L5R Storytime thread: Son of Stonewall part duex edition

old thread sinking faster than I thought

Crane worst clan


I mean, there's always spider....

Good news, Spider is not a thing anymore.

Spider > Crane
There I said it

Oh. Well in that case...

actually I'm pretty fed up with foxwaifu-this, foxwaifu-that. Does Fox deserve a pass?

Feel free to have that opinion
But I don't hear the skittering of spindly legs amongst the footfalls of the Great Clans
Nor do I see any webs being woven

If you'll excuse me, I must return to my tale

Just one post this time, have to get up for course in about 5 hours because I'm terrible at having a proper sleep schedule

Since they pulled the timeline far back, do you think Mantis will become a minor clan again?

I hope not. Mantis are cool.

Both Spider and Mantis are up in the air.

Both could return in some form or another.

I would not be surprised if the first two deluxe expansions are a Shadowlands focused expansion with the Spider Clan replacing the Shadowlands Horde/Yogo Junzo's Army and a Minor Clan focused expansion that allows splashing minor clan cards in great clan decks and running a Minor Clan Alliance deck.

so dumb question, I know the old company that made L5R got bought out, is their any word what the new company is going to do with it yet or is that still up in the air?

>I had to go back to my room and change of course
>It was a very great struggle not to constantly look behind me as I walked through the halls
>Of course, the Scorpion would take their time
>Part of their revenge was, invariably, the time their victim spent dreading it's arrival.
>I got out of my armor, and Naomi insisted on checking me for any injury
>I'm fine Naomi, he didn't cut me
>No. I must be certain!
>The vehemence in her voice startled me
>She looked me over, and there was a thin scratch.
>Only the very top layer of skin was parted, not even deep enough to draw blood
>Wait, Naomi? Why are you yelling?
>Toshiro thumpdragged his way in
>I just got up here Naomi-san, what
>The kami of earth are better at removing poison than the kami of water!
>You have one, don't you?
>Uh. I do...
>Hurry, use it!
>Naomi pulled out a scroll of her own
>I will try something as well!
>Toshiro and I looked at each other, he shrugged, fished out his scroll and said a prayer to Jurojin
>a little bit later Naomi finished her spell as well, and I felt quite good
>Okay, now will you tell us what the hell has you so worked up?
>The blade was poisoned
>You did not see. No one saw.
>But I did!
>There was venom of some sort on the Scorpion's blade!
>Why did you even offer to be his champion in the first place?!
>Because I'm pretty sure the Scorpion wanted Kakita Sakurada to be the Lion's champion...
>Toshiro piped up. Okay, wait. Both of you.
>Let's start over from the beginning here.
>The Peace faction made an overture to the Lion, and were rebuffed
>Today a Scorpion picked a fight with the Lion.
>They knew the head of the Lion delegation would not allow their best warrior to face the Scorpion over personal insults just in case the Scorpion had something planned
>Naomi picked up from there
>Yes, yes.
>Sakurada saw a chance to get in the Lions good graces, and possibly swing them to the War faction

They're making 5e and recreating the card game. The only thing we know so far is that 5e is a propper reboot using 1e timeline/lore

>The heimin cowers beneath the cart
>"Please, honorable samurai-sama, please, don't kill me!
>I'll tell you everything, I swear by the Kami and the Fortunes!"
>Disgusted by this display of cowardice, I motion towards the gunso
>"Have your men bring this criminal to a cell
>I will interrogate him now!"
>Pointing my bloody katana at some heimin onlookers
>"You there! Find some eta to clean up this filth!"
>I dry my blade with the shirt of the headless criminal, then follow the guardsmen

>In one swift moment
>Justice upon criminals
>Crane Blade returns home

>"What is your name, heimin?"
>"Jun, samurai-sama"
>"Jun, you are hereby charged with the transport and trade of illegal cargo, directly defying Imperial Decree, conspiring against the Empire, and treason to the Empire.
>How do you plea?"
>"Guilty. I cannot hide my shame before magistrate-sama"
>"I knew you'd say that
>The punishment is death
>However, I will give you one chance to die with some semblance of honor
>So that maybe you will be reborn not quite as low as the criminals dead next to your cart"
>"Anything, magistrate-sama"
>"You will tell me everything you know
>You will not leave out one detail
>You will not attempt to lie
>And you will accept justice
>Have I made myself clear?"
>"Yes, magistrate-sama"
>The smell of the whimpering coward soiling himself with fear started permeating the room
>I'm going to need some strong tea after this

