How the fuck exactly 40k is HFY? Seriously?
Everyone Shits on Humans, even Humans shit on Humans. 99% of population lives in garbagecans known as Hive worlds, Population is retarded.
Hell, we arent even strongest species in the galaxy, its the Eldar. Humans are good psykers, but Eldars are better, We are strong warriors but Eldars are better. They have immortal soul unlike Humans, who are dissolved in warp and only hope for those dissolved souls to be restored is that that corpse on a wheelch...golden throne will restore them someday.
How is it HFY?
How the fuck exactly 40k is HFY? Seriously?
whoever told you 40K was HFY was a fucking mongoloid
But thats heresy you fucking heretic.
>gets BTFO in the other thread
>has to make a new one
Most people play imperial. They want to win in the fluff, so they head cannon it to be hfy. The grimdark laughter of the thirsting gods has always been a thing.
8th might get a lot friendlier though. Looks like what they're going for.
Humanity conquered the stars.
this is from the perspective of someone who's kinda retarded lore wise, but the way i see it, the strongest human in history is the emperor right. and while i'm not sure who the strongest person of every other race is, i know that they would lose 10 times out of 10 in single combat.
And there's not really a good reason that eventually more humans could become as powerful as the emperor.
Emperor is a collective mind of ancient shamans, not a regular human
How long till this is a weird Headcanon post, or is it too late already?
You will always be too late.
So far, what we've seen from 8th is just enough for pretty much anyone to use it as 'evidence' that the faction they love/hate the most will be on top.
Still human
Dark Eldar will never be on top.
Dark Eldar are standing off to the side filming the top and bottom without their knowledge
Speaking of them:
Daily reminder that DEldar are cancerous parasites and have nothing salvageable.
I wonder why regular Eldar didnt throw spores near commoragh for orks to WAAAAAAGH the shit out of them.
All Dark Eldar deaths feed Slaanesh, so that is a bad idea for all Eldar.
Misunderstanding based on taking the way the Imperium presents itself at face value. Rookie mistake. Nothing personnel.
Yeah, but they get a much larger output for Slaanesh by reproducing, then dying.
A single Ork WAAAGH would have a pretty big short-term power increase, but long-term the effects would leave Slaanesh without a lot of power.
And considering how 40k loves to work in century increments, the long-term impact would indeed be felt.
And live DEldar are enslaving remaining Eldar, so no much better...
Its a funny theory though, that bane of heir existence is the main reason, of why Eldar or Humans didnt annihilated them already
Kinda ironic, because that's all that HFY is.
A bunch of insecure fat nerds who need to get off to powertrips that humanity can make big boom.
Not even warhammer is that retarded and simple minded.
Meanwhile at DEldar camp.
>"Whats that?"
>"Oh, its just a servo skull, those mon-keighs make as pets."
>"is that a box attached to it?"
>"Heh that will be a fine addition for our gear"
>"Isnt it weird that those HalfMetalic Haemonculilike fanatics serving one of the most xenophobic government sent this to us?"
>" your point?"
>They return to commoragh
>Later Spores hidden in that dildo begin spreading
>some time later:
Mostly because they cant. Most of the webway collapsed with The Fall, and the techniques to create new webway space was lost. So, only the Eldar who was in the webway at the time of The Fall were able to find the openings and rechart what was left of the webway. So only the DEldar actually know of the paths that still exist in the webway that lead to Commoragh. Anyone else who ventures in would become horribly lost for eternity.
>but... but... the Imperium invaded before and took down the old order of Commoragh!
Due to Vects planning. Same goes for the Salamanders. Both were used for strategic invasions that led to Vects rise and solidifying his power base. The Imperium are but pawns for the Dark Eldar.
>The Eldar could annihilate them.
But why would they? The Eldar and DEldar are two sides of the same coin. Many of the oldest Eldar still remember the time when they WERE the DEldar. Keep in mind, the Eldar and DEldar aren't that different. In the past, the entirety of the Eldar race were as hedonistic and vain as the DEldar are now. How they deal with Slaanesh constantly tugging at their souls is the only way that the Eldar and DEldar differ.
Its a misconception from people who don't get the setting is A. Built to have everyone be able to fight everyone (Including themselves) so they're all dicks to justify conflict and B. Very heavily influenced by 2000ad, which ran many satirical sci-fi stories, most notably for 40k Nemesis the Warlock, where the inspiration for the over the top Xenophobic Human Empire comes from (and the Eldar helmets and Beil-Tan logo, oddly enough).
