5th Edition D&D General Discussion

5th Edition D&D General Discussion

>Download Unearthed Arcana: Feats for Races:

>Official Survey on Unearthed Arcana: Feats for Skills:


>/5eg/ Mega Trove:

>Pastebin with resources and so on:

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Explosive justice edition

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How can I make her?

Mind control.

I just realised I don't enjoy playing this, but I can't stop fantasizing about playing in a good campaign.

Meaning what, you're in an evil campaign?

I want to DM an evil campaign someday.
A short one where the players are ancient evils, fallen gods, liches and elder wyrms.
They would start after they all wake from their slumber/escape from their prisons and saw that the world has been taken over by the forces of good. Then they would begin their journey to get their full powers back and take over the world.

Sounds like there's some development possible there.
At first, the world would be vulnerable and peaceful due to so much time without evil, but then it'd slowly build up armies and forces against you as you emerge and get your power back.

You'd get to tell players that paladin orders have come out of a few people doing it out of tradition into being full fledged crusader companies due to them.

So what are the actual, pratical diferences between wizard, warlock, sorcerer and bard?
I'm new to the system and want to make a caster of some kind, so I want to know if there are any reasons to pick one over the others.

Very important reminder.

Never understood people wanting to play as monsters, sentient ones like in volo's excluded, but you do you. Sounds like you're gonna end up doing as much prep work for the player characters as you would for the world.

Gritty realism isn't there to nerf long resters.

It's there to prevent 'one combat working days', or basically to avoid buffing them.

For example, say you need 6 encounters per day normally.
Say your DM likes realism and decides they only do one encounter per day.
They use gritty realism, and you now have 6 encounters per week, but everything is pretty much the same resource-wise.

Friend is doing an evil campaign where we are trainees under different masters, akin to Sith in Star Wars. I'm not interested in playing really evil so I'm going for something like Akuma from street fighter where i fight people to the death if I think they are worth the fight. I always wanted to try a hand to hand fighter but monk doesnt interest me either. How does this homebrew look for what I'm going for? Is it OP? Underpowered?

A wizard is incredibly versatile in and out of combat through spells alone. They can learn more spells than the rest of them by a huge margin.

Warlocks have fewer spell slots but get some great at-will abilities that others don't. They also get spell slots back on a short rest rather than a long rest, so take an hour nap and you're basically up to full strength again.

Sorcerers learn mostly the same spells as wizards do, but much fewer. They can augment these spells through metamagic to make them stronger and fuck with the action economy through twinned or quickened spells.

And bard is the jack of all trades, fantastic at skills, good at healing and fantastic at buffing, and able to take spells from every spell list in the game if they want to focus something else.

There's also huge flavor differences between them (wizards study to learn spells, warlocks learn spells by striking deals with powerful creatures, sorcerers have magic innately, and bards learn magic from the power of song and story).

The examples he gave are all sentient.

Try making one of each, first level. Be sure to read the spellcasting sections for each carefully. Then level each one up, maybe to three. That will help you understand the differences.

>using a literal fetish post as inspiration for an OP

Exactly. Maybe I'll get to run it some day but our current campaign will take at least a year before it's over.
I'd just sit down with the players and start throwing some ideas around. If their characters were important in the past then they would have had a lot of influence in affecting the world so I'd take input from the players. Run the session 0 like a prologue thing from a video game with all of them making some major decisions and thus shaping the world together, letting them fill the gaps.
The game would probably involve a lot of improv though. I doubt I could plan for everything the "villains" would want to do.


>+1 Str
>Double your vertical jump distance. In addition you may jump from the water as though it were solid land

>Scale Coloration
>+1 Con
>Gain resistance to one elemental damage type according to the color of your scales. You can change this damage type over the course of 2 long rests. During this period of change you have no resistance from this feat. (Includes: fire, lightning, thunder, necrotic, radiant, poison, and acid.).

>+1 Wis
>Gain Blindsight with radius equal to 5 times your Wisdom modifier. This radius is equal to 10 times your wisdom modifier underwater.

