Name a better deck box than this. I'm waiting.
Name a better deck box than this. I'm waiting
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Why should I? That one's pretty good.
Why should I go take the time out of my day to go online and look up deck boxes and try to find a cooler one? Seems pointless.
Seems like you're trying to start an argument over literally nothing. You could've just said "This is a pretty cool deck box!" and we'd all say "You're right!" or maybe one weirdo would be like "fuck you, eat my cock!" but we'd all just move on with our lives.
Anyway, that's a cool deck box! Got a little drawer for your dice and everything. If I played any collectible card games I'd buy one like that, if it wasn't too expensive.
Yeah, that thing seems pretty sweet. How much is it? Can it hold a double sleeved 60+15, or better yet a sleeved 100?
Whats wrong with just using pic related. I have maybe 14 or 16 different decks and having an individual box for each one would do my head in. But thats just me, i can see the appeal for tournament use but other then that we know that fat pack boxes are the master race.
The 200 double deck box one
Why do I even need a deck box? Or card sleeves for that matter. Just hold the deck together with a few rubber bands. Better yet, memorize which cards are which based on where the cards get dog-eared or creased at specific points.
I preferred my homemade boxes :3
Fuck. You.
Fucking this. They're expensive, but fuck they're worth it.
Don't use fat pack boxes because the cards are difficult to get out and the top has a habit of fucking catching cards and fucking the corners. You also can't fit a top loader inside if you use them for EDH.
Use a deckbuilder's toolkit instead. Pic related. They're basically perfect. You can fit 3 sleeved 100 card decks with room for tokens and shit. Plus, you can fit top loaders.
You know you can take that bit of cardboard out the top of the fat box lid right so it doesnt catch cards?
I wish I could find more boxes with the deckbuilder's toolkit design. The fat pack boxes suck.
I use pic related for my Squee deck. It's the only deck I double sleeve since it's worth a lot more than my other decks and this box fits 100 double sleeved cards perfectly.
And? People have been storing cards inside cardboard boxes since forever. However, I also have a double and single Ultimate Guard, but the tool kits are perfectly fine and $1-$5 vs $20-$60+ per box. Mine have taken a bit of abuse, and the cards inside haven't been harmed.
Yes, but the box design itself is still not as good as the toolkit. I stopped using them a long time ago in favor of the kits.
The Toolkit boxes are pretty cheap. Check ebay and shit. Hell, my LGS sells them.
I have one of those towers, too. I was surprised. You can fit 9 d20 snuggly in the dice compartment. I don't have a double sleeved edh deck anymore, but I have a bunch of tokens with my deck. However, I'll remember that if I doh double sleeve.
>ultimate guard
You've invalidated your own thread.
I prefer the Satin Tower because it's 10 dollars compared to the 25+ dollars for the flipntray. I would like a flipntray, but the tower just werks better, and it's more customizable. I'm into plamo and I have some ideas for a satin tower.
Ads are becoming smarter.
Satin tower STRONK
does not come in yellow 0/10
Satin Tower
I don't fuck with magnets
>TFW on the off chance I draft I do this.
>TFW I only play magic like once every 2 months just for draft
I have one of these in green. Love it. Great little case.
The Boulder.
I can fit more of them in my backpack and use a separate dice bag instead of trying to figure out which dice I put in which fat deckbox.
And the ends can be swapped for multicolor decks!
And they're like 10$ a piece!
There's an 80 and 100 model for double sleeved decks.
Does it come in pink?
>Better yet, memorize which cards are which based on where the cards get dog-eared or creased at specific points.
>Why did I get kicked out for cheating
that's what I did when I played MtG
it's just some bloody cards lol
> Name a better deck box than this
I haven't played CCGs in like 15 years. But when I did, I'd just put my main decks in these along with a starter box containing my dice and counters. Then I'd put Sailor Moon stickers all over the outside.
le oops.
The version that can carry TWO decks, of course! Used some holiday gift cards way back to get one to upgrade after nearly 2 years of using a nasty ass fatpack box to hold my decks. No regrets.
Hey tg,
I'm searching a deckbox for 40 cards and one for ~80. Smallest I could find was 100.
Help appreciated
The Monolith is my pic. Got a dice tray included.
That bit of cardboard is there to stop the lid from going too far down, if you remove it and apply some pressure on the lid it will fucking ruin all your cards.
>Muh cardboard for children
I lmao at your life.
I can't because I have five of those.
The worst part about TB getting karma-induced ass cancer is that he recovered from it even after it metastasized to his liver.
I was so excited for that smug fuck to die young.
My friend got one of these, and the second we were outside the game store I immediatly dropped it on the ground while looking at it. At least we know it's sturdy and can take a scuff.
Here you are
Use these to carry both my decks when going to netrunner nights... they are the best[\spoiler]
awwww.... poor baby.
Did little Timmy get upset when your favorite game was called a piece of shit?
It's a meme that usually starts reply chains, which is what OP wants: discussion.