>Kakita Sakurada
>Lion's champion
>swing them to the War faction
>Scorpion poison against the best Crane duelist at this court

I'd say we got close enough with our guesses

Fucking Scorpion.

Also, nice one, Ishigaki. Now there will definitely be some ninja under those rice balls.

Ninja don't exist. Anyone who says otherwise is lying and is secretly a Scorpion.

AEG didn't get bought out. FFG bought the IP.

Wrong. We suspect that there will be a 5e, but there is currently no info on it.

The card game's story has been rebooted to a point that looks similar to before the start of the previous timeline and there have been a fair number of changes that might influence the story severely. (genderswapped Clan Champions being one of those changes)

None of the previous lore is sacrosanct and we do not even know if it has anywhere near the same history as the previous timeline.

We have only had 2 weeks of preview articles for the LCG so far.

>Then I took over
>But the Scorpion anticipated that,
>Naomi finished
>And hatched a plan where they would likely injure Sakurada, only for him to die from the poison later!
>Toshiro whistled.
>There are plenty of poisons that look like natural deaths...
>Everyone would KNOW, but no one would be able to prove anything!
>Toshiro looked at me
>And you just had to go and ruin that, didn't you?
>Well. I was in deeper shit than I thought.
>We should probably report all this to Katsuie-sama.
>On the way we bumped into Ikoma-san
>Hida Ishigaki-san! I have not had the oportunity to thank.... you?
>I stopped
>He could see the looks on our faces.
>Sorry, I don't have time for niceties. What's your name, anyway?
>He blinked, surpised that I would champion someone I didn't even know
>It's Gohei
>Ikoma Gohei
>Gohei-san, you should go to your superior, I think ours will want to speak with him soon.
>As I hurried on I tossed over my shoulder
>And watch your back!
>We entered into Katsuie-sama's rooms
>He was sitting there with a scowl on his face.
>I suspect you have news for me, and it will not be good...
>We explained to Katsuie-sama what had happened, from walking in on the insults to the end of the duel
>Along with Naomi seeing the poison.
>He looked at her
>Of course it would be a water tensai who could see it...
>Makoto piped up
>Yeah, only the Kitsuki have sharper...eyes. oh.
>Well, there was an uncomfortable thought.
>Had Kitsuki-san spotted the poison? Had he been privy to the plot?
>It was Kentaro WAS Amano's cousin...
>Or was that just what the Scorpion wanted us to think? To drive a wedge between us, the wild cards in this court?
>Fuck this was making my head hurt...
>Katsuie-sama wrote down a couple of quick leters.
>Saji, take these to Ikoma Sen-san and Doji Akiko-san.
>I arched an eyebrow
>Not the Mantis, Katsuie-sama?

