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>Mk3 Trollbloods Command
>Mk3 Protectorate Command
>Mk3 Circle Orboros Command
>Mk3 Cygnar Command
>Mk3 Legion of Everblight Command
>Mk3 Khador Command
>Mk3 Cryx Command

What are your guys' thoughts on the Battle Engine CID week 1?

Praise the Empress and long live the motherland.

Well The battle engines I think will be some of the hardest Models to balance in the game ever.

Its effectively a large based very expensive Solo thats not a warrior model.

Just ordered the Legends of Halaak and a Scarab Pack, with plans to use them in Makeda1. How did I do?

Legends of Halaak are passable, not super great, but passable.

Scarabs are fucking worthless with every single caster though. You fucked up bad there.

I was only kidding, I know they're really strong with Makeda1 and you're probably gay.

So with the battle pope dead, how does /wmhg/ think the Menothbowl is going to go down?

Who makes the first move?
Who will be on which side?
Will there be more than the two obvious sides?
Who, if anybody, is going to win it in the end?

Amon wins.

Fluffwise Kreoss vs Feora is pretty obvious with Vindictus trying to be the power behind the thrown of either. Kreoss is obviously less of a powermongering dipshit than Feora, but Feora is more politically savvy and already has the loyalty of the entire Flameguard and backing from some of the Synod and at least two other Warcasters. I expect that Kreoss will lose the power struggle although I'm not sure Feora will get power or keep it for long if she does.

>The Protectorate being led by a heretic

>God said I'm in charge now tee hee.

Harby and the Testament are MIA as of Godless and nobody knows where they are. The Northern Crusade is getting recalled and Skorne is all up in the Protectorate's business. Feora is in charge of the largest arm of the Protectorate's military and the one assigned to defending the country itself. You don't think she's going to claim power on the auspices of making Sul Great Again?

How did the old man die?

>Harby and the Testament are MIA as of Godless and nobody knows where they are

You really shouldn't fuck with Hexeris in close combat. Or distant combat. Or just at all honestly, he's both powerful AND psychotic.

Hexeris stabbed him through the chest IIRC. Before he dies, he goes Super Saiyan, nukes all the attacking Skorne, and brings all the dead Menites killed back to life.

Skorne are the biggest assholes, if they ever actually win anything, the entire setting is fucked.

Which means Skorne will never win anything just to protect continuity

Are Skorne Tyranids?

So is hexxy -10hp as well?


I just hope to have the Animantarax go back to its late Mk2 at the least. Didn't go in every list, and still wasn't that great a piece, but it fucking worked.

Skorne are Necrons.

Are the joke gargatuans in MKII usuable now, or are they still shelf pieces?

Nah, Skorne are Dark Elves.

Necrons are Cryxians.

Man Khador remains my favorite faction, and the reason why I think it will continue to benefit from its themes more then any other faction is because how easily expandable all its infantry is and how thematic yet different they all are:

MOW, Kolduns(+DoomReavers), Winter Guard, Iron Fangs, Kossites and Wild Khador: All present different aspects to be naturally expanded apon.

Who really thinks that Trencher Mechanics or Long-gunners sounds organic or interesting?

Yes Wild Koldun Lords or Koldun Lord Iron Fang: All workable concepts.

Depends on which Joke. The MK is now a really solid piece or so I hear.

The Giant Snake from Everblight now is the only huge model with any form of reposition so thats that.

I tried to make a thing, turns out Warroom text doesn't rescale well. What a coincidence.

Why not just use War Room and dance yourself the trouble?

Actually the Siege Animantarax has Reposition 3"

Also Xerxis2 has built in Sprint if you count that too.

Technically Morghoul3 can also make the SA apparate.

I do love the Kings. Sadly the Sea King is ridiculously overpriced.

Lylyth 3 has repo 5

Alright, I should have Said Gargossal.

But what about the Desert Hydra?

I like muh physical cards, and I prefer being able to cross-reference rules and check damage boxes on a binder page instead of pulling them up and/or ticking them off one at a time in the app.

I also play tabletop games to take a break from being at a computer or on a smartphone constantly in the first place.

Mountain King: Great
Glacier King: Mediocre
Sea King: Bad

Woldwrath: Great
Storm Raptor: Mediocre/Bad

Blightbringer: Good/Great
Archangel: Mediocre

Mammoth: Great
Desert Hydra: Good/Great (and, honestly, if the infantry meta comes back, which PP seems to be trying to make happen, it's a solid Great)

They're mostly pretty good. Unfortunately the two with the best models (Storm Raptor and Archangel) are among the worst.