Guide to casters and part-casters:
Basically a heavily nerfed wizard that's main unique feature is that they can twin spells, including buff spells that normally only affect one person at a time. Easier for new players than wizard.
Cantrip spammer. Also does casting, but less casting than other casters, but always casts at highest level.
Utility. They utilitize ritual casting in order to cast more spells a day, they get arcane recovery for more spell slots a day, they have lots of spells to choose from and prepare and can often have on hand some interesting utility problem solving spells.
Rogueish support caster. Like a rogue, they're good with skills, but they also have some support features like cutting words. Has access to some unique spells through magical secrets that're otherwise hard to obtain.
Support caster that also turns into a tank. Obnoxious fucking bear caster.
Spams defence spells.
Uses utility spells mostly.
>Artificer (UA)
Uses combat utility spells mostly.
Support caster with good AC.
Basically druid's support casting but much worse.
Basically cleric's support casting but worse except they don't care because smites.
Absolute trash
>Mystic (UA)
.. I'm not too sure how to describe them yet.

You can release a person at any time from a Grapple right?

So there's nothing stopping someone with the jump spell cast on them from dropping an enemy mid-fall?

Ah, a new element to add to the suplex-pogo meta

>Mystic (UA)
They can't do things as well as any specialised class, but can do everything good enough to round up your party.

My eagle barb had a lot of fun using his fly speed to do this kind of thing.

I hate the fact that there isn't a proper IUS type of feat (and no, I don't consider tavern brawler to be it).

That said, Mystic can probably fill that role.

A tiefling Immortal would make a good Akuma

>Mystic brawler
I can bench press 1000 lbs with my brain!

>Not wrestling Tiamat to death.


>Vicious Opportunist
>+1 Str or Dex
>When making attacks of opportunity or attacks against surprised opponents, your crit range expands by 1. For example, for most a natural 20 is a critical hit while in these circumstances a 19 would also be considered a critical

>A Nasty Shiv
>+1 Str or Dex
>When using a weapon with piercing damage you add +2 to all damage rolls.

>+1 Wis
>When using an unintelligent mount in combat, you may use it to attack while still exerting direct control.

>+1 Con, Int, or Cha
>You gain resistance to fire damage.
>In addition whenever you would deal fire damage in an area, if you are included within that area you may roll 2 additional damage dice in addition to the base amount.

>With your brain
>Not reading sacred scrolls while curling 500lbs stones

Back to the Forums with you! You're not ready for the gymnasium yet.


As fun as that is, I would still give the enemy a chance to hold on with Athletics vs player's Athletics or Acrobatics. Essentially a reverse grapple.

>it's another user is too lazy to try to keep track of spells so he just plays a fighter again episode

>Unearthed Arcana: Feats for Races:

>Only PHB races are included.

>No title in the subject line

Make hobgoblin feats please

He did last thread

Is Battlerager Underrated? I mean it give the better part of PAM without the feat cost. Not perfect but it seems better then people give it credit for.

>DM won't let me go revised ranger

wat do

>mfw new players think it's gonna be like lord of the rings
>mfw it's just a dick joke simulator

New dm

Fighter with a 1-2 level dip in Ranger. Them most thematic abilities are early ones anyway.

Black Sun
Dark energies radiate in a 30-foot radius centered on a point you choose within range. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, a creature takes 10d8 necrotic damage. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage.
You also must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d8 necrotic damage on a failed save and half of that on a successful one.

An unique spell on a high tier weapon (artifact), recharges at the end of long rest.
Too strong? Weak?

I don't know, it'd be better if it gave reactions instead of bonus actions because both GWM and PAM give bonus actions and rage takes a bonus action and PAM's bonus action is 1d4+various modifiers so
Any good non-rogue-multiclassed barbarian build should still get GWM or PAM, but you can justify getting sentinel instead to begin with.

.. So it's not bad. It has berserker's level 3, but much better. But if I recall right berserker's level 6 is probably better.

I'd say wolf is better than battlerager in the right parties. Otherwise it's on par with bear sometimes.

Even the people who fucking wrote the PHB would let their players use revised ranger
Why does your DM hate rangers so much?

Tell him he should be honest and outright ban rangers instead.

Last for the not planeshift stuff

>Not So Pure-Blooded
>+1 Str
>Once per long rest you are able to polymorph into any beast typed snake with a CR equal to your total level divided by four.

>Freshly Shed
>If in light or no armor you gain the ability to shed your skin, making your vulnerable to all damage for one minute. However, shedding your skin allows you to escape all forms of restraint including grappling as well as force any amount of creatures of your choosing within 30 feet to make a charisma saving throw or be feared. Eating this shed skin within 10 minutes of shedding gives 1 hit die back. Shed skin is equal to 10 lbs in weight and you may only shed your skin once per 2 long rests.

>Snake's Tongue
>+1 Wis
>Gain tremorsense equal to 5 times charisma modifier
>In addition gain proficiency in deception. If you are already proficient in deception, gain expertise.