>Their two best courtiers are no longer present, and their current head is just following Akiko's lead.
>At this point, the Mantis are a peice for others to move, no longer players in their own right.
>Ikoma Sen, Ikoma Gohei, Akodo Yoshi, Doji Akiko and Kakita Sakurada all joined us
>Katusie-sama blinked
>I will have to make some more tea
>The three big shots all sat around a table together, while the rest of us waited in the wings, watching them.
>Akiko took the lead
>What is all this about, Hida-san?
>I belive I have learned the extent of the Scorpion plot today.
>Oh? I thought they were up to something
>Sen stroked his beard
>So then, Hida-san, what were they up too?
>They were trying to kill Kakita Sakurada.
>Sen blinked
>I saw Skurada shuffle from one foot to the other.
>Akiko fluttered her fan
>By picking a fight with Lion clan courtier?
>How did you come to that conclusion?
>Several things.
>Ikoma Gohei-san, it was the scorpion that first insulted you, correct?
>hai, Hida-sama.
>I belive the Scorpion anticipated your prudence, Ikoma Sen-san.
>But they also anticipated that Sakurada would use the opening to try to befriend the Lion
>Sen nodded along
>Yes, that much is plausible.
>Sen glanced over at Akiko
>Though, just to be clear, the Lion truly do not wish to involve themselves in this matter.
>Yoshi-san's poor choice of words after his bout with Hida Ishigaki-san may have given people the wrong idea.
>He was simply asking for the best healer in the castle, nothing more...
>Akiko-san nodded.
>I understand Ikoma Sen-san
>And I apreciate your candor.
>Still, if you had not been so cautious it would have Yoshi-san, and not Sakurada-san who would face the Scorpion.
>Sen nodded slowly.
>That is, of course, assuming that the Scorpion would have still been willing to dishonor himself by killing in a first blood duel.
>Katsuie-sama spoke again
>Forgive me for interrupting, but Bayushi Kentaro was never going to slay his opponent
>Not in the duel, anyway

>>Their two best courtiers are no longer present, and their current head is just following Akiko's lead.
>>At this point, the Mantis are a peice for others to move, no longer players in their own right.

Is this why Amano was so willing to put Kitsuki's would-be girlfriend on a boat, despite the obvious consequences it would have?

Anyone running a L5R game, or planning to? If so I hope you won't mind if I ask to join with that kenku-trained ronin character.

Scorpions, man.

>I could swear the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees as the implication of what Katsuie-sama just said settled in
>How do you know this, Hida-san?
>Katusie-sama turned to us
>Hida Naomi-san?
>Hai. I saw the venom glistening off the Scorpion's blade.
>There was a lot of fidgeting
>Akiko spoke
>Naomi-san, no one else saw this.
>With all due respect, Doji-sama, no one else is a water tensai.
>Akiko's fan fluttered
>She exchanged glances with Sen, who raised his eyebrows in a 'she's got a point' way
>Katsuie-sama continued then
>The schemes of the Scorpion are typically quite complex, and require certain people to react in just the right way
>However, voctory over one of the Kenshinzen in an Iaijutsu duel is a bit much to ask for.
>Hovever, by doning armor for the duel Kentaro gave himself an opening to land a single blow.
>He could even have claimed he did not realize he was injured and struck late.
>then the venom would do it's job
>Hours later, the Crane would lose their strongest duelist.
>Sen finished for him
>And the threat of a Kakita blade IS one of the Crane clans best weapons in court
>Akiko looked at him
>You wound me, Ikoma Sen-san. Our duelists are not our only strength!
>Sen chuckled. It's true that you use words more than steel in court, Doji-san.
>It's also true that the threat of him keeps people from thinking to try steel when your words are superior.
>Well... I must admit that is true.
>Akiko bowed to Katsuie-sama
>Hida-san, I must thank you. Your subordinates swift actions have saved the life of my own.
>Sen stroked his beard.
>You know what?
>I do not think I will allow this to go unanswered.
>Katsuie-sama and Akiko both looked at him
>If what you say is true, and I am inclined to believe it is, then had I allowed Yoshi to act it would have been HIM that was poisoned.
>In any event, the Scorpion used us as pawns in their scheme.
>He turned to Akiiko and bowed.
>You now have the full support of the Lion, Doji-san.

So since the whole party appears to be working against Kitsuki-san, how long until he flips out and murders someone? Either that or the player quits the game...

>You now have the full support of the Lion, Doji-san
Cry, and let loose the cats of war!

I doubt he would. From the story he seems to be quite the dedicated role player excluding his aversion to romance and the drama that comes with it.

I would be.

There's no setup for Spider existence thus far, and the name comes with a lot of baggage.

>There's no setup for Spider existence thus far, and the name comes with a lot of baggage.

Nothing has really been set up at at all and all old names come with baggage. We have barely seen a 5th of the cards in the core and we have hint of dark things going on in both the Dragon and the Phoenix.