An Archangel (or 2!) works pretty well with Lylyth3 in the right build. Double Dragon might be a meme, but it's a deadly meme for a lot of things.

Legion Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Oracles of Annihilation

(Lylyth 3) Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight [+29]
- Archangel [37]
- Archangel [37]
- Naga Nightlurker [8]
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower [11]
- Succubus [0(4)]
Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1]
Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1]
The Forsaken [0(4)]
The Forsaken [0(4)]
Blackfrost Shard [9]

Why is Scrapjack so sad
>Feels bad comrade

Why does seem so plausible that under the effect of Avatar of Slaughter, it's sad yellow turns into mad red?

Oh, yeah, it's definitely playable with a list built around it, but it doesn't drop in basically anywhere like the Mammoth or Mountain King.

>Who makes the first move?

>Who will be on which side?
Kreoss will get the nice guys on his team like Tristan and Durst, while Feora will obviously get Thyra and probably Malekus as well.

>Will there be more than the two obvious sides?
Remember, both Kreoss and Feora have to answer to the Scrutators, of whom Vindictus is one. In fact, he might even get epic'd into the rank of Visgoth. The conflict is going to start when Feora starts making moves under command's nose OR when Kreoss becomes unsatisfied with their leadership choices. Vindy is probably going to lead the visgoth-loyal forces against them (along with Reznik), but will be quickly defeated/have his army stolen by Kreoss so the two-way civil war can begin in earnest.

Later on, the Harbinger and the Testament are going to come back to Caen, possibly at the head of a host of Menoth's spirit warriors. Even if this latter part doesn't happen, they're going to draw a lot of warriors to their side, either creating a third major team in the Menothbowl OR tipping the scales in one side's favor.

>Who, if anybody, is going to win it in the end?
I want it to be Vindy, but I know it will probably be Kreoss.

>sending your long ranged infantry into battle with a huge ass flag that tells the enemy where you are

>local organizer selling $3k worth of Cryx for $1.5k on FB

Man those faces are sculpted like shit

That's pretty standard for used miniatures. He'll be lucky if he gets what he's asking

Well let's see, shall we:
Legion: Both are okay, BB will make a huge comeback when infantry does, AA is already viable
Trollbloods: GK and MK both have their niches
Skorne: Mammoth was always good and Hydra just found its niche as the anti-shooting Garg
Circle: WW is amazing with the right casters, Thunderchicken is pure jank

>Thunderchicken is pure jank

How so?

GK is not very good

MK is the perfect Gargant

Finally got arcs on my Circle, and everything fits into a PP halfbag (tourney).

I'm happy.

>MK is the perfect Gargant
Funny way of spelling Mammoth.

To be fair, MK lacks the Mammoth's tendency to fishhook everything in range of those goddamned tusks. Trying to get my Mammoth to the store with my other titans feels like trying to pull one coathanger out of a big pile. I should have fallen for the magnetism meme.

>that feel

Seriously what were they thinking with that model
Did they not expect those tusk to get caught on EVERYTHING

Well there's that one list Tom Guan played a while back where it does one very specific job rather well. Apart from that it's utter trash.

>GK is not very good
Depends on your warlock.

>Depends on your warlock.


If the MK is the gold standard of Gargants, as in it's 'just right' on the power curve, the GK is under powered as any list (now that Una is dead) that has a GK in it is better served by a MK. Even Gunny.

Out of curiosity, in MK Gunny lists, what are you putting Snipe on?

I've been enjoying playing him with a sniped GK for long range Thunderbolts, but with it much harder to win on scenario now it seems weaker.

used minis almost never sell for even msrp. he's probably selling for %60 but will get haggled down.

>10 years of game design around scenario means the game just cannot be separated from that. Trying to force the issue is just going to destroy the game.

You heard it here first guys, game is dead, close it down.

Can't we just say the game is taking a hard turn onto a neglected road and is rocking a bit, possibly more than anticipated?

Never, there are only extremes. You're either on Team PP is Perfect or Team Everything is Fucked.

What are you talking about


Whassup, I haven't been following the game for like... when did Mark 3 come out?

I heard rumors that Severius kicked the bucket (RIP in peace battle pope), and that Goreshade pulled a Magnus (Ghyrrrshyld the forgiven)?

Anyone mind enlightening me?

Read this thread and the previous one. I can't believe Hexxy has a kill on his belt now while my nigga Amon does not.