>But why would they? The Eldar and DEldar are two sides of the same coin. Many of the oldest Eldar still remember the time when they WERE the DEldar. Keep in mind, the Eldar and DEldar aren't that different. In the past, the entirety of the Eldar race were as hedonistic and vain as the DEldar are now. How they deal with Slaanesh constantly tugging at their souls is the only way that the Eldar and DEldar differ.
No, They are cancer for Eldar. They Enslave normal Eldar. In fact, they are not similar anymore, since DEldar lost all their psychic powers, not to mention their atrocious anatomical experiments. So Eldar has a good reason to wipe them out.
And regarding Commoragh: thats why we said orks. because once they go WAAAAAAGH, they wont stop. + I think Imperium will find the way, if they will put an effort to it.
to put it simple, a simple diversion and infiltration. or some ork spores hidden in human bodies that will get abducted by DEldar (seriously, AdMech sacrifices 1000 guys a day for E, so 100 hobos wont change anything).
HFY is a retarded term.
>humanity isn't jack-of-all-trades npc faction?
>fucking HFY
>humanity is almost extinct but manages to survive?
>human faction managed to defeat some other race's faction?
HFY as a thing began when people tried to diversify the old "humanity is the middle ground race" trope, by focusing on some of our race's aspects. The problem was always with the fact that other races were just blue/green/yellow humans with some simple gimmick slapped onto them, and people's inability to see this. HFY only exists in the autistic minds of people who can't handle anything different from their fantasy comfort zone.
I think the opposite is true.
>we arent even strongest species in the galaxy
what does HFY mean?
>They Enslave normal Eldar.
They enslave everybody, including themselves. Why would the Eldar be any different? Besides, pretty much every race has slaves in the 42nd, we may think it's abhorrent but 40000 years from now it's become commonplace... like it was 200 years ago. Don't act like some moralfag.
>DEldar lost all their psychic powers
Dark Eldar actively suppress their psychic powers to keep the eye of Slaanesh off of them. They're still just as potent as Eldar, but if they draw Slaaneshes attention to themselves by using psychic powers, they have no way to keep it from instantly consuming their soul as they don't use spirit stones. Also, according to the Q&A today, they're getting SOME sort of psychic ability - every race is.
>not to mention their atrocious anatomical experiments
You know those are just a continuation of the atrocious anatomical experiments that went on BEFORE The Fall, right? Of which the Wraithguard probably stem as well?
As much as the Craftworlders and DEldar disagree on things, they're still Eldar and that means they hold each other in mildly higher standing than any other race in the galaxy, because as far as either of them are concerned any kind of Eldar is worth more than any other sentient life.
Which means they didn't learn shit. To wit: The Eldar are a bunch of fuck ups.
WH 40K is HFY because humans are the dominant force in the galaxy; 99% of the population does not live in hive worlds, and the small percentage that does live in hive worlds generally lives in a high level of civilization and luxury.
The segments of hive-worlds we see in the canon are the corrupt underbelly of hives, filled with gangers and mutants and shit. The hive version of suburbs are boring, and thus not interesting to write about.
40K is HFY because of the endurance of the human will; humans don't crack, not one step back!
Pic related is my dream job in the far-flung future, as a comfy adept in the Adeptus Administratum, so I can go hab-block with my servitor-waifu and chill with grox-steaks and amnsec.
See the reason it is HFY is because despite all the hopelessness, polluted and overpopulated worlds, fighting the worst enemies you can imagine under a crazy beauracratic regime and secret police. Despite all that shit, humanity carries on to rule most of the Galaxy because fuck you, were humans.
The fact is that most of the narrative is told from an imperial/human POV, and added to this the never-ending struggle of Mankind, in a universe which wants to fuck it in every way imaginable.
You could say WH40k is human-centered, but not HFY. It satirizes HFY, actually.
>99% of the population does not live in hive worlds, and the small percentage that does live in hive worlds generally lives in a high level of civilization and luxury.
have you read literally anything about the setting?
I'm sorry mate but the whole point of hive worlds is that that is where most people live, kinda like most people in developed countries live in a few cities even though the country is much larger than that.
>They enslave everybody, including themselves. Why would the Eldar be any different? Besides, pretty much every race has slaves in the 42nd, we may think it's abhorrent but 40000 years from now it's become commonplace... like it was 200 years ago. Don't act like some moralfag.