>After the meeting Naomi, Toshiro and I discussed what we should do
>Do we tell Mantis-san and Kitsuki-san?
>Naomi nodded
>We should at least let them know, even if they do already
>Toshiro scowled
>Maybe Amano can convince them to back off before they try to do something to you?
>I really hadn't thought of that.
>He DID owe me though...
>We agreed to bring it up at lunch. That would get awkward, one way or another
>We took our usual private lunch togother
>Toshiro started us off
>Did you see the poison on Kentaro's blade?
>Kitsuki-san coughed up some rice
>Amano remained calm
>Kitsuki-san looked over at Amano in shock
>Did YOU know?
>Amano shook his head
>I was not made privy to any of the plans surrounding that duel.
>Kitsuki-san looked hard at his friend.
>Mantis-san and Monkey looked around
>Someone want to fill us in already?
>Namoi, Toshiro and I took turns filling everyone in.
>Amano got some harsh looks
>Kitsuki-san spoke up.
>They didn't tell him.
>Because I would have found out if they had.
>Monkey spoke up then.
>Alirght, I'll believe you. But aren't the Scorpion going to be pissed that Ishigaki-san screwed up their plan?
>And now the Lion are in the War faction?
>Mantis-san scowled.
>The Scorpion never forget, and never forgive.
>Yoritomo Aramasu proved that to our clan
>Naomi looked to Amano
>is there anything you can do about this?
>Amano frowned.
>I... I do not know.
>I can at least try though.
>I do owe you Ishigaki-san.
>But I can make no promises.
>I nodded.
>Alright then. Good enough, I suppose
>I decided I was going to sleep in my armor for a long time to come, just in case.
>Toshiro coughed
>Now then. We think we've got another Tsukai running around.
>chopsticks hit the table
>When did this happen!?
>Just before the excitment with the Scorpion.
>Mantis-san growled
>It never rains, but it pours...

Going out to grab some late as fuck dinner. back latter. At some point...

>Nothing has really been set up at at all
There's literally more setup for everything else compared to the Spider.

>and all old names come with baggage
Only if you take 'baggage' out of context, and wilfully ignore the unique baggage "Spider Clan" comes with.

Special Contrarian/10, mate.

Ok, question about the new l5r lore. Are they at least keeping Toku?

is there context for that picture Ronin-san?

Not that I know of, sorry.
But if you mean related to my post, that would be my character's ideology, minus the weebness.

I've been searching through as many archives as I can to find where that thread's from, and none of them go back far enough. I know its not from Veeky Forums, /pol/ or Veeky Forums, cause those boards had different posts for post

We don't know.

And even if they do keep Toku, there's no guarantee that he'll be the Toku you remember and enjoyed.

It amuses me everytime someone shouts "The Spider are gone! Hooray!" that they also forget all the other storyline stuff that happened over the course of L5R's long span has also been wiped away. Some of which - like Toku's story of heroism transcending class or the epic tragedy of Kachiko/Shoju/Hoturi - was quite good.

What now remains to be seen is whether the stories FFG come up with to their place will be as good, better, or worse.

>There's literally more setup for everything else compared to the Spider.

Not really. They killed one major Clan war plot by genderswapping one of the participants and then outright stating that Hotaru only has two siblings (both with familiar names).

>Only if you take 'baggage' out of context, and wilfully ignore the unique baggage "Spider Clan" comes with.

Only in the fact that so many people tend to overemphasize the amount of baggage the Spider have while deemphasizing the amount of baggage their own favorite faction/character has.

Will Crane have Harriers? Unknown
Will the Phoenix open Black Scrolls? Unknown
Will Shoju kill the Emperor? Unknown
Will Kisada join forces with the Shadowlands? Unknown
Will Toturi go Ronin? Unknown
Is the leader of the Dragon a reincarnation of Togashi? Unknown
Do the Moto exist? Unknown
Did the moon eat its children? Unknown

We know nothing. Hantei Daigotsu and the Spider clan appear in the storyline way earlier than in AEG's and in a heavily modified form.

Unknown. As I said earlier we have seen less than 1/5th the core and, besides the fact that minor clans do exist, we know nothing of them.