Going by the old thread's logic Hexxy has two kills. Kallus just meatpuppeted some Skorne rando and got better after Hexxy killed him. Fluff Hexxy is not a person to engage in CQC.

Vinter invaded, Caine found his son Julius and decided not to kill him. Feora showed up to try to distract Leto's army, Vinter almost kills Leto and Julius but Magnus throws acid on him and stabs him in the back. Leto abdicates the throne to Julius, Magnus rejoins the Cygnaran army and Caine quits.

Skorne gets to the capital of Ios, nearly conquers the city. During the battle Goreshade enters the Fane of Scyrah with his Eldritch bros to kill Nyssor and Scyrah. Scyrah wakes up and nukes one of the Eldritch, Nyssor nukes the rest. Scyrah considers nuking Goreshade but realizes that Nyssor spared him because he might actually be able to save the Iosian people, but only if he's alive. She uses a large chunk of her remaining power (implying it will cut her life span significantly) to bring him back to life with out erasing everything he learned as an eldrich.

Two years pass, Khador and Cygnar sign a treaty that says Khador can keep what it has of Llael but they have to pull out of the Thornwood. However they have to give up Llael if a rightful heir to the Llaelese throne is found. Turns out Julius already found one of the old king's daughters and immediately announces it and says Khador has to leave. Ayn calls bullshit, Julius uses it as an excuse to send Stryker, Maddox, and Magnus to invade Riversmet. Also he announces he's gonna marry the princess of Llael.


Deneghra makes a pistol-wraith copy of Caine to find out if he has any gifted kids, turns out he does. In the process of kidnapping her the Phantom kills the leader of the Black 13th, the other two join up with Caine to rescue his kid.

Tristan Durant starts having visions about something consuming the Protectorate so he tells Sevvy. They head south and run in to Hexxy trying to take Tower Judgement. Hexxy kills Sevvy but Tristan stops him from taking his soul, Sevvy's last act is to go Godly and nuke a bunch of Skorne. Hexxy then tries to invade Imer with Zaadesh and Xekaar. Feora, Thyra, Tristan, and Malekus barely defend the city until Kreoss shows up to save the day. The Visgoth's recall the Northern Crusade, power struggle between Feora and Kreoss is immanent.

Amon could take him...

Isn't Amon just punch man

>Remember, both Kreoss and Feora have to answer to the Scrutators, of whom Vindictus is one.

That has literally never stopped Feora from doing whatever the fuck she wants.

The Scrutator getting worked over by Hexeris before Tristan and Sevy show up almost doesn't notice over how WTF he still is over how Feora split the Scrutator vote and walked out of what ought to have been a judicial lynching over getting involved (unsuccessfully) in a Cygnaran Civil War into being proclaimed a hero of the Protectorate. Nothing short of blood is going to stop her, and she's already taking that into account in her maneuverings.

What does she even want? To be Heirarch? To invade Cygnar?

She wants to be the new leader of the Decepticons-I mean the Protectorate

>What does she even want?


None of that matters. All that matters is whoever gets the true hero on their side, will win.

Played Rasheth v Denny1 pirate theme. My god it was so fucking dull. I'd kill some of his guys, they'd come back next turn, he'd try and shoot some guys, it'd bounce off the Krea's animus. Eventually my opponent cracked and went full tilt for the Mammoth as I'd moved the Castigate bubble away from it. He killed it and thought Denny was safe. So did I until I realised that I could still sneak a Master Tormentor inside Denny's stealth range. See, he stayed 12" away from the PGMT to account for 2" apparition, 4" walk, and 5" stealth. And for a while I was unsuccessfully trying to sneak Karax in through his infantry. Then I remembered the PGMT had Sprint, so I just walked forwards, whipped a dude, ended in 5", popped feat, and killed her with 2 Sunder Spirits on straight dice.

Someone would've hit deathclock if we'd been using it though.

It's been rocking a bit for nearly a year now and instead of trying to keep it stable, they are rocking it harder.

Well that's Feora then, since she has the loyalty of literally all of the Temple Flameguard.

He'll probably die to Durst, after beating on his armor ineffectually for like 15 minutes Viper vs. Mountain style.

The protectorate is crushed, without a leader AND the Old hag unleashed the Grymkin against their asses?

ISIS is in for a ride yo.

Did they spoil the new mercenary casters yet?

If it's not Gorten2 I'm going to fucking jump out a window.

Ossrum2 Cygnar partisan

See ya

Magnus3 (Merc partisan) and ashlynn2

Where are you getting this information?

It's more that they've called their strength in. And they do so have a leader. They have two leaders.

