/WFG/ Warhammer Fantasy General

Wizards and warriors edition.

> Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/8rnyAa1S
WFRP: pastebin.com/0e6RuQux
Novels: mega.nz/#F!9Lw1WIRZ!eKxkOlAQwuZO3_8pHOK-EQ

> We're looking for these novels for the archive

> Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
Tomb Kings Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-undying-dynasties-army-release#/
Bretonnia Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-kingdom-of-equitaine-army-release

> The 9th Age

> Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

> Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer: store.steampowered.com/app/364360/
Vermintide: store.steampowered.com/app/235540/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Return of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/

Last Thread:

I didn't say it wasn't successful, I said it was a bad game.

To be honest though it hasn't really been that successful, GW's sales haven't increased and I imagine if it had to stand on its own two feet like Fantasy did in 1983 it would have fell flat.

Its not a bad game actually, it just has one of the single worst stories in tabletop gaming and is one of the worst sequels in gaming history, in which I include /v/ works.

It also is one of the worst PR moves towards an existing fanbase that has ever occurred as well.

Its not a bad game. But they fucked everything else up trying to get it onto the market.

Kids like bad things anyway so why bother

Nth for Stompin' Cobb

And it doesn't even have one of the worst stories ever. The story is okay, and I always felt that the story was one of the weakest sides of Warhammer anyway.

One point is clear: they shit the bed big time with the release and their treatment of the fanbase. That's basically it.

Reposting this homebrew. I've run out of ideas for marks and would like some help coming up with more.

So, I am an old 6th edition player who recently got interested after dusting off my old books and armies. But, looking at some of the cool stuff that was added in 7th and 8th I came to wonder if any of you had come up with quick and dirty back-engineering for new units to 6th or earlier.

This is mostly because I was a Chaos Dwarf player and am stiff as a board after seeing the forgeworld dwarfs

>It also is one of the worst PR moves towards an existing fanbase that has ever occurred as well.
>Its not a bad game. But they fucked everything else up trying to get it onto the market.
which is why it tickles my funny bone to see how GW is tip toeing around the rules updates for 40k now.
Releasing them via slow drip day after day, with the mantra of 'this isn't AoS, it's still totally 40k, I swar'.

At least they learned from it.

Can't really help too much, since I'm not that familiar with that pantheon.
However I can suggest looking at the RuneRPG.
Player characters were able to gain boons from nordic gods for their heroics. Mostly combat oriented, though. But several pages of them for different gods.

On a related note I also feel that the sacrifices could use more variety. Though considering that the first 'boon' on the first table just makes you dumber there also doesn't seem to be a clear distinction.
Assuming marks are supposed to be boons, as in advantages or gifts granted by their patron gods.

Seems weird that you would sacrifice something and then sacrifice something else, effectively fucking you over.
Unless that was the idea.
No idea what the context of your homebrew is though.

So, undead lustria player here, and I had a question;

Would a black magister from the Amythest Order who has become a Necromancer be more capable than that of a hedge mage necromancer? Or those who learned the arts from say a vampire or book?

>Would a black magister from the Amythest Order who has become a Necromancer be more capable than that of a hedge mage necromancer?
Only if the guy from the Amethyst Order has more experience to begin with. There is nothing that should make him inherently better at spellcasting.
The only thing that would make you better at magic by default is being an Elf.
A autodidactic Necromancer of 20 years is still gonna be likely more powerful than a guy who was trained in a magic college but only has a few years of experience. He might be quicker to pick up on the new disciplines of magic though.

I'd think of it like learning a new instrument. If the two guys start at the same time, the guy who already knows how to play something else probably has an advantage. Otherwise all bets are off.

Maybe not power-wise because that's more about natural talent than other stuff.

But a trained wizard has much more control than a self-taught necromancer, even with the guide of a book

More than a hedge mage necromancer, definitely - their traditions are only passed down orally, and they don't have a strong sense of what they're actually doing. An Amythest Order wizard would know about the winds of magic, about magical theory, and how to best cast spells.

More than a necromancer that learned from a book or vampire, though, that's hard to say. I gotta assume your Amythest Order necromancer picked up some necromancy knowledge, probably from a book, so they'd technically know a little more than the average book necromancer. But a vampire might have his own juicy secrets to share with a potential pupil - or ones that he'd keep to keep the necromancer under his thumb. Hard to say.


Do dwarfs value the beards between their groins too?
What about dwarfen women?

Man o War had(and has) some really great ship designs, namely the Bretonnian and Empire rosters, also the Dwarfen ships, but some are just silly, like the Chaos and all Elven ships.

I much prefer the more elegant shape of Elven Ships over the silly looking castles on kites/seadragons.

Favourite WFRP2e character you've created?