Toku and the Monkey could exist with Toku's story having happened in the past.

>Not really.
Yeah, really. They've established who the clans are, and there's nothing to suggest the Spider beyond a large force marching on the Carpenter Wall from the South. Get with it.

>Only in the fact that so many people tend to overemphasize the amount of baggage the Spider have while deemphasizing the amount of baggage their own favorite faction/character has.
We're using totally different meanings for the word 'baggage'. You're talking about plots and details. I'm talking about the fanbase's feelings and hangups towards specific factions and subfactions.

Spider Clan have serious baggage.

bump. no haiku
no need to make this special
it's just a bump, right?

Moshi Aoi was their second best
Although that probably still explains why Amano was so willing to put her on a boat

page 8 bump

Bumping. These threads have made me crack open my copy of L5R 4e again.


I'm a beginner who's never even played tabletop and has a shit ability to understand crunch. Can I join?

The group would have to talk it out

play alone in your
fantasy ashamed to show
things you imagine

Just getting confirmation:

Mantis and the clans that joined them are back to being seperate clans, right? I really liked the whole "do what you want 'cause a Mantis is free", 7th Sea sort of deal they had going.

Thus far, we have no idea what the minor clans are doing. Just the great clans and, by extension, the shadowlands.

Lions are roaring
Cranes are squawking in fear of them
Unsheathing their katanas

Lions are roaring,
Cranes aroused screams,
White drops one the floor.

Lions are roaring
Cannot reach Cranes flying high
Amused squawks are heard

So, we gotta deal with Bloodspeakers again?

Can't fly forever
Cranes will come down to rest, tired
The Lion will feast

Yeah? Come at me bro
Skill against ferocity
Do you even lift?

What the fuck did you
Just fucking say about me
You little bitch?

>waiting for the crab navy seal meme

>Shadowlands focused expansion

How would Shadlowlands win/lose via honor or dishonor?

>implying it's not the Daidoji navy seal meme

>waiting for the crab navy seal meme in haiku

I am saying that
The little bitch, even now
Of us all, is you

Scorpion spies track
Your haiku as we speak. You are
fucking dead kiddo

So, I had a long argument with myself about peeling back the curtain just a bit, but in the end I decided potential spoilers be damned, this shit is just too funny.

We ended up pulling a double dereail on poor forever GM in this arc.

The initial plan, as later confessed to by 4Ever user, was for the party to be against the war. Kitsuki-san would waifu Aoi and, despite her initial protests and possibly with help from Mantis-san making a few clutch rolls with some void points, we would use her to turn the Mantis themselves against the war. Ayame drama for our magistrateiness, contests of all sorts for fun and glory, and just splash of samurai drama for Toshiro and Ishigaki when the Crab switch sides midway through, but seriously what are those two going to do to influence a court plot, right?

And then Kitstupid-san went off the fucking rails. Okay, fine. 4ever user can work with this. We'll have the Mantis just get taken completly over by the Crane and the Scorpion can hatch a plot to take out the duelist so the PC's can try and bring the Crane down directly it should be noted: KITSUKI-SAN was, by the numbers, our best iaijutsu duelist. Ishigaki could win fatal duels but for obvious reasons that had nothing to do with his skill with a blade.

Then I came along. And I didn't just upset the apple cart, I charged it like a drunken ox and stomped all over the scattered remains. I wasn't supposed to be so dumb I championed the Ikoma, I certainly wasn't supposed to have the same idea the scorpion did (forcing forever gm to rule that you're not bleeding till your nicked as opposed to just narrating the duel like he planed) and I certainly wasn't supposed to fucking win.

Oh but this comedy of errors isn't quite done yet! See, Kitsuki-san's reaction to me and Amano's cousin dueling was "I can't watch this!" which meant the one pc who had the best chance to hit the abusurdo TN to spot the poison WASN'T EVEN LOOKING.

Fortunately, our DMPC had a water ring of SIX.

So, that's how our party, despite the best efforts of our forever GM and our own intentions, managed to take the red herring of the Lion getting involved and make it a reality while disrupting every plan to avoid the war.


anyway, back to storytime.