To me Battlerager feels like a much less situational Berserker with slightly weaker abilities.

Bonus action attack is weaker but you'll always be able to use it.

Getting 3-5 Temp HP per turn is weaker then Berserker's immunity but will be more useful all day long unlike the only sometimes useful Berserker.

Bonus action Dash actually does help if you can set up throwing someone off something or grapple sprinting people through a Spike Growth.

Spiked retribution is flat out worse but against multi attack creatures can be a solid 6+ damage every turn for no action cost.

I like it but Spiked Armour should use Half-Plate stats.

Oops, Freshly shed gets +1 con.

Is there a way to deal sneak attack damage with a non-finesse weapon? A feat workaround or something maybe?

One of my players wants to play a rogue with a battleaxe, less of a silent stabby type, more split their skull in half before they can sound an alarm.

Would he be better off doing a different class? Shadow Monk?

How much does your beast type matter as a beastmaster? I'm playing OotA, so I'm kind of limited with what I can pick because darkvision will be pretty important

I think Crawford himself said he'd let a player Sneak Attack with any weapon 1d6 or less. I'd let him use a Hand-Axe because it's slightly worse then Rapier but gets throwing, so about even.

You could just allow it if you want to let them do it. Going STR over DEX seems like it could be bad for a rogue though due to AC

As said here Allow it with good conditions if there's a finesse weapon version of the weapon.
A 1d8 weapon that isn't light? You can use it instead of a rapier if they have rapier proficiency. A versatile weapon that deals 1d10 damage? ... I'd probably allow it, honestly, because strength is a worse stat and people already decided to make 1d10 two-handed katana bullshit.
1d6 weapon that is light? Yeah, sure, if they have shortsword proficiency as well.
The only exception would be unarmed strikes / improvised weapon attacks made solely because you're grappling a target - Allowing these to sneak attack would mean multiclassed rogues would always wear shields, grapple and be perfectly fine punching a guy in the face or shield bashing for sneak attack. If they want to do that, they can use two shortswords (or other light 1d6 weapons) instead which words better for grappling, or versatile weapon or 1d8 weapon with no shield.

Oh, and, also, they should do barbarian-rogue multiclass, because otherwise using strength is objectively worse than dexterity. Even if you're grappling, because you don't have extra attack for two grapples a turn.

If I were to resurrect a player character by deus ex machina and bind him to serve a not-so-benevolent being, making him technically undead, what should I do? Mechanically speaking.
I think it would be easier to keep him classified as not-undead for balance reasons. Revenant wouldn't work as being unkillable but dying when the quest is over would be bullshit.
Is there a way to make him auto-resurrect but make it balanced and not just a free pass on dying? Should he get resistance to necrotic damage?

Got all them together
Don't know what to do for planeshift stuff since I don't know MtG lore that well.

What disciplines do I want as a Soul Knife?

Don't bother, too few people will ever play those settings, let alone the unique races. The work you've done already is great

I forget it's name but one lets you give a weapon in your hand +1/+2/+3 and it stacks with your Soul Knife ability which does the same.

So you can get a +7 weapon with all enemies having 10 AC and say fuck you to attack rolls. Take Lucky or be a Halfling to never miss.

Look at the typical undead featyres, decide what you might want to put on him
>no need to eat or drink
Might as well be a given, players don't bother even when they're not undead
>doesn't have to sleep
Sure, sounds alright, but what follows
>can't be put to sleep by magic
Okay to have? Well, elves get it, so I suppose so
>can't be charmed or frightened
Maybe pick one, having both is gonna shut out a lot of options for fun combat

Can't think of other things. Resistant to necrotic is probably good. Maybe pick like two out of these. Oh, and if he dies and comes back... roll 2d6. First one is the stat that gets -1, second is the stat that gets +1.

That's literally Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, but with a bigger area and self-damage.

>players don't bother even when they're not undead
True that. And the party is already 6 people so sleeping and keeping watch is also not that big of a deal.
Some sort of debuff after resurrection could work.

I was reading the 2e rulebooks and they have a rule, every time you get resurrected you lose a point of con. I almost suggested it, but then revenant doesnt really have a downside, does it? Besides the waiting?

So it seems. I want it to be a heavy hit but I guess upping the damage roll to 10d10 would be too much. The average would rise to 55 and the maximum would be whopping 100 points.
I guess level 8 spells aren't anything crazy in artifact weapons according to the DMG.