Its not about moralfagging. Im trying to say that Normal Eldars have same reason to exterminate them as others. Barbary pirates in space in short.
>You know those are just a continuation of the atrocious anatomical experiments that went on BEFORE The Fall, right? Of which the Wraithguard probably stem as well?
>>BEFORE The Fall
Disagree? They have fucking war ongoing between them. They even asked for aid to Ordo Xenos against DEldar in exchange for aid by Eldar farseers.
Solidarity my ass.
32,380 currently catalogued hive-worlds, 3.2% of total number of Imperial planets. Hive cities are hubs for production and human habitation, but you know what else holds significantly more people and material? THE OTHER 96.8% OF IMPERIAL WORLDS.
It would be like taking Boyz in the Hood as a blanket representation of daily life in the United States. By focusing exclusively on the shittiest part of the shittiest planets, you have an intentionally blinkered view of the in-game universe.
I understand the point of this genre is SUPAH GRIMDARK, but it's bizarre that nobody would look beyond the absolute worst neighborhoods in the most crime-ridden cities in the Imperium.
> It satirizes HFY, actually.
What satire there was in 40k is largely gone now. The fan base takes in seriously, so now GW does too.
What's the actual population of the hiveworlds vs the other imperial worlds?
It seems like a lot of imperial worlds are low-tech rural agrarian societies that aren't very highly populated so I'd guess that the hiveworlds contain a pretty disproportionate amount of the imperium's population.
My knowledge on the subject is pretty limited though.
Yeah, the Regimental Standard blog they run is so fucking serious.
When is the last time you looked from underneath that rock?
You know, I can't help but think that isn't the whole story. It makes more sense that the shamans, instead of killing themselves, infused all their power into the Emperor. The ones who didn't die became Perpetuals.
It is an official Imperial propaganda piece run by especially bumbling incompetents. Who are, for now, remain un-executed for some reason.
I think that shamans died, but emperor is not one soul, but rather sort of a collective of human souls.
If 3.2% of worlds are Hive Worlds, and there's 100x as many people on a Hive World than a whatever world, that's 75% of people living in Hive Worlds.
> Barbary pirates in space in short.
Sure, but the only real difference is one group of pirates will kill you and take your stuff. The other will take your stuff and let you on your way. I'm not saying the Eldar LIKE the DEldar, I'm just saying they're more like than not.
>Regular Eldars are trying to swoop the mess
No they aren't. They can't and they know that they can't. They're just doing what every other faction* in the 42nd is doing and trying to survive. If that means fighting the DEldar, they will... but they will also fight: everyone else, including other craftworlds (comprehensive list). In the 42nd people fight, it's kinda what they do to keep the boredom and forces of annihilation at bay - they probably forgot what TVs are. And no faction* really wants to completely exterminate any other faction* except the Imperium who wants to because of, essentially, Manifest Destiny. Were it not for the Imperium,
all the other factions* would have their regular squabbles and mostly leave each other alone. (*excluding Chaos, Orks, and Tyranids)
Blood for mah nigga, skulls for his throne
das rite
Are you literally this dumb?
Humans are literally the strongest psykers, biggest Empire, best warriors, best army and the good guys.
How is it anything but HFY?
>strongest psykers
>biggest Empire
remnant and stagnant
>best warriors
doubt that
look for the cancer known as DEldar
>best army
Ok, this one is right
then again, Bien-Tan gave imperioum some of the most embarrassing defeats
>good guys
Only race whose members actively praises chaos cults
Some dude said that Minions of Khorne including Bloodletters and Bloodthirsters are twisted human souls. how true is that? Couldn't find anything about it.
If its true could this be a link between Khorne and Humanity like Eldar and Slaanesh?
Nope, Human Psykers WAY above Eldar in strength terms. You clearly haven't read much fluff at all.
Changes nothing, still biggest Empire ever. Besides it isn't even stagnant. We've got mention of Crusades which conquer hundreds of Star Systems at a time. And the Rulebook states Imperium's bigger now than its ever been.
HAHA, oh man, are you serious? No Deldar stands a chance against Logan or the Primarchs
How dumb are you?