Thanks for the input! I want my Necromancer to be a Black Magister, and a Ex-Amethyst wizard. The lore behind her is that after having beginning experiments into the art of Necromancy, and investigating into the state of ghouls, she was ousted from the academy, and chased across the Old World by the College and its minions. She tried to escape to a colony in Lustria, only for her ship to fall prey to the Sirens, and crash into the vampire coast. Although written off as dead by the College, she survived the eventual route, as had stowaway below the decks. When the time came for the zombies to collect the dead, she was able to wrestle for control over them, only to be knocked unconcious by the Vampire sent to oversee them. The vampire, seeing potential, brought the Necromancer along with him on his way back to his master.

There she met the Vampires master, Luthor Harkon, who in one of his saner moments, decided to endorse her as one of his minions. In return for supplyling Luthor a steady supply of fresh corpses, and helping find a way to cure his condition, she would be given free range to explore the ruins of Lustria, and helped versed in the dark arts of Necromancy.

Here's the full army shot, I'll go into further details if yall want. Keep in mind, the Skeletons and Skinks are still WIP, and a lot of it still needs to be based.

Pictured here are my
From Left to Right:

Lord Xizilbitzic, the lost(Carin Wraith)
"Lady" Ophelia Edsuhle(Master Necromancer)
Lord Tarkith Von Estrude(Von Carstein Necromancer)

Not pictured: Elbricht Urzurgi(Wight King)

Karrik Elazorsson, a Dwarf Shieldbreaker hailing from Karaz-A-Karak, travelling the Empire searching for his uncle Borgun Stonefinger, who took the Slayer oath. His mission was to find his uncle and tell him that his name has been cleaned and he can go towards death with a clear conscience

A pretty typical dwarf at least, ended up being the force that held the party together, always ready to bicker with others not understanding human metaphors, and always ready to afce the enemy in the first line.
Karrik boasts the uncanny feat to be the greatest shieldmaster of the all, once managing to fend off three chaos warriors without being hit once.
He also stuck and improbable friendship with the party's elf wizard, since the elf was kinda particular having lived more among human than elves, the dwarf even forced him to teach him how to read and write because he wanted to write home

Not a special character per se, but i loved him to bits and loved playing him. His stubborness and willingness to take on the hardes punishments was kind of a virtue for the party as a whole, so much that the other members of the team created our unofficial motto "The Dwarf forward, the others backward"

looks good senpai

You should try thinning your paints, either with water or paint thinner (which is better than water if you can afford it), makes the paint go on way smoother, saves paint, and looks better because it isn't nearly as thick. Watch a YouTube video or look up the proper ratio

Cold Knights(Black Knights)

Made from Black Knight, Cold one Rider, Griffon Knights and Rough Rider bits. Probably my favorite unit so far. Something about Skeletons riding Zombie Dinosaurs just tickles me greatly.

Lorewise, I cant decide their origin, aside from the Cold Ones being undead for better control. Considering their heavy Empire influence though, I would say that the riders themselves were Empire knights, who came to one of Ophelia's "harvest" towns, and fell in battle. Impressed by their resilence in combat, she had them reanimated in part of a experiment. Sorry about the flash, but things are getting darker around these parts now.

can someone post examples from all 8 imperial Lores?

this is Celestial I think, lore of Heavens.

Looks ok but like I said you would benefit greatly if you thinned out your paints. Saves time and money and looks a lot better in the end

The Warhammer Fantasy system is a bit different. Rolling doubles, triples, quadruples or more for your casting roll causes you to roll on a table for Wrath of the Gods. One of the possibilities is having to make a sacrifice which is dependent on which god you serve but the sacrifices for 6 of the gods are missing.

The marks system is separate from that sacrifice, if you roll 11, 22, 33, etc. when rolling for Wrath of the Gods, you get a Mark from that god, which the fluff describes as making you closer to that god. Not all of these marks are positive effects, the first 3 are usually penalties.

also, if anyone can get lore snippets about the corresponding Wizardry School.

I love the Idea of Wizards basically being the Scientists of the Empire in peacetime. Getting into trouble with the various Churches about the Nature of the Universe.

Nice, how did his story end?

That's a Light Wizard

Here are some Bright Wizards

Bright Wizards look so fucking hardcore.

Could you post some videos? Or examples? I woukd really appreciate it!

Warhammer TV is a surprisingly good channel for tutorials, mainly because Duncan (the guy who hosts most of the videos on the channel) is a great painter. If I were you I'd start with his earlier videos, I'm not sure which exact one he goes over thinning paints but I'm sure you'll find it pretty easily

It's a shit game aimed at the lowest common denominator, the SBG was better for a start and that was made at GW!