He's right, hyperbolic but right. There are a lot of poor decisions in SR2017.

>There are a lot of poor decisions in SR2017
Such as? Putting assassination on a pedastal as far as tie breaks are concerned is a sign that PP thinks it will be harder to pull off, which seems about right to me. Look at a SR16 scenario like Recon. You've got 2 flags right out to the side that can only be dominated for 1 point, then a rectangle in the middle that there's no hope of ever controlling. To me SR17 emphasises control of the map and positioning far more, which is what I want in a strategy game. Take the circle zones for example. They can be controlled by a unit, but only if the WHOLE unit is inside. This means that I can place my infantry outside of the circle at a range where you can't stand inside the zone and reach me, and your infantry can't both deal with my threat AND score in the same turn. In turn this puts more emphasis on using solos, as they can control one of these zones by themselves.

Recon is a bad scenario, I agree. I was surprised they viewed that one as the one to carry over, and now are doing a complete re-haul of it.

These scenarios require less map presence then before, not more as you're saying. Winning by 6 is just broken, and the way to fix it (fixed game length) is almost just as broken.

I'm at work now so can't type too much on my phone but removing the idea of scenario victory is like removing rock from rock paper scissors, then it's just scissors and paper, it's just not good game design.

A friend of mine had some good insight during our CID game last night "Why make scenarios more confusing/busy, but in the same stroke make them matter even less" It's at odds with itself from the start

Actually if you keep track, it's pretty much "Hexeris tanks half the Protectorate warcaster lineup". The guy's skillset means that he can't lose so long as he has troops or warbeasts, and if he runs out, he'll GTFO.

>well, a third
>maybe a quarter
>but certainly about that

The games I've played we just used the old win-at-5-points rule. Worked fine.

The sweetest thing would be for her to beat Kreoss but then get stabbed in the back by Thyra.

I don't see how that would happen. Feora saved Thyra's life and gave her a purpose and a way to channel her grief and anger. Thyra's fanatically loyal to Feora.

That's why it would be cool to see a betrayal, as long as the reason for it isn't too stupid.

I guess I just don't see how engineering said betrayal would be anything other than stupid. Thyra's the least likely person to turn on Feora. Malakus would be a better bet, as he's only really Feora's PR guy. Thyra owes Feora everything, in her own view. I just don't think it would be anything other than contrived and drama for its own sake.

Yeah but that's not the proposed changes and we're never going to see that happen in sr2017.

On the Old thread's notches on belt post:

Goreshade almost killed Vyros and Ossyan
Vyros is the reason Goreshade is an eldritch
Abby almost killed Naaresh
Vlad killed Harbinger
Vindictus captured Vlad
Kromac almost killed Borka and Madrak
Venethrax was gonna fuck Everblight's waifu till he gave Abby the powers to run away
Rhyas almost killed Thagrosh and killed a dragon
Xerxis almost killed Grayle and Kaya and killed an Iosan warcaster
Kreuger attempted to kill Lortus and got his shit fucked
Mohsar teleported an entire Skorne contingent including warlocks (notably Mordikaar) away iirc
Baldur had his shit pushed in by Lylyth
Asphyxious killed a lich lord and sent Terminus to the void
Haley fucked up a bunch of people, Deneghra included
Stryker fucked up a fair number of people, Terminus, Magnus and Voyle included
Caine almost killed Macbain, and killed a king and a merc warcaster I can't remember the name of
Karchev killed Cathmore
Sloan almost killed Karchev and Irusk
Deneghra fucked up Karchev and I think Strakhov
Kaelyssa killed Zaal and fucked up Zerkova
Butcher fucked up Siege
Terminus held his own vs. Damiano and Kreoss
Vinter fucked up Makeda for days
Hexeris killed Kallus and Severius
Magnus killed Vinter
Carver killed Barnabas and fucked up Midas

Denny blew a Trencher.

Wasn't there also a story where Rahn bullied Scaverous?

It may also be worth mentioning that Sorscha once froze Haley solid and almost killed her.

Madrak killed an Omnipotent. I can't remember which one.

Hey /WMG/, some Skorne player who's been out of it for a while due to school and work.

I've always loved both the SA and the Mammoth, but haven't had luck running the SA in any list. With the CID rules for the SA, how successful would a list running both of these be? Is my prediction of just getting absolutely wrecked on accurate, or is my hope of doing some serious work viable?

I just like big models.

Well, you actually stand a chance to win Spread the Net on scenario, Battle Engines are surprisingly useful for that.