>Naomi has a water ring of 6
Goddamn, you weren't joking about her strength.

Naomi: The Flower That Lifts.

At what Insight rank were you sitting at that moment?

>Toshiro finally told us his plan to catch the tsukai.
>It's simple really. We just get the fucker to make a move.
>It's easier to pick out something that's moving than something that's standing still.
>So we make noise. We let everyone know, and that naturally includes him, that we're looking for another Tsukai.
>That makes him scared, he starts trying to cover his tracks, and we catch him trying to dispose of the evidence.
>Kitsuki-san nodded.
>Yes... yes that could work.
>He knows that while physical evidence isn't admissible I can use it to find him. He wouldn't want that.
>Too much scrutiny and he'd be bound to slip up sooner or later...
>Monkey raised his hand
>Do we have any idea WHY they're going after her again?
>Toshiro frowned.
>Well, we're making assumptions but if THEY are Bloodspeakers like we suspect he could want nothing more that to tempt her to joining the cult to achieve her vengeance.
>It wouldn't be the first time someone desperate for revenge turned to blood magic, and Bloodspeakres often pass the price of their magic off to their subordinates...
>Monkey went wide eyed.
>You said it Monkey.
>Okay then.
>we had our plan, such that is was,
>I decided to do my part with my usual subtlety and tact
>OI! Keji-san!
>Keji's reflexes kicked in and he grabbed the finger of jade I tossed at him out of the air
>The hell?!
>Ok, good.
>Just looking around for a maho-tsukai.
>Everyone! If you would all just grab this jade here for a moment, we can clear you of any suspicion and move right along.
>I shouted over the protests
>No, I'm not saying any of you are tsukai!
>Just that the Jade Magistrates have determined they may be another one about
>So this is the quickest way to find them!
>More than a few glares, shouts, cries of insulted honor
>But then Keji growled at them
>Hey! I already took the damn test, and it's no big deal! Or do you have something to hide?
>He whispered to me
>I like the way you work Ishigaki-san!


>>I decided to do my part with my usual subtlety and tact
>>OI! Keji-san!

Ishigaki ishigakiing ishigakiingly.

Who is Keiji?

Random courtier.

at this point most of us were sitting solidly at rank 5. Also, I fucked up. Kitsuki-san's sword training bit was because he wanted to be a Justicar. LIke with forgetting Mantis-san was a Yoritomo trained tsuruchi who had a few ranks in kyujutsu I blame the fact we switched from third to fourth midway for that one.
Similarly, forever GM was considering allowing paths to replace levels they shouldn't since we were rapidly running out of options for advancement. Ishigaki was set through to rank 8 since he could go back and finish out the Hida Bushi after his Defender of the Wall training, but everyone else...

Matsu Keji, from the Kenjutsu tournament

>Similarly, forever GM was considering allowing paths to replace levels they shouldn't since we were rapidly running out of options for advancement.

Did I do that? I don't remember if I ever went through with it. Might have to see if I can dig up the old character sheet from the folder in my storage unit.

... And this is why I appreciate Weakness: Strength for high Water characters that aren't supposed to backhand Hida Kisada to the ground.

Fortunately, the setting already has an out for why little Naomi is stronger than her beefcake husbando. Heck, it even got its own sidebar in the Book of Water: at this point Naomi is so in-tune with the kami of water that they are always lending her aid.