Isn't it canon that all the Chaos Gods but Slaanesh were made by Humans?
yeah how are those primarchs working out in the 41st
I know that Khorne is a human chaos god thas rite , because...well...humans actually enjoyed slaughter and bloodlust. Dont know about others though, tseench is implied to be formed by some avian race. Nurgle was primary formed by other races, but became sentient during a burbonic plague.
>Nope, Human Psykers WAY above Eldar in strength terms. You clearly haven't read much fluff at all.
False. Eldar stunted their psychic abilities after the fall. With the Ynnari the Eldar can again tap into their full psychic and physical potiential with no fear reaching the levels of the ancient Eldar.
>Besides it isn't even stagnant.
Not according to lore.
>And the Rulebook states Imperium's bigger now than its ever been.
Great portions of it including an entire Segmentum are lost thanks to the Chaos invasion and Warpstorms.
Not to mention that the massed Xenos invasions are eaten away at it especially from the east.
The Imperium has never been smaller.
by link, I meant like slaanesh seeking eldar souls, khorne is striving to squire humans or sort of that.
One of them alone saved the entire Imperium, reversed it from stagnating and is a mightier warrior than all others?
The Daemon ones are stronger and more psychically powerful than all other species too?
I mean, I dunno, seems like they're doing pretty good.
No, you idiot.
Necrons locked a titan sized daemon of Khorne inside a World Cage during the War in Heaven.
There weren't humans around back then.
>HAHA, oh man, are you serious? No Deldar stands a chance against Logan or the Primarchs
I mean, as an average joe, not pumped up genetically engineered supermans.
Their strongest Psyker is Yvrainne. She's not even Tigurius or Malcador tier, let alone Primarch or Emperor.
Nah, Eldar are clearly not as Psychially powerful as humans.
Also their Emprie is growing. Rulebook canonically calls it the largest its ever been and constantly adding new worlds to itself.
Canon last statement was Imperium is bigger than its ever been before. Where's the canon statement its smaller than its ever been before then. Show it to me.
And I mean that in 40k no matter how good anyone is at anything there will always be a human better than them.
>Their strongest Psyker is Yvrainne.
Ynnari Eldrad would be equal to all of them except maybe the Emperor.
>Canon last statement was Imperium is bigger than its ever been before. Where's the canon statement its smaller than its ever been before then. Show it to me.
The new galactic map and the fact that the Segmentum the the Eye is in has gone completely dark and isolated from the Imperium.
Eldrad, are you fucking joking? He can't even beat Ahriman. If he was even close to Primarch level there wouldn't have been a desperate battle in the Webway against Ahriman cause he'd have just Magnus'd all the enemies dead.
Also the new map doesn't give any indication of the Imperium's borders. So no, that changes nothing. Last statement of GW canonically on the Imperium is its bigger than ever. Not to mention its been the biggest single Empire in the Galaxy for 9000 years, that's not stagnant, that's called being the Galactic hegemon and superpower.
>Eldrad, are you fucking joking? He can't even beat Ahriman. If he was even close to Primarch level there wouldn't have been a desperate battle in the Webway against Ahriman cause he'd have just Magnus'd all the enemies dead.
Eldrad is said to be able to toss titans around. Tigger and Ahriman can't do anything like and the same goes for all primarchs save Magnus.
In fact, Tigger was defeated by a Necron Lord in single combat.
>Also the new map doesn't give any indication of the Imperium's borders. So no, that changes nothing.
Anything inside the warpstorms are pretty much not the Imperium anymore since it's now daemonic hellhole. Also Segmentum Obscurus is lost. Imotekh grabbed a chunk in the east.
If they show borders then the Imperium would be just a few isolated islands amid a sea of enemies.
So yeah, smallest than it ever been.
Eldrad has never thrown a Titan around ever. Besides in the battle in the Webway where both Ahriman and Eldrad are all Eldrad can do is beat a few Terminators, whilst Ahriman kills Kyaduras easily and proceeds to insta-beat the Yncarnate and friends.
Also none of your argument is based off canon. Imperium has still been canonically stated to be bigger than ever, and GS3 even states that they are about to get even Stronger. Meaning the Galatic Superpoweer is only ever increasing in strength.
>tseench is implied to be formed by some avian race
I thought tzeentch was formed during the renaissance period according to old fluff?
>Eldrad has never thrown a Titan around ever.
The lore says he can.
Too bad Ahriman and Eldrad didn't meet in battle.
>lso none of your argument is based off canon.