I too, would be interested in this to use demi-gryphs.

Are you the guy who keeps making threads on Dwarf sexual habits?

It was at release, the Compendium made it better. I won't argue that.

But they shit the bed so bad on PR that I won't touch it on principle.

Like Konami and Comcast. There's only so much you can do before you're dead in the eyes of the public.

Yeah it's a light wizard, the colour scheme and the cobra head staff are the giveaways.

A celestial wizard would normally be dark blue with a hint of red and have some form of astronomical equipment.


whens 9th edition so i can get into this game

Since when do elves have fangs?

Does anyone have any houserules they use when playing WGFRPG2? Anything you feel is necessary, or just fun?

I have a couple, but one of the ones I like is something stolen from Dark Heresy 2:
>On a damage roll, one may elect to replace the number rolled with the degrees of success on the attack roll in question.

I also have a few "optional," modes for when my players feel like something dangerous:
>"Hard," Mode: Toughness Bonus is considered in Soak but Wounds as halved.
>"Heroic," Mode: Toughness Bonus is considered in Soak but no Wounds; any damage that gets through Soak go to the Crit Chart.
>"Legendary," Mode: Toughness Bonus is NOT considered in Soak and no Wounds; any damage that gets through Soak go to the Crit Chart.
Yeah, the difficulty names are based on Halo's difficulty names, but I figured whatevs, bro.

Post that weapon one again, I forgot to save it before closing my browser.


since they went edgy

Defend this.

>tfw reading inferno! number 4's story about a band of adventures getting venerated as gods by skinks on a small island
>one of them adopts a skink and calls it froggo

all those retardedly cute skinks
all those bloody deaths

Looks like something out of Greek myth. Or Tony Ackland's old Chaos Mutants.

Doesn't really need defending, although I wouldn't buy one.

This picture is shit. Why is it posted so often when there's so many better high elf illustrations?

He looks like he can defend himself.


Any idea on how Creative Assembly should approach the Chaos Dwarfs?

Warmachines and Orc/Goblin meat shields? Rare combat units of Chaos Dwarfs like Infernal Guard sprinkled in? Decent magic wielders (who slowly damage themselves)?

I'm thinking a good way to represent the low number of Chaos Dwarfs is reducing the unit sizes. So while a normal unit may have 60 models, a CD unit may have 30.

I like both.
Wish we had the one you posted in color though.

That is grudging, manling.

From the silence we may have to do it ourselves friend. Ill look through the books and either do something or lose hope. Good luck!

>It also is one of the worst PR moves towards an existing fanbase that has ever occurred as well.

This reminds me of how people on Warseer seriously said that AoS would be taught in business schools as an example of failure. Even if it didn't turn around it still wouldn't be taught because GW doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

They're doing the slow drip to build up excitement and basically have something to say since it's doubtful they're going to have any huge releases for 40k or AoS.

>I'm not sure which exact one he goes over thinning paints but I'm sure you'll find it pretty easily

kek, literally all of them

Hey guys would you guys play a shittly made rpgmaker game about a tilien boy and how he becomes a rat catcher (after some very painful reveals)? Him and his dog are going into the sewers of the city to find the truth
I know the stigma of the software, and I don't have any real exepriance but this summer I'm only taking one class and I have plenty of time, I also have dedicated myself to gming a lot of long term games and feel I can see tis short game to completion

>Hey user!
>I found a way to have a Zombie Dragon AND a Terrogheist!

By playing a 3000pt game while fielding both a Vamp lord with a Dragon mount and the Terrorgheist seperatly?

First of all, fukken CHECKED for satanic quads.

Secondly; Is the Black Coach actually a solid model, being a singular chariot?
Or does it simply get held back for 2-3 turns powering up before fizzling out like a candle in the rain?
>I ask because I'm considering buying it.

When you guys run games, are there any lore changes you put in place? Any post-Storm of Chaos things you prefer or make up yourself?

It's fucking hilarious.

I think for all it matters you can use the 8th edition army books when playing 6th edition, it's not like they were balanced for 8th edition neither.

what's the problem with it? It's a perfectly fine Phoenix Guard illustration.

You just couldnt resist huh ?

>that 40k announcement
oh boy, it has all the signs of another End Times. I don't wanttobe a cunt but those 40kids kinda deserve their setting going to shit for how they gloated and ridiculed the end of Whfb. Now they will know a fracture of our pain. I hope they enjoy Age of Emperor.

they look like they are getting the good version of the end times desu senpai

>plot moves
>things partially end
>more things get introduced
>goalpost gets moved instead of declaring a winner

that's how end times started off.
I remember being optimistic. What fools we have been.

the end times started off with the utter annihilation of the tomb kings

40k end times started off with the destruction of one imperial fortress world; the equivalent would be if nagashizzar"s army conquered a pair of nehekarian cities in the north and simply achieved the mcguffin of having the black pyramids move.

the scale in the settings isn't compareable, even if things start off slow there's no way telling where it will stop.

