollow, bastardized buzzword over the years

Like every other meme, user, that's why you suck.

If the slave offered is described as someone who my character (or me irl) will find attractive or is outright in my fetish zone, then 95% yeah the GMs trying to magical realm that shit. 4% chance GMs trying to troll you for lulz, 1% it's actual plot, esp. if the character (or me irl) is a paladin.

I mean me too, thanks

Have you all forgotten about the Peasant Quest, where we were introduced to Sir Bearington, Esq. ?

Modern slavery's desert island top 5:
5. Indentured employees (i.e. salaryman culture of Japan
4. Capitalism (i.e. can't live without Microsoft, Starbucks, Netflix, etc.)
3. Sweatshop workers (yep still around esp. in East and South Asia)
2. Drug industry workers (Cartel-owned farmers, packers, chemists, mules, etc.)
1. Sex slaves: human-trafficked, press-ganged (i.e. sex workers deliberately made addicts to keep them sex working), debt slaves (happens a lot esp. in poorer countries/rural areas, just doesnt get media coverage), and of course, Arab/Muslim-legal slavery (yes, harems still exist and is allowed if not encouraged, how do you thing Saudi's king keeps the 5000 other pricks I mean princes from trying to usurp the throne every 2nd tuesday? By throwing money and women at them, literally. Which means they're probably the 2nd biggest customers of human-traffickers, esp. those princes who like blue-eyed blonde girls, or worse, blue-eyed blonde pre-pubescent boys).

Sir Bearington is over-memed we must allow the population of lulz recover

I think I recognize that hentai.

That was a weird one, for sure.

>sure they don't have much use

It's exactly that: they don't have much use. Particularly to slavers in the Underdark, why would a drow or duergar care that her slave was once a baron in Cormyr?

The principle role of a slave in the Underdark is the most menial tasks. They only start getting valuable when they can be used as disposable canon fodder.

Not in the Underdark they wouldn't. They'll be pressed into gangs to scrub and clean Gracklestugh or sent to tend to the rothé in Donigarten or the like. Nobles are still more expensive than commoners - two and a half times more expensive - because their education does theoretically allow them to serve in other roles, but again, in the Underdark the principle deciding factor of a slave's price is how useful it will be as canon fodder ahead of the actual militia's troops.

Still, remember that even in Gracklestugh or Menzoberranzan, most people live on 1 silver piece per day or less. 250 gp is a LOT of money.