It's based on what we know that the Imperium lost. Hundreds of thousands of worlds down the drain of the Warp. Only in your mind is losing more than a quarter of your empire still means "biggest than ever". That statement was before GS by the way, and I pretty sure that 31K ans 32K Imperium had Segmentum Obscurus around and didn't have a gabbing scar tearing it in half.
>and GS3 even states that they are about to get even Stronger.
Nah, Girlyman only said they will ride the storm rather than be consumed by it.
>Meaning the Galatic Superpoweer is only ever increasing in strength.
The rulebook you like so much says these are the last days of the Imperium.
Eldrad and Ahriman did literally fight within sight of each other. If Eldard was even half as strong as Magnus then, by your logic, Eldrad literally let half-the eldar army die for no reason.
Imperium is literally still the galaxy's biggest empire, has been for 10000 years, and GS3 makes clear that it isn't the Imperium's 'final days' and says its gonna emerge even stronger.
Your continued fighting amuses me.
>Eldrad and Ahriman did literally fight within sight of each other.
Each were busy with their immediate foes.
>Imperium is literally still the galaxy's biggest empire,
Yeah for now.
>and GS3 makes clear that it isn't the Imperium's 'final days' and says its gonna emerge even stronger.
You mean Girlyman thinks so but according to the prophecy Sangy his efforts will fail since he foresaw that the Tyranids and legions of Chaos will reach Terra and besiege it.
So Eldard is Magnus level but can't handle a few terminators, but AHriman who can defeat Kyaduras, Yvrainne, the Vizarch and the YNCARNATE of YNNEAD with ease is weaker than him?
No. That's just stupid.
You still got not backing for you claims about Imperium size. It is the Galactic super power, has been the galactic super power and I will bet money it will always continue to be so.
Because commoragh existed in the webway you fool. Why would the Eldar invite a species with radically different culture and ideologies into their home with zero restrictions and let them multiply until they have dangerous numbers?
>it will always continue to be so.
another eye of terror
[Inset /pol/ joke here]
Humanity, Fuck Yeah
Used to describe the common trope of humanity always beating aliens' ass even with large technological disadvantages,thanks to their courage/adaptability/brutality/other random means
Wait, what?
>Tzeentch was created and sustained by the desire for change that is an essential part of nearly all mortal life; almost all species are aware of the concept of a better tomorrow, and any form of dreaming, imagining or resolution for change empowers the Chaos God.
He was formed earlier than the old ones began existance.
>The Imperium has never been smaller.
Technically false. It was smallest before the great crusade began.
>The Q'Orl empire is the same size as the current Imperium, maybe larger, and don't even have warp travel capabilities.
>Necrons are the most devastating, thinking machine of war to ever exist. They basically nearly killed the galaxy and were only stopped by the Deciever's
>Only two "humans" in the entire galaxy are stronger psykers than any average-Joe Eldar (Empy and Magnus the Red).
Humans are actually the worst at everything except being fanatics and making huge mistakes (excepting maybe the Eldar on the latter). The only reason humanity still exists is because they are the "main characters" in the overall story.
>It has to be either HFY or HFN
oh come on, cant you find a fucking balance?
A list of 40k forces that want to win everything
Space Marines
>Tau (it's so cute when the kids think they're all grown up)
Everybody else who just wants to do their own thing
Is that the face of the Emperor when the psychic glamour is off? Is this what the Sisters of Silence are into?
Im actually writing what could be considered a hfy story. Well not really but it does have aspects. The aspects of it is that humans having an imcomplete knowledge of the universe, lacking the unified field theory, cant make the technological advances the other species can but what they can do is drive conventional physics to their theoretical extremes and do stuff the other species never bothered to do because of how unesseccary and suicidally dangerous it was. Why build warp drives when you can just will yourself from place to place? Why build rocket ships when you can just remove yourself from the gravitational well? Why bother with expansion when you can just give your population everything they could ever need out of thin air.
Basically im using our primitiveness to make us more advanced in a way. I dont know if thats better but i dont think ive seen it done before.
>The Q'Orl empire is the same size as the current Imperium
Okay look if you start with something like that I know you're just talking bullshit so there's no reason to even pay attention.
Most Marine Character librarions and Chaos Sorcerers beat out Eldar Farseers in fluff too. Ahriman wiped out Kyaduras, the Ulthwe Farseer even Eldrad considered his senior, with a sneeze.