>As I had hopped, once the OTHER scary giant had gone through with it he wasn't about to let anyone weasel out.
>So the two of us were able to quickly clear the room
>I bowed from the waist, and apologized for wasting everyone's time
>After all, that's just good manners, and I was nothing if not well mannered.
>Once I reported to Toshiro that I had done my bit we scattered through the castle, watching and waiting.
>C'mon you bastard...show yourself.
>Monkey, Mantis-san, and Amano were actively hunting, and being sneaky fucks about it.
>There had been a bit of protest from Kitsuki-san when I demanded we jade test Amano before making him a part of the investigation.
>Amano himself surprised me by grabbing the jade without hesitation.
>I found his eagerness to dispel and suspicion deeply suspicious.
>But since I was counting on him to redirect the Scorpion Clan's wrath I kept my trap shut.
>Toshiro and Naomi alternated staying with Ayame, so that she was never without spiritual protection
>Katsuie-sama insisted on speaking with me, once word spread about what we were doing
>Ishigaki-san, what exactly...
>he cut off as I held out my finger of jade
>Among Crabs, it wasn't an insult to demand a test of jade.
>Even if it's someone testing their own superior.
>Hell, among the Kuni, blasting each other with a Jade Stike is perfectly acceptable way to say hello.
>He grabbed it and finished speaking
>...are you all doing?
>I jerked my head to the entourage.
>Everyone sighed and rolled their eyes as they grabbed the jade
>Save Saji, who pulled out his own finger.
>He shrugged.
>I like to always be prepared...
>You remember Shiba Ayame, right Katsuie-sama?
>He nodded
>Toshiro thinks she's under another maho assault
>What, why?
>She's been having very bad dreams, but neither he nor Naomi have been able to find any cause, despite it looking like a magical curse
>Katusie-sama nodded. He was an old veteran who understood how shugenja had to spot the work of kansen

I think we did. Wasn't it Monkey that wanted to all the bushi to get officially recognized as Jade Legionares so we could pick up that path from the fourth ed main book?

>We're operating under the assumption that his plan was to weaken her mind with nightmares and sleep deprivation, then tempt her with maho
>I wasn't sure how many people here knew the truth of what happened, so I decided I would just say it
>Secerets are for Scorpion and Oni after all, not Crab.
>What happened to her at the Kenjutsu tournament was no accident
>And Naomi COULD have saved Ayame's eye, if they had let her.
>A few surprised looks, others only had suspicions confirmed.
>Katusie-sama showed the sharp insight of a veteran of the courts though.
>So, you think this is not just another tsukai, but a Bloodspeaker?
>That got some attention.
>He explained over his shoulder to his entourage.
>Bloodspeakers know full well the price of using Maho, and to keep themselves form falling into Jigoku's control they make their subordinates pay that price.
>Wide eyes
>Katsuie-sama scratched at his missing arm
>I once battled a bloodspeaker cell, long ago...
>He shook off the old memory.
>A story for another time.
>I know you don't need my permission to proceed Ishigaki-san, but know that you have my blessings.
>A pained look crossed his face
>Just... please try to be a bit more polite in the future?
>I'll certainly try, Katsuie-sama.
>he did not seem reassured.

Yeah, I just happen to think it's silly and overly handwavey.

I'm guessing Shoji is the Bloodspeaker, calling it now.

>Our hunt lasted several days
>the bloodspeaker we pursued was no fool.
>had he been, he would have been caught long ago after all.
>We were gambling the constant pressure would cause him to make a mistake sooner or later
>The steady glares of those who resented the implications of our investigation told us we had a time limit of our own.
>Sooner or later someone would raise a stink, someone whose complaints it would be unwise to ignore.
>Even if we were well within our rights to do so.
>In the meantime, events at court were reaching a fever pitch.
>Large gatherings were becoming a rarity, as small groups of courtiers huddled together whispering, and letters practically flew back back and forth.
>Indeed, one could hardly walk through the halls without tripping over a servant bearing a letter.
>Between our investigation and the rising tensions of the court tempers began to flare more and more often.
>Several duels were fought, some part of the politicking, others just angry samurai going at it.
>I'd had enough of that crap though, and kept well away from it.
>There were also rumors of the next contest. Everything was very hush hush, and no one could tell where the gossip started, but everyone knew it required much preparation.
>After four days we found our target. And in a way we never saw coming.

That's fair.

I on the other hand think every Water shugenja needing to eat up a portion their allowed points of Disadvantages, be a hulking body builder, or be mediocre at their element to be equally silly.