Lets not forget the raging erection GW has for Abbadons phallic discharge, retconning 15 years of dark crusades to his favour.

>mainly because Duncan is a great painter
While I've only glanced at a few videos aside from his Custodes one, I think you're underselling him a bit.

Anyone can be a great painter, but he's like the Bob Ross of Games Workshop, painting happy little Boltguns while he teaches us how to make our models look awesome. Because his tips and tutorials really helped me become better at painting.

>wot is fenris

attacked to get a mcguffin, wounded but not technically dead

I see the problem of scale too, not that there're not alternatives

Its actually really decent. But yeah, hang back a few turns before trying to use it. If nothing else just because you want the most bang for your buck.

But something to remember is when listbuilding as any army, imagine you are the other player facing your army using Dwarfs with maximum cannons and Thunderers or the other player is High Elves with lots of Vortex spells.

If there's one thing on the table unlike the others, its going to get blasted. That's why people judge some options kind of harshly. Of course if you take one Zombie Dragon and the rest of your army is footplodders, that dragon isn't going to get into combat. When your opponent has to decide to shoot the Dragon, a Black Coach, or a unit of Vargheists, now one or two of those has a chance to make it into melee.

Target mitigation is important. Giving your opponent too many choices to shoot.

What's that got to do with us? We're not 40k.

May as well blame us if the TES people start trying to ignore the Online game. Or retroactively blame us when X-Wing players disregard the Disney canon.

Actually, End Times started with the removal of Settra and that other one nobody ever used but in return we got to be badass again with some decent rules.

Nobody thought TK was BTFO, it was just kind of trading Settra for Nagash and access to the VC arsenal.

It'd be like if Sisters suddenly were rewarded for their suffering by losing Celestine but getting every Tau model including the OP mecha kits, I dunno what they're called.


>planet literraly in 2 half drifting appart
>its fine bro!

>all tomb kings get enslaved

>it's ok, tomb kings aren't done

I'm pretty sure you're mistaking what happened to fenris with what happened to one of its moons


Tomb Kings literally were already enslaved. They just switched from Settra to Nagash. Not only that, but if you recall moving the TK to the Old World was seen as a positive since it meant we'd actually get relevant stories outside our own army book.

>Tomb Kings literally were already enslaved.
They wuz kings n shiet, the skellies followed the order of the greatest authority instead of the greatest puppeteer

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No, they followed the authority of SkeleNegan.

Its just that the SkeleGovernor came back and beat him, so they followed him instead.

Then they teamed up against Game Of Thrones right when it all got canceled.

now this is new games workshop

Who cares, very little is left anyway.

Just more reason to buy Reaper Bones and Mantic.

>someone who defends End Times, also defends the new 40k stuff
oh my, colour me surprised.

>still buying anything from Games Workshop

It's people like you that deserve their cancer.

What's wrong with Chaos dwarf spawn?

Who's defending End Times? It was a boulder going downhill into a sea of shit.

But hindsight is 20/20, and almost everyone was excited when ET: Nagash dropped. Some people were bothered by the unceremonious shitting on of the non-army factions, but it wasn't until the release of ET: Glottkin that people actually got worried and angry.

TK players in particular were almost universally happy for their army to shoot from low tier to god tier in a single update.

My current 2000pt list has a block of Ghouls, a block of graveguards, a block of black knights and a block of Terrorgheist.

>One way or the other, his artillery will fucking die.

but both those heads are from dragons

unless the wraith on top is supposed to represent the bat's scream

Tried it once, it's pretty shit desu famalam

The campaign died because other players complained for a change in the GM's way of GMingand he didn't feel doing it anymore

Houserules we have:
>Different Grappling rules.
>Everyone can change one talent or skill that fits more his character if he can explain it. "Making him stronger" is not an explaination
>Staff gives you one parade for free
>The numvers of criticals are cumulative. Meaning if you are on -2 and get 3 points of damage, you are on -5.

Why would you make houserules that change something as crucial as the combat system?

I'm all about changing slightly a talent or a skill, but changing rules outright just fucks up everything


imagine being a Human Slave born in Hag Graef, and the only thing you ever learned to do was riveting chainmail together, and that's all you do for the entire day, broken only by the moldy slice of bread you're handed out in the afternoon, while hoping your Masters son didn't piss on the loafes that day.

I loved this cover, was very old school. Although I remember that edition of the army book being shit.

Is Mordheim: City of Damned as non-optimised as it was?