Because most of the fans who argue that are fart-huffing morons who think a universe of never-ending attritional space-warfare, waged by a monstrously corrupt and inefficient fascist state, would be a paradise that they would surely thrive in.
Y'know, instead of being born an illiterate cog-slave in the bowels of some factory-planet, and made to crank a handle to power some machine whose function they will never know, until they die at the ripe old age of 14 from inhaling space-lead dust, having never once seen natural sunlight.
But they'd still be part of the greatest, most powerful empire ever which always wins all major engagements and is the best at everything.
Not to mention anyone with even a cursory knowledge of 40k's fandom knows there are whole essays created by Imperiumfags about how life is nowhere near as bad as it seems in the Imperium and any bad is always just a completely necessary bad and never actually the result of any corruption or inefficiency or ignorace.
Besides, HFY has practically never been about 'how good a life does the average human win' and always about 'Garr Humans win in the end because awesome' which 40k fits perfectly, since humans do always win in all the major plot events. In fact the plot is 80% humans with all other lifeforms in the galaxy over billions of years only usually mattering if, in some way, they effect as either antagonist or sidekicks, humans.
The setting is very HFY. It can honestly just be seen in the writing of narrative books. Just compare, for example, the Warzone Agrellan and Warzone Damnos books. In Damnos the book ends with a triumphant message that humanity will never truly lose, that in the end they persevere through all and that in the end it is they who come out on top. Whilst Agrellan ends by forcing a defeat on the Tau (Voltoris) simply so that the book doesn't look like a complete Imperium defeat and insisting that the Tau are flatfooted by how awesome humanity is and made an enormous mistake.
The tone of the narrative has almost always been triumphal about human endeavour, with other factions usually existing at best as an intimidating threat and at worst as a constantly shown-up bar against which humans always exceed.
That or the ones who are the Perpetuals are just the ones who skipped out on the ritual. Since all we know about the Shaman is that they reincarnated on death, whether they lived natural lifespans and such isn't mentioned.
>a collective of human souls
Also this
You realize there a a shitload more factions without codexes?
I hope that Legion of the damned or living saints will cover commoragh in fire and brimstone and devour every DEldar soul
fucking rapeelves
Humanity are the underdogs who made their way to the big leagues.
>They didn't have thousands of years of pre-planning (like the Necrons) and seeing into the future like the Eldar.
>They're not bio-machines than can recycle and reuse organics like the Tyranids.
>They didn't have some timey wimey magic time travel heresy that advanced them in technology super fast like the Tau.
>They weren't built to be ultimate killing machines like the Orks.
>They aren't Chaos, who are powered by thoughts and 'magic'.
Humans had to do everything themselves, sure they had the leadership of the God Emperor but he's basically just a lighthouse now. I see it as HFY because humans were the underdogs who rised up to be a challenge to all the other races through enginuity and perseverance.
If given a choice, the Craftworld Eldar will prefer to spare Dark Eldar rather than a non Eldar.
They might not like each other, but they are still kin.
You morons do realize that the Dark Eldar use orks as slaves for hard labor, right?
Commoragh is fucking massive, and it has teeming populations of non Eldar species, including orks, living in it, which means that there are Ork spores there, which also means that the Dark Eldar know how to prevent the threat you describe from manifesting given that they have been enslaving orks for ages.
>thinking that the CWE are "normal" Eldar.
You know nothing of the Eldar.
The CWE live like ascetic monks that constantly suppress their emotions.
Dark Eldar ARE THE NORMAL Eldar.
Uncontrolled emotion and ambition, none of the path autism.
>"You know nothing of the Eldar."
>"Muh rapeelves are real ones"
kys. Prefall Eldar sure were going stagnant and decadent, but there were those, who knew what would it led to and remembered old path. Thats why they left on craftworlds. DEldar are abominations and disgrace of their kind and needs to be wiped out.
By your logic, Humans living under tau are real humans, while Imperials are not, because "lel, they are more similar to DAoT Humans"
CWE do not live like the Eldar of the old lived.
The Eldar of the old did not have to restrict their power and emotion to the path system, they were free to indulge in those birthrights of theirs wantonly, just like the Dark Eldar do.
Again, you do not know the lore.
While the DE are not exactly alike the old Eldar, they are closer to them than the Craftworlders are, whose ascetic lifestyle is nothing alike to the way of life of the eldar of old.
Dark Eldar don't worship or honour the gods and traditions of the ancient Eldar while the Craftworlders do.