>I didn't have much to do, really, so I went to dinner a little early.
>No one else had arrived yet.
>There was a letter on the table adressed to Kitsuki-san
>I looked around.
>Well, everyone reads these things anyway, right?
>I unfolded it.
>And I read it.
>And I dropped it
>And I ran to the rooms where the Scorpion were staying
>without preamble or anouncment I threw open door after door, until I got the right one
>Bayushi Amano looked up at me, sans mask
>his eyes tight with pain
>blood on the tatami
>wakizahi in his hands
>this...hurts a bit...
>he coughed, trying to hold it in.
>I was amazed he wasn't screaming.
>I can't...quite...get the next...one...
>C-c-could you...?
>You fucking MORON!
>I picked him up, and he did scream then
>I ran out, holding the bleeding Scorpion, wakizahi still in his guts
>needless to say, quite a crowd formed up behind me, more than a few wondering if they should try and stop me.
>It's a good thing I can bellow as loud as I can.
>It's a good thing Naomi, being a water tensai, could move as fast as she could
>It's a good thing Amano was fading in and out of consciousness, so I didn't have to listen to him explain why I shouldn't try to stop him
>When we ran into one another, Naomi took one look and yanked out a scroll
>I pulled the blade from Amano, who coughed up more blood.
>Naomi shouted her prayer, and in a flash of blue-white Amano's wound closed.
>he sat up, looking between the two of us.
>It's rude to read other people's letters!
>Everyone reads those things!
>The ones being carried by a servant!
>It dosen't matter anyway! We NEED your testimony!
>Are you stupid, insane, or BOTH?
>Shoji. right on time.
>Amano-san! What is going on?
>Kitsuki-san ran up to his friend
>What were you doing?
>There were a lot of people staring, waiting to hear the explanation
>fuck, where to start?

Was Amano an NPC or a new player?

True. I suppose that makes it a failing of the system, our concept of strength, or both.


Don't you need an authorization for a seppuku?

>I ignored all the shouted questions
>Instead I scanned the crowd.
>And leapt upon the Soshi the second I saw her.
>She went down under my weight with a surprised cry
>That cut off after I slammed my fist into her face. Twice.
>Then I was tackled, pulled off of her.
>I could hear steel drawn, in the confusion someone stabbed me
>I couldn't see well, buried under bodies as I was, but I heard several gasps
>Alright, ENOUGH!
>Get off him! MOVE!
>I recognized Mantis-san and Matsu Keji's voices
>Yeah, those two could certainly clear a path
>Ah Shoji again.
>I felt hands haul me to my feet
>I winced as I felt hot blood spurt from the wound in my side
>I looked around.
>Shoji had brought order at the point of a sword.
>Well, a naginata.
>Well, lots of naginata.
>Shoji waited for any one to defy him.
>What the hell is hapening?
>I pointed to the unconscious Soshi woman. The one from dot battle. the one who had egged on the Ikoma
>was all I said
>Shoji glared at me.
>You make those accusations a lot, where is your proof?
>I looked over
>...I saw her drinking jade petal tea.
>I can show you where she keeps it
>Kitsuki-san looked up from where he knelt
>He was holding up her arm, with the sleeve of her Kimono pulled back
>Scars ran up and down the length of her arm.
>Then Kitsuki-san looked at Amano
>why? Why seppuku?
>She is the head of our delegation...my superior.
>Amano burried his face in his hands and wept
>She's a maho tsukai!
>I had no choice!
>I had to report her...
>...I've betrayed the Clan.
>That wasn't all.
>With the head of the Scorpion delegation a Maho-Tsukai, the peace faction was broken.
>there was no hope now. There would be war.
>and Amano felt responsible for making it happen.

"It's easier to ask forgiveness than to seek permission."

I didn't think I could feel sorry for a scorpion...

Me too...

Oh shit son
why would THEY want peace? Or is this blood speakers working at cross purposes?

Quite probably it's the Scorpion who want peace, and Soshi was just coincidentally an agent of THEM.

Perhaps having the Phoenix owe them one was worth more than the chaos of war in this case.

Either there are two factions of Bloodpeakers here, or THEY wanted war, so set one of them to head the peace talks, be caught and compromise the peace agenda.

Good attempt but second line is meh