Too weak for an artifact desu. Horrid Wilting has no reason to be an 8th level spell, more a 6th/7th level spell, and it doesn't cause self harm. Use the Wand of Orcus as a template for an evil artifact, just change it around

What about if the creatures killed with it rise as zombies/skeletons?

apex kek

Got a question. I took Minor Illusion as a racial cantrip and I am trying to kind about ways to employ it in combat.

Would it be reasonable to ask for surprise on a roll if I created a small pile of gold pieces on the ground so a guard on patrol would stop and look at them before I attacked?

Or something like create a flower pot with big, colourful flowers to give me something to hide behind on a balcony before starting an attack the next round?

>it's a pathfinder player in your group spergs out episode

was it the lack of options or spellcasters being too weak?

Do you use any programs to make your maps?
I wanna make a shitton of maps for my setting, and I can paint/draw so so, but it takes too fucking long. I checked Campaign Cartographer, but in the end its too fuckign confusing, and I hate the resulting artstyle.

Inkarnate is the easiest way to get good looking ones.

I'm thinking of offering some of the Racial Feats as racial Variant options.

Dragonborn swapping breath for a roar, Gnomes swapping Magic Resistance for theirs, Tieflings swapping spellcasting for any of theirs.

Are there any (Other then Elven Accuracy and flying Dragonborn) I should be wary about allowing? I also plan to restrict Human feats to their unique ones in this UA.

Tell us your tale

Sounds like a good idea. Do you think this would be better than giving everybody a free feat at lvl 1?

Thanks for the rec. Been checking it and its pretty good. I miss the "noisy" brushes/shapemaker from Cartographer, but I guess you can't have it all.

You forgot the ribbons.

I feel like it would provide options to let people play what Race/Class combo they like without everyone having GWM or Sharpshooter at level 1. I also plan to be pretty lenient with Ability Score boosts from race.

I thought of it because we're starting a new game and we're going to have a Tiefling Battlerager who won't use his spells but the grappler feat they get's perfect. Figure if I'm going let him swap I might as well give everyone the option and maybe see some more unique characters.

>Don't bother,
I just need some time to read up on what makes mtg kor and vampires different.

Alright, alright, that's some good sounding justification. Fuck, you've got me wishing the races were more modular so players could easily swap shit out. This alone would add a huge amount of shit to play with in character creation.

Would the spear mastery feat be worth taking for my immortal mystic?

I doubt they would do it but I might say that allowing people to take some of these as racial variants could be cool in the feedback. They did already give Tiefling a bunch of options so I can't see why they can't for other races.

I'm going a pure paladin and I've taken the feat PAM, should I also go sentinel or focus the rest of ability score improvement?

Is monk/barbarian multiclassing viable or does it rely on too many stats?

What happened to the discord? Did it died?

>Tactical Genius
fucking hobgobs

Which one of the 4?

For my first time DMing, what would you say is advisable? Should I use a pre-written module?

No one links it here because some anons go apeshit whenever it is.

Just for you though: discord.me/5eg

What's the most busted thing you could do with an Int- or Cha-based Shillelagh if it were available?

Are you going Shield+Quarterstaff or Glaive?

Either way, first max STR, then consider what your party needs more between better saves (CHA) or DPR (Sentinel+GWM).

Play something else if the DM is otherwise competent.


Glaive and already have 18 strp

3.5 had certain materials that a weapon could be made out of that would reduce the weapon's damage but make it use Dex instead of Str.

Make up something like a mithral battleaxe that's lighter than normal.

Hobgobbos should be two things
Gud wizards and gud warlords. Both these things iz smarts.

Stone and Dragon Sorcerers become kings of melee combat. Paladins become SAD.

Bladesinger becomes less shit and EK become SAD.

Basically makes a lote of SAD people and sad people because now there's no point to not taking it.

>3.5 had certain materials that a weapon could be made out of that would reduce the weapon's damage but make it use Dex instead of Str.

That's because 3.5 was an actually good game that realized that (1) Dex does not add to damage by default, because a random kobold should not be dealing 1d6+2 damage, and (2) that Dex to damage made Dex brokenly powerful.

We wish it had died in a dumpster fire along with all the users

>That's because 3.5 was an actually good game

Longsword, Battleaxe or Warhammer for my Battlerager?

I mean obviously I'll carry all of them eventually because any martial who has less then 7 weapons is a cuck but I'm pretty poor right now.

Mithril is a thing in this edition and easily can be applied to weapons.