Is this weapon retarded

Is this weapon retarded.

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This thread is retarded and has nothing to do with Veeky Forums

It's a tonfa, which are actually pretty useful as blunt melee weapons go

Hey, fuck you. Tonfa is amazing.

It's a heavy stick. You can brain people with it. You can defend against people trying to brain you with it. You can grip it differently in different situations to brain people in many unique and exciting ways.

Tonfas are cool.

the way memetrooper uses it is silly though.

it's literally a tonfa
a large, power-tonfa
are you 12?
shouldn't you be in class?



It's ok. It's an improvised anti swordsman weapon for when you cant have a sword or proper weapon of your own.

Like a ProtoPipegun

I'm curious as to why the made the stormtrooper dress up completely in costume for this.

Now I am too. Boyega is in casuals.

Stunt performer getting used to the scene/sequence in full armour? That's the only reason I can think of.

Maybe they didnt make him. Maybe they allowed him

>Implying nobody here would resist fighting in full stormtrooper regalia.

It's also so the stuntman can get used with the limited vision/mobility.

Is this a tr-8r thread now?

If Disney were to bring TR-8R back in another Star Wars movie with a bigger role, would it be a fun nod to audience reaction or shitty forced memery?

The latter. Stories should never acknowledge their own memes.

Star Wars is pure, concentrated memery by this point.

The Mouse is as insidious as he is cruel.

>It's a power-tonfa!
>what are you, 12?


Memery. It would be full Legend of Korra.

Not as retarded as using a sword with made out of plasma!
Not as retarded as faster-than-light spacecraft duking it out in dogfights á la WW2
Not as retarded as elite soldiers wearing all encompassing armour failing to hit anything and getting show down by puny laser pistols

>they make a full movie
>he is the main character
>the helmet never comes off
>he only speaks in military commands
>he only fights with the tonfa
>he takes on some of the more powerful characters in the setting

>There are probably people in this very thread, who actually want this fanservice to be made real

I'd be fine with just a gag route in a fighting game as TR-8R

>Oh noes, killing people is bad, my friend died, I should defect
>Oh lol killing people is fucking funny, look at all my friends blowing up, noice
Finn didn't make much sense, still probably the best new character

>Not as retarded as faster-than-light spacecraft duking it out in dogfights á la WW2

They are only FTL in hyperspace or whatever it's called.

Hyperspace is a parallel dimension they use to travel FTL.
In actual dogfight combat they travel way slower.
Still stupid because they behave like planes in atmosphere doing loopings, turns, etc like they were under the effects of aerodinamic resistance and gravity.

it'd be something different, at least

A star wars movie with the "evil" side as the protagonists is something that might coax some money out of my pockets. They did it with TIE Fighter and it was great.

Take a fucking guess. But even if they did it, there's enough faggots to clap their fat palms together like a good goy and defend it online.

>and gravity
But user, you're always under the effects of gravity.
Everything has gravity.
especially your fat fuck of a father.

Time isn't afffected by gravity

He's in Lego Force Awakens as a boss or something. Goes by the name FN-2199.

Cops carry them for a reason.

>Time isn't afffected by gravity

TR-8R scene makes no sense and is really weird to watch in the movie. It only exists so we don't know if Boyega is the Jedi or Rey is. In a better movie TR-8R would be a side character you meet in the beginning or better yet Captain Phasma being cool rather than a joke.


I was going to call you a moron, but it looks like and have got there first.

>Killing random civilians you just attacked vs killing professional soldiers who just attacked you
You still kind of have a point though

Yeah i'll be honest, if I had the option to dress up as a stormtrooper i'd take it.

You're not wrong. Also they could do this shit.

>thought he was clever for calling out an abstract concept and saying it wasn't affected by gravity
>still fucking wrong

must feel bad to be that stupid

As many have pointed, the concept isn't bad, but it suffer the same problem than pic related: taking a functional neat idea, adding unnecessary dumb details and ruining it in the process.

The short end of the tonfa is employed to thrust, and as you can see on the katas, is the most common technique. The long end is there for protection and deflection. The spinning usually is reserved to counter attacks with longer reach, by example, against a sword.

You don't thrust with the longer side (as in OP) because the handle is a weak point (sweat), so is easier to lose control, even, or specially if you connect the strike. You neither attempt to strike with a spin first because the momentum creates an opening if it don't connect.

Also, a common oversight is to focus only on spinning techniques. Tonfa can also be employed for some grappling techniques, and many of those require to grip the longer end and use the handle as fulcrum.

So OP and pic related go full retard, because their weapons are useless for all these techniques.

Shit, being an /asp/ie tonfa fan is suffering.

If i was the stunt man i would ask to also wear the armor.

It's probably the most reasonable melee weapon in all of Star Wars.
If anything it's not retarded *enough* and could use a special snowflake upgrade.
What if you could supercharge the energy field on the head to work as a hard-light battle axe?

It's a shock/force baton with a defensive hold, unpredictable movement and the abilty to hold momentum.

It can hold its own against the strongest melee weapon in the setting, wielded by a semi-competent user (given the era).

Looks pretty solid to me. Seems to work a great deal better than force-pikes.

Love isn't affected by gravity.

my 2nd, 3rd, and 6th marriages were all ruined by that shitty movie

I can see that being true

>hard light

I still want a Bill Wilson movie